The next day, breakfast time.

When Hancock appeared in the restaurant, many people received a damn expression.

Although her expression was still as proud as ever, she did not say a word.

Just sit indifferently in the corner position and eat without saying a word.

But it's also shocking enough.

"I thought she wouldn't come out of the room if she starved."

Bonnie said with a venomous tongue.

Bai Ze smiled when he heard this, didn't say much, and began to enjoy breakfast.

After the meal, Hancock returned to his room to be a house girl.

But interestingly, her pet Sarome was left outside.

To be honest, this beast and Cavendish's Faruru and Kuzan's penguin are extremely intelligent.

Under the lure of Bai Ze, he did not accompany the owner to starve, obediently came out, and shrunk in the shadows of the deck.

Even the pets are gone, and it is only a matter of time before Han Cook comes out.


"It's here, Gulan Tezzolo!"

Two more days passed, in the evening.

Violet, who glared at the fruit ability, used his clairvoyance and said, "Fifteen nautical miles position, three o'clock direction."

Soon, the rumored world's most advanced entertainment capital gradually came into everyone's eyes.

The faint moonlight fell at night, and the huge ship in the distance seemed to be a golden mountain touring the sea.

Like Djerma, animals are used as the main power of the ship.

It is not a sea snail that is not expensive, but two giant turtles.

It has the same huge area as Moria's terrifying three-masted galleon, but no matter which room it comes from, it leaves Moria's rotten ship behind.

At this time, Nami's eyes had turned into "$_$", holding her hands together, exclaiming, "Oh oh oh oh! That's Gulan Tezzolo! People have always wanted to come!! "

"How about snatching him over?"

Bonnie punched with an evil look.

"Stop making trouble,"

Zefa said lightly: "Not to mention Tezzolo's background, such a big ship is not something that a few of us can pilot."

The Cassius slowly sailed into the entrance to the official road of Gulan Tezzolo.

Having just entered the dark passage, Zefa, and just hearing the movement, Hancock and the others who came out of the room couldn't help but wrinkle their eyebrows.

All found the problem.

Bai Ze spread out the palm of one hand, giving birth to a shock wall on the surface of the Cassius.

Nami narrowed her eyes and looked upwards.

I saw that the surface of the shock wall was quickly plated with a faint layer of golden powder.

"Gold, gold dust! It's true? "

Little Fortune fans were excited.


Han Cook crossed his waist with one hand and said indifferently: "That is the other party's ability, once glued, the body will be controlled by the ability person."

Nami was shocked when she heard this, and ignored Han Cook's contempt for her, and said with a mouth: "It seems that this city is not as beautiful as it seems."

Officially through the dim passage, cross into the pier where even the sea is golden.

The world's largest entertainment city, Gulan Tezzolo, has really fully entered everyone's sight.

In this pier alone, Bai Ze and they saw countless ships hanging pirate flags around them.

"Pirates... Bounty hunters, even navy and nobles ... What a messy place. "

Violet muttered for a moment.

"After all, this is a neutral zone where no one can use force, and that guy from Tezzolo gives the world government a large amount of amazing 'heavenly gold' every year."

Lei Jiu stared at the golden capital in front of her, "It's just like Jerma in the past." "

The Cassius gradually docked at the dockside.

Bai Ze stood at the bow of the ship and turned his head and said: "Then, to distribute it, Gilder Tezzolo is not a good thing, we need someone to guard the ship."

"I'll stay,"

Zefa immediately replied with a look of disgust, "I don't want to enter this dirty area." "

"Me too,"

Ain also said, "I'm not interested here."

"Oh blah~~ The style of the former navy is different."

Caesar smiled strangely and said, "Uncle Ben wants to have some fun."

"Hmph! Concubine..."

"You come with me."

Bai Ze interrupted Hancock and pulled her to his side.

"Rude man!"

Hancock glared angrily.

The whole ship is also the two former navies of Ain and Zefa, who are not interested in the world's largest entertainment city.

Everyone else wants to see it to a greater or lesser extent.

With the two of them, plus the pacifists who guarded the ship, I believe that nothing would happen.

"I'll go find that Tezzolo guy, Hancock and Nami follow me,"

After disembarking, Bai Ze began to officially assign the action group, "For convenience, let's divide into male and female groups, but the women's group... The strength is inferior, bring Pa Dong on. "


Rebecca, who had almost zero combat effectiveness, quite self-consciously held Pa Dong in her arms.

"Why should I act with this sheep-faced freak? Pulled down Young Master Ben's level. "

Cavendish pointed his thumb up in disgust and pointed at Caesar.

"You bastard, dare to underestimate a genius scientist so much! Want me to finish you off with my latest creation!? "

Caesar said angrily.

Bai Ze said with a vain eye: "You two guys are casual, anyway, they are both capable of flying, and they should not be caught."

"Yo West!"

Both Cavendish and Caesar agreed with Bai Ze's decision.

Bai Ze took Nami, who was quite excited, and Han Cook, who was full of unhappiness, and just entered the street of Guran Tezzolo.

A woman wearing a black women's low-moon gauze dress, red hair in the middle, and a charming temperament walked towards her.

"Welcome to Guran Tezzolo, the little woman is Lord Tezzolo's secretary, call me Bakara."

Bakara said, stretched out his hand towards Bai Ze, his pupils quietly cast towards Han Cook, and secretly said: "It's actually the Pirate Emperor..."

Facing the charming woman's outstretched hand, Bai Ze stared for a few seconds, and did not shake it, but smiled and said, "Take me directly to Tezzolo." "

PS: There is obviously no excitement in the previous chapter!

Why ban it too!?

Feilu damn the system.

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