Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 143: Elderly experience

Charlotte, who looked a little cramped, didn't seem to have fully reacted from the "panic" she found; she entered the room with a "discretion" that disagreed with the usual, under the watchful eye of Loren and Achamai , Quite disturbed sitting in a chair next to the sickbed.

"... Master Ashamai, I ..."

"You don't have to be restrained or nervous." The old man leaning on the sickbed noticed the Countess's abnormal shape, and a faint smile squeezed from the gully face: "This one in front of me is not a flood of beasts, nor is it nothing. A person worthy of awe-inspiring ... just an old man who is about to enter the earth, but refuses to go to **** ... haha. "

Harlem van Asha broke the chest like a bellows, and there was a laugh with a whimpering cough.

"No, no ... not like this!"

Charlotte, with her lips lightened, didn't seem to have recovered, and grabbed the old man's dry arm with a slight shudder:

"Loren ... the Duke and others, they all told me-it was you who came forward without fear of sacrifice and gave the monster named Chakal a fatal blow before we had to destroy it and win this Chance of Centaur War. "

"Otherwise, before the arrival of the empire's reinforcements, more than tens of thousands of Byn Boye Allied Forces and the Dwarves of Silver Helmet will be wiped out ... You, their life-saving benefactor, are the well-deserved heroes of this war! "

Charlotte squeezed the corners of his mouth tightly, with more fluorescent light in his pupils, struggling to hold his nose—as if stimulated by the little girl who couldn't cry:

"I'm sorry ... I should have come to see you earlier; an elder like you who deserves to be admired by all worshipers should not quietly succumb to such a ..."

The old man shook his hand gently, interrupting the countess who wanted to continue to "confess".

"In fact, you are willing to visit me, apart from age and experience, other old people who are not worth mentioning, I have been very moved."

Harlem van Azamal took a deep breath, and his monotone voice seemed weak, but he still laughed hard: "But since you have been standing outside for so long, don't need me to add words ... repeat Is it the opening speech again? "

The slightly choked Charlotte nodded, but his gaze was somewhat uncertain.

The dark-haired wizard, who turned his head subconsciously, immediately felt a constant glance at himself.

"So ... Honorable Countess of the Red Blood Castle, what do you want to know from my old man's mouth?"

The old man who turned a blind eye to the "small movements" of the two asked with a very soft tone.


In the quiet atmosphere, the original rich and eccentric taste seems to become less noticeable under the calm and unavoidable eyes of Achamai.

The next second, Charlotte took a long deep breath, raised his head decisively, and looked at the old man with a very decisive eye: "I just heard that you seem to know the Black Duke and the Queen of Dragons ... they know very well? "

The old man's yellow eyes blinked lightly, and looked at the Countess, who was still a little nervous, as if he were an apprentice inquiring from the instructor.


Azhama nodded slightly, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, just like the old man in the memory:

"It won't be familiar."

Loren and Charlotte looked at Azhama at the same time.

"Even at this moment, they are still very real in my mind; death is just a new way of existence for them." The old man's pupils shone with different brilliance:

"Roland and Charlotte, and ..."

Suddenly, he smiled and looked at the two serious expressions with those bright eyes:

"Charlotte and Loren."

The expressions of the two were stunned at the same time.

What do you mean?

What does he want to say?

The dark-haired wizard raised his eyebrows and looked at Ashamai who was smiling, his throat rolled.

The atmosphere seems to have become somewhat inexplicable ...

"Charlotte de Salion, the supreme emperor of the tenth generation of the empire, the mad queen, a woman obsessed with art, enthusiasm for war, obsessed with resisting fate, and hysterical love ..." The old man whispered softly. Turn calm eyes to Charlotte:

"So ... Honorable Countess of the Red Blood Castle, do you hate her?"

The medicine-filled ward was quiet again.

"I ... dang, of course hate her!"

Charlotte, with a trembling voice, used all her strength to lift her chest before saying this sentence: "If it were not for her, Byrne would not fall for three generations, for nearly a century! The Turin family would not Let anyone bully; if it were n’t for her betrayal, the Black Duke would n’t end like this! ”

"She relied on the sacrifice of the Black Duke Roland Turin to win the monster invasion, but in the end she still put Roland into another book under the name of" apostasy ", so that the Turin family will always bear the indelible shame. , Let the glorious history become a shadow forever. "

"She is a capricious villain, traitor!"

"Principality, family, honor ... I can't forgive her!"

The old man didn't speak at once, his eyes glanced at the murmured dark-haired wizard, before he nodded slightly.

"Yeah, you have every reason to hate this culprit that has caused Turin to fail." Achamai nodded his head, his eyes never left the countess: "You hate her so much that you want to Change the name to hers so that you never forget this hatred. "

Loren couldn't help but glance at Charlotte.

The Countess with an embarrassed expression, a helpless expression, seemed to want to explain his reasons, but he could not say a word.

"I'm just an old man, whether it's love or hate, these feelings have left me." The weak old man looked at her with a smile:

"But it seems that turning the enemy's name into his own ... is not a good way to avenge."

"Master Azhamai, you, you must have misunderstood!" The countess hurriedly defended herself: "Charlotte is just a very ordinary name of Byrne, and has no special meaning! My name was changed only because ... because……"

The old man who shook his head, the smile that cracked the corner of his mouth "interrupted" her words.

"Yes, you hate her ... because you have too many reasons to hate her." Master Ashamai said softly: "But today's you are today's you, precisely because of this hatred result."

"Fighting for the sake of the family, mediating at the banquet and meeting, to reverse the situation can be alone and in danger, when the time is broken, you can take the opportunity to make a decisive decision ..."

