Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 71: Light to save the world

Me, I think? !

Looking at Isaac's expectant gaze, and the models on the drawings that are more and more similar to the "sci-fi weapons" in some memory, Loren suddenly didn't really know what to say.

Is it possible ... to encourage two more sentences?

Come on, Isaac, the task of destroying the old ideas of feudal superstition is on your shoulders, and the space battleship and the sea of ​​stars are waiting for you not far away!

That's too much ...

But the question is, does Isaac's new design help him?

In the long run, there are some; in the short term, apart from reform and innovation, there may be little help.

First of all, whether this kind of alchemy is successful or not, the cost must be very high, even comparable to the creation of a new floating city ... after all, this is a process from scratch, and Loren cannot limit Isaac's experimental funds and materials.

Secondly, even if it is really made, such expensive weapons are destined to be impossible to promote on a large scale, and can only be used as a killer or "unexpected surprise" ... are a high-level magic spell, even if it is powerful, it is difficult to cause damage to the elves , Not to mention the fatal blow.

Wait, large-scale promotion? Cut costs? Simplify?

Yes, if power, quality, and cost are not guaranteed, cut costs as much as possible ... maybe, is this possible?

According to Isaac ’s design, if the casting is basically completed, it does not require a very high price-for example, there are no six convex mirrors at all, and the two cut fluorite can barely take up the job; silver Long hollow tubes can also be replaced with bronze or brass ...

"Cost reduction ... Simpler?"

After hearing Loren ’s proposal, Isaac ’s raised eyebrows obviously became a little unhappy: "Loren, we are really talking about something that can change the world, change the mortals and the little potatoes. New things to recognize? "

"Of course it is, absolutely!" The black-haired wizard looked at him without hesitation and said something serious: "If it can be made, this thing may even completely change the form of war, maybe the whole world will be Trembling! "

"Uh ... this, this is a bit too exaggerated? Isn't it said that it can't be done today, but an alchemy prop that can release high-level magic spells should not be too much ..."

"No no no! Isaac, it seems that you still don't know how terrible the impact will be if this thing appears ... I mean shock!"

Loren shook his head and his expression became dignified: "You are a wizard. Looking at the achievement of this thing from the perspective of the wizard is nothing more than the world's first alchemy creation capable of attaching higher-order spells; But it ’s not that great! "

"But you ... Isaac Grantham, you can't simply look at the impact of this matter from an angle; but a higher level, a level that can change the world!"

"Change the level of the world?"

The dark-haired wizard's words slightly satisfied Isaac's vanity, and his eyes lit up.

"Yes, let's make a more obvious analogy first." The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly: "If this one ... let's call it" Jiaoguang Sword "first ... If you can succeed, you think it is throwing stones with the same level of power and torque Which machine is better? "

"It has to be said in many ways ..." Isaac thought a little: "In terms of cost, of course, the trebuchet dominates; in terms of power, it must be that the" Jiaoguang Sword "is stronger."

"Very well, then I will tell you that if I am the commander of an army, I will not hesitate to choose‘ Jiaoguang Sword ’. I will not even consider the second time!”

The dark-haired wizard hurriedly said: "The reason is very simple-no matter how simple the torsion catapult, at least half a hundred people are required to control; and this thing only needs a wizard apprentice!"

"In addition, both require long-term maintenance and care, and the pressure on logistics and craftsmen is as heavy; 'Jiaoguang Sword' can be used in rainy days, but even if the air is only a little damp, the power of the trebuchet must be reduced. , Forced use will also reduce lifespan. "

"The only thing that restricts the" Jiaoguang Sword "is its cost ... But as long as I can, I would prefer to use ten tossing machines for a" Jiaoguang Sword "!"

This sentence, Loren is absolutely sincere.

"Well ... that is to say, as long as the" Jiaoguang Sword "can be successfully developed, the old wooden toys like the catapult can be swept into the historical garbage dump, and the form of war will change ... Ah, no, wait!"

Isaac's expression suddenly froze, only his eyes were still shaking:

"If this is the case, it is no longer the number and weapons that determine the outcome of a battle, but the power of the 'Kao lightsaber'; the party with the stronger and more destructive Kola lightsaber will have absolute initiative Right ... because the other party will even counterattack will become an extravagant hope! "

"Not only that, as long as the power of the" Jiaoguang Sword "is strong enough, the wooden fence, the city wall and even the fortress are meaningless; there is no need to siege, because the" Jiaoguang Sword "can penetrate the city wall and the fortress behind it; the formation of the enemy The closer you are, the worse you lose! "

"A single" light sword "will become the master of a war; while the other party wants to reverse the situation, the only way is to create a stronger and larger" light sword "!"

Isaac murmured in a trance-like manner, as if he had entered another world directly.

"Wait! There are dragons ... yes, dragons, monsters, ogres ... these monsters can also change the direction of a war."

