Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 195: News

Lucien didn't hide anything from the two counts, Ramallos and Regrel, and the battle was over when the red dragon Grum appeared.

The anger from the dragon completely awakened the instinctive fear of the icefield wolf people-no matter how sharp their claws and fangs, no matter how vicious and bloodthirsty they are, they are even fearless to die; in the face of a hundred meters above the head When the huge beasts of the ruler are, their fangs are claws, bloodthirsty and fierce ...

It's just a joke that isn't very funny.

Although the desolate ice field seems to be very flat, it is actually composed of large and small peaks, cliffs and glaciers. The raised hills form a natural "battlefield boundary", and also "lock" the scattered icefield wolves. In this "wilderness" that looks very open.

It doesn't even need to be too deliberate. Crimson dragon Grum only needs to surround the hills on the edge of the battlefield and spit out the dragon blaze continuously, which can turn all the icefield werewolves with skins that try to escape into a torch.

The blazing fire, accompanied by the thunderous dragon roar, turned the world of ice and snow into a sea of ​​fire.

It wasn't until the flames engulfed the entire battlefield that the slightly tired Crimson Dragon spread its wings, "satisfied" flew away from the battlefield, and disappeared into the sky of snow with countless lights.

On the hillside, the Bayern knights who watched this "natural disaster" slaughter, remained silent in place, waiting for the flames to disperse.

They waited for an hour, four quarters of an hour-the flames that swept the entire battlefield before finally showing signs of fading.

"It's too exaggerated ... no matter how many times I watch it, every time when the dragon appears, it's this sentence in my mind, it's really too exaggerated."

The gloomy White Horse Peak Earl Regrell squeezed the corners of his mouth tightly, breathing tremblingly with the cold wind mixed with ashes: "That's tens of thousands of icefield werewolves-even tens of thousands of animals, kill The last three days and three nights will not be killed. "

"In front of that big beast, it was just a matter of face-to-face!"

"Otherwise, why do you think that the villagers of Sacran became the emperor of the empire?" Lan Malos, the Earl of Lake City, didn't care much, and stretched his arms sorely lazily:

"Besides, without these big beasts, how many people would we have to die to defeat the monsters invaded by the North again and again? With them, the morale of the army can be improved a lot."

"Yes, but only if they are on our side." Regrel retorted: "If one day, the dragon's claws and dragon blaze on our heads, what should we do when it comes to Byrne? "

"What are you talking about? There are special laws in the empire-during the civil war, there can be no dragons participating in the war; this is all 13 generations, not to mention how many dragons are left in the Dessarian family? "

"The law of the empire ... yes, but only if we obediently obey, and not violate the order of the Sky Vault-even the Black Duke." Count Bai Mafeng's face grew darker and his lips closed tightly:

"Even if it is the Black Duke, in the end, he will bear all the blame on himself and give the credit to the emperor; just because they are emperors, because they have dragons!"

"Not necessarily." Ramallos shook his head with a disapproving expression: "Is the Black Duke for the mad dragon queen-as a knight, taking all responsibilities and protecting her own woman is not what she deserves?"

"I'm not talking about this!" Count Baimafeng interrupted him impatiently: "Think about it, as long as there are dragons, the empire will always have the power to suppress Bayern and even any principality!"

"Yes, the current emperor is not bad, but in history Des Lyon's family has not been unconscious! What will happen then, even if we can defeat the army of the empire, the dragon will still burn our hometown and territory ash!"

"These of us ... proud Bayern knights ... nobles ... have no power to resist!"

Ramallos' expression finally became more dignified.

Indeed ... the terrible feeling of powerlessness and fear in the face of the dragon is enough to shame the most proud of the knights-war horses, armor, spears and even big swords. It has no meaning for this terrible wild beast. , This is no longer the same level of battle.

The fact that the other party can fly up determines that the two sides are not on the same level and can "fight fairly".

"But that's all a thing of the past, isn't it?" Ramallos smiled, looking at the gloomy Regrel: "Duke Duke and the dragon of Jufeng Mountain have an agreement, and the wizard of the Red Blood Castle made Going to the floating city-I heard that there is another weapon that can shoot far away like a stone thrower. Don't you have to be afraid of these big beasts? "

Regrel rolled his eyes and said he was completely desperate for this chivalrous guy.

"It's okay, it's not too early, it's time for us to play!" Heimahe happily flapped the shoulder of Count Baimafeng, and Ramallos waved to the Bane knights behind him:

"Those who still want to make war achievements, follow me rushing-can't let the limelight be snatched away by that big beast!"

Before the words fell, the Earl of Heart of the Lake City, who had made a fortune, had rushed out of the queue and ran towards the messy battlefield.

The knights around also screamed with excitement, and followed the figure of the horse galloping into the fiery battlefield.

Screaming and waving a long sabre, Ranmaros with a look of excitement ran away toward the two werewolves who had found him.


The trembling right arm showed a burst of explosive power, dragging the saber across the blood in a **** arc-directly slashing the head of the ice field werewolf.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Ramallos, who was almost already standing on horseback, laughed excitedly, and the spewing plasma stained his vision, and also flowed into his mouth, letting the cavalry commander's bloodline swell.

In less than a minute, he had completely rushed into the sea of ​​fire, and the nearest Bayern knight was four or five horses away from him; just like the arrow from the string, in the chaotic icefield werewolves. Breakthrough, wanton beheading.

In the face of an icefield werewolf that became completely deserted and only known to escape, the flexible cavalry showed "inefficiency" that the infantry could never match.

Go with a single blow, go away long, and never drag the mud and water; crossbow arrows, flag guns, sabers, swords-when the perfect combination of power, impact, and long-range projection, slaughter a group of enemies who know little to resist ...

It's not too easy.


