Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 25: "Guest" in Shenlinbao

Ancient wood forest.

The secluded land surrounded by endless wilderness and hills, contains mysterious places with countless secrets, treasures and souls, the kingdom of elves, and dangerous land in the eyes of the empire.

On the fourth day of arriving at the border of the Principality of Lotel, after a few days of detention and completing the supply, the imperial mission team continued to advance and entered the scope of the deep forest.

And when crossing the deep forest castle and going west, after passing through the dark forest and a few winding paths, you can reach the largest elf settlement in the east of the ancient wood forest, which is also the most familiar elf settlement in Loren, Morning Star Forest.

"Lorren Turin ... you finally arrived, do you know how long I waited for this day?"

A cheerful voice, like a lion seeing prey, came from Count Shenlinbao's room.

The wanton tan hair, eagle-like eyes, and the hearty face are the beards intentionally left for maturity, but they can't restrain the abundant and endless vitality under the strong body.

It is the Lord of the Deep Limburg, the heir to the Principality of Lothal, who is the protagonist of the Principality of Lothell, and the first employer and friend of Loren, Ruben Frid, who made this misleading statement. Laughing at the dark-haired wizard:

"Tell me the truth-if it wasn't for the order of His Majesty the Emperor, did you really never return to Lotel in your entire life ?!"

"To be honest, one of the things I most want to do in the past few years is to be able to return to Shenlinbao." Sighing tiredly, Rollen's face was filled with helpless crying and laughing:

"But it's a pity that it seems like every day is unlucky."

"Of course, our Duke Byrne is a busy man. How could he get a chance to go back to such a small and remote place like Shenlinbao!"

Even if it looks like yin and yang, let Lu Wen say it can be very hearty; of course, there are shoulders that are banged by him, making the wry smile of the dark-haired wizard twitch:

"Hey ... To be honest, the first time I knew your surname was Turin, I just remembered that it seemed to be a southern surname; I didn't expect it ... you were really the clan of the 'Black Duke', and it really became a worship Duke Eun--what can I say, is there anything strange about the world? "

Well, I also want to know ... how did I change from a little knight servant to a Duke of Byrne?

The corner of the dark-haired wizard's mouth twitched worse.

"But since you're here, you can't let your **** who has forgotten your friend leave so easily!" The excited Lu Wen strode toward the door and pushed open:

"Aaron! Let me know, and welcome all the Duke's envoys into the castle, and move out the best mead in the cellar. How much is moved--how many knights in these wine towns are today Have a great drink! "

The knight outside the door answered with a thick voice, a pair of eyes on the dignified face meaningfully glanced at the dark-haired wizard from the door, and turned to leave.

It wasn't until his footsteps gradually disappeared that Ruben Frid closed the door with a loud "bang!"

Loren, who smiled lightly, stared at his back.

"Lorren Turin, you ..." The Earl of Deeplimb with his back to the dark-haired wizard sighed: "It's too late to come!"

Looking down slightly, Loren lowered his voice: "Elf?"

"Otherwise ?!"

Turning back suddenly, Lu Wen glared at him angrily; he took the bottle of mead from the fireplace in the room, bited the stopper, and pushed a full glass into the arms of the dark-haired wizard.

"Uh ... is this appropriate, it's not yet evening."

"Why so much nonsense, drink!"

Squeezing the pottery glass, the dark-haired wizard silently watched the Earl of Deep Limburg standing silently in front of the fireplace, and poured himself a full glass of mead.

Drink it all.

With a strong "bang!", The wine glass was smashed against the fireplace, and Ruben Fried sighed heavily: "Almost ... It was half a year ago. The elven settlement in the eastern forest suddenly began to block the road in the forest and expelled We send trade caravans and refuse any contact. "

"I didn't think much at the time-you know, unless these helpers are helpless, they will never notify you in advance or discuss with you; so they only order that hunters and merchants in the territory should not enter the forest. , Sent Aaron to negotiate with Morningstar, and asked what happened. "

"I guess ..." Putting down the glass, Loren asked lightly: "Our faithful Knight Lord, have you been sent abroad?"

"Gifts abroad?" Lu Wen raised his eyebrows again unhappy, then rolled his eyes:

"You're too polite-the elves didn't even let him settle in, and they were almost captured; I suspect that it would be unknown if Aaron could come back alive if the relationship between the two had been good enough."

"I finally understand why the Earls of Deep Forest Castle and the Duke of Lothal in the past have not dealt with the ancient wood forest elves; they are really too self-righteous and too capricious!"

With a snort, the irritated Lu Wen poured himself a full glass of mead and sipped it cleanly: "No greetings, no explanations-I really regarded them as friends!"

He sighed and poured himself another glass.

"Well, it seems that the situation is more troublesome than imagined." The black-haired wizard said, turning his eyes to the lively and cheerful mission outside the window: "But okay, at least Lu Wen, you are restrained and have no intention to use it."

"Yeah, restraint ... Am I not restrained?" With a sigh, the heirs of the Principality of Lothal rolled his eyes at him: "You don't know that my father heard that his caravan was driven out of the ancient woods forest, What is anger! "

"On the day the news came, the knights and sharpshooter guards of Eagle Hunter Castle rushed to Shenlin Fort, and a thousand troops were assembled in a week. Half of the Knights and lords of Lothal were assembled at Eagle Eagle Fort! "

"So to speak, if I do n’t restrain, your 'empire envoy' may still be here a few months in advance, holding the empire's declaration of war to the ancient wood forest elf-because then, Lothal and They must have fought! "

Lu Wen's expression tangled to the extreme, revealing helpless eyes also exhausted to the extreme.

