Shall we go to open up the wasteland together tomorrow?

Chapter 9 Loud-voiced and dirty-talking Senbei

The two of them were walking around.

Suddenly, Connell stopped in front of a stall.

It was a herb, green all over, with small white flowers.

Ethan had seen the star grass in the "Detailed Explanation of the Relics Formula".

It is a very rare extraordinary plant, but it is an important raw material for some formulas.

"Teacher, is this star grass?"

Connell looked at the grass, his face slightly moved.

"Yes, that's right."

This star grass is the main prize promoted by the giant beehive in this year's Happy Street. Many scavengers are rushing for this star grass.

Star grass is very rare, and it is an indispensable ingredient for the Starlight Potion.

It is a precious ingredient that is hard to come by.

"Starlight Potion can restrain spiritual pollution."

There are many kinds of baptism ceremonies.

Each baptism ceremony is to establish a channel between God and the world.

It has a certain impact on the believers' spirit. Many people are spiritually polluted after failing the baptism.

At this time, only the Starlight Potion can be used to solve it.

Ethan suspected that his predecessor was mentally polluted and died when he was receiving the "baptism of light", and then he took over the magpie's nest.

So this star grass is still very precious.

To get this star grass, you must participate in the card game at the stall.

The stall owner on the high platform is killing all around, and his senbei is more interesting.

It is a loud-voiced senbei with a young image.

At this time, he is guest hosting:

"Take a chance, and the bicycle will become a motorcycle~"

"You can't buy 500 scorpions and you can't buy 500 scorpions and you can take 500 scorpions of star grass home."

This senbei elf has a loud voice and a lot of dirty talk.

It's better than the live broadcast of the Internet celebrity in the previous life.

One word... Absolute!

After quietly observing two games, Ethan basically understood the rules of the game.

Two people play against each other, and each person has 11 cards.

They are stone, gun, devil, water, air, paper, sponge, wolf, man, scissors, and fire.

Each person chooses a card from his or her deck at a time, and then opens the cards at the same time, which is absolutely fair.

The winner of three games will get this star grass.

And the value of this star grass is about 1M shell.

1M shell is equal to 1024K shells, and 1K shell is equal to 1024 shells.

For most people, 1M shell is a huge sum of money.

Each time you participate in the game, you only need to pay 500 shells.

The multiplier reached an astonishing 1:2000.

This is enough to attract the attention of most people.

After several hours of fierce competition, more and more adventurers surrounded the stall.

Undoubtedly, no one can get this herb, but the stall owner's pocket is bulging.

The stall owner is a middle-aged man with a small mustache on his chin.

A golden honeycomb badge of a giant beehive is hung on his left chest.

At this time, he was very proud and happy.

The mustache was very scheming. From time to time, he sprinkled water on the star grass during the intervals, and the tender green leaves were particularly fluttering in the sun.

And his loud voice also knows how to read people's expressions.

He always gives tourists a bowl of chicken soup for the soul when they are afraid to come.

"When you are still hesitating, others have taken away the star grass worth 1 trillion shells."

"What's the difference between being a person without dreams and being a salted fish."

"Take action now and it's over."

"Thank this warrior for participating."

"It's better to act than to be moved~"

He kept talking nonsense.

Ethan has been lurking under the stage, carefully observing the tricks.

In theory, the winning rate of this kind of game is 5:5.

But the mustache is so powerful that he can easily win every time.

If there is no cheating, there must be something wrong.

A new game begins.

This time, the mustache's opponent is a scarred strong man.

The two of them choose three cards from eleven cards respectively.

Then they show their cards in turn according to the three-game two-win system.

The scarred strong man looked at the cards in his hand and hesitated slightly.

After a long time, he threw the first card.

The two opened at the same time: "gun" against "man".

As expected, the mustache man won the first round easily.

The second round.

The strong man seemed to be more nervous, and he chose the cards at the last minute.

‘Fire’ vs ‘Water’.

As a result, he won a round.

In the third round.

The strong man did not move for a long time.

Suddenly, a fist-sized yellow stone on the stall sign suddenly turned black.

The mustache man’s face changed, and he put away his smile: “Hehehe~ Brother, you are not polite.”

“Someone actually violated the rules of the game.”

“Finally, I reiterate that the game items on our Happy Street do not allow the use of telekinesis.”

“The use of telekinesis is not allowed.”

The strong man knew that it was not good, but before he could react, he was taken down by the giant beehive guards who came in one after another.

The stone embedded in the sign is called ‘mind-stained amber’.

This kind of amber is very sensitive to telekinesis.

Once it senses the fluctuation of mind, it will quickly become turbid, like ink dye.

It is just right for monitoring whether anyone uses telekinesis in the game.

After the strong man was taken away, the game continued.

However, after this commotion, the people queuing below the stage suddenly hesitated.

Many of them had the same idea.

At this moment, a silver-haired young man hurried over.

"Finally caught up!"

He simply ignored the people in line and directly cut in front.

Seeing this, the loud-voiced Senbei scolded:

"Please line up in order and come one by one."

"If everyone is like you, then..."

The silver-haired young man not only did not admit his mistake, but took out a Senbei impatiently.

Seeing this, the loud-voiced Senbei suddenly became excited: "Oh~ My God, today is such a good day~"

The silver-haired young man also held a silver Senbei in his hand, and a handsome Senbei elf inside was looking around with contempt for all living beings.

"Uh, welcome our VIP guest~"

It turned out to be a noble Senbei, who had the privilege of not having to queue up in any occasion.

Of course, the price was to pay an extra tip.

That's why the loud-voiced Senbei was so excited.

"My distinguished guest, I'm happy to serve you."

The silver-haired young man walked up to the platform indifferently.

Suddenly, a cry of surprise broke out from the surrounding adventurers: "Moon Bay!"

Ethan's eyes fixed, it turned out that the silver-haired young man had a crescent-shaped ripple badge on his left chest.

It was the symbol of the Moon Bay Guild.

Moon Bay is one of the seven super guilds that make up the Rainbow Council.

I didn't expect such a proud child of heaven to appear here.

Seeing that the little mustache began to deal cards, the silver-haired young man suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, I need to check the cards."

It seems that he also thinks there is a problem.

Before the little mustache spoke, the loud-voiced Xianbei hurriedly said: "No problem, my most distinguished guest, all your requests will be taken seriously by us."

On the other hand, the little mustache didn't seem to care, and there was no panic at all.

He handed the 22 cards to the silver-haired young man, and then calmly lay down on the chair to rest.

Looking calm and composed.

Did he really not do anything?

Please collect, recommend, and invest.

PS: Thank you book friend 20200729095205985 for rewarding 100 points.


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