Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 254: Sister's encouragement

Anson Zade's recent days have been very difficult.

Immediately after receiving information from Loren Turin, the little elf prince immediately had some kind of bad hunch, so on the one hand, he continued to gather troops, on the one hand, he stepped up preparations for the siege of the imperial capital.

Although it was later learned that there was no large-scale army near West Sackland, he should have been deceived by the Duke Byrne, and he had less than two thousand cavalry around him-but even only Loren Turin himself It is also a huge threat that needs to be strangled completely.

As a result, the work of Anson Zade, the chief wizard of the imperial court, changed from rectifying the occupied area to becoming the prince of Bayen.

This is not an easy and enjoyable job-the enemy is a full cavalry configuration. Unless you actively attack the stronghold in the blockade or concentrate on breaking through the occupied area, there is no way to judge their specific location, or you ca n’t catch up.

What's more, as the elven prince was worried, even if Loren was alone, there was still a threat; he had the record of beating the chief of the court, and he knew the tactics of the Azore elves well. It was harder to defeat him.

Even in the battle of Ebden, which had a great advantage, the elven prince who was full of ace was still blocked on the coast for 20 days, and had to fight for more than ten days in the city offensive and defensive battle. The casualties, and finally the Duke Byrne and the military and civilians in the city left safely, can be regarded as occupying the city.

Even if it has been a long time, the shadow of Anson Zade left by the battle of Ebden remains vivid and unforgettable ...

So the Lord Wizard of the Royal Court decided to wait for the Duke Byrne to do it first, and then to think about the next step himself-but what he did not expect was that night, it was already convenient for convenience.

Four strongholds were breached, six patrols were missing, a large number of imperial riots fled the stronghold, and an imperial cavalry was marching across the occupied area ...

A lot of news broke like a hail, and Anson Zade was stunned-just a seemingly solid blockade line in the night, like paper in front of Duke Byrne , Tossed by any action!

Panicked, he immediately began to organize new blockades and encircling nets, and sent scouts to search for the exact location of Duke Byrne; then a lot of more "thrilling" news came.

In the morning, Loren Turin was leading the army to attack the stronghold. At noon, he heard that he was ambushing the Elf Warrior Patrol with a group of survivors. In the evening, Duke Byrne was leading his army through the blockade under the cover of cavalry, and headed to the Imperial Capital. The direction was close, and at midnight he suddenly withdrew information from the Gem River ...

After confirming that the duke will not move instantaneously and scout the scouts, the messy Anson Zade began to mobilize troops from all around and began to blockade the locations from various intelligence points.

Anyway, even if Duke Byrne really does avatar, the army in his hands is still very limited. Multi-line combat means that his originally small army has been divided into few parts.

If that is the case, then simply do not judge, and press the whole line-with dozens of times of his strength to form a surrounding net, sweeping all the places where he may be!

Then he found that he seemed to be being played by Loren Turin again ...


The imperial capital is directly under the southern part of the valley, and an encounter has just ended.

Hundreds of gold lion battle flags on black background, equipped with a small number of Azore elf weapons (captured and picked up), as well as simple equipment such as machete, pitchfork and wooden escape, are going to bypass the mainland and go to the survivors of the imperial capital The fighters, the chief wizard of the imperial court, Anson Zade's entourage, ran into each other.

There is no sign at all-at the moment of awareness of the enemy, nearly one hundred elf warriors launched a frontal charge in the form of a scattered line. Facing the fierce sword-wielding elf warriors, the survivors were rushed on the spot and could not be defeated. Luggage, weapons, armor The flags were thrown everywhere and fled towards the surrounding mountains and dense forest.

But they failed.

The elf warrior twice as long as the front has already stretched out the surrounding net, as if hunting to kill every survivor who dare to escape;

Except for a very few desperates, most of the captured survivors immediately surrendered, surrounded by elf warriors, and executed on the spot without any explanation.