The dark-haired wizard can guess that with the impression of Ruben Fried's bold, bold and unbridled character, there is nothing more exciting than war and duel;

But in this situation, one side is his father and lord, and the other side is a friend who has saved his life and fought side by side; he must be patient and do all he can to persuade his father to give up the use of force and avoid making the messy situation change. It's even harder to clean up.

One can imagine the difficulties.

Lifting the corner of his mouth slightly, Loren's eyes swept across the room-the floor was as clean as the new floor and the desk was not clean, but the hunting bow and saddle of the weapon rack hunting in the corner had a little dust, as if it had not been passive for a long time. Too.

Maybe the beard on Lu Wen's mouth ... not just for the sake of being mature.

"Later, when the Sky Dome ordered the Duke Byrne to act as a special envoy, I knew when I visited the ancient wood forest ... I'm afraid it's not that simple."

In a calm mood, Ruben Friede ’s expression gradually dignified: "Loren, I am not alarmist-I do n’t know anything about the Azores, and I ’m not interested ... But now the ancient wood forest elves are no longer They were you who fought side by side. "

"I don't know what happened, but something must have happened, and the problem is even more serious than the original ogren invasion!"

"So I said, it's really not a time for you to come!"

The words fell, and he sighed heavily again.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit low.

"exactly the opposite……"

The dark-haired wizard raised his head and stared at Lu Wen with his sincere eyes: "I think it's the right time for me to come!"

Especially before jumping into an unknown disaster, a friend can stand up and remind himself.

You don't have to fight with unknown enemies in the same way as in the past, this is really ... nothing better.

Lu Wen was surprised, and then he grinned: "Loren Turin, it's really nice to be able to meet my old friend again ... it couldn't be better!"

"You can't imagine how I came here in the past six months-dozens, no! It was hundreds or thousands of times, I wish you could stand where you are standing now!"

"Um ... Grand Duke Lothal wouldn't think so." The black-haired wizard smiled. "I heard that he has reprimanded me for being an" unbelieving "duke. Let me stay here. He will worry that I will You brought the bad. "

"Because of this, I didn't dare to stop at the castle when I passed the Eagle Hunting Fort, and just walked around."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..." Lu Wen laughed heartily, tilting his chin with his mouth cocked: "Don't worry about this, my father will take the initiative to abdicate in a few years' time, and I will be the Lord of Lotel ——At that time, you can come and go as you like. "

"South to the river valley, north to the deep forest, there is me, see who dares to stop you!"

Looking at him, Loren could only shrug.

As the first son of the Duke who has the inheritance rights of the Deep Forest Castle and the Eagle Hunter Castle, Ruben Frid will be the first person who can fully control the two north and south parts of Lotel; Grand Duke Frid will abdicate early, Probably also to avoid turmoil in his sudden death, and to ensure that Lu Wen can actually take power, and will not be overruled by the nobles below because of personality factors.

His friend is about to become the Duke of Lotel, which is good news for the black-haired wizard. For the Holy Cross Church, the Principality of Lotel is simply the same as the rear base camp, and they have always been able to positively The capital of the Principality's confrontation.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled at each other in a "tacit understanding".

"Well, since you have come-although you don't know if you are willing, it is just as the father said, just being coerced by His Majesty the Emperor, for some kind of balance ... Barabara Barbara ..."

Like thinking of something very complicated and troublesome, an impatient expression flashed across Lu Wen's face, and then looked solemnly at the dark-haired wizard: "Tell me, do you need me to help you?"

Not "what can I help" but "what I need to help".

The difference in one sentence is here.

"I really need you to do a little favor for me." Loren smiled. "It's very simple, let the army of the Deep Forest keep restraint; no matter what happens, don't provoke conflicts or make any actions against the ancient wood forest. "

"Don't the army in Shenlinbao just tell you? I have persuaded my father. Lothal's army has been withdrawn to their respective stations, and it will be impossible in a short time ..."

"No, I'm not talking about Lotel's army." Loren interrupted him suddenly:

"Instead, all the troops appearing in Shenlinbao must not act rashly!"

Lu Wen was stunned, and his expression finally became serious: "You mean, it is possible that the emperor of the heavenly palace ..."

"Don't be too cautious, just in case." The black-haired wizard waved his hand to dispel Lu Wen's worries: "Maybe it's just that I think too much. In short ... it's always good to be guarded; things involving diplomatic relations , No matter how cautious it is. "

Although Eckhart II gave himself full power to represent the empire and promised never to intervene, no one could tell him if he would change his way.

Or ... it was a lie from the beginning, a way to confuse yourself and Brandon, and the ancient wood forest elves.

In any case, it is always good to be prepared-to this day, "surprise" and all kinds of accidents are still Loren's most hateful things.

"Understood, I will keep my eyes on the side of Shenlinbao; if there is an imperial legion, my father should be able to stop it a little bit." Lu Wen nodded solemnly, "If I really can't help, Aaron will be notified in advance. "

"Also ... Although there is no way to enter the ancient wood forest, I have also arranged manpower on the periphery; if necessary, find a way to get a signal that can answer you at any time."

"Even if you let me rush into the Morning Star Forest, a fire will light up the cloud crown trees they settled before they can take you away ~ ~ I will never frown."

Loren paused, staring at the uncolored eyes on Lu Wen's face.

"Thank you."

"It's okay." This time replaced by Lu Wen waving his hand: "Oh, do you remember Liya?"

"Morning Forest's war dancer elf ... um ... remember of course." The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just that she had been there about half a year ago and asked where you were; I told her that you are now the Duke of Byrne, and unless there is an accident, it is rare to come." Lu Wen said casually.

"Oh, then?"

"Then she left—just like asking about it." The Earl of Shenlinbao shrugged and picked up a glass of wine and handed it to Loren: "I also told her that you are 80% married and married you. The female relative in her hometown might even have children ... Ah, are you married? "


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