Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 90: Black dawn

Suddenly, "Fanesis" with a disdainful expression suddenly felt shocked as if he finally realized something.

But it's too late ...

The black mist sweeping towards Loren, dissolving and dissipating in trembling, had evaporated completely in the air before disappearing, and disappeared.

Like the dewdrops and mist in the morning, the dying struggling of death will not stop the final destiny.

What shocked him was far more than that.

Walls, floors, stone tables, stone tablets ... All blood stains flowed like "live" throughout the room, emitting a grayish blue light.

In the end ... the flowing plasma covered the entire room with strange patterns.

The astonished "Fanesi" turned his gaze to the hand of the black-haired wizard with difficulty-the dilapidated nine-pointed holy grail is the source of all patterns.

"This is ... the power of the Nine Stars Holy Grail?" His face was so ugly that he stared at the cup in Loren's hand: "No, it's impossible. The power of the Holy Grail can never do this. It's for ... … "

"Used to blur the gap between two worlds ... yes, I knew you would say that."

Gasping, Loren still collapsed in the pool of blood in front of the door, a smile on the corner of his bloodless mouth: "Typical ... the idea of ​​the void life."

The Holy Grail of the Nine-Mounted Star has always been held by his trembling right hand:

"But the fact is that it can really be done-as long as you have a little confidence and a little break with common sense thinking, you can use the characteristics of the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars to completely expel the power of the void from the material world."

"Anyone, even if they are not wizards, even ... a lunatic with a secondary illness!"

Serel stared at him violently, his face twisted to the extreme.

Just a moment when the two were talking, the magic circle on the ground had gradually completed its final form.

High-order spell, a solitary dream.

From the beginning, this spell was not for wizards, but for fighting against evil spirits ... distorting a space, isolating all void forces, and shaping it according to your own ideas.

That's right ... as long as the power of the Nine-Mounted Star Holy Grail is used to open the boundaries that blur the void and matter, you can use this high-level curse to expel Fanesis, the evil **** that has not completely "fallen" from the material world .

It was replaced by the former "Fanesi", and it was difficult to achieve this, because he did not understand this-and "Séior" was the opposite. He was too much about the power and use of the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars understood.

And the more you understand, the easier it is to overconfident yourself and create "blind spots."

Good swimmer ... drowning in water.


Gently snap a finger.

The floor beneath your feet and even the entire room collapsed into the abyss at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The entire room is like a black pool, and it is like a spiritual temple-or a spiritual temple, which was originally "shaped" by the wizards, a haven in the void world.

And now ... they are standing in the "center" of the gate of the void and the material world.

Sergio's icy face finally showed a trace of panic: "Loren Turin, do you want to ..."

"It seems that what I just said is not clear enough, honorable" Black Cross "." Loren chuckled weakly, biting his lower lip tightly:

"I said ... it's time to unplug the network cable!"

At that moment, a thick black fog stretched out of the abyss, holding down the right hand of "Fansis" and dragging him down.

Without much hesitation, "Fansis" immediately broke his right arm; but more and more "hands" extended from his feet and climbed up to his body.

With a big gasp, Loren rarely showed a smug smile.

But the next moment, the situation changed suddenly!

In an instant, something seemed to explode in his mind, leaving the black-haired wizard shocked and his mind blank.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

The face of the dark-haired wizard was twisted to the extreme, and the intense tinnitus seemed to poke directly from the ear into the brain-it was the pain of the heart-breaking heart.

"This is the power of the void ... reptile." Farnesses sneered with countless "hands" sneering, his expression increasingly grim:

"Entering the material world from the void requires a price. Do you think that the other way round is not necessary, ants?"

"Even if you are a stranger from another world, even if your spirit and material are not separated-but if you want to open the door to the void, you still have to pay the price!"

Loren gritted his teeth, trembling from head to toe.

Just then ... the pain suddenly disappeared.

No, it did n’t disappear, but it was blocked, like ... it was like wearing headphones and hearing the sound outside, it was blocked.

Ok? !

The dark-haired wizard lowered his head swiftly, looking at his chest-under the clothes, a vertically shaped thing was shining with stars.

This is ... Feather of Valkyrie?

Cerior was startled, and immediately noticed his abnormal roar:


The dark-haired wizard, who was in a trance, gasped for breath, took the feather out of his clothes with his left hand, trembling and straightened up to the "Fansis" who shouted.

At this moment, he didn't really know why. The second-to-extreme "spell" in that paragraph seemed to be directly into his mind, so he did so:

"Junling to the earth, with the power of the name of reign, will engrave the rune of eternal life on the rock wall at the end of the world ..."

It turned out that the more "tentacles" reached the body of "Fanness", the pale face had been twisted to the extreme: "No! No! You can't do it! Brunnhilde, you actually use me to attach The power in you? Who gave you the courage to make you a humble seed really dare ... "

Before the words were finished, a tentacle directly pierced the jaw of "Fansis" and grabbed his tongue;

The dislocated chin was dragged by the small half-fast muscles, and his throat was completely exposed ... He half of his face was torn to pieces, and his expression became more terrifying.

"To defend this world's souls in the abyss of the vast sea, its pure faith will eventually dissipate and turn into mud-like darkness ..."

The dark-haired wizard with legs trembling supported the door wall and slowly stood up.

The pain and weakness of the body is gradually weakening, and even the wounds and mental injuries on the body are recovering quickly, and it is not as fast as it is, it is faster than charging.

What is the principle?

The equally dismayed Loren couldn't help recalling what the Valkyrie had said to himself before disappearing.

... to become stronger, to become stronger than us once, and then to break the destiny that was originally destined ...

Whose fate is it, or is it a certain matter?

... I hope it is a little different from ours ...

