Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 208: You are lucky


The cast iron body of the evil-looking apostle Quergo suddenly shook, and his murderous two-handed axe swept across, straight to Lucan's neck.

In the flash of light and stone fire, the gray pupil who was too late to dodge can only parry with his backhand; but the huge force from the weapon made him unable to relieve his force, and the whole person was smashed and flew out like a stone cannon.


Falling down on the snow where the flames were not burned, Lucien smashed a large amount of dust; Quegor's indifferent eyes didn't even hesitate, and the battle axe held high above his head had fallen again.


Looking at the axe blade that fell deep into the ground, Lucan's heart that flickered out of luck fluctuated more than once-the fear of life and death at that moment almost reminded him of the battle with the dragon knight in the Dragon King City almost years ago .

Damn, why am I still distracted? !

While scolding himself in a self-deprecating manner, Lusien desperately stabs his tomahawk; two short swords are pressed against the long handle of the tomahawk at the same time, swaying the enemy's attack.

Lucien, who seized the opportunity, almost rushed into the three steps of the evil spirit apostle like a suicide charge; the two handles edged in one after the other, forcing them to the dead corner of the other body from different angles.

But ... this is just bait.

The evil **** apostle suddenly withdrew, his right arm shook, and the long handle of the battle axe jerked backwards.


The excitement of Jin Ge's intersection sounded-just before the barb-shaped axe blade was about to cut Lu Sien, he was stopped by the suddenly cut short sword.

Resisting the pain in his right arm that seemed to be torn, Lucien thrust the "Dragon Knight's Gun" in his left hand straight.


The sharp blade only left a shallow white mark on the neck of the evil apostle, and even the skin could not be torn.

The gray pupil who hit the sky immediately counterattacked and defended, dodge to the right to avoid the knee strike that was approaching himself ... So, he could not see the long handle of the opponent's tomahawk suddenly changed direction.


The splash of blood was mixed with a muffled noise, and Lucien's temple was heavily beaten with white in his mind, and his body vacated into the air.

The foot of the Apostle of Evil God lifted up firmly, stepped on his back, and kicked violently.


The gray pupil fell to the ground in agony, and the whole body shivered uncontrollably; the severe pain from behind ... as if the spine had broken.

It was too late to think about it at the same time-while the right-handed dagger was raised, the opponent's long-handed tomahawk had also been heavily smashed.


The blade that intersects the battle axe ripped a spark, and finally managed to deflect the opponent's attack away; Lucien, who seized the opportunity, threw at the opponent's door without hesitation, and the left hand dagger took advantage of the situation.

Sure enough ... In the face of an attack approaching within three steps, the opponent's body still maintained a certain "combat instinct"-while evading to the side, an elbow hit the forearm of the gray pupil.

Almost at the same moment, the stab dagger suddenly held inward with his backhand; Lucien, who had escaped from the elbow, escaped over the head of the evil apostle, and stably landed.

The positions of the two figures were re-exchanged, and the distance was ten steps away.

Somehow, the opponent did not rush to attack, but stood on the spot and looked at him coldly.

"Hoo ... Huo ... Huo ..."

Cold and sweating, Lussene was pale, and his body stood tall and trembling; a trace of blood ran across his right eye from the temple, and dripped wetly to the ground.

The forearm was almost numb, and the lower back was so painful that it was about to break off. The muscles all over the body were trembling under the pain of severe pain.

It's too embarrassing ... it's really too embarrassing.

After the battle of the Great Green Sea, it seems that I have not been so embarrassed for a long time.

The moment the blade collided, Lucien even had a dangerous hunch that he was "dead."

If you go on like this, I'm afraid ...

Suddenly, the shriek of ice crackling sounded, and hundreds of carrion demons roared from behind to the figure of the gray pupil.

"Cover Lucien—!"

Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, roared, pulled out the sword and rushed out of the low wall in front of the line of defense: "cover him, form an array into the palace, and the two-wing array will block the dross, rush-!"

"Offensive, long live the Empire —————— !!!!!!"

