Knowing there are tigers in the mountains, I still go there.

Ethan is a tough guy who knows how to face difficulties.

However, the gloomy atmosphere still makes his situation more difficult.

Perhaps because of the animal tooth pendant, Ethan has not encountered any weirdness from beginning to end.

However, he did not relax his vigilance because of this, and his eyes silently observed in the dark.


The sound of mice.

Ethan slowed down.

This kind of creature is almost everywhere.

Ethan did not take it seriously. What can a mere mouse do to me.

He soon realized his mistake.

A strange rat with flashing eyes stood in the middle of the tunnel, and it didn't seem to retreat.

The bounty agency's intelligence has records of this kind of strange rat. They are almost omnipresent, and the bite force of their teeth is enough to bite an adult's arm. It is the most common and most difficult creature in the first three layers of the Greedy Cave.

It is completely different from the rat in Ethan's memory. This strange rat is as big as a small dog, with a pair of red eyes and a ferocious face.

The sharp teeth flashed with cold white light, and there was a long drool between the teeth. The four claws stomped slightly on the ground. The prey in front of it would be its luncheon meat.

A supernatural creature that could comprehend the ability of "enchantment".

Ethan had never seen such a disgusting creature. The short hair on its body was stuck into pieces of dirt, and some places showed a bald belly. It did not hide its desires, just like... a zombie rat in the previous life.

He subconsciously took a step back, which instead contributed to the arrogance of the alien rat.

"Squeak squeak~"

The fierce light in the eyes of this alien rat was even stronger, and it was coming to Laozi's bowl.

Ethan specifically told Bryant not to shoot, and he held the dagger across his chest.

With the sailor's knife technique and hip-hop fighting technique, Ethan was confident that he could deal with this alien rat.

Suddenly Ethan's mind moved, wondering if "crime and punishment" had any effect on supernatural creatures.

"I declare... you guilty."

As soon as the voice fell.

A black flame emblem appeared on the neck of the alien rat - the 'Sin Seal'.

Ethan was happy, there is a way!

When performing 'Sin and Punishment' for the first time, Lisa was frightened by Bryant, so she took the initiative to admit her guilt, which interrupted the second step of judgment.

But this time the alien rat couldn't ask for mercy.

The first step of Sin and Punishment, 'Judgment', has been performed.

If the other party has no repentance, the second step of judgment will begin.

This time, it is just right to test this alien rat.

The blue flame of judgment appeared on the 'Sin Seal', and the flame quickly grew larger and stronger, with a tendency to set the prairie on fire.

The white light that was originally flickering on the alien rat's teeth dimmed.

The first function of the flame of judgment is to burn the mind, burning the mind power of the sin seal recipient.

Therefore, the enchanted energy on the alien rat's teeth will be affected, and gradually dim until it disappears.

It is equivalent to doubling the consumption of buff.

At this moment, a black chain suddenly emerged from the Flame of Judgment, first wrapped around its neck, and then quickly climbed up the rat's hands and feet, spreading much faster than the last time on Miss Lisa.

This shows that the rat's sin is relatively serious, and it has probably eaten many human adventurers.

The flames on the rat's body are getting stronger and stronger, with no sign of weakening.

The chain that emerged from the Flame of Judgment grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it bound the rat's body.

The rat lay on the ground and swayed back and forth, trying to get rid of the chain, but the chain was like it was born, and it fit perfectly with its bones.

This is not over yet. When it struggled, black shackles appeared from the void.


The shackles in the void suddenly fell, directly stuck the rat's head and limbs to the ground.

Just like the Myojinmon used by Hashirama Senju in Naruto.

The rat, lying on the ground and unable to move, still had a fierce look in his eyes.

When the thought burned out, the flame did not stop, but the alien rat began to become listless.

Until it could not move anymore.

This is the third step of "Crime and Punishment" - salvation.

The soul of the target being saved will be sublimated.

As for the degree of sublimation, Ethan was not sure.

A blue flame suddenly floated into Ethan's mind.

The thick fog on the surface of the black box became thinner.

Ethan suddenly realized that this was how the clear corner came from.

In other words, the more of this flame he took back, the more he could see on the surface of the box.

Isn't this encouraging killing?

Ethan looked into the deep darkness, his eyes flashing with excitement.


Two hours later, Ethan leaned against the wall of the tunnel and panted.

He looked at the results on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The mine is indeed a mine, with a lot of little mice.

Most of the alien rats died before they could even hold on to "save".

Ethan was still very interested in this.

Because the bounty agency's intelligence said that the fangs of the alien rats can be made into excellent arrowheads after simple polishing, and they are still quite popular in the market.

Through repeated use of "Crime and Punishment", Ethan also discovered the rules of this ability.

All alien rats can be branded with "sin marks" by the judgement, without exception.

However, if the alien rats with sin marks have no intention of actively attacking, they cannot be "judged" and the "fire of judgment" cannot be summoned.

Among the alien rats that triggered the ‘fire of judgment’, the burning speed of the flames was different, and the speed of unlocking the ‘forbidden punishment of heaven’ was also different.

Ethan guessed that this was related to the cause and effect of the other party’s own sins.

If the target had no fear or repentance, the ‘fire of judgment’ and the ‘forbidden punishment of heaven’ would spread very quickly, otherwise it would be very slow.

But if the target had no resistance and chose to escape, once it ran out of the range of ‘crime and punishment’, the judgment process would be interrupted.

At present, the range that Ethan could affect was about ten meters, which was still very advantageous for small creatures such as alien rats.

At the same time, Ethan also found that some alien rats would emit two colors of flames, one cyan and one blue, and some even had yellow flames.

The scene was like watching fireworks, and the speed at which the ‘forbidden punishment of heaven’ was opened was so fast.

Judging from the new scratches on the top of the tunnel and some gravel on the ground, Miss Lisa was most likely to show her power in this tunnel.


Bryant has a natural advantage in the shadows, and it is most suitable for him to be a guide.

After listening to what it said, Ethan frowned.

Two branch tunnels appeared in front, which were not on the map.

There was no way around it. There were countless adventurers who came to the Greedy Cave to mine every day, and the map in Ethan's hand was still a version from many years ago.

He thought about it and took out an ancient coin from the badge. It was the birthday gift given to him by the fortune teller Yuna, the fortune-telling coin.

Ethan first prayed a few words, and then silently recited that people are on the left and words are on the right.


The coin popped out from his thumb and rolled and jumped in the air.


Ethan buckled the coin on the back of his left hand.

Take a deep breath and flip it open suddenly.

It was a fortune teller's head holding a crystal ball.

PS: Thank you for the reward from Langjia.

Thank you for the reward from Akalin v Rhine.

Cauliflower can finally eat white flour buns, crying~

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