Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 187: Boundary Mountain

East Sacran, south of the Boundary Mountain, clear.

The endless blue sky, the red sun alone in the sky, concealed all the brilliance, and did not feel any temperature; even the opposite, the sunny days and the snow, it seemed colder.

Taking advantage of this rare clear day, the Bayern Army all the way north accelerated its pace-people are not the main problem, the Bayern horses from the south are not adapted to the too cold climate of the Boundary Mountain, forcing the knights to slow down In order to protect these precious comrade-in-arms, the speed of marching will be increased.

As the pace of the north went up, the weather became colder and colder; the icy north wind and the deep snow buried in the knees caused many young knights who were originally ashamed of this expedition.

In their original imagination, they thought that they would follow the path traversed by their fathers in the time of the Black Duke, galloping across the snow-covered northern land, flying the cloak and the swallowtail flag; using heroic assaults to complete their own great achievements The enemy becomes a dead soul under his gunpoint.

But in fact, he was wrapped in a cloak and a leather jacket all over his body and looked like a dumpling, desperately lying on his horse to avoid the snow, and even the swallowtail flag gun in his hand had to be collected, or acted as necessary. Support.

Not to mention the galloping, the stupid hat that dared to raise his head when the wind and snow had blown away had disappeared without a trace on the horseback.

It wasn't until I saw the shadow of the Boundary Mountain and the clear sky that the Bayern knights finally breathed a sigh of relief-but when they thought that they might then cross the Boundary Mountain and advance towards the northern ice field, one by one exposed. Mixed with painful complex expressions.

"There are a lot of complaints from the knights recently."

Riding on the horse, Ayrton Grenwell, Earl of Stormburgh, who was behind the dark-haired wizard, said suddenly: "It's not that he is afraid of the enemy, but he is also afraid of dying from typhoid and frostbite. Take your life. "

"Probably because you are not used to it."

Looking at the Earl of Stormburg, who suddenly approached, Loren said lightly: "After all, Bain is located in the south, and it is normal to not adapt to the climate of the north."

"Yes, but we used to adapt to this kind of climate; or we should have said that we were not afraid of snow and snow." Nodding slightly, the Count of Stormburgh continued to smile:

"The Sixth Generation's 'Battle of the Blood Skeleton', the tenth Generation's gold-shining 'Black Duke Age'-the knights of Byrne went up and down again, south, east, and west ... forests, hills , Mountains, lakes; iron hooves and boots have stepped through all battlefields. "

"We were fighting against Centaurs, dwarves, monsters and ogres, fighting monsters in the northern part of the Boundary Mountains, fighting pirates on the misty sea, and fighting monsters and ghosts lurking in the forest ... and All the enemies who dared to confront the knight of Baine. "

"At that time, under the leadership of the hero, any problem ... no longer is a problem."

Looking at the far-reaching Boundary Mountain in the distance, the count Earl of Stormhold suddenly smiled:

"Ha ha ha ... Maybe I think too much, maybe the Black Duke had the same trouble as us, even worse.

I heard the stories told by my fathers at that time. Most of the time, the famous Duke of Roland Turin was a guy who had an idea but did n’t know what to do. It was a headache, hahaha ... "

With a few hums, the gentle Earl of Stormburgh laughed heartily and made the surrounding atmosphere more active.

Ayton Grenwell, Count of Fort Storm-if everything follows the original trajectory, he ... was the best person to become the Duke of Byrne.

Gentle and graceful, in the thirteen byers of Bain and even the sky dome, there are excellent criticisms, wrists and strength, which are trusted by the knights and the people.

In a sense, his existence is simply a template for "outstanding successors".

At the round-table council that decided where Baine belonged, if he wanted to, he definitely had a chance to become the Duke of Baine; but in the end, he chose to follow Charlotte ’s own wishes and gave himself a throne at his hand. .

This made Loren curious, but not so curious—if he did n’t really need it, he did n’t really mind giving up the Duke ’s position; as for what the “hidden contender” thought, it was a little bit more do not care.

As long as he is assured that he will not ... before at the end of it all, at least there is no chance to betray himself.

The dark-haired wizard thinking so did not turn his head back, silently looking at the approaching Boundary Mountain, and his indifferent expression was sharply captured by the Earl of Stormburg.

"You must be thinking, why is this Earl of Stormwind so uninteresting, knowing that the reason he was brought out is still deliberately brought up ... is it?"

The smiling Earl of Glenwell looked away, as if jokingly: "In that case, why not find a chance for him to have some surprises? The snow-bound mountains, planted in the Azores, are simply It couldn't be easier. "

Silent Loren looked sideways, and they looked at each other.

The Earl of Stormwind finally smiled.

"Don't worry, Duke-I did think so, but it's definitely not now." Count Glenwell calmly said: "Especially after seeing you, I am more convinced of my ideas."

"Maybe you are the second Black Duke, maybe not; but in this storm that has come, Byrne needs a commander, leader who is so determined and able to lead everyone ... not simply ' ruler'."

"Born people who were born with plenty of food and clothing are longing for glorious war death, not easy life-I gave the latter, but I couldn't give the former."

He looked seriously at the dark-haired wizard: "So I figured out that only people like you are suitable to be the Duke of Byrne; only you can let us die with value."

"It is more important than living to the Bayern."

This statement made Loren frown, looking at him with some suspicion.

"Do you really think so?"

"No, I always think that life is more important than everything." Glenwell shook his head very frankly: "But twelve of the 13 Earl of Byrne thought so, even those of us in Fort Storm, my relatives. I think so too. "

"Since this is the case, it doesn't matter what I think."