In a uniform shout, the two empire commanders took the lead in raising the Iron Crown Banner and rushed out with the figure of the Count of Fury.

The messy trumpet sounded all around, and the soldiers of the regiment hurriedly formed two groups of phalanxes and rushed out of the defensive position before they were ready.

In the **** fighting field, the legionnaires rushing to the first row were almost without exception torn to pieces by the rotting corpse demons, screaming that the war halberd penetrated the monster's body, and they stopped the enemy's attack. Momentum.

Stepping on the bones of the front row of robes, the defending soldiers who followed immediately finally formed a relatively strong shield wall, and picked up the battle flag from the palm flag officer who was torn alive; the two palms that were cut off, Still firmly on the flagpole can not break.

"Cover Captain Lucien—!"

There was another cry-the Bayern knights and demon hunters, who were almost out of sight, launched the charge directly from the hillside; because of the high terrain, many knights simply dismounted and walked into the war; forming a thick multi-row charge cone , Like a spear, pierced into the army of carrion demons.

Under the horse's hoof, the chaotic carrion demons were directly shattered into a mass, just like a collapsed wall that collapsed and shattered in front of the cavalry charge. The ice-like "corpse" even prevented many knights from standing still, and even led the horse to fall off the cliff.

Because even the goal of taking the horse with the horse is too large, the knights who are more advanced in the charge are almost not spared. Even if the horse is killed, the knight who fell the horse is often pressed under the horse, or bitten by the carrion demons There is no room for resistance.

But they were really too late ... As a knight, the pride also prevented them from throwing their mounts away, allowing their closest comrade-in-arms to survive alone on the battlefield, so they could only embark on the road of "living together and dying together."

In any case, the attack of the Corpse Demon Army was blocked by the shield wall, and the offensive was also stopped by the cavalry's decisive charge; the demon hunters who had obtained the opportunity immediately turned over and dismounted, forming a thin front in front of the shield wall, and began to block the already A mess of carrion demons.

To deal with "monsters", they are the real "experts"!

But no matter how the two sides fight, they always maintain a certain range in the center, not to interfere with the "battle" that belongs to Lucien-not to say that they do n’t want to, but Eckert and the demon hunters know that they do n’t help Busy.

It was ... almost instinctive fear, and would rather face thousands of carrion demons than dare to fight the figure head-on, even without the courage to swarm and drown him.

It seems to be a living dragon, standing in front of himself as a human figure; even if it is concealed, the kind of eyes that look like ants are all gutting.

"You are very brave."

Slightly stunned Lucien raised his eyebrows in a daze.

"I have fought many running dogs of Holy Cross, there are many powerful warriors, but ..."

Indifferent voice, but there is a hint of curiosity in the voice of the evil apostle: "You are the first, there is no fear of me-as if fighting with me, it is just something that is rarely worth mentioning. "

"So ... you have fought against other evil **** apostles, have you?"

Evil God Apostle Quergo raised his long-handed battle axe with one arm, and aimed the axe blade at Lucien.

Evil God Apostle? fighting?

Lucien unconsciously raised his mouth.

"Funny?" The **** apostle Quigo frowned.

"No, it's not funny at all." With a cold snort, the gray pupil raised his gaze: "It's just that you are right ... I finally understand why I was almost killed by you, but I didn't feel any fear at all. Reason. "

"Because a guy like you can no longer make me feel any fear!"

"is it?"

The voice of the apostle Quigo was very low:

"You ... human ... very arrogant."

As if it was a tacit understanding, both sides pounced on each other at the same time, leaving two afterimages between the splashing snowflakes and dust.


The moment the sharp blade collided, the two swords that fought against the axe rubbed a string of sparks on the axe blade; after the intersection, the three afterimages collided several times in a row, and then separated.

The opponent's strength and physical strength completely suppressed himself ... Although Lucien had expected this, he never expected that he could only leave a scratch on the neck with a stab.

That's right, he can be sure that it was not a spur at the moment, but his strength was not enough to leave even a little wound on the other person's body!

Naked, but wearing iron armor and invulnerability ... Is this the power of the "tyrant" apostle?

