Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 65: end


There was a soft breeze in the dark room, but the cold winter came from that population.

"Karl Colin!"

The preparatory night watchman standing behind Rut Infiniti slammed straight up and quickly spoke.

He knew that this might be the only chance in his life.

"You are from the East Sacran, or the only son of Baron Colin." Rut Infinite turned around, his eyes squinting like a solar flare, looking up and down at the enthusiasm, preparing for the night watchman Appreciate the smile.

But that's not looking at people, it's more like looking at an item.

"Karl Colin ... why did you join the night watch?"

The night watchman is ready to open his mouth without hesitation: "For the glory of the empire, for the glory of the Sky Dome and De Salion!"

As soon as the words fell, he saw that Rut Infinite's mouth was full of smiles, and there was a little more irony.

"Well, you are a little nervous now." Ruth Infinit smiled gently: "Understandable, so I will give you two more chances ... I want to be honest."

Carl Colin shuddered.

"I ... I'm for the family, for the family's revival." The uneasy preparatory night watchman twitched his throat fiercely: "The Colin family has been down for a century, and it costs a lot to revive glory. It can only rely on the heavenly palace and the night watch's wealth And power ... "

The gentleman of the night watchman raised his hand to stop him, and just wanted to speak but chuckled:

"You still have ... the last chance."

Carl Colin heard the news and suddenly lowered his head.

But Rout Infinite did not stop, but continued to look at him with incomparably admiring eyes:

"Your cousin's wife is your childhood sweetheart ... I like her, but you dare not speak, because your family is down, you can't even afford a wedding reception, right?"

The lowered preparation night watchman's eyelids flickered, and a bad hunch flooded his mind.

"Your family owes a lot of debts due to the cousin ’s family; your father ’s depression is because the duty of the sergeant is taken away by your uncle, the cousin ’s father; your mother marries you Father is part of your cousin's family plan. She will no longer secretly give your father's information and illegal evidence to her family. "

"Oh, your mother's death has nothing to do with you, but I guess when she was called by the Lord, you ... well, I believe that the child who is crying on the mother's coffin will not have that kind of big hatred." Of pleasure, right? "


Karl Colin kneeled directly to the ground, his body trembling, and cold sweat poured out of his forehead like water.

"Now, honest Carl Colin, tell me what you are for." The gentle voice sounded again: "To be honest, I will satisfy your wishes."


"Revenge against the cousin's family? No, no, no ... you are a smart kid, otherwise I won't let you appear here." Rut Infinite shook his head:

"You know, the cousin's family is also just a **** that is being used. The real behind-the-scenes hand is someone who wants to exclude your family and want their favorite people to occupy those positions ... Your talent is good, and your cousin has been dug The family is actually the outside of the night watchman. "

"Tell me, Carl Colin;"

"Tell me, this loyal, simple and honest young man in front of me approached my purpose ..."

"It was to kill me one day and then ..."

"... in its place."


With a scream, Carl Colin woke up suddenly from a nightmare.

Bandages all over the body, the quilt covering him was soaked in cold sweat.

The tranceful gaze can only see himself lying in a ward-like place, with a figure sitting in front of him, smiling vaguely at himself.

There was also a gentle tone.

"Karl Colin?"

"Ah- ?!" Screaming again, the cold-sweat hunter hurriedly opened his eyes, his familiar black hair and black eyes reflected in his vision, and finally he took a sigh of relief:

"Lo, Duke of Loren Turin?"

"Don't move, you haven't recovered yet, you need to be recuperated." Loren, who was a little inexplicable by the other party's reaction, could only keep smiling: "Master Ashamai just changed your medicine and the wound has not healed completely."

"This is a room of the wizarding union-there are too many wounded people. It is too late to arrange a ward for you. You can only put it here; um, next to it is the laboratory and the materials room of the alchemists. It is also convenient for nursing and treatment. "

body? wound?

Carl Colin was shocked for a moment, then immediately understood.

By the way, his legs and left hand have been cut off by the elf girl.

The Demon Hunter's eyes dimmed.

"Me, how many days have I been lethargic?" Carl Colin said tiredly, shaking his head.

"Three days, oh ... it's not the third day of that night." Loren looked at him calmly: "Master Azhamai arrived very promptly, and even the recruits with the other two wings of the sky were rescued. ,otherwise……"

He didn't go on.

Karl Colin already knew the answer.

Has it been three days since that night?

The sudden appearance of the elven assassin almost overturned the whole of the red blood castle, and mourned everywhere-the court and the cathedral of the lord of Bain were almost jointly defeated by the three elves.

It was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the entire Baine!

Three years ... Since the expulsion of the Governor, it has been three years since Byrne regained his unity; in three years, Byrne has destroyed the Centaur tribe to the east and has broken through the peaks of the dwarven capital city to the south; The results are numerous.

It can be said that Byrne in the past three years, especially the Devil Hunter of the Wings of the Sky, has full confidence in himself, even quite complacent, and thinks that he has almost the strength of "after the Duke".

How high is the pride of the demon hunter, how cruel this time!

Except for the very few experienced veterans, there is no room for resistance against the elf warriors in one-on-one fighting; even with the advantage of the number, it is difficult to stalemate with the other party, all relying on the alchemy equipment and accompanying wizards at any cost.

I can only watch the Duke in order not to let them lose their lives, and can only choose to endure the compromise with the assassins; let the assassins who have broken through the palace gates and churches, kill the countless assassins.

It was a shame and disgrace to Baien up and down.

I myself ...

Carl Colin sighed deeply, with his left hand supporting his body tiredly, and barely sat up.