Because everyone thinks so, if you don't think so, you will look too different, and then be rejected?

This guy ... is too realistic.

"No, the opposite is true-even within a certain group, I still think that individual ideas need to be respected."

The Earl of Stormwind who saw Loren ’s thoughts chuckled and sighed slightly: “But if as a group there is no core idea, and the opinions cannot be agreed, it is impossible to form a respectable or even awesome force; This is true for counts like me. "

"Even the Black Duke-outsiders do not respect someone, but the power represented by the thirteen Baine tribes and the 100,000 Knights."

As he said, the two looked at the fortress of the Boundary Hill, which was already close by.

Of course, there is a team of cavalry who is approaching here and coming to meet.

Loren raised his right hand, and the walking Baine knights immediately leaped, standing motionless in the snow, letting the swallowtail flag hunt.

Sighing lightly, the dark-haired wizard walked alone to the familiar figure.

"Duke Byrne, we meet again."

The deputy commander and captain of the Cavalry Mountain Fortress, Ernest Drexis looked at the former wizard advisor with a very complicated expression, now the Lord of Byrne:

"On the order of His Majesty Connor, come to meet you and your army."

"Thank you for your enthusiasm and your Majesty's sincerity." Looking at the unnatural face, Loren smiled playfully: "However, this welcome ceremony is somewhat different from the last time I came Not very enthusiastic. "

Dracis Tietzin said: "You really laughed, Duke Loren."

"We have cleared all the Icefield Werewolf tribes around the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain in advance to ensure that there will not be any factors affecting the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain when the Azores are approaching-accidents like the last time will never happen again. The second time. "

"Really, that's a shame." The dark-haired wizard shrugged. "I had hoped that my knights would accumulate some experience of fighting in the snow and ice before confronting the elves ... it seems hopeless. . "

Dracis's expression was even more ugly.

"Where is the Azores marching now?"

Although Loren was very interested in the expression of the other person's face, the situation at the moment did not allow him to waste time: "They have been marching along the Boundary Mountain Range, really?"

"I'm afraid it's true." Dressis, who was tolerant and angry, said coldly: "According to the previous information, the third of the strongholds and outposts west of the Boundary Mountain Fortress have been destroyed, all All the rangers sent were silent. "

"In other words, the enemy has completed one-third of the most difficult journey-at most half of the time, the army of 40,000 Azore elves will appear outside the gate of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain!"

The expression of the dark-haired wizard changed.

When he last went to the Dragon King City, he knew how difficult the road of the glacier wasteland was; he could still maintain the speed of marching comparable to the cavalry when the wasteland was not supplied and the road was blocked by heavy snow ...

How did this group of Azores rely on two legs?

"Poly Grand Duchess Salika Jonah and the Hussars have arrived at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and are currently trying their best to cooperate with the fortress's rangers to investigate north, looking for the movement of the Azores.

Dressis's expression was solemn: "Your Majesty Connault suspects that the enemy's attack from the north may not only be for attracting attention and forcing the enemy to divide troops, but there may be other purposes."

"It is currently speculated that it is very likely to be related to the monsters in the north."

"Are there signs?"

"I've experienced two monster incursions in my life, and I haven't seen the so-called" signs "twice, Duke Loren." Dresis looked at him scorchingly:

"Do you know what I learned from it?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"It's very simple, there is only one-that is, whenever and wherever, whenever necessary, you must be fully prepared; even though it may seem unnecessary for a while, it will always be useful."

The deputy commander of the Jiejie Mountain Fortress, who had a determined look, suddenly approached a little: "In fact, every time when we thought we were prepared enough, we finally found that it was still far from enough."

"Our enemies will always be stronger than us, our enemies will always have no signs, and they will always appear when we have the least expectation and the least preparedness, and we will be approached to despair again and again."

"Why ... because their preparation and understanding of us is always better than ours!" Drexis said word by word:

"It is because of the naive idea of‘ should be enough ’that we have made great sacrifices over and over again in order to exchange for peace that did n’t need such a big price.”

The dark-haired wizard raised his head and stared at the fiery eyes.

He finally understood the meaning of the other party's words and why he was so dissatisfied with himself.

"Your Excellency Dresis, do you think that the strength of Byrne's troops is seriously insufficient?" Loren asked softly: "In your eyes, the army of five thousand knights and the sincerity of His Majesty Connold Does not match? "

"I think Byrne and you are far from clear about the significance of this battle."

"This is a decisive battle destined to determine the fate of half of the empire, and it is also about the majesty of His Majesty Connold. The first battle since his succession-victory or not, will determine where the war initiative will be in the next year In the hands of a party. "

Dressis snorted: "If you are really clear, you should be fully prepared to come again; at least it should be like Poi, command a strong army with sufficient reserve troops, not like the current area. Thousands ... "


At the next moment, a loud noise interrupted his words.

The familiar sound of thunder caused Dresis, who was surprised to look up, to suddenly raise his head, and saw the fluttering dragon suddenly appear under the blue dome.


There was another thunder ~ ~ The expansive earth suddenly rolled up a gust of wind, and the snow that covered the sky was flying in the sky.

The huge crimson figure suddenly fell behind the dark-haired wizard.

Looking at Dressis's surprising expression, the dark-haired wizard couldn't help but raise his mouth.

"As you can see, Your Excellency Drexis, Byrne attaches great importance to this upcoming Battle of the Boundary Mountains, so he hurried over without much preparation, but ..." , Pointing at the sky again:

The next second, a huge shadow appeared above Dracis' head, blocking the sun from the sky.

The "Clarion Fort" of the floating city descended on the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain.

"We Baien people always think that soldiers ... are precious, not too expensive."

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