Half a month later, Ethan and Xiaobai appeared at the foot of a towering barren mountain.

Ever since leaving the ruins of the ‘Spring of Enlightenment’, Ethan has been determined to find the strange voice in his mind.

But things did not go as planned. They had no map and had to rely on the vague voice in Ethan’s mind to explore.

They cut through the mountains and built bridges over the water. The journey was extremely difficult.

As the sound got closer, Ethan walked higher and higher.

Unknowingly, he was already in the mountain.

“Huff, huff.”

Even people like Ethan who had received the ‘blessing of courage’ could not stand the tossing of such mountains and ridges.

How does one say: going uphill is like eating shit, and going downhill is like having diarrhea.

Ethan is feeling like eating shit now.

Facing the rising sun, Ethan wanted to lie on the hillside and take a good sleep.

“Ding-dong, ding-dong.”

Sure enough, the sound appeared again, and it felt close at hand.

Since entering this barren mountain, that sound has become surprisingly frequent.

Ethan was delighted, and he had more motivation to climb up.

As the mountain road became steeper and steeper, Xiaobai could no longer continue to climb up, and was settled by Ethan at the foot of the mountain to rest.

During the climb, Ethan looked back and found that he had reached the halfway point of the mountain without knowing when.

Looking down from above, the clouds were misty, the shadows of the mountains were hazy, and the foggy world also had its own charm.

At this moment, Bryant poked his head out from Ethan's shadow.


"What? There is a mysterious breath above?"

Bryant nodded, and then shrank back into Ethan's shadow.

It felt the pressure of the breath and dared not show its shape again, but Ethan did not have any abnormality, and climbed more and more vigorously.


Ethan's mind seemed to be shaken by some sound.



The sound of the north wind whistling and the sails fluttering was faintly heard.

An illusion appeared in Ethan's mind.

In the blue sea and blue sky, a large ship was riding the wind and waves on the rolling sea.



The sound of the waves gradually faded away, but the sound of breaking wind became more and more intense, and the big ship roared up.

The blue waves in front of him became the boundless sky, the waves turned into clouds, and the swimming fish turned into flying birds.

With the carnival of wind and sails, Ethan's mind suddenly flew to the sky, and overlapping scenes emerged in his mind...

A luxurious Boeing Airbus shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds.

Ethan was invited to be the special doctor on the plane.

This is undoubtedly a good job for a surgeon who does not touch the dust every day.

Ethan, who suddenly became free, needed a little time to adapt.

He sat leisurely at the front of the cabin, admiring the scenery above the floating clouds through the window.

This plane is a private customized service, and there are only seven passengers in the huge cabin.

Seven passengers, seven postures.

In his spare time, Ethan looked at the seven people, and the voices of these seven people suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

The scholar was silent and read books the whole time. He even disdained the celebrity's initiative to chat up with him: "A group of people with low tastes."

The celebrity smiled sweetly, but was a little depressed when facing the young female student: "Huh, being young is great."

The student was in a bad mood and always showed anger and irritability to the snoring otaku: "It's just a pig! Not even as good as a pig!"

The otaku was indifferent, staring at the busy back of the businessman and yawning: "You are so busy, aren't you tired?"

The businessman took a break from his busy schedule and recommended his products to the rich man from time to time: "Huh, I will swallow up your industry sooner or later."

The rich man had a big appetite and ate most of the snacks brought by the executive: "Hey, his snacks are too much for my taste."

The executive stared at the serious scholar with bright eyes, his eyes glowing green: "Quiet and intellectual, just my cup of tea."

The seven people hated each other.

It seemed that they had formed a bond between them, forming a strange ritual.

"Arrogance... jealousy... rage... laziness... greed... gluttony... lust..."

A cold female voice suddenly sounded in Ethan's heart.

A black box suddenly appeared in Ethan's mind.

The black box kept playing the voices of seven people.

The originally quiet picture suddenly shattered into pieces like glass.

The picture changed, and I don't know when there was a thunderstorm outside the plane.

The thunder struck the plane as if it was summoned.

"Xia Airlines 1112, calling the tower, Xia Airlines 1112, calling the tower."

"My plane suddenly encountered severe convective weather, my plane suddenly encountered severe convective weather."

"Automatic navigation has failed, automatic navigation has failed."

"Request manual guidance, request manual guidance."

"Please reply if you hear it, please reply if you hear it."

"Pull up! Pull up..."


The world turned dark.





"You who have heard the seven sins of the world, you will get my magic box and my baptism."

The voice was cold, but it was full of infinite charm and temptation. Ethan couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

This is why you can always hear strange sounds after crossing.

As I guessed, there is a being in the fog calling me.

The reason for summoning himself was the black box in his mind that recorded the thoughts of seven people.

The voice gradually became weaker, but it was still tireless.

When Ethan came to his senses, he found that he had come to a huge hull ruins.

The ruins were located on the top of the barren mountain. What caught his eye were the scattered wooden boards, and these wooden boards came from a large ship in front of Ethan.

Why did the ship appear on the mountain?

Is it really like in the fantasy, flying through the waves?

Ethan stood in front of the rusty anchor and looked up at the towering hull. The higher he looked, the darker it was.

The big ship in front of him was seriously damaged, but the ship shape was still there, with a hidden treasure light.

Ethan tried to climb up the anchor.

Fortunately, the chain had not been completely corroded, and it was not as difficult as imagined to get on the deck.

As Ethan climbed up, he suppressed the muttering in his ears.

I don’t know how long he climbed, but Ethan was exhausted when he got on the deck.

What made him even more devastated was that the black box in his mind kept playing recordings along the way, and he was a little numb now.

The deck of the big ship was covered with moss, and Ethan walked on it carefully.

Due to years of disrepair, every time he stepped on it, the hull would make a "squeaking" pressing sound.

Ethan tried to light the tinder he carried with him, but for some reason there was no spark on the tinder.

He had no choice but to grope on the big ship by feeling.


The mast of the big ship was still swaying in the wind, and the flag that had rotted into wisps of cloth was floating unscrupulously.

Ethan vaguely saw a shadow appear on the observation deck, but when he rubbed his eyes, he found that there was nothing there.

Just when he thought he had seen it wrong, a "click" sound came.

Ethan hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, and the black shadow flashed again.

But he was sure of the other party's existence in his heart.

Ethan tried to suppress the panic in his heart and continued to search on the ship.

Soon he found the position of the rudder in front of the mast.

Unfortunately, only a simple foundation was left, and the rudder had long been missing.

The same was true for the ramming corner at the front of the ship. Ethan carefully probed it, only to find it was empty, with only a base intact.

And at the back of the deck, a dark entrance appeared.

Ethan tried to look inside, but found nothing, only the sound of the wind coming from there.

PS: Please recommend and collect.

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