Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 172: Unreal broken (Part 2)

"... Let me summarize, according to what Loren just said, he is now ready to go to the southern part of the city that has been completely blocked and the monster is rampant, that is, the other half of Eboden, looking for a ghost to know where the gold-plated model is. , And this thing can only be determined where a large monster appears after the blood sacrifice is completed;

And, while we were looking for a cup, there were already thousands of hungry reels in the sewers. Seeing everyone is like a mutant monster with three-point steak. If you meet a pedestrian by the roadside, you may be enthusiastic enough to bite you. ——Uh, this is not an exaggeration, they will really come up to bite you and can even bite off their necks!

So to sum up, I really want to ask you a question, Loren—do you really? Can't find the second one, which is simpler and less troublesome, doesn't have too much pain, and can keep you as complete as possible. ! "

Isaac, with his hands on the table directly in front of the long table, could not help but shouted directly at the end, rolling his eyes to the dark-haired wizard opposite him: "Agree to this condition, you are crazy Still demented ?! "

The little wizard sitting next to Loren stared at him, and replaced it with Ain who had thrown the tea cup on the table, but this time ... sneaking a glance at Loren beside him, it was still An indifferent look.

This fool, does he really know how dangerous it is? !

Thinking of the words of Miss Ariel Corona, I still dare not tell the little wizard of Loren to sip his mouth and fall into deep hesitation and entanglement.

Sitting in position, he quietly listened to the black-haired wizard who had finished speaking with a helpless chuckle: "Actually, I know very well that this time things are very dangerous ..."

"Very dangerous?" Isaac looked at him strangely: "I always think you guys are optimistic and terrible. What is the difference between very dangerous and mortal in your dictionary?"

"Because of this, I have to come to you for help-this is far beyond my ability. Without a helper, I can never find the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars, and I can come back alive. of."

Standing up from the position, Loren sincerely nodded slightly towards the inside of several people who were also watching him:

"I know this job is dangerous, and it's not your responsibility, even for some people it was originally irrelevant-but now, please allow me to ask you for help, I am very serious!"

Ain, Liya, Peter, Vera, Edward, Isaac ... Now in the entire city of Ebden, Loren can only trust, or that he will not poke himself into a cool "friend" in the next second "We" are all at this long table.

"I only have one question."

The female elf spoke first, staring at Loren scorchingly: "Who is the enemy?"

"Thousands of mutant monsters." Loren sighed: "Of course it includes people who are not limited to certain malicious people who block us, such as mercenaries and wizards bought by the Bellini family, or the church. ... "

"Are those monsters more powerful than ogres?"

"Uh ... no, not so powerful!" The interrupted Loren shook his head and emphasized one more sentence: "But their number ..."

"Quantity doesn't make sense." The confident dancer danced his shoulders: "As long as you can avoid it."

Although Loren has no doubt about the female elf's skill, Liya's natural posture still "inspires" others to a certain extent, especially a night watchman who also thinks instinctively without using his brain ...

"That's right!" Vera pulled out her dagger and put it on the table, staring at the dark-haired wizard like a demonstration: "As long as it's fast enough, anyway, we will just take the Holy Grail, without really and Those monsters fight! "

Loren sighed deeply in his heart. He was really not good at dealing with people like Liya or Vera, especially after they determined something, any explanation was useless.

Some embarrassed Peter Fassa turned his head, and Edward, who remained silent, coughed softly and looked at Loren with a blank expression: "If you are really going to go to the south of the city, you need at least one who is familiar with the terrain and has excellent skills Guidance-Among those present, there should be no more suitable than me. "

Loren nodded his head to this kind of talent who was familiar with the terrain and was able to be flexible and able to stay calm in a crisis situation, not to mention his talents, not to mention his skill.

"Of course, this is not to say that I will sell my life to you, just to do the basic duties of a night watchman." Edward continued: "I will not intentionally harm you, if you are really going to die, or if you are obsessed, I will choose to leave at any time. "

The dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes, and the other party clearly made his attitude clear from the beginning. Such a guy is not cute, but at least honest, just "honest" is straightforward.

But he still smiled and replied: "Understandable, and if you really want to go, I promise I won't stop you."

The indifferent Edward nodded slightly, and the two sides reached a cooperation intention.

"Very well, no one asked me if I wanted to go!"

Isaac, who was sitting directly in front of him, suddenly slumped in his chair with his hands raised: "Obviously as long as a person with normal intelligence knows, I can only trouble Loren when I go-by the way, I haven't planned to go Dead? "

There was silence in the room. Liya and Vera even looked at this shouting guy with contemptuous eyes—although different races and different reasons, sometimes the opinions and expressions were surprisingly similar.

"Sorry, but I may not be able to go this time."

Peter Fasha raised his hand in embarrassment, and Vera next to him was completely shocked: "Peter Fasha, do you know what you are talking about ?!"

Peter ignored her, but looked at Loren very regretfully: "I know it may be too much, but this time there is really no way, I ..."

"No need to explain anything, this is my request to you." Loren smiled and understood: "It doesn't matter if you don't want it, it wasn't a forced thing."

He did not explain, but Loren could also vaguely guess that it might be related to the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower or the night watchman-Peter Fasha is the current highest commander of the night watchman in Ebden, only he knows the name of the night watchman. All secret industries, peripheral members and neutral informants, as well as all forces involved with the night watchman.

Simply put, without Peter Fasha, the rest of the night watchman is really like a thug mercenary.

"I go."

A slight, but extremely determined figure came from the side of the dark-haired wizard, and his eyes were either surprised, or looked at the thin-skinned Lothal wizard with confusion.

"Don't you both look at me, do you need to be so surprised?" Suddenly, the little wizard who was staring at everyone was very unaccustomed, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. "I'm a Lotel in Deep Limburg, born. I will use bows and arrows; and I will also use alchemy and some art, and I can help you to wrap up wounds if necessary ... "

It seemed to be faintly feeling the distrust of the surrounding eyes, and the exasperated Ayn stood up directly from the chair and snatched the crossbow hanging behind Loren—the “trophy” of the battle of the ditch lane.

What does she want to do?

Just when this sentence is in the minds of people in a room ~ ~ The little wizard doesn't look at it, raising his hand at Isaac is just a arrow!

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!!"

The whistling sound passed by, and I was scared. Isaac sat there motionless, screaming in his throat, tearing his heart apart:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you guys all looked at me?"

There was silence in the room. Edward, the "good-hearted", pointed to him. The trembling Isaac's face twisted into a ball, his eyes moved downward little by little, and then he slammed.

The pottery cup in front of him was pierced by a crossbow and nailed to the table, but the cup was not broken!

"Is this okay?"

With a smug triumph, the stubborn little wizard looked at the equally dark-haired wizard.

I won't let you face this alone again, absolutely not!

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