Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 48: Mist

The darkness disappeared, and the female elf Liya gradually recovered her senses.

What exactly is going on?

Is the battle between those two guys over? No, this is not the point, the point is who wins?

That big liar ... Is he still alive?

Some panicked female elves were at a loss and stood at the same place. Before they looked up, they heard the elves around them widening their eyes one after another.

"What happened ?!" The nervous female elf dared not raise her head and looked back to Luca around her.

"You ..." The middle-aged elf opened his eyes wide, and his motionless face fully explained what "complex expression" is: "You still ... just see for yourself."

Followed a pair of shocked sights around her, and hesitant Liya still summoned up her courage and looked up.

Great liar, don't you ... eh? !

The female elf froze.

She saw the Azore elf lying motionless in the middle of the sand, with bruises and bruises all over his body; he fell in the pool of blood, and the position of his neck seemed to be seriously injured, still twitching;

She saw Middle's broken arm thrown aside, and the spilled blood was connected to the body;

She saw the weird Azore knife, which was firmly inserted in the mud next to the body. The blade was still as bright as a mirror, without any traces of blood or damage;

She saw a frowning black-haired wizard standing next to the body. The spear "Dragon Teeth" in her hand was still bleeding, and the point of the gun had been completely stained with blood stains;

Although somewhat unexpected, it's no big deal.

The only problem is ...

"Unscathed ..." Lucca's eyes shone unbelievably: "Loren Turin, he was ... unscathed?"

Luca is not completely ignorant of the strength of this "Azoel Elf"; it is better to say that because of the opponent ’s unique and outstanding swordsmanship, he can conquer so many war dancers so quickly and admire him One of the reasons.

But this kind of Middle, who almost defeated Loren ’s Middle ... at this moment was lying quietly in the pool of blood, and the dark-haired wizard who killed him, except for a little tired, even had a little scar on his body. can not see.

How is this possible? !

If Luca is simply unbelievable, then besides the shock, the elves around them are more of a kind of inner pride, fragmented pain in front of reality.

An excellent swordmanship was enough to die in the hands of an imperial human in a one-on-one duel with one hundred blood relatives, and no trace of it was left on that human ...

The sense of loss of pride is the cause of the loss of voice.

The tired, dark-haired wizard stood at the spot, his expression slightly frowned, as if a little confused, but also like a little lost, staring at the corpse of the Azores in the pool of blood, not looking up for a long time.

Looking at his somewhat weak appearance, a trace of pity slipped through the heart of the female elf ... Anyway, this big liar is for peace between the ancient wood forest and the empire, even if the means is too rough and dirty, it is just forced to nothing ... …

The footsteps she had just taken stopped, because she saw that the little wizard on the opposite side had rushed forward, holding the big liar's hand in anxious expression; in the back, there was a follower to make The entourage of the regiment.

For a moment of silence, the female elf turned around quietly and left quietly from behind Luka.

"Loren, what are you looking at?"

"……It's nothing."

Looking at the back of the female elf turning away, the dark-haired wizard who secretly sighed shook his head and withdrew his gaze: "Uh ... where did you just say?"

"The words left to you before the death of the Azore Elf, beware of killing your sword." While Ain hadn't shown an annoyed expression, Lusien added a sentence for him, wrinkling suspiciously. Brows: "The guy who made the mystery is probably just wanting to intimidate you before he dies, is he right?"

Looking at the gray pupil's scornful and somewhat disgusted expression, Loren raised his eyebrows slightly.

No, that is by no means a word.

Middle's eyes before death, and his expression, did not seem to be deceiving himself-he could confuse himself with a few truthful and false information, but in the end he chose to keep the secret and gave it to himself Such a warning.

Beware ... kill my sword?

"Whether it is intimidation or indeed, Midel's existence is already dangerous enough." Silently stepped forward, Peter Fasha's expression was unprecedentedly dignified: "An Azore elf actually knew the existence of the night watchman , And can also get the information of the Duke level, proving that there are their supporters within the empire. "

"Even in the dark, their 'night watchman' and assassins may be ambushed-if they can't be dug out as soon as possible, the destruction that this group of powerful elf warriors can cause is definitely far more than the single-handed evil gods apostles and heretics The Order! "

Speaking of which, Peter sighed a little regretfully; if Loren was not killing him but alive, maybe more valuable information could be dug from the Azores, not just to wipe out an exposure Enemy.

But Peter, who saw the intensity of the fighting just now, knew that the difficulty of trying to catch was absolutely beyond imagination, so he just thought about it and didn't say anything.

"I will send this information as soon as possible to Lord Rut Infinite and the Imperial Palace, hoping to attract attention." Peter Fasha's worried expression: "And Duke Frid of Lotel He must also be made more cautious, and the intelligence was robbed, proving that the inside of Eagle Hunting Castle may have been infiltrated. "

The voice fell, and the expressions of several people were more dignified.

"These are the future things, we have to look at our eyes first." Harlem van Ashamai spoke softly, breaking the heavy atmosphere: "Middle died, there is no second way in the ancient wood forest; so As soon as the empire's western front is completely stabilized. "

"No matter what the abacus of the Azores is, this time it is completely defeated." Azhami raised his head and looked at Loren with a smile: "Master Duke, this mission is very important to your status.

Good use of can not only maintain the peace of the empire, but also allow Baine's identity in the empire to change from an uncontrolled powerful state to a town of knights who save the empire!

Although it cannot reach the height of the 'Black Duke' era, at least it can resolve the hostility of other states and imperial nobles to you, and it can also make the Holy Cross Church unable to grasp your handle; they have nothing to say and they will lose Gave you a chance to do it. "

The dark-haired wizard who was silent for a long time raised his head and looked at the old man with his eyes.

