Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 221: Echoes in the void

"Yes, we finally met."

Changed the dignified look just now, the eagle king's slightly raised corner of the mouth carried some light clouds.

But the long knife in his hand didn't stop. The sharp blade was like a Qingquan swaying in the air, calmly deflecting the blazing "dawn" sword to the side.

The huge impact from his arm forced him to retreat. On the right side of his cheek, the blazing flame left a thin red line.

The moment the flames dissipated, the black wizard with inertial momentum jumped up, and the left hand wearing the "caster" smashed the blue rune in the palm of his hand, and the gray-blue tattoo immediately appeared under his eyes.

Higher order spells, beyond perception.

The next second, Loren leaping into the air raised the "Dawn" sword with one hand above his head, and then fell sharply.


The excitement of metal collision exploded in the cold wind.

The sharp Azore's long knife stabbed from halfway, and was firmly stopped at the rear end of the "Dawn" sword near the center. The sharp blade exuding the coldness was blocked by the eagle king.

At the moment when the collision sound cracked in the ear, another gray-blue swordmand had been killed from the center of the two sharp blades; the eagle king was almost instinctively sideways, and he was able to escape his headshot. beam.

Despite this, the stabbing swordmans took away a long strand of hair from his temples; the flowing hair was scattered in the air; it was crushed by the tyrannical force.

The eagle king who escaped the disaster did not stop, and the long sword that held the big sword dragged the fire light on the blade, and quickly waved to the black wizard with the smart pace.


The great sword that had lost its "support point" fell to the ground, and the dusty snow splattered up; at the moment when it was enveloped by the flying snow, the sharp cold light crossed a cold shadow and continued to expand in Loren's dark vision.

The bright silver in Loren's left hand suddenly dissipated the swordmans, and then stood upright, and the gray-blue light spewed out again, snatching the cold mang before he was beheaded.

not good!

The expression of the eagle king suddenly changed ... At the moment when the attack was blocked, he had seen the big sword dragged by the right hand of the black-haired wizard turned around and turned quickly around the two.

The tip of the sword crossed the snow, wrapped in a blizzard of flying snow, and slashed straight at him.


The eagle king, who had no time to think, could only turn around to block, and the result was that he was smashed and flew out without a surprise by the "Dawn" sword.

But this is not over yet!

The dignified-looking Loren suddenly raised his sword with both hands, and pointed the sword to the eagle king in the sky. Between the blizzards, the heavy Mithril Blade suddenly groaned.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.

The next second, the air wave compressed within the sword body spewed out from the tip of the sword.


The loud noise of the explosion kept shaking in the air.

Snow falls, and the eagle king, who has landed steadily from the air, stares at the figure of the black-haired wizard with extremely amazed eyes-as far as he knows, the person in front of him was almost killed from the top of the mountain all the way Carrion Devil does not have eight hundred but also one thousand.

That being the case, how can he still use the power of the void so recklessly? Isn't he worried that his mental power will be squeezed out to nothing, eroded and twisted into a monster? !

But the Eagle King didn't have time to think about it, because the dark-haired wizard had rushed at him again-the vigorous "Dawn" sword, with the shadow-like figure, appeared in front of him without warning!


In the face of this unassuming, vigorous and fierce hack, all flexibility and skill are already a joke; the slightest difference can separate one side from the other.

What surprised the King of Eagles most was that Loren Turin in front of him could still maintain the speed and response comparable to himself even if he dragged such a heavy sword, and could not see any "tired" sign.

He even has a touch, that the other party seems to be faster than before.

Otherwise, why is it always suppressed, and has to step back and dodge in the step-by-step pressing ... is it yourself? !


There was another excitement, and the force from the edge of the blade made the Eagle King even have an impulse to crush his arm; the unbearable pain caused him to frown slightly and slammed into Loren's left hand. "Bright silver".

But at the moment when the sword and the sword mangle touched, the eagle king immediately noticed that he had made the same mistake as before-the other party's attack was not one left and one right. Left and right defense, but independent of each other.

In the moment when he blocked the sword, he meant that the big sword of the black-haired wizard's right hand once again had a gap between attacks.


Kangkan escaped the shadow of the roaring sword. When the big sword fell, the eagle king could even feel that there was only a slight difference between him and death.

The splashing snowflakes and the vibrations under his feet made his body's balance slightly out of balance; if it is usually nothing, but in such a fierce fight, it is a fatal flaw.

The black-haired wizard has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The gray-blue swordmand spewed out from the bright silver swordpoint, straight to the door; the eagle king with a sudden change of expression immediately raised his hand to parry, and the narrow blade met the waving swordmand.

Not good, in this case, the long sword in the opponent's right hand can ...

Feeling the cold wind curled up on his side, the forcibly stable King Eagle immediately dodges to the left-from the perspective of the two, Loren can only slash from his right side, otherwise it will be with his left hand The weapons collided.

But this time, what he waited for was not the "dawn" sword that was falling head-on.

The eagle king, whose pupils contracted suddenly, saw that the dark-haired wizard suddenly let go of the "bright silver" short sword in his left hand, and let the parrying long knife pierce his shoulder.


Sophisticated armor is in front of the Azor's long sword forged by Mithril, which is no different from white paper; but this means that unless the Eagle King releases the handle in his hand, the two will not be able to separate.

And Loren's left hand, which threw away the short sword, had reached the front of the eagle king; the next second, the unavoidable eagle king was blocked from view, and his eyes were dark.


The body shuddered violently, and a cold touch penetrated from the skin to the neck; at that moment, the eagle king felt that there seemed to be a constant overflow in his body, and breathing seemed to have become extremely difficult.


The expressionless Loren pulled the sleeved sword from the neck of the eagle king, his right hand raised the sword, and aimed it down at the eagle king's chest.

