Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 13: Rest of civil war

By the time Karl Colin recovered, the battle was over.

Feeling the wound that was still hurting painfully, the demon hunter struggled to get up from the broken pillar, still looking around in a trance.

After beheading the last Corrupted Devil who had crawled out, the gray pupil quietly put away two short swords and watched the surroundings cautiously; the alchemists and dwarf engineers in the Horn Castle also came out one after another. Renovated the floating city for the "first voyage".

Among the ruins of the palace of kings, there was silence.

In the dim light, Carl Colin skillfully took out the bandage to cover the wound, but his eyes were still stopped on the corpse of the recruit; the eyes that had been closed by himself ... as if the heart was still vaguely expecting to open .

Really ... obviously so much trouble for myself, obviously annoying from the beginning; obviously ...

Slightly startled, the demon hunter turned back subconsciously and saw the dark-haired wizard standing behind him, his right hand resting on his shoulder.

"Duke, I ..."

Realizing the embarrassed expression on the other side, Loren interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"It's my fault." The dark-haired wizard said calmly: "It should have been guessed long ago ... No, it should be that from the beginning, 'Black Cross' Séior would not just focus on a small target. On Silver Helmet; he can corrupt the leader of the centaur tribe, and he can do the same to the dwarves. "

"If you don't make a decisive decision and reverse the breakthrough in the most dangerous situation; if you don't stop him in the palace of the kings ... this battle will not be won so easily."

"... Yes." The demon hunter really didn't know how to answer.

He just stared blankly at the recruit's face, clenching his right hand expressionlessly, his nails ripped open and he didn't even notice it.

"You played very tenaciously, which was far beyond my expectations ... to be honest, I couldn't do better if I replaced myself."


Each time the black-haired wizard said something, the demon hunter's right hand worked harder.

"Master Loren, all the Corrupt Demons have been swept away."

A vigilant Lucien came over and wiped the sharp blade in his hand: "All the tunnel entrances have been blocked by the ruins-at least for a short time, those monsters can no longer crawl out."

"In addition, all the exits, stairs, and passages of the Hall of Kings have been completely blocked; with the manpower in the horn fort, if you want to clean up, it will take at least two days."

"Relax, we don't have to walk through the main entrance." Loren turned his head and looked at Nunu mouth of the horn fort behind him: "At most two quarters, we can fly directly out."

"Then, we will go and give this civil war that has been going on for three years to draw a rest!"

Looking at the horn shouting at the horn fort, Isaac Yaowuyangwei, the gray pupil nodded, his expression very suspicious.


The stunned Karl Colin stood up suddenly, with an expression "thinking he had heard it wrong": "Are you going to end this civil war ?!"

The dark-haired wizard looked at Lucian, and then looked at him strangely: "Uh ... what's wrong?"

"right now?!"

"……right now."

"Immediately ?!"

"... immediately."

"Go to stop the rebels from attacking the city, and at the same time persuade the current Supreme King, the former gift officer Igor to let him give up resistance ?!"

"Um ... basically this order."


Looking at the dark-haired wizard and Lucien in front of him, Carl Colin couldn't say a word and was completely stunned.

Originally thinking that the recruit who always likes to be self-righteous is crazy enough, but the reality can always give him a new "surprise".

"You seem to have some misunderstandings."

With a slight cough, Loren interrupted the demon hunter who seemed to want to continue to ask: "I will not explain it in detail. In short ... cough, I am not alone."

Glancing at the floating city behind him, Carl Colin's expression remained unchanged.

Although he also saw this floating city for the first time, he did not feel that there was an extra "building" of the size of a knight fortress, which could hide a large army of tens of thousands of dwarves in the city of Yunfeng.

"I'll give you another hint-how did I come here?" Loren continued to ask patiently.

"Uh ... flying over?"

