Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 63 A little girl falls from the sky

In the evening, the Wizard of Oz takes a break from his busy schedule.

Guys need a nice dinner to reward a hard day's work.

Old Ockham's cooking skills were good and he was loved by everyone.

After dinner, Ethan's job is to take over from everyone and take care of the store until closing time.

Generally speaking, there are very few customers coming after dinner.

At this time, the guys left one after another, and old Occam had also gone back to his room to rest.

In the quiet night, the Wizard of Oz seems especially quiet.

Sometimes Bryant would lean out of the shadows. Ever since it had mastered the ability of shadow flow, Ethan was no longer worried about its safety.

It seems to have become accustomed to living in the shadow, and the time it takes to become a physical entity is getting less and less in a day.

Bryant stayed in the Wizard of Oz for a while and then wandered off.

Taking advantage of the darkness, it will go out to play the tooth ceremony again.

Ethan was the only one who was not bored. As usual, he took out a book from Professor Taylor's collection and read it with gusto.

The night outside was getting darker, Ethan stretched out, and it was already closing time.

He was about to get up and close the door.

"Dingling bell~"

At this time, the greeting bell behind the door rang.

Ethan was a little surprised, he didn't expect someone to come to the door at this time.

The visitor was hidden in a thick black cloak and could not see his face clearly.

Generally speaking, the main customers of medicinal drug chain stores like The Wizard of Oz are pharmacists or alchemists.

It was obvious that the visitor did not belong to the above two categories.

Although he was hidden in the cloak, Ethan could still tell that he was not big, slightly shorter than himself.

The gust of wind brought towards me was mixed with a faint smell of blood.

Besides that there is another strange smell.

Ethan's face tightened. At this time and in this kind of dress, it was not a good idea.

Some secretly regretted that they closed the door late.

"Hello, what do you need?"

Although he was feeling uneasy, Ethan still pretended to be calm and asked.

"Climbing vine, edelweiss, hay dew..."

The voice was cold, and it turned out to be a woman, but she was slightly weak between breaths.

After hearing the information she reported, Ethan felt like Ming Jing, this was an antidote.

And it is the most common conventional detoxification agent.

If you guessed correctly, the girl in front of you must have been poisoned.

She did not go directly to the church to receive treatment from the priest, nor did she go to the pharmacy store to buy finished medicine. She must have had something unspeakable.

Ethan did not hesitate to prepare the medicinal materials one after another according to the other party's request.

At this moment, he discovered that the other party's body was somewhat shaky.

Ethan quickly walked out of the counter and went to check.

"Hello, do you need help?"

Before he could ask further questions, the other party tilted his head and leaned against him.

A delicate fragrance came from the tip of Ethan's nose, and he lifted her hood, revealing a cold and charming face.

With green hair, white face, red lips, high bridge of nose, and crescent-shaped eyebrows, she is a pretty lady with a hint of coldness.

His fingers were testing under her nose, her breathing was a little weak, but luckily she just fainted.

But at this time, there was no trace of blood on the girl's pale cheeks, her eyes were closed tightly, her brows were slightly furrowed, and there was a slight bruise on her lips.

Even so, she still couldn't hide her peerless beauty.

Faced with this situation, Ethan could not ignore it.

He first carried the woman to the small lounge in the backyard, where there happened to be a bed for the guys to rest.

Then find the girl's injuries.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, he found two black spots on the opponent's calf, and Ethan did not dare to hesitate and directly sucked out the poisonous blood.

Fortunately, the snake's bite was very shallow, and the amount of poisonous blood was not much. After Ethan took two mouthfuls, the blood turned red. He guessed that it was left by a young snake, and ordinary antidote drugs would be suitable for the disease.

After placing the girl, Ethan mixed the pile of medicine into a potion and fed it to the girl.

I hope that when she wakes up, she will have Bello on her to pay for it all.

Watching the girl fall into a deep sleep, Ethan also returned to his room.

The lamesmith's body-building technique was run once, and Ethan's thoughts were quickly exhausted.

Ethan shook his head, wondering when he would learn the meditation method.

From the current point of view, just being the first action thinker in the body-building technique is still far from being completed.

At present, the prototype of the right arm training technique has been completed, and it is estimated that it will be almost completed in a few days.

If we continue at this pace, it is estimated that the first statue will not be completed within a year and a half.

After cleaning up casually, Ethan lay on the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning.

Ethan woke up early.

Suddenly I thought of the girl in the lounge.

He quickly ran downstairs.

When passing by the kitchen, Occam was already preparing breakfast.

"Hey, Ethan, where did you put the bread you bought yesterday."

Ethan looked at the dining table and saw it was empty, and suddenly felt bad.

"Oh~ I ate that one last night, but don't worry, I'll buy fresh ones right away."

Old Ockham hummed and shrugged noncommittally.

Ethan took the opportunity to come to the lounge and found that no one was inside as he expected.

Even the remaining potions he prepared were taken away in one fell swoop.

Needless to say, those breads are definitely just a random thing.

This time the loss is huge.

Why is this beautiful lady like you a thief?

Ethan, who has always been very niggardly, suddenly became a little angry.

Oh, it's my bad luck.

Ethan shook his head and went out to buy bread.

Although he was hurt by the girl's leaving without saying goodbye, Ethan still hoped that she was fine.

When Ethan returned to the store, he met two people in uniform.

The uniforms were printed with the symbol of the Federation's rudder, so they should be federal civil servants.

They seemed to have taken some medicinal materials from the store and left with laughter.

As soon as he entered the door, Ethan saw Occam cursing.

"These good-for-nothings in the Federation are not only incompetent but also greedy."

"What's wrong?"

Ethan asked while cutting fresh bread into slices.

At this time, Occam began to complain.

It turned out that a batch of goods from the pharmacy was robbed for no reason again.

The two federal police officers just came to tell him the news.

This is the third time this month.

But these police officers seemed to have no effect at all. Instead, they told Old Occam that they lost several team members because of the arrest of the suspect, and asked Occam to bear certain expenses.

This made Fat Occam very angry.

"What goods were lost this time?"

Looking at Occam who was cursing, Ethan asked.

"A batch of realgar powder refined by Dante City..."

Ethan didn't listen to a word of what Old Occam said afterwards.

Because his heart was like a storm.

PS: Recommended ticket through train~

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