Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 170: loyalty


Looking at the cautiously curious, extremely eccentric court director Charles, Loren twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Lena told me to tell you that it was just a small accident that would never delay the time of the official wedding." Charles whispered: "Please don't worry, just concentrate on the ceremony as planned."

"……I know."

Charles no longer talked much, and after turning around he turned away.

"What's the matter?" Lucien asked a little curiously as he looked at the leaving court manager.

"It's nothing ... Isaac's got a little bit wrong." Loren, who twitched his lips, smiled without changing his face.

When I met my fiancee, I was suddenly inspired. The little wizard who went to find him not only failed to bring people back, but also plunged himself into the "new discovery" ...

This kind of thing, Loren really didn't know how to explain it from beginning to end in one sentence.

Gray pupil shrugs indifferently, in his opinion nothing is happening to Isaac-it is better to say that this guy can marry smoothly, is the first strange thing in the world.

If there is anything strange, it is the celebration itself; obviously to celebrate the victory of the battle of Ebden, the dark-haired wizard is fully equipped, and even before he came, he did not forget to remind himself to bring his weapons, just in case.

Is this celebration not as simple as it seems on the surface, someone intends to conspiracy at this celebration, or even assassinate Lord Loren?

The gray pupil can't help but start thinking wildly. The Azores, the assassin of the Vault of Heaven, the stray dogs of the church ... countless possible wandering in his mind.

Until a loud thunder sound interrupted his thinking.

"Boom ..."

With the heavy and slow door shaft sound, the gate of the Red Blood Castle slowly opened.

Outside the door, there is a lot of voice!

Although nominally truly invited, only the 13 tribes of Bain and 300 nobles and messengers from all over the empire, this does not mean that Charlotte will give up such a prestige to increase the reputation of the Turin family, or even promote Bain ’s good chance.

During the entire celebration, free food and wine are provided throughout the Red Blood Castle; the Bayern Cathedral as the venue of the celebration will also open its doors to share the joy of victory and receive the glory of the Holy Cross.

In the crowded tide, a road less than three people wide was set aside; the heavily armed, Baien knights holding shields and flag guns did their best to maintain order and push the crowd behind them back.

Looking at the inexplicably familiar scene in front of him, the memory of the dark-haired wizard seemed to return to the day when he was "counterattacked" by Charlotte three years ago and became the Duke of Byrne.

This is not what I asked for, not even what I wanted, nor what I chose.

But since destiny has to stand on its opposite, it should accept its challenge.

"... Dear Loren, if you really win, I will give you what you always wanted but never got ..."

What I always wanted, but never got ... What is it?

Loren didn't mean to doubt—but not to say that he didn't believe at all, but that Brandon wouldn't deceive himself in this kind of thing, because it would do him no good at all.


Breathing calmly, the dark-haired wizard said softly without looking back:

"Come on, we can't be late."


The gray pupil nodded vigorously.


When Loren walked through the crowd like a tide and stepped into the Bayern Cathedral, the hall was already full of figures, the words of whispering, and the sound of whispering filled every corner of the church hall.

Members of the Earl's family of the thirteen leaders of Byrne, the well-known knights, the Principality and even the Vault of Heaven, the church came to congratulate the messengers, and the high-ranking Principality officials ...

The three hundred people in the same hall are arranged according to the pre-arranged positions.

Neither Loren nor Charlotte are prepared to treat this ceremony as a simple celebration or "summer banquet", just to hold a luxurious banquet to entertain all guests, which is useless except to show off their financial resources.

So what they have to do is to spread the will of Byrne, or the will of Loren Turin, to the whole empire and even the whole empire through this ceremony.

On the one hand, it is to further use the victory of the battle of Ebden to improve the reputation of Byrne; on the other hand, it is to unify the idea of ​​Byrne and improve the cohesion of Byrne, so that they really understand what Loren wants to do, and Byrne What to do in this elven war.

The Black Duke fell to the end of the last betrayal because he could not make the Bayern understand his thoughts. Charlotte certainly knew this lesson.

As she said, with this victory and the appearance of the dragon, Loren ’s reputation in Bayern has reached an extremely high level, and now no matter what he said, the Bayern who love and worship the hero will agree. .

"Lord of Byrne, Lord of Turin, son of the Knight King, Duke Loren Turin is here!"

As Lusien shouted, there was a sudden silence in the church hall.

Or joy, or pride, indifference, indifference ... countless faces changed color, and at the same time turned his eyes to the figure of the dark-haired wizard.

The scene before him reminded Loren of Connold's coronation ceremonies. The only difference was that it was who stood in the crowd, who stood here, the supreme emperor of the current empire.

The dark-haired wizard who had not turned his head crossed the crowd and walked to the main altar under the statue of Holy Cross; the Earl of the Thirteen Lords, led by the Countess of the Red Blood Castle, gathered first.

"The knights of Byrne, come forward--to swear allegiance to your master--!"

After stepping into the hall, Charles, who was waiting for the principality of the Principality, took over the "work" of Lucien and performed the traditional ceremonies of Byrne with a solemn expression.

These are the "traditional activities" that have been carried out countless times before, and even each count has been practiced alone more than once, in the order set since the time of the knight king; the 13 counts stepped forward one by one, not one step, One step is not less.

Although this "following the rules" habit comes from the Kingdom of Sacran, the sense of ritual, full of mystery and solemnity, fits the Bayern's love of banquets.

Charlotte walked out of the crowd first, and gave a standard knightly salute to Loren in a black and red glamorous dress. He did not forget to glance at him secretly.

The expressionless Loren could only raise his eyebrows, holding back his smile.

Immediately afterwards were Guy Angter, Earl of the Rock Rock, and Tris Actor, Earl of the Fury; as the old men left by the Black Duke, they were also the knight commanders that Loren could count on.