"From the Bayern border to the summit of the cloud, at least twelve city-state fortresses of the Yunling Kingdom-two-thirds of which are more than one hundred meters above sea level, are fully capable of using all kinds of projectile weapons Hit it down. "

"So you think, how did we pass in front of them without the permission of the Supreme King ..." Loren chuckled and said:

"Finally, I will be safe and unharmed, appearing in front of you without any injuries?"

The demon hunter frowned tightly, looking at the expression of anticipation in the dark-haired wizard, his eyelids kept jumping.

If the real murderer is the Supreme King behind the whole civil war, and without any order, the dwarf fortress in the north of the entire Yunling Kingdom passes through the floating city where Baien is allowed to pass?

Wait, wait a minute ...

"Well." The dark-haired wizard gave him a meaningful look:

"I feel you will understand."


The flames of the sky were gradually burned down, but the battle in the Yunding Peak City showed no signs of ending.

The formation of the fighting gradually reduced, but the small-scale fighting has never stopped; on the one hand, the rebels that poured into the city have completely turned into a scattered sand, and even fires have constantly erupted between each other.

The dwarves under the semi-enclosure system are relatively independent, and their contradictions are no less than hatred towards the Supreme King; they can still exercise restraint a little if they have a common goal; after the city defense is defeated, there will be no more Can suppress them.

The Qunwang Palace was destroyed, and the life and death of the "real" supreme king was unknown, causing the dwarf warriors from more than a dozen city-states to completely lose their goals, and became the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

The cloud peaks shrouded in black smoke, the rebel warriors who roared from the corners of their cracked mouths, were still continuously hitting the barricades that had been crumbling; the kings soldiers who were fighting alone were hiding in the shield wall , Fences and sentry towers, with crossbows and spears constantly creating new bodies.

The endless and long street fights have made both sides forget the reason why they were fighting at the beginning. They only approached themselves in front of the mechanical killing, holding the weapon in their hands.

The simple sentry towers and fences have no meaning in front of a truly formed army; but in the narrow streets they have become real "flesh mills"-a dozen dwarves, even if they are not soldiers, as long as they are around With heavy crossbows, throwing guns and shields, you can defend against the base and block the army several times.

Coming from dozens of dwarf city-states and tens of thousands of armies, the most tragic fighting was carried out around these simple barricades.

On the other hand, although all the strength of Yunfeng Peak has been concentrated, it is necessary to constantly maneuver and to encircle the demon from the underground tunnel. The strength of the dwarf Igor is already stretched.

Facing the rebels whose strength is several times their own and scattered throughout the Yunfeng Peak City, this majestic king, who has just been crowned for less than half a day, really has no extra power to counterattack and drive the rebels out of the city.

What's more, he now faces more than the problem of insufficient military strength, but with the news that "the predecessor is still alive, and the gifted officer Igor has usurped power and rebellion", as the rebels scattered into the city spread, Even the jurisprudence of his coronation and succession to the Supreme King began to shake!

In such a situation, do n’t say "recruit and rebel", the dwarf Igor even began to gradually lose control of his army, and he could only rely on the authority of the past and the constantly appearing enemies to let them continue to obey their orders.

He even thought about what was falling from the sky before, and turned the palace of kings into a ruin-because there is really no energy!

In a sense, Igor is now eager that the High King has been crushed into fragments under the rubble, lest he suddenly emerge and seize power.

Of course, he would never say such inhumane words ...

Looking at the palace halls that had become a ruin in the distance, the dwarf Igor's cheek twitched a few times, snorted, and turned his gaze back to the battlefield in front of him.

"How is the situation? Has the situation improved?"

"Still dead." The dwarf guard captain on the side looked dignified, and shook his head at the more ugly Igor:

"We have too little troops, and we have to divide one-third to encircle the monsters coming out of the tunnel. There is simply not enough troops to counterattack."

"Even Yunzheng can insist that it has not been completely fallen, because the enemy is blocked by the barricade and unable to gather enough troops ..."