If this is the case, then I can only fight for the speed with him and respond.


The sharp blades continue to intersect and collide ... Although the "Dragon Knight's Gun" is definitely strong enough as a Mithril weapon, the Lucien who manipulates it is a genuine physical body, and the continuous shock and terrible force have made him There was a burst of wailing from his arm bones.

You must ... use a more flexible fighting style.

But if that's the case, you must use Asriel's power ... I promised Isaac and Lord Loren, I will never use his power again.

How to do?


There was a loud sound, and the suddenly raised tomahawk swung open the split short sword; just at the moment Lusien thought he was about to be hit by an axe, the evil **** apostle Quigo aimed the long tail at his front door, and then Poke hard.


Despite his best efforts to evade, the long handle was still drawn from the side of the cheek, almost headshot.

The gray pupil who lost his balance fell to the ground, rolled over several times before stopping, and supported his body with his dagger.

"It turns out so."

The surprised evil **** apostle Quigo, the white pupils with white beard hair showed a somewhat clear look: "No wonder you did not feel the slightest fear ... I thought you were a running dog of the Holy Cross, I did not expect ..."

"That's what happened!"

Lu Sien, who gritted his teeth, quickly stolen the words of the apostle of the evil god, glanced nervously at the eyes and was still fighting with the monsters to protect his robe:

"It's ... this is the same thing!"

The evil **** apostle smiled.

"Human ... are you afraid?"

"There's nothing to fear." Lussin said coldly, staring nervously at him: "It's just that it's not necessary now ... When I don't need it anymore, I will naturally clarify to everyone and let them decide me Right or wrong. "

"Now what I have to do ... only kill you."

"Is it?"

The voice did not fall, and the apostle Quigo suddenly burst out, raising the battle axe with one hand and rushing at him like a beast.


In the moment when the right-handed dagger fought, Lucien ’s double pupils had changed from silver to gray-blue; the daggers fought against the axe followed the long handle like a viper, waving to the neck of the evil apostle, and the body had jumped up .


The sword body was swayed by the long handle, but the sharp blade of the left hand had also got the gap needed; by the power of turning around, the backhand pierced the left rib of the apostle of the evil god.

In the light of stone and fire, the evil apostle avoided a fatal blow, and the tomahawk's axe also blocked a sword on the right side of the door, and even the head hammer that Lucien struggled to use was also used by him. The head hammer went back.


At the moment of landing, the gray pupil with his hands raised barely supported the split tomahawk, the bruised forehead oozed blood, and painted the bridge of the nose red.

"Human ... great."

The evil apostle spoke lightly.

"You're welcome." Lucien said coldly.

"But ... you don't think this monster invaded, only me?"

Ok? !

Luisen's eyes widened suddenly.

"Yes, as you think ... another guy who is more cruel than me, has arrived at your other position with tens of thousands of carrion demons. I am afraid that it is a wanton killing now? "

Looking at the gray pupil of the pupil with a sudden contraction, the evil **** apostle Quigo said lightly: "With you, your robes are lucky; but unfortunately you have only one; only by those vowed knights, it is not enough to block his……"


Suddenly the sound of laughter made the Apostle of Evil God frown slightly; when he lowered his eyes, Lucien couldn't help laughing like this:

"Pooh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

The lively laughter ~ ~ is not just an enemy, even the surrounding defenders can't help but look back and glance at the gray pupil who looks like a silly boy.

"It turned out to be the case, so that the eastern defensive position is in your eyes the weakest link of the defenders-then I will unfortunately tell you, you guessed it!"

"The defensive position in charge of me in the west is the weakest link in the whole Blood Skull Valley!" The excited Lucien, with a smile on his face:

"You are really lucky to decide to attack the west position!"

In the moment of laughter, the gray pupil's double swords swayed the tomahawk of the tyrannical apostle Quigo, and in a posture resembling the warrior of the Azore elf, raised his short sword with both hands.

"So in order to reward you, let me show you another" good thing "..."

"For example, it belongs to me ... the samurai way!"

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