Ethan felt lucky that he had saved his life.


As soon as he stretched out his hand, a cry sounded.

Ethan quickly retracted his hand: "I... I have no ill intentions."

Then he pointed to his armpits, meaning that he was here to treat your injuries.

The condor was still motionless, but it seemed to understand what he said, and its eyes were not as hostile as before.

Ethan felt that the pressure on him had weakened a lot.

He tried to take the first step with great trepidation in his heart, quietly waiting for the other party's reaction.

Seeing that the condor did not show impatience, Ethan was secretly happy in his heart, and his movements gradually became bolder.

And the condor seemed to cooperate with him, and actually began to lie down his huge body to receive treatment.

Through close observation, it was found that the condor's injuries were not optimistic. The arrowhead almost penetrated the wings close to the bones. It was unknown how long it had been, and the wound had already become festering and inflamed.

There was even a tendency to keratinization.

On Earth, this kind of situation almost requires amputation. This divine eagle is an extraordinary species, but it survived with its own willpower.

Judging from the decay of the wound, this is already the limit.

Since there are not many drugs and tools, all Ethan can do is to help it pull out the arrow and then deal with the wound.

The treatment process is slow, because there is no anesthetic, and the divine eagle has to grit its teeth to bear it, which is no less than Guan Erye's bone scraping and healing.

Ethan was also afraid that it would not be able to help himself again, so the process of taking the arrow was very slow.

This is a not complicated surgical operation. The surgical tool is an ordinary dagger that he uses for daily self-defense. After being burned by the flame, it has reached the most basic surgical conditions.


Perhaps Ethan's movements were a little larger, and the divine eagle screamed to the sky, but was very restrained and did not move further.

Ethan calmed the little throbbing in his heart and continued to concentrate on the operation.

After an hour of hard work, the first and largest abscess was successfully removed.

Probably because the condor realized the difficulty of the operation, he dared not move.

Ethan wiped his sweat and began to remove the second piece.

Because the condor's wound was very old, it was extremely difficult to clean the pustules and blood scabs.

On the first day, Ethan only cleaned about three or four giant pustules.

As the sky gradually darkened, the light could no longer meet the requirements of the operation, so he had to give up temporarily.

After signaling the condor to protect the wound, he returned to the Elf Hotel.

Ethan was not idle after returning.

Since the other party had a penetrating wound and the injury was serious, removing the pustules was only the first step, and the next step was the most important.

Pull out the arrow.

The material of the arrow was very special. Ethan once wanted to break it, but he was powerless. For now, he could only use the most brutal method, which was to pull it out directly.

But there are undoubtedly many disadvantages of pulling it out directly, and the first one is the problem of stopping bleeding.

It is difficult for Ethan to find a suitable way to solve this problem.

But because the arrow is thin, considering the huge size of the condor, as long as the wound is not large, it should not cause uncontrolled bleeding.

However, he still took out the herbs he had collected recently and used the night to prepare a large bag of hemostatic medicine.

At dawn the next day.

Ethan came to the cave again.

Once is new, twice is familiar.

The condor no longer had any intention of rejecting it.

Ethan saw some scabby wounds and secretly marveled at the recovery ability of extraordinary species.

He was more confident in the operation of removing the arrow.

After a morning of struggle, the abscess was almost invisible to the naked eye. If nothing unexpected happened, the condor should recover quickly after the arrow was removed.

The next step was the highlight of the operation - removing the arrow.

This arrow was longer than ordinary bows and arrows, black all over, and engraved with various unknown patterns, which looked quite mysterious.

Could this arrow be a product of the ruins? Ethan didn't know why.

He knew that the condor could understand the universal language of humans, so before removing the arrow, he explained the reason and his next plan to the condor to prevent any accidents.

After seeing the condor nod, he abandoned his distracting thoughts and began to concentrate.

The arrow was stronger than he thought. Although Ethan had used a knife to peel off a lot of tissue before, he found that it was not as simple as he thought when he really pulled it out.

Because there was no anesthesia, every time he wanted to pull out the arrow, the condor would contract its muscles because of the pain, so the progress was too slow.

This is a natural physiological reaction, and no one can do anything about it.

Ethan secretly decided that he must find a way to invent an anesthetic after he got out.

The task of pulling out the arrow had to be temporarily shelved, and the spirit of the condor seemed to be getting worse.

Ethan understood that he could not delay any longer, otherwise the condition of the condor would deteriorate further.

He thought about it and said slowly: "Brother Eagle, I'm really sorry, this arrow is too strong, and I am really powerless because of my shallow medical skills."

He continued: "Now I can only help you stop the bleeding, and I will find a way later."

The condor nodded, and it seemed that the result was not beyond its expectations.


A long cry, quite gentle.

Ethan packed up his things and pretended to leave, but secretly he took the arrow and pulled it out when the condor wasn't paying attention.


The condor was obviously caught off guard by the sudden pain, and its huge wings flapped towards Ethan.

Ethan was well prepared, and used a move from hip-hop fighting to jump back and successfully evade.

At this time, the fierce-looking eagle was about to continue attacking, but suddenly saw Ethan holding a long black arrow in his hand, looking at its wings with a smile.

The eagle suddenly realized that the arrow had been pulled out while it was not paying attention, and for a moment, it felt extremely relaxed.

At this moment, black rune chains suddenly appeared on the body of the eagle, and the chains were almost all over its body.

After Ethan pulled out the black arrow, the rune chain began to flow quickly, and finally broke and disappeared with a "whoosh".


As the rune chain broke, the eagle suddenly shone brightly, and silver light burst out from its black and gold claws, and its wings were covered with golden light, and its momentum was unparalleled.

Ethan was stunned with shock:... awakened... king species!

An important feature of the awakened extraordinary creatures is the ability to control energy to cover the body, that is, enchantment.

The Condor is much more gorgeous than the prairie wolf that Ethan had seen before. There are at least two kinds of energy balls on its body, indicating that its awakening level is very high.

The king species is the darling of the foggy world, with the privilege of commanding its own kind, and the domineering aura of the king color that is one in a million. (Naughty)

The queen bee in the flower sea ruins was the king species, so she could command the bee colony.

Ethan subconsciously took a step back slightly.

The Condor felt the movement, and his eyes instantly focused on Ethan.

In an instant, an overwhelming momentum pressed over.

Ethan swallowed his saliva and thought: This time, whether I live or not is up to God...

PS: This book is in the process of passing the tribulation, friends who have recommended votes can help vote, thank you.

Special thanks to the chaos wizard here, it's really awesome!

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