Brunnhilde, she and the "Black Duke" Roland, have experienced a similar situation?

Loren was full of doubts, but there is no doubt ... If there is no feathers left by Brunnhild, this seemingly "perfect" plan, the best result is to die with Serel.

"The dotted city, guarding the four seas of the world, the sound of lances and blades fighting endlessly, the shining land is covered with bright red blood plasma, and the mountains and lakes are full of smoke ..."

The more determined black-haired wizard raised his head and stared at the figure of "Fansis" with a firm voice:

"People who break the shackles of destiny are destined to face the thorns of life; those who defend freedom, vow to fight against tyranny ..."

"Come on! The delusional ants, reptiles! Don't be too proud!"

Even if he was torn by half of his face, "Fansis" can still make a sound that is exactly the same as the original one. The unwilling roar is only more dull and more terrifying:

"Only you guys, puppets, cheap breeds and reptiles want to defeat me? I'm so delusional! I want you to pay the price, I want to wipe out all of you from the world!"

The next second, the madness on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by ruthless coldness,

boom------! ! ! !

A tremendous sense of oppression suddenly struck. Loren's body was shocked, and he was forced to press it directly and fell to his knees.

Slammed the Holy Grail of the Nine-Manned Star on the ground with his right hand, barely letting himself collapse to the ground, but that's all it was ... The painful pressure almost stopped the heart from beating, and the cold sweaty face of Loren was twisted to the extreme , To crush the teeth.

"Ah ... sorry, I know how much I wished for the ants, but ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

With the creepy laughter, the only half of the "Fanesi" face showed a sarcastic smile: "True despair, never darkness throughout the night."

"True despair is the dawn of obliteration!"

As the words fell, he raised his remaining arm and slammed it down.


Without any warning, the dark-haired wizard was lying directly in the pool of blood; like a spine and ribs directly hit by a hammer, bursts of wail.

The ragged "fanesis", enjoyed the scene in front of him with great enjoyment.

The firm belief is crushed, the last hope is crushed, but the generous and righteous generation has to humiliate ...

Look at his expression ... what if he succeeded? But it was Gou Yan's panting for a while-the death knell had already sounded, and the Holy Cross would eventually be replaced by himself.

Black Duke? He never had the opportunity to stop himself again!

Even if they get a stranger and want to use this crawler to bury the variables, but ... I have won.

The ruined body, the dark-haired wizard who was lying down on the ground, opened his remaining arms elegantly, and smiled strangely:

"Come on, reptile, don't you promise to beat me ... I'm here, I won't go anywhere."

"I ... Serior, the benevolent and generous, give you this opportunity, an opportunity to ... kill God!"

Loren raised his head unwillingly, struggling to support his body with his knees and right hand, panting quickly:

"People who pursue ideals can never be accompanied by happiness and ease ..."

boom--! ! ! !

Loren, who lost his balance, fell to the ground again.

Ten steps ...

The grinning Serior shook his head "helplessly", just like seeing a mischievous naughty child staggering up.

As a high-level curse, the dream of solitude also has an upper limit of time ... if it cannot be ended before the shrinking "abyss" is completely wiped out, all this hard work ...

Will be worthless!

"The tarnished glory, the dignified dignity ..."


The dark-haired sorcerer smashed hard, a deep moan came from the throat.

Five steps ...

It is already ... being in sight.

"In the name of sorrow, extend its justice and brilliance ..."

Three steps ...

The heart has stopped beating, and the chest and throat are mortally contained.

With the pain and wailing of tears, he couldn't get closer to half a step.

In a trance, the dark-haired wizard lying on the ground didn't even have the power to lift the feather in his hand.

Looking down at his trembling and desperate expression, "Fanesi" laughed more and more madly.


This is the sound of a sharp blade piercing the head and sticking out of the throat.

Cerriol's eyes dropped in disbelief, staring sharply at the blade protruding from his mouth.

"Thank you for your reminder, Master Fanesis ..."

With a big mouthful of gasping, the gray pupil held his sword hilt tightly:

"This time, the head is stabbed!"

When the words fell, Loren felt a certain "presence" on his chest start beating again, almost crushing the pressure of the body, and disappeared instantly.

Loren took a deep breath as if he had just come alive, and then he stood up, raised his right hand feathers, and roared out with all his strength:

"... severely breathing ... holding up the last flag of resistance-!!!!!!"

Countless tentacles stretched out and instantly wrapped the remaining body of "Fansis" completely, together with his scattered flesh and sword blades that penetrated the cranial cavity, and dragged into the abyss.

Serriel, who is still struggling to die, is constantly being torn, but the harder he struggles, the stronger the tentacles around him;

Fingers, ribs, thighs, brain spine, spine, shoulder armor, spleen ... Taken off by dragging, biting, and breaking in countless pairs of "tentacles" ~ ~ into countless pieces of sticky flesh.

In the end, without exception, they fell into the black abyss, leaving no drop of blood left.

The calm "water surface" immediately set off large waves of waves. The waves were undulating, and more black mist continued to be stretched out under the turbulent ripples, rushing to the black-haired wizard and the same dying Lucien.

But all the "tentacles" were all blocked by the "Starlight" of the Valkyrie feathers.

The nightmare subsided and the darkness dissipated ... Within a few seconds, the blood stains, the power of the void, the magic circle, the abyss ... all dissipated together with "Fansis", and there was nothing left.

And the feathers of the Valkyrie held tightly in Loren's hands gradually withered away, like the burning embers, turning into flying ash and flying in the sky, flying all over the sky.

In the empty room, only two people, Loren and Lusien, collapsed to the ground, looking dazed, looking at the ceiling somehow.

The rest ... there is nothing left.

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