1522 year of the Haiyuan calendar.

East Sea, Rogue Town.

Known as the "town of beginning and end", One Piece Gore The hometown of D. Roger is also the closest town to the Great Passage.

Bai Ze and his group of three people and a cat got down from the boat.

By the way, a group of tied pirates were also dropped from the ship.

"Pa Dong, just like before, you conjured up people to send these pirates to the naval base to receive the bounty,"

Bai Ze first gave an order to Pa Dong, and then looked at the center of Rogue Town, "Hurry up and finish the matter." "

No urging, these beaten half-dead pirates tied with ropes are all pirates killed by Bai Ze and his party during the voyage.

Along the way, their bounty filled Nami's small treasury.

Of course, it is impossible for the pirates to run to claim the reward, so that not to mention the bounty, they will be arrested.

"Yes! Top dog! "

Pa Dong raised his claws in response.

But using Pa Dong's ability, conjure up a few passers-by, you can let them go to claim the reward, and then bring the bounty back to the ship.

"Huh? Am I going too? I would rather go eat first..."

Before Boni finished speaking, Nami took her arm and gestured Boni to look towards Shirasawa.

Bonnie glanced at it and found Bai Ze's face, and couldn't help but smack her tongue secretly, and secretly said in her heart: "Unprecedented seriousness, Captain Bastard..."

The three people and one cat quickly arrived at the square in the center of the town, which is the most crowded place in the town.

The high platform in the middle is the original One Piece King Gor· Where D. Roger was executed.

It was also the beginning of his bold words that opened the era of sea thieves.

The execution table was originally damaged by lightning two years ago because of Luffy's relationship.

The execution table that stood in front of everyone's eyes at this time was later rebuilt by the Navy using the materials of the destroyed execution table.

Bai Ze held the urn of the golden lion, his body turned into an afterimage, and he stood on the top of the execution table in the blink of an eye.

"Is that the ashes of the golden lion?"

Bonnie put one hand in front of her eyebrow, and saw Bai Ze on the top of the execution table, opening the urn.

The gray-white powder inside blew through the breeze and scattered in the mid-air of Rogue Town.

"Hey, old bastard, although you can let me throw you into the sea, I think it's more appropriate for you and Roger to die in one place..."

While the ashes fluttered out, Bai Zenan whispered, and couldn't help but smile, "In other words, you bastard is not a baseman, right?" So like Roger? I can't forget it until I die. "

"My pirate group has begun to take shape, they are all a great group of companions, and they are completely different from the large pile of parallel goods under your hand."

"Just wait in that world, I'll do what you didn't do."

"Oh, but I'm not interested in domination, what I want to do now is just knock this world down, and the first goal is tentatively Blackbeard."

When Bai Ze finished a bunch of words, the ashes in the box also floated away.

Immediately, however, there was a sound of discoloration.

"The people on the execution table over there, get down from there immediately!"

Bai Ze, who stood in such a conspicuous position as the execution table, immediately received the attention of many people below.

Of course, it attracted the navy, and when he boarded, there were patrolling navies shouting at him from below.

With a slight force in Bai Ze's hand, the urn was also shattered into powder, which drifted away with the wind.

Jumped off the execution table.

"Little ones!"

Bai Ze suddenly shouted excitedly.


However, except for Pa Dong's extremely excited shout, Bonnie got a bunch of apples out of nowhere, and was holding it in her arms and nibbling on it.

Nami rolled her eyes at him.

Don't give face to the captain?

Bai Ze's eyelids jumped, and he ran directly towards the port, "Withdraw!" "


"Wait for me! Top dog! "

"Captain Bastard, I haven't had a good meal yet!"

Nami Boni and Pa Dong immediately chased after them.


Chambord Islands.

As the focus of the first half of the Great Passage, it is also the starting point for the pirates to travel to the New World.

And this is also the jurisdiction of the Draco.

Many forces are mixed here, so that the island will never be quiet.

In Area 13, in a bar called [Xia Qi's Ripping Bar BAR], an old man with white hair and back and round-framed glasses was drinking while looking at three bounty orders.




On the other side of the bar where he was sitting was a tall woman who looked to be in her early thirties, with slightly thick lips and smoking a cigarette.

These two are One Piece's deputy, Renly, and Xia Qi, who has an ambiguous relationship with him and the owner of this bar.

As early as half a year ago, Renly ended his domineering training for Luffy and returned to the Chambord Islands.

"The boy who inherited the power of the white beard, like the other owners of the overlord color, has the ability to gather others."

Reilly sighed.

Although Nami was also surprised by him.

On the bounty order, Bai Ze's waist exposed a corner of Sakura Ten, and the dead wood also made Renly's eyes shrink.

Is it?

You're gone, Skee.

Xia Qi took a puff of her cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said, "Xiao Nami's heart should have been captured by this man, right?"


Reilly raised his eyes and looked at Xia Qi with a dull gaze.

Xia Qi continued: "Although I don't communicate much with Xiao Nami, I understand the bond between them, and for a woman, the only thing that can overcome this bond is love."


Reilly laughed twice, but Xia Qi's intuition was very accurate.

"Is it still two months before Luffy and they gather..."

Renly said to himself.


PS: Sorry, I went out at noon, I am only free now, I updated it with my mobile phone, and I said in time if there was a problem.

It is speculated that it will be on the shelves on Wednesday, and it will naturally break out at that time, so please give a first order at that time.

It's really not easy all the way to now, thank you.

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