The Condor Gul brought a small package.

In the package lay a senbei decorated with pink lace.

"Bang bang bang~"

The senbei slowly opened.

To Ethan's surprise, the opened senbei contained an old man in his twilight years.

His hair and beard were all white, he was wearing a white sage's robe, and he was holding a book in his hand.

"Dead old man, you finally remembered me..."

The old man widened his eyes, and was speechless when he saw that it was a stranger.

"Who are you?"

He looked at Ethan very warily, and then looked at the Condor behind him: "Gul, who is this guy, where is Taylor?"

Senbei is a very magical and extraordinary creature with a strong master-servant concept, that is, a binding relationship. It is always wary of other creatures except the master.

At the same time, the shell of the senbei is very hard, and it is not afraid of being opened from the outside.

"Mr. Gudong... Hello, I am Ethan... Mr. Taylor..."

"I don't talk to strange men!!!"

Ethan's words were interrupted.

The other party doesn't want to talk to you, and closes the shell with a bang.

Ethan and Condor Gul looked at each other.

Thinking of the book he just held in his hand, Ethan always felt familiar.

Where have I seen it before...

Suddenly his eyes lit up, that book... that cover... isn't it... "Intimate Paradise".

In the anime I watched in my previous life, a guy with dead eyes held this book all day long.

Think about what Senbei Gudong said just now: Don't talk to strange men, not to talk to strangers.

Could it be that this old man Senbei... likes this?

Ethan took his own Senbei from his waist with a try-it attitude.

Little Ma Yun opened her eyes in a daze and looked at Ethan with a calm face.

Since she drank the "Spring of Courage", she was like a different elf.

Her original cowardly and introverted personality disappeared, but she added a bit of heroic spirit, quite a bit of the style of the muse goddess.

After explaining the reason, Little Ma Yun's face was full of disdain, but she reluctantly agreed.

When Senbei Gudong opened the shell again, a delicate Senbei elf appeared in front of him.

His originally impatient expression immediately turned into a pig brother look.

"Oh my, how can there be such a cute Senbei elf~ Hehehe."

Ma Yun looked at him with contempt and snorted coldly.

However, seeing the book in his hand, he was slightly moved.

Senbei elves will get their own life props after growing to a certain stage.

The props are materialized according to their own personality.

Each prop often has a specific ability.

It is obvious that Professor Taylor's Senbei evolution is relatively high.

"Old man, the book in your hand... is it your life prop?"

Little Ma Yun's interest in Gudong is limited to the book in his hand.

"Hehehe, what a cute little doll~ What's your name?"

Ethan saw the opportunity to interrupt and said: "Her name is Ma Yun."

Little Ma Yun gave Ethan a sanitary eye.

"Ma Yun, what a strange name, let me check it out..."

Gudong flipped open the 'Intimate Paradise' in his hand and searched for a while.

"Found it..."

"Uh, our intimacy is not very high yet, we still need to cultivate it more~"

Gudong said with a lewd and silly smile.


Faced with Gudong's harassment, Xiao Ma Yun soon impatiently closed the shell.


Gudong looked at the little book in his hand again: "Why is it down again, it's all negative!"

Seeing his lost look, Ethan guessed that the book in his hand could see the intimacy with others.

Ethan took the opportunity to interrupt and said: "Ahem, Mr. Gudong, hello."

He was almost sure that the old pervert Xianbei in front of him had already given in.

"Um~ kid, what's your name?"


Xianbei Gudong flipped through the little book with an unhappy face: "Just barely passed~"

"Mr. Gudong, I just want to convey the news that Mr. Taylor died."

"Taylor died?"

Hearing this news, Xianbei Gudong frowned, as if a little unbelieving, turned to look at the Condor Gul, who nodded.

He opened his little book and searched for something in silence.

After a long time, he closed the book.

"Then can I return to the Fountain of Youth?"

Every senbei can return to the place where it was born after the owner's death, provided that the owner did not make any arrangements before his death.

"Finally, I've outlasted that old thing~"

"It's really disgusting to face an old man all day long."

Senbei Gudong had the urge to whip the corpse.

"My decades of youth have been wasted like this~"


"I'm afraid Mr. Gudong can't return to the Fountain of Youth."

Ethan took out Taylor's suicide note.

"Mr. Taylor's last words were to let Mr. Gul take you to see his daughter Karina. You can only get freedom after her consent."

Senbei Gudong had a look on his face that was as expected.

"This old bastard, he tricked me again before he died, but... Karina is better than the old man."


He closed the shell directly after saying that.

Ethan shook his head, feeling deeply that the world is cold and indifferent.

Suddenly, a faint sobbing sound came from the senbei.

Ethan finally understood.

All things have spirits, and it seems that Senbei Gudong is far more humane than it looks.

For a Senbei elf who grew up with his master, this is no different from the death of his relatives.

According to Professor Taylor's last wish, Ethan arranged everything.

In the end, he was silently worried about the two walls.

According to his idea, he would not be able to live here in the future, and the books would definitely go bad if they were kept in the cave for a long time, so these books must be transported away.

There is a special book room in his own elf hotel, but how to transport it there? Thousands of books are already a small library.

I don't know how Professor Taylor moved these books back then.


The condor Gul reminded him with a long cry.

Ethan looked at the dozens of eagles outside the cave, and his eyes lit up. Isn't there a ready-made candidate?

It seemed to understand what Ethan was thinking and volunteered to help him transport the books.

Thousands of books are a piece of cake for Gul.

After an afternoon of transportation, Ethan successfully moved all the books from the cave into his elf tree house.

In a room on the second floor of the Elf Tree House, Ethan looked at the empty bookshelf that was now half full, and a faint sense of accomplishment suddenly rose in his heart.

He can read quietly in the library in the future.

As for the map, Ethan carefully nailed it to a wall in the study for future research.

After sorting everything out, Ethan tied the Senbei Gudong firmly to Gul's legs.

Next, Gul will take some of Professor Taylor's relics and Senbei Gudong to his daughter Karina.

I believe this will be another long journey.

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