Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 57: Read as "trap" (on)

"What do you think?"

The meeting ended in a tense atmosphere, and the church knights Zena and Edward, who had left and left, immediately went to their respective troops, preparing to mobilize overnight, and officially opened for their destination at dawn.

The two had just left and right and left. Brandon, who was sullen, instantly seemed like a deflated ball. He was paralyzed on the chair, and his head was dejected and he was looking at his wizard advisor.

Loren crossed his elbows on the table with his fingers, and his dark pupil fell into deep thought, completely ignoring the Royal Highness.

Never underestimate a DeSalle, this is Edward's original words.

There is no doubt that until now, all the decisions and actions of himself and Brandon have been expected by the Prince Sackland-he cannot know that there are three locations in total, but he can surely predict that Brandon will Select a division of troops.

Without him, Connold must have known how disgusted his brother was to the Holy Cross Church, and Brandon, who has always been cautious, would not easily put himself in a dangerous situation.

But wouldn't he waste the plan in vain? And in the face of Brandon, who owns the dragon Mirases, what method can this "assassin" make the Highness take the initiative to leave the guard and the dragon?

If all this is in his plan, Connord must be prepared.

This is the first enemy Loren has encountered that is as far away as Master Corona, but unfathomable.

Not only that, like Rut Infinit and Corona, these real "spirits" are not young, and their thinking ability and action ability are very low; but Connor de Salion ... Considering that the opponent was only four or five years older than himself, Loren had to give up the possibility of dying him.

Looking at the dark-haired wizard in a state of deep thought, he realized that the smile on Brandon's face that he was ignoring gradually disappeared. Get up, turn around, squat slowly, and ... throw a chair at Loren.

At the moment when the legs of the chair "kissed" Loren's cheek, the black wizard's right hand snapped! With a snap of his fingers, the perfect "hovering curse" blocked the falling chair, and instinctively lifted his left hand and snapped it. The back of the chair.

Loren, who felt the weight of his left hand, gave a subconscious look, his eyes widened in surprise, and his eyes turned to Brandon: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Brandon laughed like a breeze, and his ruby ​​eyes turned into crescent moons: "My lord wizard advisor, can you repeat the question I just had?"

"Uh ... give a hint?"

"You really don't want to do anything with me, right?"


It took a minute to soothe the atmosphere. Loren shrugged his shoulders when he lowered the chair. He sighed and organized the language:

"Edward's proposal is no problem, and it is currently the most reasonable way-although I don't want to say that, but I am afraid that I can only make similar suggestions, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"But he is a night watchman, under the hands of Rut Infinite, that is, under my elder brother." Brandon slightly raised the corner of his mouth, but there was a trace of coldness in his eyes:

"On this basis, whatever he proposes is doubtful."

Loren chose to remain silent, without explaining anything.

The "relationship" between Edward and himself is a secret that the two sides cannot confess and that must never be revealed. What's more, he didn't choose to fall to himself or Brandon. Strictly speaking, he was still Connor's men, but he was not willing to.

If he directly told Brandon that he might not only betray Edward because of this, it is more likely that Brandon would misunderstand his relationship with him and think that there was one among the night watchmen and made the wrong judgment.

"But it doesn't matter if he's the emperor's running dog-with the dragon Milasis, it's impossible for one or two assassins to treat me." Brandon shrugged shoulders indifferently, smiling. The corner of his mouth said softly: "The real worry is still the North."

"If the clues we find are true, then there is probably an apostle standing behind this invasion. Otherwise, with the low-level demons and the monsters transformed by the void, it is impossible to have such a detailed and rigorous plan. "

"And I always have the illusion that I'm stepping into a trap step by step-the ruins of the sentinel, the clues of the rangers, the annihilated search team ... it's like constantly using lures to lure us into the net!"

Brandon, who skewed his head, bit his nails, and the smile on his face became more serious; the dark-haired wizard also frowned slowly.

There is indeed such a possibility, otherwise it is difficult to explain why they have not been able to find the exact location of those monsters until now.

After only a minute of silence, Brandon's tense face collapsed again, exhaling for a long time:

"Forget it, no matter if it is a trap, you should not regret it when you make a decision; not to mention ... there are no extra choices, do you?"

"Anyway, since we have been here, sooner or later we will meet the lord of the apostle-no matter which one of the four evil gods he is!

At that moment, a trace of decisiveness flashed through Brandon's crimson pupil: "Tomorrow morning, I will fly directly to the Cliff Mountain with Milasis!"

Flying to the cliff cliff?

"Sorry, but I have to ask ..." Loren twitched his lips. "What if I fly over the dragon?"

Can the dragon also be overloaded?

"As for you ..." Brandon suddenly showed a smirk expression: "I really want to let Milasis take you with you, but you know, the dragon hates strangers very much, I am very worried You will be thrown directly by Mirases from a height of two hundred meters! "

"So ... do I have to ride to the cliff cliff?"

"No, you don't go to the cliff cliff."

"What?" Loren was stunned.

"I have told Edward to let you go with him to the place where the last search team was killed, and then let you and your friends leave secretly."

"Then ... well, when you arrive at Niederhogg, remember to engrave a name on the monument for me!"

Seeing himself as a dumb wizard consultant, Brandon smiled meaningfully: "Why, don't you think I'm going to regret it?"

"It's an accident indeed." This Loren had nothing to hide, and said straightforwardly: "I thought you would wait until the end of this task at least before you let me go."

"Yes, but now that we have found the clue, I am afraid that it will not take long to trace the **** apostle and the army of monsters under it. The most critical mission is over."

Brandon raised his index finger and shook it gently: "Unintentional offense, my wizard counselor; but there will be no difference between you and the next work-in the face of a man who can destroy the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain Army, the strength of one person is too small! "

For a moment of calm silence, Loren nodded to admit Brandon's statement.

"Of course, I am not unconditional." Brandon said with a big smile on his face and his head with his hands in his hands. "I will give you a month ~ ~ no matter you Whether you successfully reach Niederhogg or not, the deadline is within one month, and you must return within thirty days. "As he said, Brandon walked in front of the black-haired wizard with clear red pupils and dark eyes. Four eyes are relative:

"If you haven't returned or you are still missing by the time limit, even if I think you are dead-I will tell my brother and Uncle Ruth Infinite that you died in the north, whether it is true or not."

"And you have to promise me that if you really survived and did not return as scheduled, you must live incognito forever, and you must never let anyone be aware of your existence; naturally, all our previous agreements are all I wo n’t guarantee anything for your friends, but at least you do n’t have to worry about the night watchman going on killing you. "

"Promise that I will let you go, my wizard advisor His Excellency Loren Turin."

Loren's eyes were scorching and his expression was so serious that he had never seen before:

"One month, great ...

I bet with you! "

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