Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 185: Go north

? March southwards from the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain? Is this the Azores' long ears finally mad, or are they auditory?

This was the first thought of the Counts of Byrne 13 in the Round Table Parliament when he heard the official announcement of Loren Turin.

The stunned atmosphere made the round table hall for a while like a ice cave.

"Cough cough ... Dear sir ... and ladies, don't doubt it, you heard it right." Coughing gently, Loren took the lead in breaking this dead silence: "The enemy has landed in Greywater Bay, and the total strength is not It ’s less than 40,000, and it ’s definitely the best of the best. ”

"Because their leader is the eagle king of the kingdom of Azores."

The words fell, and dignified emotions immediately appeared on the faces of different colors around the round table.

Almost all of them have learned about the Battle of Ebden from Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle; the mighty Azore warrior has made these proud Bayern knights feel a little fear.

If you do not compare riding combat and array confrontation, one-to-one or even ten-to-ten, you can win ... It is a difficult word to say.

How much troops does such an army need to defeat?

"The battle of Ebden has proved that only with a sufficient number of cavalry can we have absolute initiative in front of the elf warriors." The black wizard continued:

"Because of this, His Majesty Connold I hoped that Baine and Boye could send troops this time; Salika Jonah ... The Grand Duke of Boye had promised to send 10,000 soldiers, so the question now is how much Baine will send troops Is it more appropriate? "

"Why can't the whole army attack?"

Almost at the same time when Loren finished, only the five-year-old Earl of Bossier, the Earl of Lookout, immediately stood up and asked directly: "The enemy is only forty thousand, and the Red Blood Fort has one hundred thousand troops-as long as we If the army strikes, won't it win? "

This one……

The people at the round table looked at each other with a hesitant expression.

"What's wrong?" The young "Count of Bossier Little" was a little unhappy: "What am I saying wrong, who can tell me?"

"No, you are absolutely correct, Lord Bosival."

The smiling Stormwell Earl Glenwell hurriedly got up, and after looking at the black-haired wizard, he explained:

"But the problem is that we can't send 100,000 troops to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain."


"The reasons are complex, and there are many reasons-for example, it is winter, and it is difficult to provide supplies for such a large army in East Sacrament, logistics will seriously drag down the strength of the army; for example, the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain is not too big, It is impossible to accommodate 100,000 troops; "

"More importantly, the commander of this war is Emperor Connold." Earl Glenwell patiently said: "If Byrne dispatches 100,000 troops, it is equivalent to anti-guests and compete with the emperor for command of war."

Little Bosival still didn't quite understand, frowning slightly: "Then ... then we just resolutely obey the orders of His Majesty the Emperor, don't we?"

"Of course, but what if your majesty wants the Duke to hold on to a fortress that must be captured, and then take Baine's army to another battlefield?" The Earl of Glenwell asked, "We who stick to the oath loyal to the Duke, Should we watch the Duke die to death? "

"If not, wouldn't it mean that the duke's command is superior to the emperor?"

Count Bossier's face showed a contradictory look, a problem of this degree was beyond the scope of a five-year-old child.

Loren, who didn't change his face, was not as calm as his heartbeat.

His words seemed to be explained to Bossier Jr., but in fact he was told to himself-the Bayern Knight who kept his oath would not watch the Duke die; on the other hand, they all defaulted to their loyalty More loyal to the emperor.

This guy is showing his loyalty to himself in this way.

Sensing the eyes of the dark-haired wizard, Glenwell Earl of Stormburgh turned his head and nodded at Loren.

The rest of the counts were fidgeting one by one—although they were not as straightforward as Little Bossier, their ideas were similar to him.

The whole army attacked and went north as far as possible, letting Bain's flag fly above the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and using a victory led by himself to prove their glory and the rise of Baine.

But it is clear that the empire is also well aware of this, and at the same time, they will never be given such a chance; because the rise of Byrne is due to the weakness of East Sackland.