"I almost ... saw a living mad dragon queen standing proudly and elegantly in front of me!"

Loren nodded approvingly.

I saw Harim Fan Achamai sighed with emotion, with a calm voice with undoubted power:

"Yeah, you hate her ... just because of hate, so you adore her-worship a woman who is bold and unruly and can dominate the empire with his own strength, and thousands of subjects all bow their heads and submit."

Charlotte didn't try to refute again.

The old man did not continue to force her to admit anything, but shifted the topic to Queen Mad Dragon.

"In fact, such a woman cannot be ignored and admired-in fact, even the nobles who were enemies of the empress in those years, all admired the conviction of the empress." Achamai recalled silently:

"She is the guardian of artists and writers. The entire tenth generation of various literary works and movements is more than the previous nine generations combined, and it is no longer limited to religious and orthodox subjects;"

"She signed the first exemption order for the wizards, which gave all the wizards complete civil rights completely; she handed over the ocean fleet to Eboden, so that the two countries of Sacran and Yasul finally had Opportunity for communication; "

"It is precisely because of her absolute trust that the Black Duke Roland Turin can shine in the tenth generation, instead of falling into the struggle and confrontation with the Sky Dome like the previous generations of Duke Byrne;"

Achamai's eyes flickered and said quietly: "It seems ridiculous to you today, but before the tenth generation, the relationship between Byrne and the Sky Vault ... is not as good as it seems."

"Countless courtiers have warned His Majesty Charlotte de Salion that excessive indulgence of Roland Turin will cause the empire to fall into a split between North and South-but she has not listened to it, and this is the 'Duke 'Legend.'

The old man sighed.

"That's it ..." Loren frowned slightly. "Then why Charlotte ... Her Majesty the Dragon Queen, still" betrayed "the Black Duke?"

"What is it that makes the" Black Duke "bear the name of apostasy?"

Charlotte glanced silently at the dark-haired wizard without speaking.

"Master Duke, you asked two questions." Master Azhamai's voice was tired, and he looked at him meaningfully: "But I think I only need to answer your first question."

Loren stunned, subconsciously shrunk his right hand back, and laughed awkwardly.

Under that dress, there is the "Evil God Mark" given by Asriel.

"The situation at that time was very complicated, and I was not a party. I could only explain this matter from the perspective of a bystander; if the cause of the whole thing is, in short, it is ..."

Azhamai looked serious:

"……Because of love."

Ok? !

The two were stunned at the same time.

Because of love?

No, it's not easy to be sad?

Loren almost sang out.

"Master Azhamai, what do you mean?"

In an awkward atmosphere, Charlotte, with his cheeks weak, asked calmly.

"To this day, I believe that no one would doubt that the two of them had loved each other deeply-even in those days, everyone agreed that the marriage of the two would completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the civil war in the empire and let the two The powerful family is one. "

The old man did not answer, but continued to tell: "But obviously, even in those days, this idea was just wishful thinking-because neither proud family could bow their heads to each other."

"I got the Sky Vault ... more precisely, it was Roland, who was acquiesced by Charlotte, who was constantly conquiring in the east and south of the empire, leading the knights of Byrne and the army of Sacran to the ice and snow on the boundary mountain. , Fighting again and again, triumphing again and again ... "

"Do you know what these triumphs and victories bring besides glory?"

The two frowned slightly at the same time.

"To the Sky Dome ... No, is it pressure to Charlotte?"

Loren tentatively said.


Achamai nodded approvingly: "The more extraordinary the Black Duke's performance, the more brilliant the record; the more the empire's powerlessness and incompetence are highlighted, and the Dragon King family is overshadowed."

"The acquiescence, and even the indulgence of his mad dragon queen, have become more and more pressured; so that in the end, I have to compromise with the vassals and marry with the nobles of the Sakran native-they worry about the two big families The union of the will allow Byrne ’s noble class to divide their power. "

"I don't know when there was a rift between the two of them, but this thing is undoubtedly the first fuse." The old man's tone became heavy, recalling the scene before him:

"And Roland Turin ... he still didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem, or because he felt it, so he didn't stop--because he understood that everything was too late."

"But what does this have to do with ... love?"

There were doubts revealed in the bright eyes, and Charlotte couldn't help asking.

The old man coughed and smiled uncontrollably.

The dark-haired wizard gently squinted his eyes ... Looking at the old man's "some and nothing", seemingly unrelated memories and whispers ...

He seems to have an answer.

"It is precisely because of the two people's feelings towards each other that they are reluctant to share their burdens with each other and openly and honestly talk to each other." The exhausted Azhamai's voice was soft, and the sobbing voice became stronger and stronger:

"In order to protect Charlotte, Roland, who has gradually 'betrayed his relatives', chose to go alone to save the empire;"

"In the blind protection again and again, it is completely impossible to understand that Charlotte of the Black Duke has no choice at all. She must bear the responsibility of a supreme emperor-no matter what method she uses, she must protect her country and her family. "

"The premise of betraying each other ... was a deep love."

The atmosphere in the ward is so quiet ~ ~ The old man with emotions looked at each man and woman with different expressions with profound eyes.

"... So, if the Black Duke chose to be honest with the Mad Dragon Queen, instead of protecting her from concealing everything, she failed her trust in him ..." Charlotte looked stern:

"Isn't all of this originally avoidable?"

"I don't know, I'm just an old man who has watched too much; all I can tell you is my own personal experience." Azhamai's expression became more and more exhausted, as if lethargic:

"But one thing, I can tell you with great confidence ..."

The two quickly raised their ears and concentrated.

"Call ... call ... call ..."

Harlem van Azamal, he ...

Fell asleep.

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