Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 23: Mutual advantage"

Just one week later, the visiting mission was ready to go.

This time Loren arranged a little bit of the next work, and completed the power transfer with Charlotte-it seems that this kind of thing often happens-during the absence of the Duke, the Round Table Parliament led by the Countess of the Red Blood Castle will exercise the authority of the Duke. .

Except for the maneuvering of the demon hunter, Brandon's letterhead, and the power to declare war on alliances, all the affairs of the Principality are hers.

Because of the long-term "dereliction of duty" of the Duke Byrne, the Round Table Council seems to have gradually become accustomed to this situation-no longer have to be as grand as the opening banquet, all power transfer has a complete set of procedures, the Round Table Council and The bureaucracy established by imitating the empire is becoming more and more perfect, ensuring that everything can still function normally when he is away.

The Torino Wizarding College, the Earl who traveled between the Red Blood Palace and his own territory, the Principality Court, which is no different from the Sky Dome, the tax collectors who entered and exited between the union and the chamber of commerce, the dwarf factory in the wild Firelight, more and more open roads leading to the Red Blood Fort ...

Three years may not be enough for the Bayerns to immediately realize the taste of unity, but three years has already made the Red Blood Forts aware that the city they live in is becoming the core of the entire Principality's politics and wealth from the original richest and strongest territory. .

They do n’t yet know exactly what happened, but when more and more outsiders flooded into the town, when the city of Red Blood Fort was no longer limited to a small "fairy-tale" castle, when a new city appeared, more new When the city wall rises up ...

The life that has been used to for three generations will no longer exist.

Outside the gate of the palace, several carriages stopped one after another on the neat and clean street, flanked by heavily armed guard knights, and two disguised hunters were mixed in, and only the passing Lussn knew their Identity.

In addition, there were two wizards who were ordered to accompany them-the purpose was to do "cultural exchanges" with the elves, and by the way, act as clerks and etiquette officers when necessary.

The entire mission consisted of more than 30 people. The small scale did not seem to be a prince, especially the honour of the Lord Byrne. It was as if it was a difference from the larger caravan; the deacon of Silvik was dumbfounded.

"I do n’t know what the elves are in other areas of the Ancient Wood Forest, but the elves in the eastern settlements, especially the Morning Star Forest, are very belligerent, proud and extremely sensitive-if we really prepare a legion-sized mission, they will definitely not I thought we came to 'friendly exchanges', but came to war. "

This is the explanation given by Loren. In addition, as long as you enter the ancient wood forest, even if there is a complete legion, it is only a prey to be slaughtered in front of the elves and dancers.

Not to mention the fact that the Eastern elves now have good relations with the Duchy of Lotel. Even a few years ago, several settlements began to believe in the Holy Cross, with their own "churches" and "secrets"; at least the first exchanges do n’t need to worry anymore. If there is a misunderstanding, just think about how to get the news about the Azores ship from the elf's mouth.

Under the description of the dark-haired wizard, Deacon Hilvik felt that this "ambassador" was as if it were tailor-made for the Duke of Byrne-traveled far away, met old friends, asked something, and then come back.

Well, well-documented and reasonable.

Compared with the envoys in the history of the empire who carried important missions, and even were often in danger of life, it was like a child's play!

"Unexpectedly, we had to say goodbye just now when we met."

Outside the gate of the palace, the little priest specially arrived-the current Bishop-Weber is still a bit shabby, washed into the pale black priest uniform, with a slight smile showing a little bit of reluctance, his hands folded:

"I will pray for you to the Holy Cross for you. I wish you a smooth journey this time, waiting for you to return safely, Loren."

The dark-haired wizard chuckled.

In my impression, it seems that I haven't really been "on the way" and have returned "safely".

"In any case, thank you first-although I'm not sure, Holy Cross will really bless a wizard." Loren shrugged self-deprecatingly:

"Then ... I have great power, Master Bien, who is in charge of the Duchy of the Duchy. Do you want to know what to do next?"