"However, Count Bosíval is right-at least a sufficient number of troops must be sent, and the Empire cannot belittled us!"

Guy Angut, the Earl of Shanyanbao, beat the table with his sword handle: "Even Poi, who was badly injured, sent 10,000 hussets, so there is absolutely no more than Baien!"

"The war is about strategic deployment and intent, not simply comparison of numbers." Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, sneered at this attitude and looked calmly at the dark-haired wizard:

"Duke, we must first understand what His Majesty Connold's goal is-just to defend the Fortress of the Boundary Mountains, or to fight the eagle king of the Azores in the glacier wasteland?"

"If it is the former, I think that after having 10,000 hussars, Byrne is only enough to mobilize about two thousand elite knights as in the last battle of Ebden; it is meaningless to have more;"

"But if it is the latter, if the emperor intends to use this war to invigorate the military heart of the empire ..." Earl Eckert gave a slight pause and said in a firm tone:

"I think it may be possible to mobilize as many armies as possible within the range of tolerance-since they are to be completely annihilated, they must not keep any backhands; try to wipe out the enemy in the glacier wasteland, outside the fortress gate!"

"Five thousand elite ... I think it will be a reasonable force."

As the words fell, the atmosphere around the round table was clearly revitalized!

The always calm Count of Fury Castle also supported sending troops, especially to those young and eager to build merits. The last time Bayern mobilized elite expeditions was the Centaur War three years ago, and they have already gained a lot. Glory and praise.

If compared to this "Azores Elf War", the centaur in the remote wilderness is simply not worthy of the shoes!

"If this war is dominated by Byrne, I am also in favor of organizing a battle that has a full advantage over the enemy; but ..."

With a somewhat helpless smile, Loren shook his head: "Emperor Connold does not think so-the goal of this operation is to block the enemy's offensive as much as possible at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain; it is of course best to eliminate the enemy, not ... They can only be expected to be wiped out by the glacier wasteland. "

The words fell, and several young counts immediately showed disappointed expressions.

Compared with a doomed battle of "garbage time" in a similar game, it was really a vigorous decisive battle that was more in line with their appetite.

However, this time Connor's decision was almost the same as Loren's guess.

This is actually no big deal-the enemy came from the sea, except for Ebden, the remaining gray water bay and the Wuyue court are a rough place, a deserted forest, and it is very difficult to supply.

The longer it is dragged on, the more obvious the logistics disadvantage of the Azores will be; at the same time, because they are too large, this disadvantage will only be exposed faster.

In several battlefields of the empire, the Forbidden Mountain Fortress was backed by East Sacran. The Ebden blockade was supported by the channel of the Jewel River and the imperial capital supplies. Even the Deep Forest Fort mobilized the manpower and material resources of the whole Lotel.

Under such circumstances, the one who is most eager for quick battles and quick battles is definitely the Azores; as a qualified commander, Connor will certainly not let the enemy please.

In the battlefield that does not meet the enemy ’s expected combat time and is not suitable for the enemy ’s play, according to the most suitable place for his own advantage, he launches an attack that fully meets his expectations. The so-called "you hit you, I hit me" is probably this reason.

Hold them down, break them down, until they have to attack madly, morale collapses, and then concentrate their superior forces to destroy them one by one.

This is probably the most ideal result of Connord's strategic deployment.

However, there has never been any "ideal" result in this world, and the war situation will also be affected by internal conflicts among the parties. At this time, it depends on who can't sit down first, violates your own plan, and makes mistakes frequently.

And Connor must also think from the perspective of the Vault of Heaven: Brandon has won the heart of the battle of Ebden, Loren has gained prestige, as an emperor of the Empire, he must win a big victory as soon as possible, at least face the enemy to win Only by regaining prestige can the stability of the empire's trust in him be stabilized.

