Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 252: The name of the Black Duke

Loren was unaware of the "passing by" of an elf little prince-of course, even if he knew, he would basically choose to pretend not to know.

Nothing else, mainly because the lesson taught by the death of King Eagle was too "profound."

The special "straightforward" values ​​of the Azores have turned the captain who captured them into a particularly thankless thing.

You can't rely on them in exchange for any benefit, or even threaten or provoke the other party with this; because in their view, being caught by the enemy is not the enemy, but "captive" yourself.

Therefore, once an Azore elf is caught, there are only two options-to kill it directly, or to squeeze the intelligence and then kill it.

And in a sense, Loren did n’t really expect the elven little prince to have an accident-the reason is also very simple. Sometimes an enemy with a normal brain and who has already learned the routine by himself, even than a pig with an abnormal brain. Teammates are much stronger.

At the same time, the eagle king is dead, and the two heirs who are qualified to succeed the throne are in charge of the two Azores in the direction of Eboden and Lotel; if Rodria Azore is killed, it is equivalent to let the current The elf army, which has been divided into two, has a sole commander, which is very unfavorable to the empire.

Once the little prince was killed, the subsequent elven army would immediately attack the emperor even for revenge; then no matter what the result was, Loren, who was still outside the city, had nothing to do with this emperor's attack and defense war.

Because of this, from a very weird point of view, the elven little prince who did not hesitate to choose to run at the moment, not only saved himself, but also helped Loren a great favor.

Under the golden-red fire, the dark-haired wizard holding the "dawn" sword on the ground stood in the middle of the manor that was captured.

Behind them, the Bion Knight and the Demon Hunters who held up the black lion battle flag and stood with guns;

On the opposite side, there are awkward, ashamed warriors of the Azore elves.

In the crackling sound of the burning house, the deathly silence lasted for a quarter of an hour; in the face of a raid before the quarter of an hour, it was almost a side-by-side slaughter of the Bain knights and demon hunters, and the remaining elf warriors were fighting one after another In the war, the hands holding the knife also seemed to become stiff and sore because of holding it for too long.

"Er, er and other lunatics!"

Finally, in a panic, a leader-like elf warrior took the initiative to stand, shuddering uncontrollably, but still daringly looked at the dark-haired wizard:

"Don't, don't think that you won in this infamous way, even if you won-the army of His Royal Highness Rodria Azores has occupied all the surrounding land, and hundreds of thousands of troops have already conquered your capital Surround. "

"Without a long time, there will be reinforcements coming, and then you will all die under the samurai sword, paying the price for your shamelessness!"

"Your emperor has been surrounded by the majestic eagle king on the Boundary Mountain. The defense line you have tried to organize has been completely crushed by us. Your capital is already in danger. Once hundreds of thousands of warriors breathe, they will capsize ! "

"Also, there is! Don't think that we will not know the true identity of the lunatics such as Er without speaking-the knights of Byrne, the honorable Lord Rodria can defeat you once in Ebden, and you can defeat your first The second time, the third time ... until the whole army is wiped out and the country is dead! "

"Hey! Answer me, look into my eyes, madman! Don't think that you can just hide from the samurai's sight ..."

Ignoring the defeat of a remnant soldier who dared and clamored for himself, the dark-haired wizard turned his eyes to the direction of his right hand. A group of people who were equally frightened and trembling like a sieve were shrinking their necks and staring at themselves.

Locals who had not escaped before but escaped the first slaughter and were locked up like elves by the elves.

A cursory look at it is basically half-sized children and young people in ragged clothes-there are not many women and children, old and weak, and few young or rich in the true sense.

"I have already asked, they are basically local orphans and rich domestic helpers and tenant farmers."

The young priest Webb walked slowly, with a sullen expression in his expression: "These ... are all the people who have survived in this town, and the rest are all ..."

He didn't finish, but everyone in the room knew what he meant.

In other words, the useless "women, children, old and weak" and the "young and strong" who dared to resist, were the only ones who had been killed in the first round of massacres; all that remained were daring to resist and still useful. .

Obviously the little elf prince also realized that they could not control these villages and territories alone; even if he wanted to establish his own rule here, he must leave a minimum of slaves to the Empire.

The dark-haired wizard said in the bottom of his heart.

"Everyone, believers of the Holy Cross!" Webber shouted loudly to the ragged people:

"My name is Weber and I am the bishop of the Holy Cross Church in the Principality of Bayern. The one standing beside me is the Duke of Bayern-we are the army of the empire, we are here to defeat the Azores, we are here to help Yours!"

"His Highness Brandon de Salion, as well as troops from all over the empire, tens of thousands of warriors are gathering in the direction of the imperial capital-they are all here to assist and fight alongside you Comrades! "

"Failure and pain are only temporary, you are not fighting alone!"

"So believers of the Holy Cross, please stand up and fight alongside the Duke from Byrne and his knights-we will give you weapons, supplies and everything you need to help you recapture your belongings Your own home, your own things! "

"Stand up, brave believers, let us fight side by side under the same banner!"

Webber, the excited priest, raised his hands, and his violent chest seemed to be cheering.

It's just ... On the dead manor vacant ground, he could only hear his own cheering.

The "survivors" huddled in a pile shivering, looking at the **** knight knight with eyes full of suspicion and fear, and the sharp and sharp Azore warriors.

The flames danced in the cold wind of early spring, and the survivors only had apathy on their faces.

Pressing and holding on the somewhat sorrowful little priest Webb, the dark-haired wizard with a dull expression walked towards the survivors who were alert to himself.

