Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 170: "Drama" Before the Disaster (Part 2)

"... fight for faith and survival! The Holy Cross will shelter us all, pure souls will ascend to heaven, and cowards will only fall into **** and torture!"

The hoarse cry of the priest was like a flame, igniting the last "fuse" of the atmosphere.

The commander of the patrol guard standing behind the blockade looked at the fat man who spattered the star, and wished to rush directly to tear his stinky mouth. But now if he dares to do this, these thugs will strip themselves off in the next second!

The frightened guards were holding up their shields, the crossbows had been wounded, and they looked at the poor people whose atmosphere was getting worse and worse, and looked at the faces that wanted to eat their faces, they could only suppress their hearts Fear.

That is not a defenseless poor man at all, it is a group of beasts that will pounce on it at any time!

"Look, look at these lowly wizard running dogs, they only dare to use their weapons to point at you, not their master!" The priest still yelling raised his arms as if he were a saint. Gesture: "Let them see clearly who is the real master of this city!"

"You are the real masters of this city!"

Just as he became more and more excited and more and more excited, a figure suddenly appeared in the crowd. He lowered his head, trembling and shaking, as if he was an old man in his age, and he was like a devout believer, nodding in humility.

The excited crowd gave way to him and saw someone willing to come forward. The equally happy priest strode up directly to greet him and put his hands on the man ’s shoulder: "Look, there is already a devout The believer is willing to stand up. This is the power of the Holy Cross, and the Holy Cross has given him a brave heart! "

The patrol guard hiding behind the cordon also quieted down, staring nervously at the situation in front of him. The commander beckoned the crossbowmen to prepare them-if the idiot really dared to rush over, he immediately shot him into a sieve to deter the **** bitch!

At this moment of silence, the "pious believer" suddenly raised his head and opened a mouth full of fangs-the surprised priest hadn't reacted, and the world in his eyes began to turn upside down.

In the last second he was still alive, he saw his headless body twitching and continually spewing plasma. Being eaten by a faceless monster, two claws were drilled from the monster's back, tearing muscles and blood spattered!

At this moment, the entire cordon was really "silent" ... only to see, only to hear the monster nibbling on the corpse of the priest, and the splattered blood donation continued to spill on the faces of the surrounding crowd, but they did not realize it, Standing like a fool, staring at the scene staring at the scene.

"Quick, fast archery!"

The violent twitched his throat, and the commander spoke. The guards around didn't answer, as if they hadn't figured out what happened, and it was like a group of sculptures quietly.

"Are you all deaf ?! I said fast-firing arrows, fast-firing these **** **** and monsters!" The same fearful commander suddenly turned around: "It is impossible that you want to wait for them to become monsters, and then they are all killed ... "

The words stopped.

Like the pupil of the commander whose throat was choked, the soldiers threw away their weapons one by one, and the body "twitched" toward him.

"What's the matter with you and you, what's the matter--Ahhhhh !!!!!!!!!"

The screaming commander was torn to pieces in an instant, and the soldiers who turned into monsters crossed the blockade and rushed towards the poor people who were still in place, greedily hunting every living "meat".

The situation is completely out of control ...

East of Ebden, Freedom Council.

When the news of "mutant monsters hitting the protective wall and the blockade collapsed" reached here, the noble Eboden nobles who were still able to stay calm were finally unable to sit still.

At first they thought they could drag on temporarily, but now it is clearly not the case-the civilian area in the south of the city is very big, they can break a blockade, they can break the second, so that sooner or later the entire Ebden will fall!

"What exactly do these stupid patrols do? They usually spend so much money to support them, but they can't even handle such a small thing!"

"Who the **** was the bad idea, saying that as long as the cordon is pulled up, everything will be fine ?! Obviously, according to my plan, I should first hire a few mercenary regiments in the port and clean up all the shacks in the south of the city!"

"What the **** are you talking about ?! The mercenaries are all money-seeking goods, and now there is so much money in the parliamentary vault? The blockade is right, what is really wrong are the idiots who drove the wizarding tower out of the parliament, Who said the church is absolutely credible ?! "

"This is our common decision, don't you vote too ?!"

"I voted against it!"

"Bullshit! The parliament's first law, all religious affairs must be passed by unanimous vote, when did you vote against it ?!"

"Me, am I against it in my heart?"

............ Quarrels, sophistry, shirk responsibility, selfishness, and even the tribulation will not stand up and come up with ideas.

These are the "free councils" of Ebden, incompetent and greedy idiots.

Sitting on the seat of the Bellini family, Alto Bellini looked at the noisy with a contemptuous look, and even the parliamentarians who were preparing to fight, looked at the empty row of seats on the other side-that is The location of the original Rhone family and the wizard tower.

Only after seeing the stupidity of the stray dogs will people miss their opponents.

But now it doesn't matter anymore, the fall of Eboden has become a foregone conclusion-in this way, as a "culprit", you can't escape the responsibility. Don't even think about it, the Bishop Fanesis must have discovered that there is a problem with the Holy Blood Elixir, and he will definitely blame himself for all the responsibilities.

The way of life must be found before that. Aalto Bellini's cold eyes looked at the nobles who had been beaten, and the panicked, foolish "mentor" of the dog, Weierlo Bellini, showed a cruel smile.

Are these people better scapegoats?

That ’s right, the only thing that can be remedied right now is the Holy Grail of the Nine-Man Star-such large-scale void power and death will definitely trigger blood sacrifices, and Fanesis must have noticed this before allowing the Holy Blood Elixir to spread Eboden ’s, his goal must also be the Holy Grail!

So you must get it in front of everyone!


While the parliament was still arguing about "who is the responsibility", the door was suddenly opened. With a whole team of heavily-armed mercenaries, the black robe-dressed Birdley came into the place frostly.

"The Liberty Council does not allow any soldier to step in here. Do you want to rebel, Birdlier ?!"

Seeing the old rivals of the past, Verlo jumped out first: "You and your wizarding tower have been delisted from the Liberty Council. There is no place for you here. Get out!"

Just as he was about to continue to shout, Birdley, who turned his head, gave him a cold look, and the screaming "Adult Master" shut up immediately.

"I came here as a representative of the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower ~ ~ and as an Ebden." The expressionless Birdley did not go to look at each one of them looks like Noble parliamentarians, but looked at Alto Bellini sitting there:

"And as a sorcerer, on behalf of many colleagues to make a comment to all of you here!"

"You can speak," Alto Bellini replied indifferently.

Birdleer nodded slightly: "No matter who the reason is, this riot has already begun. And the Nine-Mounted Star Wizard's Tower will never be overwhelmed, waiting to die until the entire Ebden turns to rubble.

Therefore, we are ready to enter the civilian area in the south of the city and ask for help from the empire. A corps of 3,000 people is coming here. When the time comes ... "

"Are you asking for help from the empire ?!" the surprised Velo called out directly.

"As a loyal servant of the empire, is there anything unexpected?" Birdleer gave him a cold look:

"Or is the distinguished Bellini family ready to betray the empire ?!"

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