As he did not know how many times he slashed, finally the overwhelmed saber ripped open the flesh, and the upper half of the blade was stuck in the neck bone of the ice werewolf.

"What's so special ..." Ramalos hadn't even screamed before, and across the icefield werewolf who was covered with fire, he had snarled and rushed towards him.

Without thinking for a second, the half of the blade was thrown straight by him, right in front of the werewolf's face.

"Aoao Aohao !!!!!!"

The wailing Icefield werewolf head twitched up like a twitch, but the flaming body had jumped up.


Although Ramallos had evaded as much as possible, the response of the mount was still half a step away-the impact of the snow splashing, he even led the horse to the right and fell out.

"Lamarros— ?!"

Not far away came the exclamation of Earl Baimafeng.

"Not dead!"

As he crawled out of the dead horse, the embarrassed Earl of Huxin City scolded: "It's a big loss, what a big loss ... This good guy cost me a lot of money, if the Duke doesn't pay ... … "


A dark shadow flashed, and Ramalos, who had not gotten up, was slammed into the air and rolled in the snow until he stopped before a burning "bonfire".

Well, if those burnt, piled corpses can also be called "firewood" ...


Ramallus, who had turned his internal organs over the river, struggled to get up, and a spit of black blood mixed with messy vomit spewed out directly.

At that moment, the armor of the right arm was almost completely broken, and the breastplate was completely deformed, as if the chest was deeply buried in a large piece.

"Master Lanmaros!"

Several knights saw the situation here and waved their sabers and flag guns.

"Go, do your own!" Rammalos, who gritted his teeth, scolded and picked up a spear from the ground, aiming at the icefield werewolf rushing towards him.

"it is mine!"

Having said that, the pain in his mouth twitched, and he did not forget to grin at the ice werewolf opposite him.

"Aoao Aoao--!"

The roaring beast had no good intentions at all, and the four claws rushed to Ramallos, and the rapidly approaching figure blocked off all the possibilities that he could dodge.

But ... who said he would hide?


The spear that was thrust hard was flashed away by the werewolf, but the sprinted icefield werewolf was also empty.

Appearing in front of it was the blazing bonfire just behind Ramallos!


At the moment when the werewolf stopped, Ramalos, who turned and moved, once again punctured the spear in his hand-this time, in the middle of the chest!

The horrified werewolf desperately tried to bite at Ramallos, but was blocked by a gun in his chest two meters away.

Rammalos, with trembling arms, clenched the barrel of his gun, and pushed the werewolf into the fire little by little.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Ramallos was tight all over, his heartbroken and roaring roaring; the icefield werewolf on the opposite side was also desperately pushing him back, ignoring the blood flow.


In an instant, the gun was broken!

Seizing the opportunity, Ramallos did not hesitate and flew directly into the swaying icefield werewolf, hitting it into the campfire.

This "power showdown" ended with one of the parties becoming coke.

The Bayern knights who had just tightened their nerves also began to cheer loudly-this one-on-one duel fighting method is most respected by the Bayern people.

Looking at Lamarros, who was lying in the snow and breathing heavily, Regal, Earl of the White Horse Peak, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a smile on his gloomy face.

But just in a blink of an eye, his expression became dignified again.

When he talked to the guy about the dragon just now, Ramaloth's seemingly unintentional words made him more alert.

Lord Duke and the dragon of Jufeng Mountain had an agreement, the wizards of Red Blood Fort had created a floating city, and there was a brand new, powerful alchemy weapon.

Yes, these sound very good; it is foreseeable that the future Byrne no longer needs to fear the threat from the Sky Dome; after this battle that determines the fate of the world, Byrne is destined to be under the leadership of the new Duke, one day Richer, stronger and more glorious than a day ...

But what about them ... what about the future of Byr Knight and the traditional thirteen-leading nobles?

In the face of powerful monsters, giant beasts and evil spirits, the invincible knights used to be incapable of comparing with alchemy weapons and dragons ... even reduced to cleaning the battlefield and chasing the existence of the enemy.

The knights of the past, but can decide the battle strength on the battlefield!

He saw everything about the actions of Duke Loren Turin. He also believed that he had his own plan for the future of Byrne in the heart of the Duke, and he must hope to bring Byrne to the light. Future.

It is now foreseeable that such a future may belong to wizards, perhaps merchants, or those who support the development of everything related to "magic" and "trade".

More commodities, better weapons and armor, and a more comfortable life-even in Baimafeng, his territory, many nobles have made a fortune by relying on land and doing business.

But all of this has something to do with the nobility, and these bright futures do not say "what must be the nobility".

What kind of place does the traditional 13-leading nobles have in the future planned by the Duke?

Whether it still retains its past position, or is it gradually rejected and turned into a irrelevant, worm that has been reared like an imperial noble?

Whenever he thought of it, Regrel felt his body tremble uncontrollably.

He was not worried that Loren wanted to be an enemy of the thirteen-leading nobles, but he was afraid that in the eyes of the Duke, these "nobles" were already irrelevant, but there was no need for a group of people. !

Regrel frowned-as far as he knew, although the dragon and the Duke reached some kind of agreement, it was not completely affected by the Duke trend or the existence of affiliation, more similar to "all by themselves" allies.

Such a guy, how did the Duke make him come voluntarily to solve such an "irrelevant" battle for Byrne?

Is it possible ...

"Yes, everyone ... there is no slight error between the facts and the guesses you just had in mind."

Faced with different looks, even faintly frightened, excited mixed with a little unprepared unexpected expression, Loren used the smoothest tone, facing the generals, wizards, friends, teachers and teachers in front of him Comrades said in a deep voice:

"According to the news that Crimson Dragon Grum brought back from the northern ice sheet, I am afraid to tell you ..."

"The invasion of monsters has already begun."

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