Survivor, none-under the sword of the elf warrior, these people have no chance of escape.

The thick **** smell permeated the valley, and the blood penetrated into the mud, making the trail that was not easy to walk under the feet even more muddy.

The elf warriors who were instilled with the meaning of "life and death" have no resistance to this kind of slaughter-and after the rebellion and riots, the last little "compassion" was also replaced by extreme disgust and contempt .

Sure enough, His Majesty the Eagle King was so wise, the Azores and the Empire could only exist one by one, and there was no possibility of harmonious coexistence; only by killing all the Empire and completely annihilating their lands and cities can they exchange for Azore The future of the elves ...

"It's all clear."

The snow-white long hair spread, and the satin blindfolded chief of the court, Lori Zade, took a small step and walked to the side of Anson Zade: "The Empire who was just defeated by us was the Duke of Byron five days ago. The assembled local indigenous people-exactly the day when the nearby valley stronghold was breached. "

"Oh, by the way, they claim to be the 'Advance Force of the Black Duke', and it is said that there is a battle flag given by Duke Byrne-this is what I just heard, I don't know if it is useful." Elf girl babble Yeah added.

"Sister, it's so hard for you." Anson Zade smiled bitterly, with a trace of helplessness in his words.

Still tired.

In the past few days, he has exterminated the "Black Duke Glory Corps", as well as the "Black Duke Pioneer Infantry Corps", the "Black Duke Battle Gang", the "Black Duke Dalian", and the "Black "Duke Banner", and ...

As for the titles, it is even more varied, from "Honor Baine Knight" to "Black Duke First Servant", "Black Duke Honorable Banner Bearer", "Bai Knight Knight Count", "Noble Imperial Council Member" ... anyway All made up blindly!

There was even a boy who was captured by him with a sack of gold coins on his body. He bit his eyes and saw the Black Duke himself. He refused to say the direction of his march ... Anson Zade had to kill him.

Black Duke, Black Duke ... Everywhere is black Duke, almost all the guys who were hit by themselves are under the banner of the black lion and the golden lion. Before contact, it is impossible to judge which is the army of Duke Byrne, making Anson feel nervous. Disorganized, confused.

The most troublesome thing is that he did not dare to let this group of guys go, so as not to appear more soldiers under the banner of "Black Duke" to disrupt his vision.

This battle like a headless fly lasted for three days. In order to pursue all possible targets, the army around Anson Zade is also getting fewer and fewer. The army of nearly 10,000 people has been reduced to about 1,000 and died. Die chasing a direction.

The reason is simple: the army around Duke Byrne is dominated by knights, cavalry is impossible to walk on mountain roads and forests, and can only act on the roads and trails; so if you follow down a road, you will definitely find him Duke Byrne Clues to action.

This idea is correct, because yesterday morning, he did find traces of large-scale cavalry operations; after judging that he was outside the blockade area, Anson Zade immediately judged that this area was probably Duke Byrne ’s. The main force!

So after a day of rushing to march, gasping Anson Zade finally found the abandoned camp where Loren Turin had been; before he was excited, a new news came suddenly:

A large number of elite cavalry suspected of Duke Byrne are about to break through the blockade area and head to the direction of the imperial capital. They urgently need to send troops to reinforce!

The direction of the breakout is behind Anson Zade, which is almost three days of the march of the elf warriors. When converted into cavalry, it is almost the same day that the trace was found. Loren Turin has already thrown them away. And turned around and broke through in the direction of the imperial capital.

Anson Zade finally collapsed.

Southeast, northwest, valley plains, riverbanks, avenues and trails ... The Black Duke ’s banner is everywhere, as if all of them are Duke of Byrne, and they seem to be none; he may be outside the blockade area today, he may be under siege, or may be Forced breakout, or sneaked breakout ...

Anyway, no matter how huge the siege network was organized by Anson Zade, and how many troops were mobilized to chase and intercept, Loren Turin seemed to have a way to find a route he didn't even know, and slipped away in front of his own eyes.

