Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 231: 10% unchanged


There was a crunch in the ear, and the dark-haired wizard suddenly woke up suddenly.

The dazzling light reflected into the line of sight and gradually became softer; the surrounding environment and tactile sense also passed information through the body to their own consciousness.

This is ... floating city ... my room ... I ... is lying ... on my bed ...

The intermittent message converged into a whole piece of content. Loren, sitting up while shaking his head and consciously, focused his blurred vision on a figure beside his bed.

"... Brandon?"

The red-haired boy sitting by the bed, his fiery eyes staring dullly at the dark-haired wizard who woke up suddenly, still holding a freshly cut apple.

"Lo, Loren ?! You finally wake up!"

It was useless for half a second. His Royal Highness changed his face with a look of excitement: "This is really the blessing of the Holy Cross-when Ain told me you can wake up today, I still don't believe it!"

"But I'm still here--look, Apple, I'll cut it for you!"

Looking at the apple he handed over like a flattery, the dark-haired wizard had no desire to roll his eyes.


After taking the apple, Loren took a bite and glanced at the relieved and somewhat distressed expression of His Royal Highness. He couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

In any case, when he was alone in battle with the King of the Eagles in Blood Skeleton Valley, only he could think of coming to support himself-although he didn't help the first half at all after a day's delay, and still with the dragon Milasi Came here together.

But at least he came.

No one asked that, no one persecuted, and there was no hint ... To be sure, he must have rushed over as soon as he got the news, otherwise even the dragon would not be able to hit it so "smart".

Dragon King City, Great Green Sea, Eboden ... Although he and Brandon have always only used each other's relationship, but every time this guy can turn around and follow the agreement to save himself.

Even every time, he is "His late Prince" ...

"How about? Uh, I mean, of course I know that an apple is definitely not enough as a gift of apology, but you **** seems to have nothing missing." Brandon stared at Loren with a sincere expression, his expression full of sincerity. :

"So ... the generous Duke of Byrne must be able to forgive his friend for being a little late, but he didn't catch up with him, right?"

"Late late?"

Playing with the apple in his hand, Loren smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Uh ... it shouldn't be too late, I know I must be late, but definitely at the last minute ..."

"When you came, the body of the eagle king was cool."

"Maybe the Azores have a different physique than humans. It is cooler and faster?" Brandon's smile was innocent and simple: "I may have missed the last scene, but there are definitely thousands of enemies who have not been ... … "

"Thousands of enemies ... were killed before the King Eagle was killed."

"Of course, I am definitely not talking about the enemies who are still rebelling! I mean ... the shameless deserters who were ravaged and trampled under the iron ride of the proud imperial knights, I definitely remember seeing your last charge in the sky The former ... "

Brandon's smile grew more and more reluctant.

"The last charge was in the evening, when you came in the early morning."

"Okay, let's just say, what do you want to forgive me for?" His shoulders shrugged, and Brandon tilted his head with a "whatever you want" expression.

"..." Loren Turin.

This guy is really as good as ever ... of course, there is no shame.

"Anyway, apart from meat compensation and the like ... I can compensate you, you basically don't need it, so ..." Brandon's indifferent posture, with a wide smile on the corner of his mouth, went all the way to the ear:

"Let's start talking about the business ... as usual, I will start first."

The dark-haired wizard who twitched his lips constantly did not refute; after all, the other party was willing to sit here and wait for himself to wake up.

"Speak, what do you want to know-the battle of the Blood Skull Valley?"

"The person who listened to you had spoken it eight hundred times when I came-eight hundred times, eight hundred different versions, but my dear wizard advisor and Lord Duke Byrne, in every version Is it a savior with a hundred enemies! "

With a ridiculous smile, Brandon's expression gradually dignified: "I want to know the details."

"such as……"

"For example ..." The fiery red eyes flashed a strange light, and looked at the obsidian pupil: "Is the King Eagle ... really dead?"

The look of His Royal Highness is different from the past.

"Look, I'm a Desalion, and I'm a direct Desalion-a lot of information that is secret to others, it's just a" backside lace "that I can see with some effort."

"I know that in most cases, trying to kill an evil **** apostle is far more difficult than it seems; because of their close ties with their respective evil gods, even if they are killed, they can often last for decades, even decades, and years later. Resurrection again. "

Brandon sighed: "If only those ordinary people become apostles, but this guy is an eagle king; if he has an immortal body, it will become a terrible trouble."

The dark-haired wizard couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, some surprise.

This is also the first time Brandon is not all for himself, but is standing at the height of the "empire" to consider issues.


"I can tell you very clearly that the eagle king is dead, and can no longer be resurrected." Loren said very seriously: "The evil gods who helped him have completely abandoned him. I took away the mark of the evil spirit; the traces he left in this world have also been wiped out by my own hands. "

"Even if it was resurrected, it was at most a manipulative manipulated by the power of the void, wearing the shell of the headless body of the eagle king."

The crown prince nodded stunnedly, his expression looking relieved.

"So ... I'm relieved." With a heartless smile again, Brandon gave thumbs up to Loren: "It's a descendant of the Black Duke, I know I believe you must be right of!"

Smiling Loren, his eyes moved slightly.

Generally speaking, even if you are guaranteed, you will definitely want to know some details; or at least ask how to do it, whether there are any hidden dangers or costs, and whether there will be an unexpected situation.

But Brandon didn't ask.

Not only did he not ask, he didn't even want to let himself speak; it was no longer out of pure trust.

I know you have some secrets that you might not want to tell, it does n’t matter, because I have them too; since that ’s the case, then let ’s keep some of each other, and do n’t interfere too much with each other.

This is "a tacit understanding" of mutual respect.