Url Salald, Earl of Flagspear, Cedric Ylandier, Earl of the Broken Sword Tower, and Garnis Bowes, Earl of the Loyalty Castle, are the three goalkeepers in the north of Baine, and the heavy infantry The core general of the legion;

Bell Ramalloth, Earl of Lake City, Ambon Rigrel, Earl of White Horse Peak, and Id Gerante, Earl of the Glorious Tower-the lords of the east, west, and south on the periphery of the Red Blood Fort, sticking to the tradition of Byrne They have always been entrusted with heavy tasks in the cavalry.

William Gallihers, Earl of the Twin Towers, and Orkney Gareth, Earl of the Rainbow Bridge, these two are the two extremes of the Bayern people today, and they did not hesitate to show their faces.

The Earl of Gallihus, known for his piety and stubbornness, was very dissatisfied with the contradiction between Loren and the Church of the Holy Cross, and he snorted "inadvertently" when he saluted;

Count Gareth was very eager to wizards and alchemy. After hearing that the wizards of Ebden had withdrawn from Byrne, they always wanted to rebuild the wizard tower in their Rainbow Bridge Earl, even looking at Loren. With a somewhat pleased look.

A gentle face of Stormwind Earl Ayton Grenwell bent over halfway, holding the five-year-old Earl of the Lookout Bonn Bossival to step forward and salute the black-haired wizard.

The last generation Earl Bolino Bosívar died in the Centaur War. As a result, the thin Bosívar family could not find a suitable heir for a while. Only Bolino ’s five-year-old son directly inherited the title. .

This result makes Loren very sad, but also very helpless-under the knight system of Byrne, the main force of his duke's army is built with various counts as the core; there is no Earl of Lookout Peak who can fight, it means Byrne's Hussars' combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The Bossival family who looked at the peak clearly knew this, so when Loren introduced the new military system, there was no voice of opposition; this time to let the "Count" come forward, to some extent, they also want to show their "advocacy for the Duke" ".

When "Little Bossier" "Bee" bowed and saluted, and was pulled back by Glenwell, Earl of Stormburgh, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly froze.


Inside the hall, all the Bayern knights simultaneously smashed their long swords on the ground.


The voice of the dark-haired wizard echoed between the circular vault of the church hall and the marble walls, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The Thirteen Earl-Up to two sideburns, the Count of Fury, Earl Eckert, down to the five-year-old Bossier, Earl of Lookout Peak, at the same time with a look of solemnity.

"I am very grateful to everyone for accepting my invitation to participate in this ceremony to celebrate the victory." The dark-haired wizard Shen said: "But as you expected, the purpose of this ceremony is by no means just for Celebrate victory and triumph. "

Silence the whole audience, everyone's eyes were very natural to watch Loren's every move, waiting for what he would say next.

Facing those eyes, the dark-haired wizard said sharply: "Because of the result of that war, it is far from being called victory!"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere of what was still joy suddenly became colder.

"Yes, we do n’t use one-third of the enemy ’s strength and a city that is almost undefended, dragging down the pace of the enemy ’s invasion; we greatly defeated their attacking soldiers ..."

"But again, we also lost Ebden, the biggest empire, and the only estuary that gave our enemies the initiative of this war!"

"I am not going to be alarmist, nor to make you fear our enemies." After a brief pause, Loren said coldly: "But if we are in this war, if we have any luck, if we are still uniting Unanimously, do not forget any thoughts other than defeating the enemy, please do n’t forget ... "

"From Eboden to Byrne, it is far less than the distance from the Kingdom of Azores to the Empire!"

Everyone ... especially the counts and knights of Byrne, their faces immediately looked awkward.

The meaning of the black-haired wizard's words, saying "threat" is too light.

Only the expression of the Earl of Wrathburg remained the same-he saw the army of the Azores in Ebden, and he also analyzed it with Loren, so it is clear that Loren ’s current statement has been relaxed as much as possible, to give the knights a little I am confident.

The truth is far more terrifying than this.

"The enemy can organize hundreds of thousands of combat troops within a predetermined period of time, and have prepared sufficient carrying equipment to put this army into the battlefield opposite the sea with 100% combat power ... And as far as I know, this is probably not yet One sixth of their total strength! "

"Even if this is the enemy's squeezing of the entire nation and even the entire racial power, it is almost a war like the" invasion of the clan "and the" big immigrants ". What kind of coordination and ambition is needed to complete such a move?"

"So the gap between us and the Azores is not weapons and equipment, not the number of top combat power, or even the level of combat power under the same strength-but they can complete such mobilization, we, the Empire ... impossible!"

Loren ’s statement is very direct and very hurtful. After seeing the knights and the imperial legions assembled in Red Blood Fort ~ ~ The Count of Fury has always believed that even the enemy is really powerful Nor can it be stronger than a united empire. ,

But he had to admit that Loren was right-in the face of an army comparable to Boeing nomadic horsebacks, the discipline was similar to the "black wall" of Sackland, and the literacy and combat strength were comparable to those of the Knights of Byrne. .

Being wary of powerful enemies is his instinct as commander-in-chief; what makes him more wary is that the vast majority of the Bayern knights and counts have not realized this, and even simply thought that "Bion won, long The ears are nothing great. "

This is the most terrible.

"Everyone, the enemy has blew their horns. It is no longer a question of whether or not they will go to war, whether they will go to war, or whether they will be able to face the war; war is already in front of us and us!"

The dark-haired wizard took a deep breath: "So from today on, I will call the knights of Byrne in the name of Lord Byrne, Lord of Turin, and keep your promises: to me, to Loren Turin Absolute Loyalty, follow me and trust me, and follow me to win the battle that determines the fate of Bayern and even the Empire! "

"I object--!"

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