And more than once!

This kind of fighting method completely inconsistent with the warrior's way, and completely inconsistent with the fighting style of the imperial army, made Anson Zade in a dazed state-there are 1,500 elite knights in the hands of Duke Byrne Even if there are nearly ten thousand people on his side, he is not without the power of a battle.

In theory, it is not impossible to force a breakthrough, or even very likely to succeed; but Laurent Turin has no chance, and instead ignites around the area controlled by the Azore elves, making this airtight surrounding net full of smoke.

But it was this weird way of fighting that caused the entire blockade to be in a state of chaos. The combat power and supplies were quickly lost. Like the headless flies, they did n’t know what they were doing and what they should do.

Anson Zade ca n’t even wait for his mission to fail. Loren Turin has fled the blockade and entered the Imperial City-at least the goal is clear, and there is no longer any need to consider the terrible question of "Where is Duke Byrne?" , These days he has been completely fed up.


The blindfolded elf girl suddenly said.

Anson Zade looked up and looked at her blankly: "Sister Sister ..."

"It's nothing. It's just for so many years that for the first time I feel a trace of burnout from Anson's body." Lori said, sitting gently on the side of her brother's side: "If you insist on something, there seems to be some fear in it. "

"Ah ... Is it obvious that it is noticed by the elder sister?" Ansen smiled bitterly: "I'm so sorry, I ..."

Before finishing the speech, Lori raised her right hand and pressed on the brother's mouth, shaking her head slightly.

"No, it's nothing to be ashamed of or ... Anson, you should really be afraid." The elf girl said seriously:

"Because the empire you are going to fight against has the chief behead of the court, and the power to block His Royal Highness Rodería in Ebden-I do n’t understand the latter, but the former ... I ... do n’t have that. confidence."

"So you have to fear, and then use all your strength after the fear; if necessary, you need to break the bottom line and use everything you can to defeat him-otherwise we will never be able to defeat Loren Turin, and his existence It will also be the biggest obstacle to the path of justice. "

"Fear him and defeat him, Anson ... in the name of Zade, in the name of the wizard, in the name of ... righteousness."

The sounding words were babbled out of the closest population, in a babble and cute tone.

But Anson Zade's face was unprecedentedly dignified.

"I see." Nodding slightly, Anson's mouth smiled a little: "Thank you, my sister, your comfort is still the same as usual."

"Then ... is it better?"

"Well, much better."

"In this case, where do we go ... continue to follow the trail?"

"No, we will return." Anson shook his head and said flatly:

"Because of my incompetence, Loren Turin has been left in the entire blockade, but he has also revealed his purpose-these days his actions are not only fighting us, but also In the battle with the people in the city, all the noise he made was shown to those trapped in the imperial city. "

"This is a battle of confidence. He wanted to use the name" Black Duke "to inspire the morale of the defenders of the emperor. Perhaps there is also the idea of ​​fighting for the control of the defenders. I want to take the opportunity to muddle the battlefield, let the rhythm and initiative fall into his hands. "

"Then all we have to do is one thing-let his idea fall through."

The elf girl crooked her head and said she didn't understand.

"The purpose of Loren Turin is to use these riots to destroy the control around our team's imperial capital, then we simply go the other way and completely abandon these areas." Anson Zade explained:

"Pill all the supplies, burn all the strongholds, evacuate all strongholds, and take away all the captives-in short, except for the scorched earth, leave him nothing, and then retreat to a location near the siege camp and reorganize A blockade. "

"With this narrowed blockade line, if Loren Turin just wants to go to the Imperial Capital, then his purpose is achieved-the enemy hidden in the dark will have to confront the high army in the bright place."

"However, if his purpose is more than that ..." The elf teenager replied:

"The reorganization and the 20,000-strong army that is waiting for the battle will become Loren Turin's nightmare!" ()

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