Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Meet (below)

Always stay calm and sensible, use reason instead of emotion to solve problems. This is the creed of the wizards, although most wizards cannot really do it.

But Loren ’s "creed" is only one-he hates sudden situations, and there are various things that are kept in the drums to play monkey games, and in order to avoid this situation, he will never do it first before he can figure out the situation. .

But the so-called "emergency situation" means that you can't really avoid it completely. For example, this "Brandon Sally" lord who is sitting in front of you now has a clear look to himself, but But he only knows two things. First, the other party has a close relationship with Rout Infinite. Second, there is a deal between him or the night watchman.

As for what it is, nothing is known.

Zhang Yang's fiery red hair and a pair of red flame-like pupils completely lost the wildness that should be in this noble boy. Instead, he made that face a little more handsome, raised his hands and unruly, but he was calm, The bright smile on his face has never faded, not as demon as Asriel, but more like ...

The sun in the afternoon is gorgeous but not flamboyant, dazzling and not dazzling.

He just sat there as if he had changed his way of sitting ... Lorren didn't believe in "intelligence", but one's habits and small movements did indeed reflect one's identity and living conditions.

The two people sitting opposite each other in the room looked at each other in this way-from Qiangang to sitting down, raising a glass, drinking, putting down an empty glass and looking at each other.

Within ten tenths of an hour, the other guy was finished.

"Where do you start first? You seem to have a lot of questions." Brandon Sally, who smiled, said: "It's up to you to start asking-for example, my identity?"

"Please say it simply. I have had enough troubles recently." Loren smiled politely and looked back: "Also, why did Ain and Liya come with you?"

"I really want to say that this is a very long story, but since you are impatient, let's make a short story-Brandon Sally, Prince Sacran, instead of Rut Infinite and you Negotiations, above; as for the little wizard and the war dancer elf, why don't you ask yourself? "

Brandon shrugged and shrugged, spread his hands over the sides of the armrest, and tilted Erlang's legs: "Or do you dare not speak or ... jealous?"

"You're really kidding. If I try harder, I will laugh." The black-haired wizard put his hands in front of him: "I have an agreement with His Excellency Rut Infinite, and we said yes. Will interfere with any of my actions, as long as the recipe of the Holy Blood Elixir. "

"Really? But now there are all kinds of potions, I heard that there are businessmen smuggling potions out of the city." The noble boy showed a regretful expression:

"Look, we don't need your help."

Brandon's words just fell, and Loren Turin's face immediately raised an extremely bright smile.

"... Do you think I'm kidding?"

"Forgive me for being stupid, but I can't think of a second reason." Loren said calmly, leaning forward slightly and staring at the noble boy.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the room became somewhat frozen.

"In order to make us progress faster, the trouble is a little more open and honest-although it is unclear why, you must have noticed that there is a problem with this potion, so this is why you came to Ebden; Corona The family is your collaborator, but they are obviously not 100% honest with the night watchman, and it is estimated that they are only mutual use, so ...

Excuse me, does Mr. Infinite's left hand look different from the original one? "

The end of the sentence is headless, but it is the only key in Loren's pile of nonsense-Rut Infinite's left hand was cut in two, and it was restored to the original by the Holy Blood Elixir.

What Loren really wanted to say was "I know what that Holy Blood Elixir is all about."

Brandon looked at him seriously, and the only slight contempt in his eyes was thrown away.

Rout Infinite is right, even by the standards of the night watchman, the competence of this dark-haired wizard is completely under Dalton Kander, and even more so than his mentor.

Considering that he walked between the two families of Corona and Bellini in complete isolation, he even discovered the problem of the Holy Blood Elixir and the actions of the Corona family secretly in advance, which forced Bailey The Ni family had to cooperate with the Holy Cross Church.

It was indeed the right decision to let Loren Turin to Ebden, as he would become the top night watchman in time, and even more!

"Allow me to apologize, it is my mistake not to announce it openly." It seemed like a flaming candlelight, the noble boy looked at Loren with those red eyes, and said very sincerely: "I promise, I will not commit this again Error. "

"Really?" The other side suddenly said, Loren was still a little caught off guard: "Are you sure?"

"You can't believe it, but I will try my best to win your trust, Lord Loren Turin." Brandon didn't care about spreading his hands: "Because you are our only trump card, no With your help, the next task will be missing the most important link. "

"Next mission?"

The dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes, and the other party's tone was obviously not about to stop.

"Since the Holy Blood Elixir has become a terrible thing, the Church of the Holy Cross and the Bellini family will sooner or later get their own fruit-but before that time, half of Eboden will become a ruin."

"Half of Eboden has been turned into ruins." Loren pointed down and said indifferently: "As long as we came, Alto Bellini had been experimenting in the sewers-now Eboden , Completely located on the nest of a thousands of monsters!

And it wo n’t take long for the remaining Seongnam civilian area to be engulfed by those monsters bit by bit, even more terrifying, because the Holy Blood Elixir distributed by the church has long been not the original test sample, but a more powerful product, mutation The speed and probability will only increase, not decrease. "

The smile on Brandon's face was undiminished, but the silence showed that he was not as calm as he showed.

It was replaced by someone telling Loren that three-quarters of the people in the city they are about to become cannibal, with claws and tentacles open, eyes on their skulls and shoulders, no face, and six arm mutations. " "Monster", and I have just greeted those people and talked to the sky ...

Probably, it is impossible for me to be "calm".

"Can we still stop them?"

"It should be impossible." Loren sighed: "It is very difficult to prevent the erosion of the void energy ... At least in my understanding, this process is irreversible, at most it can be extended."

"Is it ..." Brandon let out a sad voice, then looked up at Loren, with a calm smile on his face: "Since that is the case, then let us think about how to use this rare opportunity. ?

For example, the responsibility for the entire event is placed on the head of the church in Ebden and the Bellini family. After the city is cleared, the Corona family and the Nine-Mans star wizard tower are supported-for a wizard like you, you should Is it a very good result? "

For the first time, Loren's eyes widened ~ ~ The body shivered involuntarily.

The other party is right, since the situation is irreversible, you should make the most of it, or use it to accomplish your purpose, or achieve the originally impossible goal ... but!

How did he say it calmly and carelessly? !

We are not talking about a gangster who is guilty of two crimes, but the life and death of tens of thousands of innocent lives!

These people will not complete the mutation at once, because their physical fitness and usage will be very different, and even some people may have to wait for a lifetime to have a probability; but the tone of this "Brandon Sally" is completely They are regarded as a group of dead people!

"But this is not enough, we must ensure that the Corona family becomes the dominant force in the entire event, and only such conditions can make them fall to us."

The smiling noble boy folded his hands and looked at Loren with a tempting look:

"Then Sir Loren Turin, if I want to ask you to help me accomplish this, what conditions are needed to impress you?"

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