Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Stop me!


The dagger hit the tip of the spear and pulled an invisible arc in the air.

Lucien gritted his teeth and flashed his skewed blade in the sideways flash, leaving a trace on the waist of the armor.


With a backhand, Jian Feng had penetrated the dancer's throat.

Through the space around the elf warriors in the future, the gray pupils did not hesitate to choose to retreat, and the surrounding Bayern knight immediately topped up, using a large sword and armor to block the spears from both sides.

"Don't look at their pace and figure, just aim at the oncoming spear!" As the retreat, Luisen shouted:

"Don't try to resist, this group of guys reacts faster than you-cover the people around you with the sword body, and then believe your robe and armor on it!"

In the camp of the Imperial Mission, the "drama" of fighting continued, but it was no longer a one-sided situation at the beginning-with the shrinking formation of the Bain knights gave up the initiative to attack, sensitive and flexible war dancers No matter how hard it is to cause them considerable damage.

The spear built for the purpose of bloodletting and tearing the ogre skin is very sharp, but it is not yet able to penetrate the top steel knight armor frontally; and the heavy two-handed sword can easily tear the elf once. Their fragile armor broke their bones and caused the plasma to splatter.

In addition to the javelin, the war dancers are extremely lacking in the means to deal with these "Imperial Iron Cans"; the experienced Bayern knights also have the skills to block and shoot the javelin with a large sword in a short distance.

The momentum is as great as the number of war dancers on the opposite side.

The same is true of the imperial missions. Once the formation is broken out, the war dancers will immediately find the gap between the raids and then divide the encirclement and suppression; the knight who fights alone cannot be a mobile warrior. Opponent.

But in order to curb the elves' offensive, the mission was still trying to break through and break the blockade of the war dancers.

The two sides fell into a brief stalemate in such a situation where they were unable to enter.

"Come ---"

The two "unmasked" demon hunters were the first to stand out, and the "bright silver" flashing with gray and blue swords cut off the lances that were on the face; the backhand picked up and forced back the fighting that came behind. Dancer.

The next second, the two knelt down on their knees almost at the same time, and the Beyond Knight behind them also "tacitly" stepped back half a step, leaving enough space.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.


The sound of the air burst echoed in everyone's ears, and the roaring waves broke the formation of the war dancers, tearing apart two gaps in the airtight surrounding net.

"Hurry up!"

There was an exclamation immediately from the war dancers on the opposite side, the tight blockade was immediately enlarged, and the original formation was restored at the same time, so that the chances that the envoys finally won were defeated again.

Gray pupil frowned: "The wild monkeys on the opposite side have a few veterans in addition to the **** ones!"

"This is of course." Peter Fasha gasped, he was not a full-time fighter. The fierce fighting of almost a quarter of an hour almost exhausted him:

"The Azor elf called Middle ... Since he can extend his tentacles into the empire, it is normal to have a few experienced and powerful fans of war dancers!"

"What's more, the war dancer is the most elite warrior among the elves, who can fight with the ogres!" Added Harinfan Azamai standing in the back row, calmly glancing at the elves who attacked from the periphery. War dancers:

"It is hoped that they will retreat because of fear of unknown magic and the rigor of the formation. It is too much to look down upon them."

"What should we do-there are only a few dozens on our side, but the entire Wuyue Court is opposite!"

"No, at least not all ..." For the first time, Achamai's tone became less certain: "In short, the other party must be robbing time, otherwise it will not attack us so suddenly."

"It ’s a gamble, and it ’s the same for us and for the Azores; the win or loss at the table depends on luck, and also on which side ca n’t breathe and lose the sense first; Let the situation not be expanded without being destroyed by the enemy, it is victory! "

"Persevere, as long as we continue to persevere, things will definitely turn around-don't forget, Ain is also in the long house of the council, fighting the elves and elders in his own way!" Peter shouted: "Trust Loren, trust your Duke, and trust yourself!"

Lucien closed his eyes, then took a deep breath.

"In that case, then I believe you once." The gray pupil with his head down said coldly: "But I am not a commitment to entrust your life to you, but Lord Loren-remember, this is very important!"

"You, what are you going to do?"

Peter Fasha looked up, his expression completely frozen.

Because Lushen raised his head, he showed a pair of gray-blue eyes-that was a direct reaction of the body's serious erosion by the force of the void!

"What to do?" Lucien smiled humorously, his eyes full of war:

"Do what I always wanted to do!"

In the next second, before Peter responded, Lucien, who pulled out his swords, had already rushed out of the defense line formed by the Bayern knights and launched a counterattack on the war dancers who had hit the front!

"Hello! I said how are you ..." Peter looked at his back, stomping his feet straight out of the spot: "Knight Bane, cover your sir, hurry!"

There is no need to ask at all, the Bayern knights on both sides have already emerged from the round formation, and used the "strike formation" to cover the gray pupils' left and right-although at the speed of the other party's raid, this kind of cover is not necessary at all.


The heavy dragon knight's gun blocked the attack of the three lances at different angles at the same time. The dancer on the opposite side was still in amazement. The short sword in Lucien's left hand had penetrated the throat on the opposite side.

An exquisite war dancer's spear fell gently to the ground.

While the other two elves struggled with retreat or revenge in anger, the blocked dragon knight's gun was already backhanded, and then he vigorously knocked off the barrel of one of the long guns, but was also hit by the other long gun. Fly up and fly out.

The tight "blockade" instantly showed a gap, dragging the blood spewing from the neck, and Lushen, who drew his short sword, burst into it immediately.

The two war dancers immediately chose to retreat, while dragging the spear, holding the end of the spear to stab the gray pupil who had approached within three steps.

But Lucien is far faster than they thought!