Webber's indifferent expression nodded, still smiling.

"I want to cleanse the whole church." The calm voice, but decisive.

Loren looked at him quietly, neither mocking nor refuting.

"To be honest, I had psychological preparations at the beginning of my tenure-I knew a little about the corruption of the church. After all, even in the areas where Rotel is full of teaching style and remote and barren areas, there are also greedy clerical clergy; The situation of Byrne can be imagined. "

Weber's expression gradually became serious: "But when I actually saw it, I realized that I was too naive ... all kinds of corruption, far beyond expectations, it was shocking!"

"This is no longer a problem for a certain priest and region, but a common phenomenon-from the church in Red Blood Castle to the lowest priest in all territories, corruption and greed are everywhere, and everything is used to extract the hands of simple believers. Money, property in the name! "

"No! They are no longer clerics. They are scammers, magic sticks, money lenders, manor owners, businessmen, and villain leaders wearing priest uniforms!"

"How can such a church win the trust of the people, and how can it shoulder the people's spiritual sustenance ?!" Webb the young priest said seriously: "Such a church will be finished sooner or later!"

"If the Bayern Church cannot be rebuilt in my hands, then I will be her last bishop-with my own hands ... to destroy her, and I cannot continue to poison the purity of the Holy Cross!"

In the ferocious eyes, the painful determination shone.

"It will be difficult. You have more enemies than you think." The black-haired wizard narrowed his eyes and played softly: "The priests who occupy vested interests will not let you easily take them away. Wealth and privilege. "

"They will rebel, buy and agitate the people against your dictatorship; they will overthrow you in various ways, and even ... assassinate you."

The little priest shook his head.

"If I have learned anything from you, Loren ... it's calm and unwilling in the face of despair." Weber looked up and looked up at the dark-haired wizard:

"If a sorcerer can continue to believe in the despair of betrayal and friend betrayal on all sides, fight for the justice in his heart and win the imperial trial ... then a servant of the Holy Cross must have the courage not to lose to him.

The black-haired wizard was startled, and then he laughed out loud.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, really ... the situation at that time was due to a cause, and I originally felt that I was winning the game ..."


Weber interrupted suddenly.

He raised his head and looked at Duke Byrne with his heavy eyes: "There are some things that I must make clear now."

"It is true that most of the corruption of the Baine Church originates from itself, but as the Duke of Baine, although it has only been three years now, you ... are equally to blame!"

Loren lowered his head and looked at him quietly, without refuting anything.

"In the accounts I found of the Church of Byrne, I found that the Union Chamber of Commerce used a huge amount of loans to take an empty space outside the Red Blood Castle from the church and use them to build a new warehouse." Slightly frowned: "And the land was originally the church's territories and was used to support the priests."

"In addition, the Union Chamber of Commerce has colluded with senior priests inside the Byrne Church for many years, embezzling from the believers, occupying real estate, valuables, and stolen treasures from the church are discounted for those people and sold to them. Ebden, thousands of miles away; by the name of a clever name, it became the public property of the Principality, or the private property of the Chamber of Commerce. "

"In this way, more than four-fifths of the church ’s property in Byrne has been embezzled or sold to others; even the ransom money and donations paid by the believers are stored in the vault of the United Chamber of Commerce to the caravan. Loan! "

"These ... all are the presidents of the United Chamber of Commerce, the masterpiece of your financial officer His Excellency Little Yode!"

"Really? Then you have to be mentally prepared. Little Yoder is a difficult opponent." Loren chuckled. "He is a guy who is extremely confident in himself. The only way to win him is to Beat him in the game he is best at. "

Weber dumbfounded and looked at him incredulously.

"Lo, Loren!"