The captain of the guard did not go on, but Igor already knew what he meant.

That's right, when the city gate is broken, they have lost the power of choice and can only continue to stalemate. There is no second way.

If he wins, he is the righteous king; if he loses, he will usurp power and deceive him, betraying the traditional traitor of Yunling.

The ruins of the group of kings, on the one hand, completely broke up the rebels' offensive and fell into chaos; at the same time, Igor lost the last stronghold that could be kept and stored a lot of materials.

Now he and the traitors from the south, like two reptiles, are locked in a cage called "Cloud Peak" and fight each other, bleeding all the blood; only the last one can survive the last breath, can live Leave, get everything from the dead reptile.

Igor squeezed his lips tightly and snarled unwillingly.

"Let the soldiers take a break." Igor twitched his throat. "After a quarter of an hour, we will organize another counterattack ..."

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the long-lost city gate!


Almost at the same time, Igor and the captain of the guard looked up at the same time. At the end of the line of sight, a black smoke rose from the city gate. From a distance, it could also be seen on the head of the city. Several lit dwarf warriors screamed and fell to the wall.

"His Majesty the King, that seems to be ..."

"It's a heavy projectile weapon. Someone is attacking the city!" Igor immediately reacted, with a glimmer of surprise in the corner of his eyes:

"The defenders at the city gate and the perimeter defenses have long been withdrawn, and will not be our people; so either these traitors are on fire, or else it must be ..."

"The reinforcements of the northern city-state, they came to help us ?!"

"Order immediately, the whole army gathers!" Without any hesitation, Igor suddenly pulled out the Mithril Tomahawk from his waist and ordered with a thick voice:

"It's now, this is the moment, the time for counterattack is here!"


As the words fell, the dwarven warriors who dispersed the vigilance began to gather quickly and form an orderly line; and as the bugle sounded, the warriors who were standing by the barricades in the distance were also approaching here.

Almost just in the blink of an eye, nearly a thousand fighters had gathered behind him, and under the leadership of the guard, they consciously formed an offensive formation.

Igor, who gritted his teeth, turned and looked solemnly at the eyes of his soldiers:

"The people of Yunling, the loyal warriors-follow me!"

"Go recapture our wealth, our city, our country!"

"The rebellious messes--"

"Kill it clean !!!!!!"

The bloodthirsty cries responded to Igor's roar.

"Loyal warriors, follow me ..."

Before he finished talking, he was suddenly stopped by a hand beside him, and he blocked his sight.

The angry Igor turned his head suddenly, but saw a shocked guard captain's expression motionless, and his slightly trembling right finger pointed in the direction of the gate.

Igor turned his eyes to the city gate, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help holding his breath.

That is the tide, the ocean.

It is like a black sea with high tide, a large army swept from outside the gate of Yunding Peak, densely packed like an ant swallowing the entire gate defense line in the blink of an eye.


It wasn't until this time ~ ~ that the seriousness on Igor's face turned into ecstasy-yes, at this moment in the battle, it is impossible for the rebels to organize such a large scale offensive, let alone Everything captured the city gate defense line, and a mad wave of waves poured into the city from outside.

It must be a reinforcement from the north, it must be! Only this answer is in line with common sense, otherwise there will be no second army of this scale on the land of the Yunling Kingdom, and its strength is so strong that it can attack the peak of the cloud!

But when Igor turned his head, he found that his guard captain was still in shock. His raised right hand was still pointing straight ahead.

Igor the hesitant looked in the direction pointed by the captain of the guard; he saw a dwarf herald soldier standing on the gate of the city, holding the battle flag high in his hand.

It was a traditional battle flag of the Yunling Kingdom, fluttering in the wind, with the coat of arms of the corresponding dwarf city-state painted on it, representing exactly in whose name this army fought.

Painted the flag of the coat of arms of the city-state ...

That flag ...

Why is the coat of arms of Silver Helmet painted on it? !

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