But if you are going to fight outside the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the only battlefield that can provide a decisive battle for tens of thousands of troops is the Valley of Blood Skeleton; this means that he has to mobilize massive resources and prepare for huge casualties in the ice and snow. A long-awaited decisive battle.

Victory is of course very good; but if it fails, it means that there is no longer a strong force in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and the enemies in the north will be able to drive straight into the hinterland of the empire.

If at the same time, there are no more changes in the battlefields of Eboden and Shenlinbao; the empire will not be able to provide more military support, and there may even be the end of the imperial capital surrounded by the enemy's three-way army and the waterway!

So Loren understands exactly how embarrassing Connord is now.

"Since this is the case, then I think that the strength of about 5,000 to 10,000 will be a reasonable number."

After hearing the reply of the dark-haired wizard, Eckert, Earl of the Fury, said in a deep voice: "In order to avoid the same accidents as in the battle of Ebden, I think it should be prepared, in Byrne and East Sakland China ’s borders gather enough troops to serve as reinforcements when necessary. "

"This is of course." Loren nodded slightly, very much in favor of Earl Eckert's proposal-if there were no later reinforcements (except Arles) promised by the duke leaders, he might not be able to persist for a month:

"The main infantry regiment stands by in Red Blood Castle, and the cavalry and light infantry are assembled at the border-a thousand elite hussars are sent by Qiaowangfeng to serve as messengers responsible for the communication between Boundary Mountain and Byrne."


Little Bosívar's naive voice echoed in the round table hall.

"Then arrange strategic deployment next." The dark-haired wizard was relieved and looked around the round table for a week: "This battle is very critical, so please be mentally prepared. If necessary, Baine may have to go all out, so ... "

At this moment, an inexplicable shock suddenly came; all the counts around the round table raised their heads at the same time.

"Is this ... an earthquake?"

Little Bosívar looked around inexplicably, with some children in clear eyes, as if frightened: "I encountered it once while looking at the peak, and it is said that the strongest earthquake even the castle ..."

"There has never been an earthquake in the history of Chixuebao. This should not be the case."

The vigilant Charlotte immediately stood up and stabilized everyone's emotions, but his eyes could not help but looked unconsciously at the black-haired wizard, but found that not only did not see any tension on the other's face, even the opposite;

He ... still laughing?

The corners of his mouth lifted unconsciously, and Loren's eyes lit up—yes, this level of power of the void was the same as he felt last time. It must be him ...


A loud noise made the entire round table hall tremble, and dust fell from the dome.

The thick smoke almost closed the main entrance of the round table hall

At about the same time, the counts changed their faces suddenly.

"It's the direction of the Duke's bedroom, the guard—!" The Earl of Ruanbao, who was facing the enemy, first responded and shouted outside the door:

"Block the Redblood Palace, you can't let any one go ..."


Slowly standing up, Loren stopped the Earl of Fury and shook his head: "You don't need to."

"The 'that person' you said ... he's already here."

The vibration stopped and everyone around the round table looked out the door.

A thin, messy hair figure was walking out of the smoke while coughing, muttering endlessly.

In his arms, he also held something resembling a spear.

"Cough cough cough ... sorry ... cough cough ... I ... cough cough I did not expect ... I did not expect this thing to be so useless, originally thought it ..."

As soon as he looked up ~ ~ he was stunned, watching a group of people who were also looking at themselves:

"Sorry, I am I ... Am I late, is there any punishment for those who are late? The punishment is still a joke. I prefer the latter one, and I have learned a lot to coax Lina happy; A friend met a bear in the forest, the first one started praying, the second started tying shoelaces, so the first asked the second ... "

"No, you came just right." Looking at the inexplicable face of Isaac, the dark-haired wizard raised his mouth: "We are about to leave."

"Go? Where are you going?"

Isaac's eyes lit up immediately, and the question just left behind.

"Go to a place you are particularly familiar with." Loren's face also showed a nostalgic smile:

"Boundary Hill."

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