Peter Fasha seemed to want to say something, but his "special status" in the mission became embarrassing, and in the end, he just stopped talking.

"Master Ashamai is right-not to mention anything else, focusing on the moment is the most important thing." Loren nodded, as if he was persuading himself: "No matter whether Middel is threatening or not, It ’s not what we care about now. "

"What should be cared about now is the choice of ancient wood forest elves."

The voice fell, and Loren looked up at the other end of the sand, in the direction of Elder Wu Yueting.

The elf elder holding the "Judgment Lance" in his hand was also watching him, with a trace of sorrow in his eyes-that was not the sadness of Middle's death, but the fate of the ancient wood forest elf.

At this moment, they had completely lost their right to speak; the messenger of the Azore Eagle King died, and the elves living in the ancient wood forest completely lost their hope of uniting with the distant blood.

But the result still requires them to speak out, as if everything is in the Wuyue Garden. In the control of the ancient wood forest, it seems that the empire respects the ancient wood forest's own choice.

As everyone sees, Loren did not take the initiative to ask the elders of Wuyue Ting to take the initiative to announce that they are already maximizing their retention of last dignity.

Under the cloud crown tree, no elf took the initiative to speak first.

Looking at the silent expressions around him, Elder Wu Yueting sighed and pulled out the "trial spear" from the sand with difficulty, slowly opening:

"Ancient Wood Forest has made her choice;"

"The glory of the sun has pointed the way for us."

The elder leaned on a spear and stepped towards the dark-haired wizard step by step, but his low, hoarse voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of each elf:

"This fair and just battle of honor ... the results have been divided."

"The victor is the emissary representing the Sakran Empire, the Duke of Byrne ... His Excellency Loren Turin!"

"Mo Yao is crying for the dead, because this duel is glorious and comforting; Mo Yao is cheering for the winner, because there is another brave and noble warrior who will always sleep under the cloud crown tree."

Stopping, the elder stood in front of the dark-haired wizard, and his eyes were tragic and deep, and he looked at him: "And the ancient wood forest will keep her promise and extend the hand of friendship and peace to the glorious winner. "

"Then ask, Honorable Lord Loren Turin ... Is the Empire also following her promise to build a permanent peace with the elves of the ancient wood forest with the heart of friendship?"

"The empire will keep her promise, from today to the end." Loren also looked at the elders solemnly, then raised his head and looked away:

"And I also guarantee with my own life and honor, as long as the thirteen kings of Byron have not fallen, as long as the golden lion flag of the Turin family is still flying; the army of the empire will never cross the deep forest for half a step!"

"Even one day, if the elves of the ancient wood forest decide to reclaim the land occupied by ogres in the south, the empire will do their utmost to fully support; no matter what your choice is, you will be respected by the empire!"

"This is my promise, this is the promise of the empire--!"

The voice fell, and the atmosphere was slightly revived.

Elder Wu Yueting smiled tiredly, handed the "Judgment Spear" to Loren's hand, and turned away.

Around the sand, many elf elders were relieved. It seemed to be fortunate that Loren did not take the opportunity to put forward more conditions.

In addition to the Morning Star Forest, the remaining elves of the settlement did not have any excitement because of Loren's "declaration"; either lament for the settlement's future, or regret for the dead Middle.

Several young Wuyue court dancers came forward, carefully packing up Midel's body, and occasionally glanced angrily at the dark-haired wizard, then turned his head back quickly.

Different expressions, elves with complex moods turned around and left, scattered towards their respective settlements.

This is not what Loren expected.

He did n’t expect to be able to completely reverse the attitude of the ancient wood forest elves through a duel and a few words-otherwise Midel ’s plan for several years, he won the ogre war by his own risk, would n’t it be all one joke.

"So ... it's over, isn't it?" Looking at the elves who turned around and left, Ayin couldn't help but ask, "Everything is over, we are protecting the peace of the empire, aren't we?"

"Yes, it's over." Looking up, the dark-haired wizard grinned reluctantly: "In a short time, no one will disturb the peace of this forest-so for the elves of the ancient wood forest, it is indeed over. . "

But for the empire, all this has just begun.

Beware of your sword ...

Middle's last words came to Loren's mind again, like a kind of curse.

"And the empire, or at least you, has peeped into the secret of the Azore Elf Warrior's way." Achamai said with a smile:

"When the enemy tears off their mysterious veil, the unknown fear will cease to exist-and we can find a way to restrain these Azore elf warriors in a targeted manner."

"For example, all of their" powers "must be shown through swordsmanship, and we can use this to establish a situation that prevents them from playing swordsmanship; I just thought that more than one alchemy potion can play special of……"

"Master Ashamai ~ ~ There is something I don't know when to ask." Loren interrupted him abruptly.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Azhamai looked kindly and dignified: "Your Excellency, but it's okay."

"That's it, did you get married ... uh, no, should you have children and heirs?"

"This ... the vast majority of wizards who pursue dreams are very bumpy on the path of love; unfortunately, I am also a member of this bumpy path-although there have been many opposite sexes that I love each other, but never have Such a happy destiny. "

"Really, then I might want to congratulate you."

"Well, how do you say this?"

"The first time I met before, Middlel told me that the Eagle Howling Island you had visited had changed from a deserted island on the border to an alchemical sanctuary." Loren looked at him "seriously": "There The elves and wizards trace their roots to the juniors of your former apprentices-I mean female apprentices. "

"what do you mean……"

"You may be more than a father, or even a grandpa." Loren blinked "sincerely" and smiled slightly: "The only pity is that your former female apprentices have probably been picked up by other elves. You will not recognize you 'Grandpa Ashamai' after you finish the game. "

"..." Harlem Fan Azhamai. ...

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