A short sword with a reverse grip, penetrating the palm of the war dancer holding the gun on the left. The tip of the gun is also bisected with the body of the gun. With his inertia, his dagger waved to the throat of another war dancer.

"Come ---"

At the moment of the hit, the flexible spearpoint was able to stop the sword edge; the war dancer who was about to die immediately chose to retreat again; and the gray pupils seemed to be unresponsive and stayed where they were.

Huh ... Sure enough, they are just human beings, even if they can barely keep up with the pace of war dancers ...

Thinking abruptly, the retreating war dancer was at the moment when he stopped, and the dragon knight's gun descended from the sky penetrated from the top of the skull, and the blood-stained gun pointed out from the lower jaw.

The indifferent gray pupil's figure flashed beside the body of the war dancer, cruelly pulling the blade from the other's head bit by bit, and the blood-stained blade wiped the broken bones in the neck and There was a harsh noise between the friction of flesh and blood ...

Everything seemed to be just in the blink of an eye, three young and flamboyant dancers were killed on the spot!

"In the past I always heard ... How good and fierce the war dancers in the ancient wood forest are; they can kill the enemies like dancing." Slowly stood up and flicked the blood from the sword, and Lusien's mouth showed contempt Laughs:

"Look at it today ... but that's it!"

The elf warriors around showed their expressions, but they were shocked by the murder of the gray pupils. For a time, they actually relaxed the siege of the mission and began to target him.

"So this is his purpose?"

Behind the Bian Knight's defense line, Peter Fasha looked at Lusien, who was surrounded by war dancers: "Let yourself be a bait to attract attention and reduce the pressure on the side of the mission?"

"Is he crazy ?!"

"Some people, although they have no real ideals and goals; but they will deliberately imitate the people they worship or respect; repeat what they have done, or have similar actions."

Asha Mai, speaking quietly, thoughtfully said: "For them, the biggest meaning of life is to become a person exactly like his admirer, or to become a part of his merits, or to make achievements beyond him. . "

"You mean ... Lusien is imitating Loren?"

Azhamai did not answer him, but stared at the back of the gray pupils intently, watching him in a heavy siege, constantly confronting one dancer after another.

"Dang-Dang-Dang-Dang ..."

One after another, the impact of the blades of the soldiers turned into a note and played a swift tune; the warriors who burst into the surroundings were constantly attacked by Lucien ’s flexible “two-handed swordsmanship”; the two short swords were like the dancer Fly up and down like a decoration, endlessly.

After opening the Asrell's "free gift" of the evil spirit mark, Lucien's reaction ability and insight ability have been improved countless times, and even to the point of exceeding his own consciousness, he can only rely on physical instinct to fight.

After three years of training, especially after Dalton Kant had roughly taught him how to use the power of the void, Lucien finally managed to keep his consciousness up to the rhythm of his body and manipulate his own body.

Of course, time is limited.

Lucian, who gritted his teeth, opened another spear piercing his neck, desperately entangled with the dancers.

As long as you stick to it for a little while, stick to it for a little while, at least make the mission and Ain safer ...

"Come ---"

A spear suddenly pierced from the side, the short pupil of the gray pupil's left hand was instinctively blocked; but the tip of the spear only slipped across the spine of the sword, and changed the angle of attack like a poisonous snake spitting, piercing his lower cost.

Luisen was shocked and immediately changed the attack posture to block, but inadvertently twisted the originally smooth blade.


The spike of the spear fell sharply again, but the raised tail of the spear steadily hit Lucien's temple.

Suddenly, Lucien felt a sudden bang in his mind, his eyes blank.


There was another blow, which did not give him even a moment of reaction time; the tail handle of the spear was like a javelin, knocking **** the back of his head.


Lussene was pale, kneeling on one knee, and regained consciousness by the mark of the evil spirit; he gritted his teeth like a fierce beast, and supported his body with his sword.


The cold tone sounded, seemingly with a little bit of intolerance: "It can allow dozens of war dancers to siege you one, but also with such a detestable means, we admit that you are a well-deserved soldier in the empire!"

An icy lance fell on Lucien's shoulder, and the blade was close to his neck; besides, there were dozens of spears around him that were aimed at him like an enemy.

"On the battlefield, as long as you can win, there is nothing dirty or dirty." A painful cough, the gray pupil who was kneeling on the ground, still proudly held his neck: "I lost, you won, just So simple!"

"Let your warriors give up resistance, and I can give you a glorious method of death." The war dancers on the opposite side made suggestions.

"Stop thinking, not to mention that you can't do it at all!" Lussin said coldly, with the strange gray-blue double pupils with the killing intention that made the war dancers tremble: "Don't give me a chance, even if it is a slight chance-- Otherwise, before I die, I will definitely do something that will make you suffer for a lifetime! "



The angry war dancer hadn't come to revenge yet, another angry voice had already sounded from behind him.

Almost at the same time ~ ~ The tidal wave of footsteps came from the direction of the camp in all directions; the astonished war dancers and the Bayern knights raised their heads and looked around.

It ’s not a street or an alley ... but all directions, approaching them all together.

Thousands of trembling grounds-the entire elves of the Wuyue Court are rushing towards them; in a moment, they are surrounded by the war dancers fighting with the imperial mission, and the spears in succession are like moving Forest!

While the dancers in front of him were in shock, Lucien immediately pushed away the spear on his shoulder and recaptured his short sword. He watched the elves who were "flooding" towards him with ease, breathing lightly.

Thank God, you are finally here.

Although I came a little late ...

"In the name of the Morning Star Forest, in the name of Wuyue Court, in the name of the ancient wood forest, give me a hand!" Said the angry Luka Han:

"All participants immediately put down their weapons and squatted on the spot, otherwise they would be treated as traitors!"

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