Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Profit

Almost the day after Loren and the imperial mission left, Webb the young priest began his "reform plan."

And at the brunt of it, aimed at the extravagant wind of Byrne Cathedral.

To put it simply, to open source, first throttle.

Fine nightingale wine, white bread mixed with milk, honey and granulated sugar, traveling caravans, servants of churches, stables, tableware in pure gold and sterling silver, satin priest robes ...

All priests ’platoons, supplies, and servants were collected under Weber ’s“ bishop ’s order ”, or severed or sold at a low price to the Union Chamber of Commerce (this is of course planned by Little Yoder, otherwise the ordinary Chamber of Commerce It's impossible to pay so much money at once), used to subsidize the daily operation of the Bayern Church, charity work and the like.

In the face of "leading by example" and at the same time receiving the support of the Duke of Bayern and the Holy Cross Church, the priests of the Bayern Church can only "willingly" and raise their hands in favor of the decision of the bishop.

But this does not mean that they really gave up resistance, but aimed at Weber's second decision-layoffs.

As a "spiritual guide" for the Principality, the Bayern Church also has a large number of things to deal with, and even has to undertake certain courts and tax collectors between the villages, promote the Duke ’s "greater achievements", and promote the Principality ’s policies to the countryside. Occasional civil disputes have to be handled.

Such a lot of work, of course, is impossible for the "noble and holy" deacon of the cathedral to do it by themselves; they are only responsible for coming forward, and the specific work is handed over to various employees and church servants.

Under Weber ’s “new reforms”, the number of these employees and servants was reduced by four-fifths, making the deacons squabbled; so they began to use passive downtime, using “lack of manpower” as a reason Nearly in a state of semi-paralysis.

But they obviously underestimated the perseverance of this "Bishop Master" and his ability to win over allies and rely on "sincerely moving people's hearts".

Weber first abolished the redundant church servants, but all employees with certain "professional skills"-propagandists, judges and tax collectors, were retained by Weber in the priesthood of the church, and then all transferred to the court of Byrne, directly to worship Duke Eun and the Allegiance of the Round Table Council.

That is to say, although they still do the same thing in the past in the name of the church, the salary is paid by the Principality and the church no longer cares.

This is "reciprocity and mutual benefit" for both parties. Weber got rid of the complicated customs, and the Round Table Parliament has a large number of grassroots bureaucrats overnight, and the execution effect is much stronger than that of the courts that passed the counts in the past.

Charlotte Turin, who was overwhelmed by surprise, immediately began to implement her centralization plan while the counts around the country did not react; and the "Bishop Weber" who spared no effort could finally focus on the main functions of the church.

With the collective slackness and inaction of the deacons of the cathedral, Weber showed human perseverance and extraordinary energy. With only a few priests secretly bought by Charlotte, the entire Bain church was run alone. .

This time the deacons really panicked because they suddenly found themselves doing nothing, the church was still as usual-that is to say that he was also superfluous to the bishop, he would not even abolish his own group of people together Right? !

But Weber once again "style changed", first deposed a few greedy deacons, most of them just removed from office, but retain the priesthood, still the priest of the cathedral.

The most important point, whether it is to oust or be removed from office, Weber's reasons are all excuses such as "aged" and "acute illness", leaving them with a last trace of thinness.

And the rest of the group immediately grasped the enlightenment, and used the excuses of "eyeball pain", "little finger", "getting a mouse hand", "don't want to lie down", and asked the bishop to get rid of their duties so that they can return Home recuperation.

Weber naturally agreed, and then promoted a group of young people from small churches around the world who had similar ideals to fill empty positions.

The cathedral was reorganized, and the young priest—Bishop Bayern—Webber finally had the opportunity to turn the spearhead from “throttling” back to “open source”.

As the church of the Principality of the entire empire, the Bayern Church is certainly not the most powerful, but it is definitely one of the best in terms of affluence; the already wealthy Bayern plus the annual donations of nobles everywhere, and the intentional draw of the Duke of Bayern throughout the ages The Bayern Church has an alarming amount of funds and real estate.

