On the side of the ship of the Cassius.

Three white pacifists with the emblem of the Shirasawa Pirates on their clothes are with large mouths heading towards the battle position between the BIG.COM Pirates and the Nine Serpent Pirates.

Judging from the gunsmoke emanating from their mouths, they were undoubtedly the ones who attacked the BIG.MOM Pirate Group battleship just now.

"The perfect design of the genius of the citrus genius, the laser beam of the pacifist who restores the ultimate weapon of the Navy, not only that, with KY toxin, you can poison them all in one breath, Xiuxi ~~~"

Caesar said with a triumphant smile on the side, and at the same time looked at Bai Ze with interest, "Are you going to prepare to use poison?" "

Bai Ze raised his hand to stop it and said, "Stupid, do you want to poison the people of the Nine Snake Pirate Group to death?"


Bai Ze shouted excitedly.


Without saying a word, Pa Dong took out the deformation leaf, held his pen tail with his right hand, and quickly drew on the deformation leaf.


In the next second, Red Earl Ledfield appeared!

"Hahahahaha!! I'm going to hack them to death!! "

Hakuba emerged from under Cavendish feet.

"Don't give me a casual out, Hakuba!"

Cavendish was unhappy, suppressed Hakuba, gave birth to black wings like Ulquiorra in "Death", pulled out Dulandal, and jumped away.

"Don't grab it with me, Charlotte Smougie, the highest bounty of 932 million Berry! After defeating her, my bounty can exceed 1 billion! Oh hehe! "

Hearing Cavendish words, Zefa raised his eyebrows unhappily, "His mind is full of selfish desires, and if he doesn't abandon these, this kid will be difficult to break through." "

In the next second, Zefa was igniting a fiery red flame with only his right arm.

"Fire Fist!"


A huge pillar of fire with a diameter of more than ten meters struck, and Owen was shocked when he saw this, and his right hand turned red, similar to the red dog's move, and he attacked it.

"Fist of High Heat!"

It was far from the volume of the oncoming fire fist, but its power was not weak, and it punched the fire fist out in one breath.

However, in the next instant, a pitch-black fist came out of the mouth and hit Owen in the face in an instant.

In an instant, Owen was knocked off and crashed into the mast of the battleship behind him.

The pole, which is more than ten meters high, breaks off and falls into the sea.

Zefa stood where Owen was standing just now, and snorted coldly: "Little devil who relies on the ability of the Devil Fruit, your vision still needs to be improved!"

"Black Fist Zefa! No, Z! "

Stagger was stunned and prepared to swing his sword to attack.


In the next second, Smooji's blade was blocked by a back.

Smuji's eyes froze, and he saw that the one who blocked his sword blade was a white-clothed "little man" who was less than half his height.

"One of the three stars, Charlotte Smoogie, with a bounty of more than 900 million ~~~"

Cavendish let out an evil laugh and said excitedly: "Let me be your opponent!"

Smoogie increased his power output and ejected Cavendish into the air.

Compared to Smoogie, who is limited in fighting at sea as an ability.

For Cavendish with the ability to fly, it does not matter whether the place of battle is sea or land.

"Pirate noble son... Cavendish ! "

Smoogie gritted his teeth secretly.

"Ahahaha! Cavendish sh, you kid is choking on this lady alone! Let's let Lao Tzu also participate! "

Hakuba came out again and laughed evilly.

Smoogie's face was even more jealous, that was Cavendish 's true posture.

Saying that, without waiting for Cavendish to answer, Hakuba immediately rushed away.

"Slow down! Hakuba, how many times have I said, don't rob me! "

Cavendish cursed, also stirred his wings, and quickly caught up.

The guys who fight Katakuri, the head of the three stars, on Cake Island and the head of the three stars, must not be careless.

Smoogie raised his long sword and met the attack quickly.



A crimson sword shadow suddenly attacked, instantly repelling Daifuku and the lamp demon created by his steaming fruit.

Lonely Red Ledfield, and the tanuki cat on his back with a bounty of nearly 300 million!

They are all summon-type abilities, but what can be summoned is indeed a world of difference.

"That... Can I trouble you to surrender? Don't want to fight, tanuki. "

Pa Dong asked in a deliberative tone.

"What are you kidding?! Tanuki! "

Daifuku's face burst into blue, feeling as if he had been insulted, manipulated the Majin, armed his whole body, and rushed towards "Ledfield".

Daifuku manipulated Majin to resist, but was still beaten and retreated one after another.

No matter which of the three sides fights, it is the BIG.MOM pirate group that is in the downside.


The Cassius, at the helm of Jinping, gradually approached the battle position between the Hydra Pirates and the BIG.MOM Pirates.

"Ah la la ~ ~ Teacher, they are so hot-blooded."

Kuzan lay on the lawn, sideways with his face propped up, looking at the enemy ship.


Bai Ze said with a smile.


Ain walked up to the three pacifists and raised his jade arm, "Pacifists, defeat all the pirates of the BIG.MOM Pirates!" "

Three white pacifists step aboard the BIG.MOM Pirates' warship.

Face the miscellaneous soldiers, and begin to carry out map cannon-level strafing attacks with laser beams.


"Help, help! Sister Smoogie, Brother Owen! "

"Why is the Bai Ze Pirate Group here!"

SOS sounded continuously on the three battleships of the BIG.MOM Pirates, mixed with the mournful cries of being sent away.


Caesar said with some trepidation: "The words... That one...... Captain, are we so offended by BIG.MOM? "

Bai Ze shrugged and smiled, "Haven't we offended her enough?"

When Caesar heard this, his sheep's face was crooked.

If you think about it, it's true.

Just what he did on Cake Island, Bai Ze has long offended BIG.MOM, and he is not afraid to offend a little more.

"BABY-5, Violet, go and release the Nine Snakes who have been caught."

Bai Ze boarded the devastated BIG.MOM Pirate Regiment battleship as if taking a walk, and chuckled: "I'm going to meet a beautiful woman in one of the worlds."

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