Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 193: Expected

"How is it going?"

Looking at the sweaty, frowning little wizard who came out of the ward, Loren, who had just asked, felt that he had got the answer.

"Very bad-what I have to say, I'm not even sure if he ... is still alive."

Wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, Ain glanced unbearably at the door: "The void in his body reacted very strongly, and there was no sign of dispersal; even if it is temporarily eliminated, it will explode again after not long. come out.",

"What about trauma?"

"Almost nothing, just ..."

"But what?"

"It's nothing, but every time the Void reaction erupts, his body seems to be broken down at any time, and it is more vulnerable than the newborn baby; even just a light touch, the eyeballs will show signs of falling out of the eye sockets, The bones and muscles will be separated directly, and the internal organs seem to be eager to fall out of the body! "

The more the description is, the more excited the little wizard is. The blue eyes are full of colors of fear: "I tried to give him some soup to help quick recovery, but it was not useful at all-no matter what he was given. , Anything you drink will be completely rejected by his body! "

"Even if it is forced into the body with a funnel and a catheter, it will be wrapped in mucus and directly discharged from the mouth and nose! And ..."

"I know!"

Looking at Ayin's increasingly painful expression, Loren quickly interrupted and hugged her in her arms: "Then you don't have to worry about this matter again, I will find a way to deal with it."

"Sorry, I couldn't help you much ..." The little wizard with red eyes was lying tight on the shoulder of the black-haired wizard, sobbing a little more in his voice.

"It's okay, you've done your best ... No one can do better than you, even a Dalton mentor." Loren, who frowned, could only comfort as much as possible, patting her back: " Don't worry, just hand him over to me. "

After a few more persuasion, the little wizard who was near tearful eyes turned very reluctantly away.

Loren couldn't help but sigh.

Rescue a vowed knight ... It ’s not just him, it ’s unimaginable in almost everyone ’s eyes.

The knights who bear the oath of the Holy Cross "Oath" have the unparalleled power of ordinary people-in theory, as long as their consciousness has not completely collapsed and collapsed, they can return to the world from the edge of death again and again, and they are intact. .

Just like the one holding the "Chanxing" ... whether it was dismembered, cut in the waist, cut off his head, fell into the abyss of the ice cave, buried alive under the ruins of the dragon city ... still can stand up again and again, wielding his sword Kill all the enemies in front of him.

For those who rely on "belief", such things as healing ... are ridiculous and irrelevant.

The only thing that can hurt them in the true sense is the simplest power of the void, or the power from another evil god-the same example, the oath knight who was robbed of one arm.

Lymantes, "the deceased" ... and four evil gods lurking in the glacier wasteland, according to a young man, who have "it is particularly difficult to maintain their own existence".

It wasn't until Ain walked away that Dalton Kander slowly walked out of the door; the dull sky made his already expressionless face look very dark.

"I guess ... the situation is worse than Ain said?"

Dalton shook his head and walked to the side of the dark-haired wizard before slowly speaking, lowering his voice.

"If you still hold him back to life, or even just help him recover this idea ... give up."

Glancing at the tempting expression of Loren, Dalton looked gloomy: "He hasn't died yet, completely relying on the strange and extreme power of the void, holding his fragmented body together again and again-- Of course, it also made him the culprit of this look. "

"what do you mean……"

"The current situation of Knight Nazer is no different from the mutant human being eroded by the void; I don't know why there is no abnormality in his body, maybe it is related to the Holy Cross's" Oath "."

Dalton said coldly: "As far as the situation I see now, it is better to consider **** him than to consider how to save him-this is a hidden danger. It is difficult to say whether he will mutate in the next moment."

Loren raised an eyebrow: "But he is a vowed knight, or the church knight leader of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain."

"I know." Dalton nodded slightly.

Therefore, we must think of a great reason to kill him-the two of them are silent.

"The question now is, we have to figure out what happened when Captain Nazer and the cavalry were defeated."

After a moment of silence, Loren turned his gaze to his mentor: "Is there any way to keep him awake for a while-no more, just a few minutes."

"In the laboratory in the floating city, there is a manuscript of Master Corona during his lifetime, which is about his" backtracking "theory." Dalton said casually, obviously not intending to talk deeply: "Use this theory The completed magic circle will probably restore him to the state before the problem. "

"When will it take effect?"

"It has come into effect, he should just wake up now ..."

The next second, the stunned two looked back almost simultaneously-the void reaction in the room suddenly disappeared!

Without hesitation, Loren and Dalton rushed into the room, and then stood behind the door very "tacitly", staring at the figure on the bed.

The oldest church knight in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, "Shield of Defence" vows that Knight Naze ... is dead.

And he died in an extremely "funny" appearance.

He seemed to want to cut the throat with the knife left by the little wizard at the hospital bed, but the problem was that his body was recovering too fast, and the wound ripped by the blade had been restored to its original state before bleeding.

So he tried to poke the long needle and thin stick from the nasal cavity and the eyeball into the cranial cavity; but every time he succeeded, the recovered body expelled the long needle and thin stick from the body; so he could only try "without boredom" again and again Try again and again, again and again ...

Finally, at the moment when the power of the void that controlled the body was weakened by the magic circle, the thin stick that penetrated the cranial cavity was not discharged again, and was stuck in the nasal cavity.

As a result, the dead Nazer Knight looked like he was desperately pulling something out of his nose, but he forgot the "funny" look of a long needle piercing his eyes and a blade stuck in his neck.

His cramped muscles and tight-skinned skin made his expression look fierce, and his body was entangled like a boneless body.

At that moment, even the two people who had witnessed the death countless times, showed dignified expressions.

Not because of the appearance of death, but ...