In Lotel, the priests in the villages and towns want to make money and need to "encourage" the nobles and rich peasants to donate; while the priests of the imperial capital have the charitable contributions from believers who come to pray regularly in various churches.

The Bayern Church alone, almost all churches of all sizes, have their own fields, manors and plantations; together with donations from believers and nobles, it is enough for the local priests to live like a count; and the Bayern Cathedral in Red Blood Fort It also has the deed of the most prosperous section of the inner city, and it also has a surprising number of assets in the United Chamber of Commerce and the Jodhpur Chamber of Commerce, and makes money by lending.

However, these properties have already fallen from Governor Byrne, and were almost resold by the priests and deacons during the Centaur War; plus Loren and Charlotte secretly "instructed", Little Yoder was responsible for execution, and was punished from the inside out. The Turin family and the Jode Chamber of Commerce swept away, leaving Weber with an empty shell.

This is why Weber had to wash the public servants in the church as soon as he took office, and ceded his employees to the Duke—unless he borrowed money, he had no money left to supply these “idle people”.

Weber, who was almost "one poor, two blunt", immediately hit his mind on the deacons who had been removed, and wanted to use the name "corruption" to resell the money they exchanged for the church assets and recapture them.

But it's a pity, because the little Yode of the United Chamber of Commerce has long guessed that he would do so.

So as soon as Weber came to the door, the deacons had either "run money" or "investment failed" and went bankrupt; the family members were shocking; the deacon family who had Zeng Shanzhenwei last month, just a few dozen days The whole family was lying on the bed, so thin and dry that they were so hungry that they were so hungry that they only had half a breath.

At this point, even if the dying deacons didn't tell him, Weber could guess who was behind it-the Principality Finance Officer, the President of the Union Chamber of Commerce, Loren's intelligence leader, His Excellency Jordean.

The only problem is that although Little Yoder is cruel, either cooperating or dying; whether it is to transfer assets or to plan caravan "bankruptcy", it is a trick within the "rules" and does not involve the church's internal affairs.

That is to say, unless the face is torn apart and the needles are divided, the Bishop can only do something to accuse Little Yoder of being unethical and scolding him painlessly.

Weber decided to give first to the soldiers.

Bishop Bien politely came to the door, and politely told him that the church of Bain had a sum of money in the accounts of the Union Chamber of Commerce, a huge amount of investment. He now needs to raise a part of the money from this fund to maintain the church ’s Running.

And Jody also said politely, it doesn't matter, it just has to wait a few days; because it involves so much investment and the amount is so huge, it will take time for the United Chamber of Commerce to collect the money.

Weber nodded, indicating understandable.

So after waiting for more than half a month, Weber, who had never heard of it, finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately went to the door to visit, and asked Xiaoyued in person.

What about money?

With a sincere look, Little Yode shook his hand and shook his head regretfully.

Sorry, it's gone.

Stopping the two behind him who wanted to rush up, the follower who shattered the small corpse of Jody, the indifferent Weber asked politely, why not?

The short-sighed little Yoder immediately took out hundreds of pages of accounts, and spread out half of the room neatly in front of Weber's face, telling him one by one, how the investment managed by the money experienced returns. , Increase, fall and bankruptcy.

To put it simply, the church ’s investment was once a benign investment, and they all made a lot of money, but unfortunately these investments lost money for various reasons; except for a pile of borrowings and dead and unproven white bars, half of the copper plates were not. Left.

As for the process ... Look at the books in this room, didn't I tell you all?

can not read it? Not so much time? Oops, that's not my problem, but yours.

Unless you can come up with evidence to prove that my account book is falsified, this is the evidence, and it is iron proof!

Once again to stop the followers who wanted to die with Little Yoder, Weber nodded and said nothing more, just give me the slip.

A little bit of honesty and trustworthiness said that there is no problem.

In the end, Weber left the Jodhpur Chamber of Commerce for the second time with a voucher filled with a carriage and white notes, as well as thousands of gold coins donated by the privately-minded Yode.