"That ... situation ... what happened in the end?"

He didn't know if he should ask these questions—whoever lost his legs and left hand, wouldn't the devil hunters and night watchers want them?

"The cathedral is kept, thanks to the Dalton mentor." Noting the change in the other's expression, the low-pitched Loren whispered: "Not only that, but also caught a 'Ying Ting' elf warrior."

"The fallen recruit of the demon hunter has also been properly placed and buried-externally, he said that he was the first to find the assassin, and encountered a despicable sneak attack in the battle with the assassin. He laughed a little:

"Steal your credit, won't you have an opinion?"

Karl Colin shook his head, of course he knew this kind of thing.

"Finally ... Captain Redblood Guardian, Yoron Eckert died-look at the scene, it should be on the way to support the cathedral, the elven boy who escaped was attacked and killed." The dark-haired wizard silently:

"The son of Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, fell dead while hunting long ago; Yoron Eckert ... is his only direct heir."

Before the words fell, Carl Colin shuddered sharply, lowered his head, and grasped the quilt unconsciously with his right hand.

Helen Eckert knew and knew that the other person was a close friend of the Countess Charlotte-a simple and brave silly big man, an honest man who knew his identity but remained the same, and had never looked at him again.

He is dead and he is still alive.

Because he was seriously injured at the time, there was no one beside Countess Charlotte;

Because he only saw one assassin, he misjudged the form.

"I just went to see Earl Eckert yesterday, and it suddenly seemed like he was ten years old." As if he hadn't noticed, Loren continued to say: "At his age, it's not realistic to think about having children again ... The Acting Line of Fury Castle is likely to be broken from now on. "

Lowering his head deeply, the Demon Hunter's shoulder shook violently.

"In spite of this, we are not totally unproductive." The dark-haired wizard's face barely smiled: "After a year, I dug out the elven intelligence network in the Principality, and caught a captive elf warrior. Fortunately, unfortunately. "

"Oh, we also got the elven intelligence networks of the other principalities, and sent several demon hunters to send the information out-chat is better than nothing, but ... may be a little more useful, after all, the other party cannot be just for assassination, it is likely For the next step ... "

"Why?" Carl Colin lowered his head, interrupting suddenly.


"Why did you tell me this?" He looked up, his dark pupil staring at the dark-haired wizard: "Now I ... don't need to know this anymore."

"Really?" Loren raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't it?" He snorted, with some self-deprecation in the Demon Hunter's words.

The dark-haired wizard held his shoulders and sighed: "It's not up to me, but your own decision; you decide whether the information is useful to you, and I won't force you."

"But ... Carl Colin, I will fulfill my promise-no matter what method is used, at least heal your legs."

"Maybe it's expensive, maybe the chance of success is not high."

"But I will give it a try, as long as you are willing and I still have a way, I will keep trying."

"This is not to force or coerce you, nor to make you pay; what I promised I will accomplish, as to whether you leave or stay after you stand up ... that is your choice."

Carl Colin was stunned.

For a moment, he suddenly wanted to laugh—because he couldn't tell the difference between Loren Turin in front of him and Rut Infinite who left him.

What difference is needed?

"Isn't this question answered you three years ago?" Carl Colin, who lowered his head, smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth:

"You said ... We are not only loyal to Bayern, not you, but to fight for the entire empire, or even any living person in the empire;"

"You told us why ... even if not all, it gave us the opportunity to choose;"

"If you let me choose a reason to die, this will not be the best one, but it must be unique." Carl Colin stared at Loren with a staring look:

"So if you think I should continue fighting, I can continue fighting ... then I will do that."

"Until you never need me to serve you again!"

The sound is clanging.

"I see." Loren sighed softly: "Lolly Zade ... Oh, that's the elf girl, her knife seems to contain some special 'curse'-although your legs and hands are still intact But it is completely 'dead', so I can only consider replacing you with a new prosthesis. "

"It so happens that Ebden and Silver Helmet dwarves have this technology in their hands. Master Ashamai believes that both options are desirable, and the new product is still in the experimental stage ... Carl Colin, maybe you Immediately you can experience this new creation of "beyond the times", no one can recognize you! "

Loren couldn't help but make a joke.

Although it's not funny at all.

"Boom boom."

A soft knock on the door came, and Lusiun, who had an iron face, didn't know when he had stood outside.

Karl Colin lay quietly in "cooperation", and the dark-haired wizard got up and walked to the door.

"Boy, Lotel, and Elleman have news all over there." The gray pupil came straight to the point, without much nonsense:

"Arles, East Sackland, Ebden and the ancient wood forest are either too far away, or our people are not able to penetrate, so we have to wait a few more days."

"As for the Imperial City ... There is too much false information, it is difficult to judge whether it is true or false, there are only unreliable rumors."

Loren heard his out-of-string voice: "So ... no good news?"

Gray pupil shook his head ~ ~ to what extent? "

"It's hard to describe, but ... if you use the metaphor of war ..." Lucien swallowed and said very hard:

"At most, it's a tie."

The dark-haired wizard was silent.

It can be seen that Lucien has said as much as possible to the good result ... In other words, I am afraid that ...

Without saying a word, Lucien took a letterhead directly from his clothes. The envelope of the parchment was almost saturated with the color of plasma, and he could only vaguely see the words "emergency" and "confidential".

"Sent from Elleman-the messenger was ambushed halfway, and was met by the demon hunter who completed the return journey on the other side ... only the letter was brought back." The gray pupil who was vomiting squeezed his lips tightly, trying to contain himself The inner anger will not let it affect your own reason.

"All you want ... is inside."

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