Kill Draco!

No wonder Nami and Hancock showed such expressions.

I think that at the beginning, Luffy just beat up Rozwad Saint as a Draco, and he recruited Admiral Yellow Ape.

The Straw Hat Pirates were almost completely destroyed.

And now Tezzolo's offer is actually to "kill".

If Bai Ze really agreed, there was no need to think about what serious consequences it would usher in.

"Why did Bai Ze do this?"

Nami, who was standing to Shirasawa's left, questioned in a loud voice.

Of course, Tezzolo would not tell the real reason, so he fooled: "That Draco became my fortune and must die, but as one of the government members, it is not convenient for me to do it, so I need a monster to help me kill the other party."

No one knows that Tezzolo used to be a slave of the Draco like Hancock.

At the same time, the woman he loves dearly, and the Draco who enslaves him, are the same person.

Tezzolo wanted to kill the other party, it was not a matter of a day.

But even as the richest man in the world, he knows it.

In front of the behemoth of the world government, the people who want to move them are simply grasshoppers shaking trees.

If there is really anyone who dares to do such a thing, it is only a madman of the Four Emperors level.

But like the world government, the Four Emperors simply did not bother to pay attention to him, and he himself had nothing that could impress the Four Emperors.

These people are not short of money, or rather, they have a more attachment to things than money.

And at this time, Tezzolo saw that a new monster that gradually threatened the Four Emperors was gradually being born.

At the same time, he also got what the other party wanted the most, fluttering fruit!


Hancock had already accepted the contemptuous look at this time, Dai frowned, and his gaze swept back and forth over Bai Ze and Tezzolo.

Just by blocking the way of wealth, dare to attack the Draco?

This Tezzolo is either crazy or absolutely lying!

"Hmph... Huh... Aha!! "

Bai Ze first chuckled softly, then laughed, and then laughed maniacally.

The skin under Tezzolo's clothes trembled fiercely, past experience as a slave.

Let him develop the quirk of "others are not allowed to laugh in front of him".

Now Bai Ze's attitude really put him on the verge of anger.

"You're really fucking good at business! Gilder Tezzolo! "

Bai Ze had a thick mockery on his face, "A fluttering fruit, for a Draco person, do you think the price is equal?" "

Tezzolo wrinkled his brows, "The fluttering fruit that is almost comparable to the strongest shock fruit of the Superman lineage, and at the same time, it is also a relic of your master, isn't it enough?" "

"For me, Draco's rotten life is worthless, but there is a problem with your offer,"

Bai Ze lowered his feet from the coffee table and said with a sinister smile: "Anyway, the fluttering fruit is on this ship, right?" I can kill you guys and slowly find the fruit, right? "

Tezzolo's pupils suddenly tightened, and the three subordinates behind him also took a fighting posture in an instant.

Tezzolo instantly cocked the index finger of his right hand and wanted to control the gold dust, but two seconds later, he was surprised to find that there was no abnormal change in the bodies of Bai Ze and the three.

"Stop making trouble, you think the trick of sprinkling gold dust in the entrance passage will work for me?"

Bai Ze said lightly.

The corners of Tezzolo's mouth turned up slightly, and there was jealousy in his tone, "Originally, so it is, has it been seen through?" Sure enough, it's a monster! "

In the next second, Tezzolo's face changed, and his expression was quite fierce: "But I also have a trick, as long as the negotiation breaks down, the fluttering fruit will be moved by my subordinates and thrown into the sea."

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows slightly, "Huh? "

"If you don't believe it... Do you want to try it? "

Tezzolo spread out his hands, and the gold in the entire room began to float towards his palm like a fluid creature.

The Devil Fruit of this product has also awakened.

Knock knock~~

Bai Ze's index finger tapped the coffee table twice, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Increase the price."

Tezzolo's eyes condensed slightly, and he only listened to Bai Ze continue: "Not only the fluttering fruit, but two hundred billion berry, I will promise you this transaction."


Nami, Hancock's face changed slightly again.

This is very dangerous, and it can be said that if it is done, it will completely offend the world government to death.

"Two hundred billion berry... What a lion's mouth. "

Tezzolo snorted coldly, but still put the gold away and sat down again, "Well, you'll find a time to speak." "

"If you regret it later, I want you to experience the pain that is more terrifying than death."

Bai Ze threatened coldly.

A drop of cold sweat fell on the side of Tezzolo's cheek, and he said with a strong smile: "Heh, it's worthy of being a guy who wants to challenge the throne, and it's different to speak."

Tezzolo waved at one of his henchmen, the muscular man with a yellow beard, and after the other party nodded, he quickly exited the room.

Tezzolo said, "Two hundred billion beri is a deposit, and I have ordered Daisy to send them to your ship."

Tezzolo was not afraid that Bai Ze would leave if he took the money, not only because the fluttering fruit was still in his hands.

What's more, he knew that a monster like Bai Ze would not easily regret it after agreeing.

"So, the 20 Draco families, which unlucky bastard, has become your target."

Bai Ze returned to the topic.

Tezzolo took a picture from his arms and placed it on the coffee table.

Above it is a Draco man with curly dark purple hair and a beard, and his hair is straight like the pole of the ship.

About forty to fifty years old.

Perfect inheritance of Draco's genes - ugly.

Tezzolo gritted his teeth and said, "One of the 20 families of Draco, the head of the Charles family."

Bai Ze picked up Charles's photo and scoffed: "Draco is really ugly with unified genes, of course, there are certain accidents."

Nafirutali, one of the 20 families who had moved out of Marie Joa, was much more normal.

That is, once one of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Vivie's family.

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