With the lighting crystal on the shield, Ethan also has a way to deal with monsters.

The reason why Ethan couldn't use "Crime and Punishment" on the target was because he hadn't faced it head-on, and the most important thing was that he didn't have a general understanding of the target.

You don't even know what the other party is, and you can't make a fair judgment in this situation.

Although Ethan dodged several attacks with clues, he chose to avoid it for safety reasons.

But now, with a flashlight in hand.

Ethan is still somewhat confident.

He hid behind a pile of rocks in the tunnel and waited quietly for the opponent's arrival.




The footsteps were firm and powerful, as if the opponent was not small in size.

A few minutes later.

The footsteps were already in sight.

Ethan swallowed his saliva and tried to calm down.



The opponent took a few more steps forward.


Ethan jumped out of the stone pestle, opened the light crystal, and a beam of light shone on the monster.

It was a giant pile of rocks, more than two meters high, almost reaching the top of the tunnel. The whole body was covered with green stones, which gave the little human in front of it a great sense of oppression.

Stone puppet?

No wonder Bryant said he couldn't bite it. It would be strange if he could bite it.

Ethan dared to guarantee that there was no such thing in the information of the bounty agency.

Could it be that it was just released recently?

There was no time to think about it, and Ethan began to face it seriously.

"I declare... you are guilty."

A black sin mark appeared on the puppet's forehead.

Ethan was happy in his heart, little guy~ you scared your father to death.

Branded with a sin mark, you still have the ability to run?

The stone puppet looked at the little human in front of him, why didn't he seem to want to run.

Was he despised like this?

He even yelled at himself.

Forget it, pity the fool, give him a quick death.

The chain of the "Forbidden Heavenly Punishment" that Ethan expected did not appear.

Instead, the giant stone puppet raised its half-human-high foot high.


Sand and rocks flew.

Ethan rolled to the side in a panic, and the sin mark on the giant stone puppet's head was still there.

The 'fire of judgment' on the sin mark was also burning.

But... no chains appeared.

Ethan was a little panicked. Facing the giant stone puppet, neither hip-hop fighting nor sailor knife skills worked on it, and the only ability he relied on, 'sin and punishment', also lost its effect.

Oh my god!

He cursed inwardly and stepped back a few steps.

The only way at present is to use up its blue through the 'fire of judgment'.

But since Ethan's ability range is ten meters, he will fly a kite next.


The rock puppet hit the wall, leaving a huge fist mark.

And Ethan successfully avoided it with his agile posture, but was still scratched in several places by the flying pebbles.


One step and one punch, Ethan stepped back.

I don't know how many punches the rock puppet threw, nor how many times Ethan dodged.

Anyway, when he was exhausted, the rock puppet's movements finally slowed down.


A powerful punch landed on the ground, but it was never lifted up again.

The 'fire of judgment' on the puppet's forehead swayed slightly, and the mana of this guy was finally exhausted.

According to Ethan's observation, if the telekinesis is exhausted, the fire of judgment will not be extinguished, but it will continue to consume the target's vitality until the opponent is completely unable to move.


The huge body instantly disintegrated into a pile of earth and rocks without the support of telekinesis.


Bryant turned into a shadow and suddenly disappeared on the shoulder.

When it reappeared, it held a yellowish bead in its mouth.


What is this?

Energy crystal?

Ethan suddenly realized that the puppet was lifeless, so the 'forbidden punishment of heaven' would not work.

He put the bead into the badge.

I have to say that the 'Oak Leaf Badge' of Moon Bay is really useful. It is not only convenient, but also can help the wearer restore physical strength and telekinesis.

It is worthy of being called one of the most practical badges.

After dealing with the rock puppet, Ethan finally set out on the road of exploration again.

With the hand shield, the road ahead became much clearer.

Ethan also saw new bloodstains on the road.

The bloodstains have dried, but it is obvious that they have not been destroyed by other adventurers so far.

It is very likely left by Lisa and her group.

Ethan frowned. Bloodstains mean there is a battle, and battles mean there is danger.


New scratches appeared on the wall of the tunnel, and then connected to the bloodstains just now.

It means that the battle is still very intense.

After walking a few steps forward, there are more and more scratches, which means that the battles are becoming more and more frequent.


Is there a branch ahead?

Sure enough, not far away, a big hole appeared on the wall. The inside of the big hole was dark, and the hole was just big enough for one person to pass through.

As soon as I entered, it suddenly became clear, as if this was a hidden tunnel.

Ethan looked at the axe marks on the edge of the hole. The cross section was very new, so it should have been dug not long ago.

Could it be Lisa's group?

But how did they know that this wall was hollow?

With doubts in mind, Ethan went in without hesitation.

As he went deeper, he found that there were many more bodies of alien rats in the tunnel, with various signs of death, but without exception, the fangs were still there, but the tails of the rats were cut off and disappeared.

Ethan didn't understand why the fangs were left and the tails were cut off.

For him, this was a small fortune, and he would not waste it.

Some of these alien rats were still soft, and they should have been dead for less than two days.

And because of the whale oil torch, very few people entered the third floor today, so it is very likely that someone came here yesterday.

The time coincided with the time when Lisa and her group disappeared.

Compared with the several narrow tunnels outside, this newly opened one is more like a main road.

The road is not only high and wide, but also paved with solid marble. There are street lamps on both sides, which are very stylish at first glance.

It is obvious that this place was built by humans and exists independently of the Greedy Cave.

Looking at the style of the street lamps, it looks like a product of the 12th century.

I don't know how Lisa and her group found this secret cave.


A group of bats suddenly rushed over and hovered over Ethan's head to harass him.

The dagger in Ethan's hand circled back and forth in his palm. After a while, the annoying bats no longer dared to move forward.

This is a trick in the sailor's knife technique, called the flower in the palm. The rotating dagger is like a blooming flower.

It is specially used to deal with this kind of creatures with a large number and small size.

Just when Ethan was feeling proud, he tripped.

A dead body.

Looking at his clothes, it was vaguely the standard armor that Ethan and Lisa and her group wore when they met.

However, this armor was obviously a men's style.

The only thing exposed was his face, which was full of dense small holes.

Ethan took off the armor on his body, revealing the dry skin inside, and the opponent's body was very stiff. Sure enough, the blood on his body had been sucked clean.

Thinking of the group of bats just now, Ethan was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

Vampire bats!

Ethan secretly felt lucky to have the Sailor Knife Technique to protect him, and at the same time, he glanced at the corpse in front of him and thought: Oh, I should follow a more reliable employer in my next life.

PS: Fancy ways to ask for votes - Bryant


Bryant appeared in the shadow of a handsome book friend, and then turned into a physical body on his shoulder.


The handsome book friend suddenly had an idea and handed over the recommendation ticket in his pocket.

Bryant nodded with satisfaction, and turned into a phantom and disappeared.

After a while, a scream was heard.

The handsome book friend shook his head and sighed.

He must not want to vote!

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