
In the sea of clouds where the most abnormal changes on the empty island of Grace, the dull thunder sounded one after another in the overhead area.

Bai Ze's eyes were still tied by the white cloth, and at this time, he was standing on the sea of clouds directly below the dark clouds.


Purple electricity suddenly appeared, falling from the dark clouds above.

However, in the instant before the thunder and lightning fell, Bai Ze had already jumped away from the place and did not let the thunder and lightning fall on him.

The golden lion stood at the right rear, nodded his foot, and suddenly flicked his leg.

A golden light sword qi that was as powerful as thunder and lightning flew away.


The sword on his waist was unsheathed, and Bai Ze's horizontal sword resisted, and after a few seconds of stalemate, his arm shook, shaking the sword qi from the golden lion into powder.

The blade is intact and there are no traces of shattering.

"That feeling seems to be skilled."

The golden lion touched the scumbag on his chin.

Bai Ze reached out and pulled off the white cloth tied in front of him, and it had been nearly a year since he came to Grace.

From the Golden Lion, swordsmanship, how to use the Devil Fruit, and other aspects, Bai Ze has studied and researched.

During this period, the golden lion continued to stuff this knowledge into Bai Ze's brain like a devil, and Bai Ze was unceremoniously and completely accepted.

In some ways, the two men really hit it off.

Although there was never politeness in each other's mouths.

"What is the use of this thing of overlord color other than causing a deterrent attack on trash fish?"

As always, rubbing rice at Harred's house, Bai Ze suddenly asked the golden lion.

Hearing this question, Nami, who was originally going to go upstairs to the study, couldn't help but cast a sideways gaze towards this side.

After a year, Nami's short shoulder-length hair has also grown to the back spine, and the whole person looks a lot more mature and gorgeous.

The golden lion, who was biting on a ham meat, heard this, chewed two bites and swallowed the meat, squinted his eyes and said, "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Bai Ze stopped eating and frowned: "It's nothing, I have a preliminary understanding of the color and the color of arming, but to be honest, I don't find any other use except for the ability to carry out large-scale cleanup attacks on very low-level colors."

The domineering color of the overlord color does sound very awe-inspiring, but if you really use it, you will find that the practicality is far less than the armed color and the color of sight.

If it is only used to clear small soldiers, then Bai Ze one air shock is more than enough, where is the need for so much trouble?

"Hahahaha... Hahahaha!! "

The golden lion first laughed in a low voice, and after a few seconds, he laughed maniacally, "Boy! Do you really think that overlord color is such a simple thing? "


Bai Ze's eyebrows raised, listening to the golden lion's words, the role of the overlord color seemed to be not limited to clearing small soldiers.

"Heh, when you really step into the gate of the domineering abyss, you will naturally comprehend."

The golden lion's answer was a little mysterious, but Bai Ze didn't ask, because he knew that even if he asked, this old bastard wouldn't answer.

The golden lion was just about to continue to bite the piece of ham meat in his hand, when his face suddenly turned pale and covered his mouth, wanting to stop the next action of his body.

But the deterioration of his body is already something he cannot stop.

"Uh-huh, ahem, ahem!!"

The cough was worse than ever, and the palm covering his mouth could not stop the blood gushing out, pouring out from between his fingers and spilling on the dining table.

Bai Ze's brows furrowed, and Nami on the steps was also stunned, sure enough, it was the same as Mr. Harreda said...

"Old bastard..."

Bai Ze's title for the golden lion has not changed, but it has lost its-for-tat momentum.

"What's that tone?" Boy, don't disgust Lao Tzu. "

The golden lion casually wiped the blood on his palm, not caring about the deterioration of his body, his words turned, and his eyes glared towards Bai Ze, "I would like to ask you, what do you want to do?" "

As soon as the golden lion question was thrown, Nami, who was just about to return to the study on the second floor, stopped again, pricked up her ears, and looked even more focused than just now.

"I'm not interested in domination."

Bai Ze directly threw out his true thoughts, which is directly the opposite concept of the golden lion's lifelong pursuit.

As soon as these words came out, the golden lion's face suddenly darkened.

You know, although he recognizes Roger and Whitebeard, it is only a recognition of their strength, and the golden lion looks down on the way the two are pirates.

What a pirate who pursues freedom, pursues family.

Pirates should rule!

Become the ruler of this sea!

However, in the next second, Bai Ze's words changed and he said with a smile: "Although I don't dare to be interested in ruling the world, I am very interested in fighting the world, and... I hate world government. "

The golden lion looked startled, and then laughed, and for half a minute, the laughter gradually stopped.

But it wasn't Shiki himself who stopped, but he turned white again, coughed a few more times, and almost coughed up blood again, and then had to stop that signature laugh.

"Boy, don't show Lao Tzu that expression,"

The golden lion glanced at Bai Ze, deeply unhappy with the sadness in Bai Ze's eyes, "Laozi is, golden lion!" "

Slapped on the table, almost smashing the dining table, the golden lion got up and left, turned his back to Bai Ze and said: "Come to the training ground, today Lao Tzu made an exception to clean up your boy!"

PS: The third one is sent, and then there is another one, continue to kneel for support, tired ...

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