What kind of pain, fear and despair should it take to make a "Knight of Oath" who believes in the Holy Cross die so desperately?

In the short silence, the two people could even hear each other's heartbeat.

No one noticed the rapid footsteps and shouts that sounded outside the door.

"Sir Loren, the Count of Ramalos, the heart of the lake, came the intelligence, they encountered in the ruins of the empire stronghold ..."

As the words did not fall, Grunwell, Earl of Stormburgh, who rushed into the door, stopped suddenly and his breath stopped, his trembling eyes fixed on the corpse on the bed, and the blood on his cheeks disappeared without a trace.

After a brief silence, his motionless body began to react violently; the pale count of Stormburgh was like a single arrow, holding his chest and leaning hard.


The strong smell spread in the ward.

It took nearly five minutes for Gurwell, Earl of Stormwind, who almost spit out all his bitterness, to breathe heavily, leaning against the wall and standing up, wiping his face pale and wiping the corners of his mouth.

"Sorry, Duke Loren and Lord Dalton, I ... really ..."

"It's okay, understandable." Loren interrupted him by raising his hand. "To tell the truth, what did they encounter in the ruins of the stronghold?"

"Iceland werewolf!" Earl Glenwell said in a deep voice:

"An icefield werewolf tribe of at least a thousand people, occupying the ruins of the stronghold of the empire, and there are still a lot of traces of enemy activity nearby-Earl Ramalos has sent a message that he has called for the cavalry on the left flank of Fort Clarion Request support!"

"There should be almost a thousand cavalry nearby, and armed reconnaissance is taking place nearby." Loren looked back sharply, looking at Dalton Kander behind him: "Recall them immediately and gather them, send a commander to support Lamar Los and Regrell. "

"Now the person in the fortress is the most suitable for Lusien-I'll go find it now and let him set off immediately!" Dalton nodded, and didn't hesitate to walk outside the door.

Watching Dalton walk away quickly, the dark-haired wizard turned his eyes to Earl Glenwell: "Deresis, the deputy commander of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, said that the icefield werewolf tribes north and south of the fortress should have been Was swept away. "

"Yes, but it is probably because of this. Those tribes in more remote areas will realize this and they will migrate on such a large scale." Glenwell's expression was also not very good-looking:

"Preliminarily predict that the icefield werewolf who is currently migrating and moving to the Blood Skull Valley is afraid ..."

"Not less than 10,000!"


"War ... about to begin."

On the desolate ice field, the elf warrior holding a long sword murmured to himself as if talking to himself.

Behind him, thousands of footsteps made a rustling sound in the deep snow, such as Lin's spear and flying triangular flag shaking, drifting and hunting in the cold wind.

The squeaky two-wheeled vehicle and four-wheeled vehicle rolled out a flat road in the snow, and the elf warriors carrying lances and sharp blades shoulder to shoulder, walking like a huge torrent in the wilderness Several rivers running side by side but never converging advance in the cold wind and snow.

The elf warrior gazes to his east-news from the Blood Skull Valley, the Empire's army has been dispatched, and a huge camp has been established in the Blood Skull Valley, and thousands of cavalry have been dispatched to control the area.

Judging from the flags and the warrior's clothing, the main force and leader of this army was the Duke of Byron, Loren Turin, who had blocked the Azores' army for thirty days under the city of Ebden.

The Emperor of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain cut his own arm, and the most important help was contained in this meaningless wasteland, and cleared the road for the army of the Azores Elves-in short, it was when they reached the Boundary Before the mountain fortress, they will never encounter any attacks from the direction of the empire.

This is really good news.

"Adult, I don't understand."

Behind the elf warrior, Alexandra, who had just "escaped" from the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, pursed her lips tightly, his tone slightly fluctuating.

After leaving the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the embarrassed female elf warrior traveled in a snowy wilderness for two days and two nights, and was almost frozen to death before he was discovered by the elf warrior who had retreated and took her.

As for the fact that she was actually a bait released by the empire, of course, Alexandra would not say ... She is also sure that she successfully got rid of the two demon hunters sent by Lucien-at least in Before he was in a coma, there was no sign of anyone following him.

Using the information from Lusien ’s mouth and observing himself, Alexandra also successfully won the trusted trust of the eagle king; but after the other party confirmed that he had given the message, he made surprises. The diametrically opposite decision.

"Why did you choose to avoid the battle after the Empire established the Blood Skull Valley camp, but instead drove the icefield werewolves to harass them and turned to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain to continue to march?"

After speaking, the female elf warrior no longer suppresses her doubts: "If we can't attack the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain in one fell swoop, wouldn't we still encounter the situation of back enemies?"

Facing Alexandra's question, the elf warrior did not give a positive answer, but instead gave her a meaningful look.

"Because this is war."

Alexandra lowered her head, but apparently was not convinced.

"The key to war is not to be disturbed by the enemy's actions to interfere with our plans-not to mention, our enemies are now almost completely following the arrangements we have booked ~ ~ every step ... As expected by His Majesty the Eagle King. "

"They are trying to find our tracks, trying to make us self-destructive in the ice field, trying to know what we are doing, trying to destroy our plans ..." The elf warrior smiled slightly, staring at Alexandra's doubtful face:

"Yes, Your Excellency Chief Deputy Chief of the Court, even your bait released by the enemy ... is also expected by His Majesty."

Ok? !

The shocked female elf warrior shook her head, and dropped her head, kneeling down on the ground: "I'm terribly sorry, but the bait was indeed deliberately released by the enemy, but never betrayed your majesty! At the time of helping out, the enemy's spies have been thoroughly ...

"Don't be nervous, haven't I already said that, Chief Deputy Officer."

The face of the elf warrior is full of mysterious smiles:

"Everything ... as expected by His Majesty."

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