But Bishop Bain knew very well that Little Yode, who had already shown his ugly face, would not let himself go so easily.

Sure enough ... On the second day, there was a rumor about "Bishop Bain will collect the debts of the church" in Red Blood Castle, and it spread to half of the Principality; the businessmen in Bayern have all changed their minds and arrived at the Round Table Parliament. To the point.

In this case, Weber has only two options left;

The first is to insist on collecting these debts and completely destroy the businessmen who are already bankrupt; but this will make the church of Baine bear a bad reputation, and he will certainly be ruined by this.

The most troublesome thing is that once there is a fight, the Bayern Church will once again be involved in the Principality politics, which is inconsistent with his original intention to reform;

The second is to give up debt, but the Bayern Church, which is short of assets, will immediately face the dilemma of making ends meet; on the premise that it has already bowed its head to the Turin family once again, another compromise is likely to make the church completely lose its independence and become a duke And the vassal of the Turin family.

Neither option is what Weber wants to do.

So he decided to choose the third way.

Before Charlotte and the Roundtable Parliament formally prepared to proceed, Weber took a step forward and announced to the Principality in the name of "Bishop of the Church of Bayern" that it would formally deal with the debt of the church in a week.

Invite all businessmen in the Principality who bear the church's arrears-basically the vast majority-so that they must come to the scene "on time" to discuss the matter with him.

Weber's decision was decisive and fast, slightly beyond the expectations of Little Yoder, but everything is still in his plan; and as the president of the United Chamber of Commerce, he is certainly eligible to accept the invitation to go.

But not for debt, he was prepared to see how Weber couldn't step down—whether to tear the face of the "sage" or swallow the poison with pain and self-knowledge ... It was really irritating to think about it.

After dealing with an unscrupulous black wizard for a long time, Little Yode, who had a very low moral bottom line, became more and more fond of this kind of social activity of "breaking idols" and "exposing human nature".

Unscrupulous, let those who seem to be decent and honest, show their most ugly side ... can bring a unique pleasure to Little Yoder.

On that day, in front of a large number of helpless and complaining businessmen, Weber didn't mention half a word about the debt issue, and instead angered the lenders of the Principality of Bayern; for the purpose of huge compensation and control of the caravan for the unscrupulous lenders, large amounts of debt were released At the same time, let the businessman bear high risks, but he did not have any worries, and criticized him fiercely.

So Little Yoder could feel that those eyes that were originally fearful and bitter began to face one by one.

why? This is also to ask ... The United Chamber of Commerce under the banner of Duke Byrne is the largest lender in the Principality!

Then Weber ordered people to move out of the debts of the church, and in front of all the merchants, burned these invoices and white notes to ashes!

With the astonished little Yodd froze, the entire Bain Cathedral immediately burst into a weeping atmosphere of joy and joy ...

At the end of the day ’s meeting, the Bayern Church officially announced to the Principality that all businessmen ’s debts and arrears to the church will be released at one time, and will no longer be recovered; if any businessmen are willing to “pay off the debt” by paying good money, no matter how much , The church also gave them a "courteous" a "good faith debt cancellation certificate."

But this is only voluntary ~ ~ The church does not force it.

As the tax official of the Principality and the chairman of the largest chamber of commerce, the participating small Yode also "sincerely" shake hands with the bishop, saying that he will firmly support the church's "low interest debt" decision, severely crack down on all high interest loans and curb lending atmosphere.

Charlotte Turin, who received a large number of low-level bureaucrats, also appeared immediately, praising Bishop Weber's Gao Fengliang Festival as the "spiritual guide" for the Principality.

In less than a month, the financial situation of the Bayern Church immediately improved significantly-the "sincerity debt cancellation certificate" issued by the church became a kind of "official certification" "certificate of merchant integrity"; many even if they did not owe debt The businessman is also very happy to donate a large sum of money in exchange for this certificate, which is hung on the facade of his store.

The dark tide between the Jodh Chamber of Commerce and the Byern Church has just begun ...

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