"Turin ... Fire!"


The burst of fire devoured everything.

The dark-haired wizard standing next to the flames gasped for a long time, supporting his body against the "dawn" sword, and his shoulders ripped open by the long knife were shaking slightly.

Despite this, he has not relaxed at all, his dark pupil staring at the fire in front of him.

Because the eagle king ... is still alive.

Obviously, he has torn his neck, penetrated his chest, and was burnt to ashes by flames ... but his void reaction still exists.

And there is no sign of diminishing and weakening!

"It's ... a very rude guy, cough cough cough."

The voice of Yun Danfeng's light sounded from the flames, and the eagle king wrapped in fire slowly stood up, raised his right hand and gently wiped the blood from the neck, and took a calm gesture.

"Although I guessed that the first meeting between the two of us might not be so‘ friendly ', it turned out like this in the end ... It really surprised me a bit. "

"I admit, Lord Loren Turin, I really underestimated you-the strength you have shown is enough to win you the respect of a king, the eagle king of the Azores!"

The eagle king standing in the flames looked at him with a bland smile and a faceless Loren, as if silently mocking the first round of victory he had just won on his life.

The opponent's power of the void has become so large that even burning it to ashes will not cause him even a trace of damage; the "Fire of Turin" completed by the power of the void has no meaning to him.

Because the power of the eagle king's void can completely suppress Loren, even if it is close, all explosions and temperatures of the fire of Turin cannot hurt him a cold hair.

This ... is absolute suppression at the level!

At this moment, the roaring iron ride broke the confrontation between the two.

"For the empire, rush--!"

Along with the loud noise of the trembling ground, the cavalrymen who followed followed finally tore through the layers of carrion demons and rushed down the hillside, rushing from behind Loren.

Ramaloth, the Earl of the Heart of the Lake City, had already taken the Bayern Knights one step ahead, and almost could not wait to charge the Eagle King in front of the black wizard.

"Vertical flag! Raise a gun! Our enemy is in front of us, only him; kill him, we are the savior of the whole empire-rush, for honor!"

Looking at the surging figure, the eagle king did not look scared at all, and the slightly raised corner of his mouth was still a bit cold.

The dark-haired wizard frowned slightly.

Why is he not afraid at all?

Thousands of cavalry ... maybe it ’s really impossible to kill an evil spirit completely, but as long as he can suppress it, there is no problem if he wants to capture alive-he ca n’t do this without knowing it, otherwise why would he just let the carrion demons desperate stop?


"Duke— ?!"

The surprise cry of the Earl of Lake City came from a distance.

"Blow the trumpet, everyone stops at the same place, don't continue to approach anymore!" Staring at the opposite Azore Elf who was also looking at him, the playful smile made Loren hairy:

"Warning the army of monsters behind you, everyone is not allowed to take a half step, understand?"


Although he didn't really understand why Loren wanted to do this, Ramalos still carried out the order unwaveringly, and stopped the knight who was planning to rush up, and stopped the offensive momentum.

It must be said that the two counts, Ramallos and Regrel, were much better cavalry generals than Loren; the cavalrymen in the rear did not attack immediately after rushing down the slope, but immediately rectified the spot immediately after the breakout. The scattered cavalry assembled.

This gave Loren enough time.

A minute later, the loud horn sound echoed down the valley. The cavalry who rolled down the hillside like a torrent of water stopped at the same place and began to spread out to maintain vigilance; the rushing horseshoes constantly rolled up a burst of snow in the valley, surrounding the two in the center.

Loren finally relieved a little.

"Interesting decision."

The eagle king still has that cloudless expression: "If I were you, I would n’t do it-as many as thousands of cavalry, as long as they rushed straight over; even me, except for avoiding the edge I am afraid there is no second choice. "

"That's right, because I thought the same way at first." The black-haired wizard looked at him and slowly said:

"But I regret it."

"Oh why?"

"Because of you, His Majesty the Eagle King." The dark-haired wizard stared at him coldly: "I don't think a guy like you is worth my soldiers' sacrifice too much, and it's not worth letting them die in vain."

"It is enough for me to deal with you. You lick the old debris of the evil god."

The atmosphere was once cold.

The stunned eagle king froze for five seconds, then suddenly laughed like he couldn't help it anymore.

"Interesting ... If you were so vulgar or savage from the beginning, I would probably think that you are an uneducated enemy who does not know how to respect your opponent; but you are not, you are crazy but cautious enough, bold but very calm, so ..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not old enough to be stimulated by the radical method. This trick may be useful for my sons."

"..." Loren twitched at the corner of his mouth, unable to help clenching his fists.

This is a guy similar to the self-proclaimed "Ying Ting Chief" elf warrior Middlel when he was in Wuyue Court.

But the Eagle King did not notice the change in Loren ’s expression, or deliberately ignored this point: "I know that in the battle of Ebden, you should have met with my little son Rodria, so you may have been right The Azores have a full understanding of how to fight. "

"As for me ... before you beheaded the Apostle, I also got enough information from the vampire-Lord Loren Turin, I have to say that you are really surprised me."

"What the **** do you want to say ?!"

Loren has had to interrupt him ~ ~ What I want to say is that we all already know enough about each other-so, do n’t stop playing like this, it ’s impossible to end Way to fight it. "

"After all, we have paid too much to kill each other, and we can't stop anymore-even if we think, those who are watching our eyes in the void will not be allowed."

As he said, the eagle king held his long knife back, and pointed the tip of the knife at the ice and snow under his feet; almost at that moment, all the burning flames around him went out.

The familiar movement caused Loren's pupil to shrink suddenly.

The eagle king smiled slightly, and the long knife held in his hand fell into the ground like he fell into the pool, with no trace of it.

"Sword pole ..."

"... in my heart!"

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