The little priest spoke silently, and his eyes were astonished to the extreme: "I, what I said just now is your finance officer! I, I mean that if I start to rectify the church, it is likely to confront your officials and even interfere in the internal affairs of the principality. , You may lose a lot of money! "

"Than, for example, for example ... maybe the church's contribution will no longer be in the vault of the Union Chamber of Commerce, and you can no longer get anything from the church! I am serious!"

"Well ... I know, I see it." The black-haired wizard nodded and smiled still: "But ... there must be something wrong, I think there can be a strong bishop adult who beats and beats a greedy bottomless line for me The financial officer is also good. "

"More importantly, for a Principality, a pure, bottom-line and impartial church guides the people and sets an example; only benefits are not harmful."

Loren ’s expression did not mean to be joking: "I do n’t lie to you, I ’m also selfish to help you become Bishop Bien-I want to see it, an independent church focused on the level of faith, to fight The intervention of the Holy Cross Church. "

"So the truth is, I'm also using you ... in a sense."

The little priest was silent for a long time.

"This ... even if it's self-sufficiency," Weber said with a smile of self-deprecation. "In any case, the betrayal of a friend will ultimately have to pay a price-no matter how."

"Remember to say hello to the friends of Morningstar Forest, their views on faith and the management of the church are the models we should learn from-in addition, um ... if you are free and follow the way, you are bothered to see you See Bishop Lotel and apologize for me: Webber in Gumu Town, I may never be able to go back. "

Long-winded, as if the friend in front of me couldn't come back.

"I will." Loren nodded and gently raised the corner of his mouth: "Take care, my Bishop."

After that, the dark-haired wizard turned and left, leaving the little priest a back.

The smile faded.

Yes, he still took advantage of him.

Over the course of three years, Little Yoder gradually drained all the wealth of the Bayern Church under his own instruction, and transferred to himself and the Chamber of Commerce in various ways. The only one left for Weber was nothing but the cathedral. Empty shell.

These wealth, taxes, real estate and real estate are the reasons why he can quickly control Byrne, and at the same time support the floating city and a demon hunter army.

When Weber begins to rectify the church, the savings and bonds of the clergy in the Union Chamber of Commerce will instantly "evaporate", and no dime will remain; .

By that time, everyone's eyes would only be on Weber's "Church Reform". No one would want to know where the money of those corrupt priests went, and they would only applaud their tragic ending.

Um ... except themselves.

Sighing softly, the black-haired wizard who raised his head suddenly froze.

At the forefront of the mission, Charlotte was pulling the hands of the little wizard with a nervous expression, and Ayin, who had a cheeky face, nodded and exchanged a few words with her from time to time. .


They ... they, when did the relationship get so good?

Except when I first came, the small wizard spent all his time in the laboratory and the wizarding college. Almost nothing had happened with Charlotte?

The confused black-haired wizard tilted his head and scratched his head ignorantly.

"Ah ... Our Lord the Duke is finally here."

Noting the dark-haired wizard who came to this side, the Countess of the Red Blood Castle immediately released Ayin's hand, straightened her chest, and ushered in a cold expression: "Are you ready?"

The dark-haired wizard nodded.

"Remember, you not only represent the empire and yourself, but also the first impression of the Bayern in the hearts of the elves-this is the Lord of the Bayern, the first visit to the territory of the elves; the first time, it is very important. "Charlotte took a deep breath and slowly said:

"Byan will give it to me, you just need to consider how to add glory to your country-when you return, I will give her back to you intact."

"Come on the road ~ ~ My Duke!"

Feel safe to go on the road ... Although knowing that the other party is not ambiguous, but still let Loren twitched.

"I know that you have had a very good relationship with these elves, but ... after all, it's been so long, and no one knows what will happen." Charlotte suddenly changed his tone, seeming to be very tangled and reluctantly spit out A few words:

"In short ... the mission of the empire is important, and the glory of Byrne is also important ... but ... but ..."

"If the situation is really forced, uh ... the situation is not allowed, helpless ... if there is really no choice for turning around ... still ... still ..."

"... be safe!" ...

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