"I say……"

"Crazy, how dare you turn your back to a noble Azore elf warrior ?!" hysterical cries blasted behind the black-haired wizard:

"Turn to face me-in the name of the warrior, I demand a one-on-one duel with you! If you still think you are not a coward who knows only conspiracies and tricks, accept my challenge!"

A trace of boredom flashed on the face of the dark-haired wizard.

"I said, did any of you have served in military service or received training?" Ignoring the clamor behind him, Loren murmured to the survivors: "I heard that the Sacran people all have to serve Military service requires at least one year of three months of armed training. "

"You don't have to be an officer or a knight, as long as you have received training-spear, epee, war sword, shield, axe ... anything!"


The dark-haired wizard threw the picked Azore's long knife to the survivors' feet, and his thumb pointed to the back: "Fifty gold coins slaughtered the fly for me."

The survivors were silent.

"You madman, don't think you can use this humiliating means ..."

"Lusien!" Loren said without looking back. "Let this fly shut up; he dare to cry again and extinguish his mouth."


Gray pupil snorted and raised his right hand—the surrounding demon hunters and Baien knights all raised heavy crossbows and cavalry bows.

The scene was immediately quiet.

"I ask again, fifty gold coins, is anyone willing to stand up?"

The survivors made a commotion, but many people subconsciously withdrew their necks.

"So, a hundred gold coins ... is anyone willing to earn this money?"

Looking at the survivors who were always indifferent, the young priest Webb showed a disappointed expression.

"Last time ... 300 gold coins, I won't increase the price anymore."

Looking at the pair of eyes fixed on his own eyes, Loren's right hand raised three fingers: "Three hundred gold coins, use this knife to kill the fly-I guarantee it as Loren Turin, Duke of Byrne , No jokes! "

A thin child, shaking his hands tremblingly in the eyes of the survivors, picked up the azoel knife, which was too big for him, and looked at the dark-haired wizard with fear.

"That ... Lord, Duke ... Three, three hundred gold coins you promised ..."

"I promised, I said it."

The dark-haired wizard said calmly, turning his gaze to the little Yode behind him;

The tax officer hiding in the crowd took off the saddle bag on the saddle with a painful face, and threw it on the ground with a bang! The heavy gold coins poured out from the saddle bag.

Three hundred gold coins ... Looking at the shiny "small discs", the eyes of the survivors were straight-none of the Bayern knights who stood with swords on the opposite side dared to rush to **** them.

The thin child swallowed and clenched the handle of the knife to turn his gaze to the opposite elf warrior; the ferocious "long-eared monster" had turned into a bag of gold coins on the ground in his eyes .

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Looking at the half-big boy who didn't even know how to use a knife, waving wildly towards himself, the spooky elf warrior sneered.

He guessed what the opposite Duke Byrne wanted to do, but he did not intend to make the other party happy-even if he died, the opponent's conspiracy and tricks would not succeed.

Coldly raising the corner of his mouth, the elf warrior also raised his long sword.


Suddenly, an invisible wave hit his chest, and a sweet elf warrior with a throat shuddered. When he raised his head in horror, he saw Duke Byrne across from him, sneering at him.

This despicable rascal--!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!"

The half-hysterical boy who shouted hysterically penetrated the elf warrior's torso with blood; the elf warrior was knocked to the ground by a child under the eyes of everyone.

The teenager roared without stopping, pulling out his long sword like a battle axe and chopping frantically.

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The mad cry was stopped by one hand, and then the palm of his shoulder was held down. The teenager looked up and saw the elf who had been cut off by himself, and the Duke Byrne standing behind him.

"You, you said that you are Duke of Bain?" The teenager gasped and stared at the dark-haired wizard: "I, I heard the rich man in the village say that there was also a Duke of Bain, called 'Duke Black' 'Come on.'

"Who is he, is your grandfather?"

The black-haired wizard did not answer, and turned his head and waved his hand behind him; the knights of the Bain who were so enlightened threw the loot they had just snatched in front of the survivors.

Bloody long knives are piled like hills.

Surprised and frightened survivors, their eyes lingered between the weapon and the figure of Loren.

It can be seen that they are terrified. In the face of this "emergency situation", the first thing they thought of was not revenge, or to turn to the lord who saved his life in front of him, but to run away.

After all, all the survivors who survived have never resisted when the elves occupied it; all they can think of now is to run away as soon as possible and run to a safe place to hide.


"Everyone--" said the dark-haired wizard Shen: "I know what you think, but I'm sorry, I can't help you anymore!"

"We have captured the stronghold of the Azores and killed their soldiers. It will take a long time for reinforcements to come over; and when they arrive, they will never leave any survivors, even just for revenge. of."

"So there is only one way left before you." Loren raised his sword and pointed to the weapon on the ground:

"Take them ~ ~ kill the flies behind me, take enough supplies from them, and then escape to the capital!"

"There are tens of thousands of troops there, there are walls that the enemy can't break through, there are countless wealth, weapons and food that can guarantee you absolute safety; the emperor capital ... is the only direction you can escape!"

"So run, close to what you can escape to the emperor capital, only where you are safe!"

"How much food you have and how much you have weapons to take; even if you meet an enemy who is chased and killed, you don't have room to resist. How many people can escape to the Imperial Capital alive, it depends on your own luck."

"And when you arrive at the Imperial Capital, if the army guarding the city refuses to open the door for you, then show them this flag and ask if any of the guarding army came from Byrne, do you remember the Black Duke and the Mad Queen Dragon, then tell them ... "

Loren, who took the black lion and the gold lion battle flag from Lucien, put his hand in the arms of the half-old boy:

"Tell them, the Black Duke ... is back!" ()

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