"Now it's your turn. Just ask whatever you want." Brandon shrugged. "Although needless to say, I know what you will ask."

... What are you talking about?

I couldn't help vomiting in my heart. Loren still put the apple aside with a kind expression, leaning his back to the back, beckoning the other party to start.

"First of all, the information I received for help was not from you, but from the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain-soon after you reached the Valley of Blood Skeleton, the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain was under siege by the Azores desperate."

"The battle was very fierce; according to the letterhead sent back by Connold, he and Sallyka tried to break through more than once, asking for help from you in the Valley of Blood, but they failed in the end ... but you should have guessed this . "

Loren nodded. He had a hunch that this might be the case when the reinforcements at the Boundary Mountain never arrived.

The army of forty thousand elves broke through the Fortress of the Boundary Mountains and released hundreds of thousands of monsters into the East Sacran ... Even the damage and slaughter caused by it was enough to destroy the foundation of the empire!

Because this group of carrion demons is not an army, they have no "order" at all except orders; they can also find ways to annihilate in the glacier wasteland, but once dispersed to the Eastern Sackland Plains, there is no one The army can stop them!

"And what comes next is something you absolutely can't imagine ..." Convergent smile, Brandon lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Remember the Azore elf entrenched in Ebden, that is, the one who hit you Has Prince Rodria Azore been a full month? "

"Remember, what's wrong with him?"

"He broke the line of defense in the Gem River Eboden, tens of thousands of troops went down the river, and the soldiers pointed directly at the imperial capital of Golovin!" Brandon increased his tone: "Because the line of defense was not expected in advance so quickly After breaking through, the imperial capital can't even get the defense strength! "

"Then ... Oh, just like the agreement, the Azore army on the front line of Lotel also started to attack the Shenlinbao; the original enough strength of the Grand Duke Lu Wen was exhausted to deal with, and even reached a stretched state;"

"Because the Azore elves drove the ogres to attack his backline from the forest, all the mobile forces he could mobilize to encircle the ogres!"

"When I received the news, the vanguard of 30,000 elves had arrived in West Sakland, where they burned and looted, collecting enough supplies for them." Speaking of which, Brandon couldn't help but sneer:

"This scared the noble lords of the imperial capital to a half-death. They probably didn't expect that in their lifetime, the war could be so close to them!"

His Royal Highness took a slight look and looked at the dark-haired wizard ’s expression that did n’t change color: “Do n’t do this, I know what you want to ask—yes, in fact, I was originally planning to leave you and the beloved Brother Connold , To be the hero who guards the imperial capital, but I ended up coming to the north, right? "

"Uh ... how to say, there are many reasons, but the one you will be most concerned about should be ... the Countess of Red Blood Fort."

"Countess Red Blood Castle?"

What does this have to do with Charlotte?

Brandon's face suddenly showed an "unspeakable" expression. For a moment, Loren seemed to still see the look of fear in his eyes.

Of course, it's just an instant matter.

"Yes, she sent someone to write to my barracks, telling me that Byrne will immediately send troops to rescue the Emperor Golovin, and tell me not to worry." Brandon's expression returned to normal instantly, as if nothing had happened. :

"Uh ... not only that, she also wrote to invite Grand Duke Arles to send troops together with her to form an Arles-Byan joint army rescue; so the final total strength will reach 150,000; even if the elves cannot be eliminated, at least the city is Do n’t worry anymore. "

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly, indicating default.

Indeed ... Charlotte's decision was very wise; Byrne, who had transferred most of his mobile force, could not keep up with the rescue of the Boundary Mountain Fortress, so he handed over the rescue task to Brandon, which was closer, and gathered most of the troops. Byrne went to support the "less urgent" imperial capital of Golovin.

In order to find a name for his troops, he also brought Grand Duke Arles together; so even the imperial nobles did not dare to provoke and rebel against the two principalities of the South at the same time.

But there is a problem ...

"I remember your relationship with Charlotte is not very bad, why did you actually listen to her this time?" Loren was somewhat inexplicable: "Isn't she threatening you?"

Under the dim candlelight in the room, Brandon's expression gradually stiffened.

"Cough ... for the time being, let's talk about it anyway." You will know it sooner or later. "His prince's eyes are increasingly panic." In short, you should take care of the wound first. We are heading to the Fortress of Fortress, my army Has rushed to the rescue; when we arrived, maybe Connor would take the initiative to greet us ... "

"Boom boom!"

Three knocks came from outside the door.

The interrupted Brandon and Loren looked at the same time, and a familiar figure was pushing through the door.

It is Edward the night watchman.

"His Royal Highness, some rangers rushed back from the fortress." Glancing at the dark-haired wizard who had just stood up on the bed, Edward, with a stiff face, said quietly with his hands on his back:

"Trouble you a little delay, some things need to report to you immediately."

"Reporting, since it is the intelligence of the Jiejie Mountain Fortress, you are not the same here, anyway ... uh, okay, okay, I know."

Helpless Brandon had to get up ~ ~ A look of "this is not what I meant" glanced at Loren, then patted Edward's shoulder and left the room with him.

Lonely lying on the bed alone, shrugging his shoulders alone.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion, he always feels that Edward is like Rut Infinite day by day.

And Brandon is gradually becoming like the "respected brother and brother" he once hated most. He controls the army to contact his allies, and his wrists are more and more skilled every day; he now dares to throw his army to others. How confident you are in controlling yourself.

Ain became more confident every day, Isaac began to have a "human touch", Dalton Kander's mentor was no longer so indifferent, and Charlotte occasionally showed up as a blushing little girl.

So there was only one guy beside him who had not changed from beginning to end.

The expressionless Loren shifted his gaze to the side of the bed, and a platinum head hit his eyes.


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