"No! But whether it is a dragon or a monster, the number of these behemoths is extremely limited; but as long as the material supply is sufficient and the alchemy workshop is still there, more" light swords "will be continuously produced by energy They contend! "

"Even ... it was to defeat them completely!"

"Yes! You are right; Loren, I really underestimate this thing! It can definitely change the war and change the whole world!" The ecstatic Isaac seemed crazy. Hold Loren in his arms as if to strangle him completely:

"It is worthy of my Isaac Grantham's student, which is different from Ain's elm head, completely different!"

Well, it ’s better not to let the little wizard know ... Of course, she may have been used to it already.

Loren, who was awkwardly smiling, was neither moving nor moving, and could only keep staring at Lena de Salion who was watching the show across from him.

Hello, your "big genius" is holding another person and refuses to let go.

However, a spectacled girl was not prepared to take care of the prince, deliberately turned away from them, standing in front of the design drawings of the floating city on the other side, and happily sketched with charcoal on it.

"Wait, wrong."

Isaac, who held Loren tightly, suddenly reacted, frowning slightly: "If you follow this set of theories, then the" Jiaoguang Sword "must be more powerful, and the better the performance ... the only way it can be true Change the outcome and direction of a war; if you want to cut costs and expand manufacturing scale, isn't it the opposite? "

"Yes, we just want to do the opposite!"

Taking the opportunity to break free from Isaac's "hugging", Loren, who has some convulsions in his mouth, quickly said: "Because this involves another problem ... What we have to do is not just change the war, but change the world. "

"If you want to change the world, you must leave a deep enough trace in the eyes of people all over the world!"

Isaac frowned, apparently still not understanding.

This is a matter of course-for Isaac who has been in contact with the wizarding system of the Dragon Kingdom, let alone a small floating city, the world is barbaric and backward in his eyes; the only thing he wants to do is to This backward world is transformed into the image in his mind as soon as possible.

A soul who has thought beyond the times and has touched the top of another civilized world would like to let him give up the true "beauty" in his mind and pursue a bunch of defective products, which is definitely difficult to accept.

All Loren can do is to follow the temptations and try to persuade (suddenly) say (you) Isaac to make his dreams more practical and practical.

Especially when such a thing is really feasible.

"Isaac, for this world ... well, for ordinary people and young potatoes, there are probably two ways to make them believe in" miracles. "Loren, who explained patiently, raised **** in his right hand :

"First, let them witness the miracle with their own eyes; second, let them feel the miracle for themselves."

After scratching his head, the genius clearly couldn't understand the brain circuits of the mediocre.

"In simple terms, your" floating city "is the first kind-anyone who sees the horn castle will be completely shocked by her existence and the meaning of its representative, and will be deeply impressed by her beauty, magnificence and strength. ! "Loren continued:

"Because this is what they saw, beyond the ordinary; like the dragon, like the sky dome and the dragon king city ... Human beings will feel their own smallness and worthless mention in the face of these forces. So I worshipped and moved, "

"Well ... it sounds like an idol-worshiping surname, similar to those primitive beliefs in ancient trees, rivers and mountains." Isaac nodded and understood as much as possible:

"But what does this have to do with the" Jiaoguang Sword "?"

"Of course it does!"

With the corner of his mouth, Loren pointed to the floating city behind him: "Because the simple, worthless and vulgar brains of our common folks cannot accommodate the existence of two 'miracles' at the same time."

"It's simpler to say that if you are included in the annals of history, only one thing can be thoroughly remembered by everyone, not two."

"People will say: Oh, Isaac Grantham, although he made a floating city, there is nothing to fuss about that thing compared to the" light sword "."

"Nothing to fuss about ?!" Isaac was surprised, like a blown-up hedgehog:

"Nothing to fuss about--you repeat this just now-!!!!!!"

"For them, that is the case, and vice versa!" The black-haired wizard nodded vigorously: "If you just let them see a miracle, then the result can only be so."

"Because of this, we have to do the opposite-let this vulgar world experience what a miracle is!"

"Cut costs and expand the scale ... Of course, we must ensure enough power; starting from small-scale battles, step by step to promote it to the world, so that everyone can see the power of" Jiaoguang Sword ", shocked by it!"

"Let people who don't believe in miracles feel it for themselves ... This is the" second "way."

Isaac didn't speak, frowning into a kind of contradiction.

"What's more ... Could the power be weakened, could the shock of the" light sword "be reduced?"

The dark-haired wizard who faintly thought of something suddenly smiled:

"Think about it, Isaac--when the weakened version of the" Jiaoguang Sword "becomes a weapon in the hands of every soldier on the battlefield;"

"When its number changes from one or two to dozens to hundreds or even thousands;"

"The beams of light pierced the battlefield and leaped from side to side ..."

"The moment when the light on the earth is more dazzling than the sun in the sky ..."

"Could it be that such scenes and pictures are not shocking enough, and they are not deep enough ..."

"Not enough ... Called a miracle?"

Isaac, whose expression was tangled, was lost in some kind of contemplation.

"Are you afraid?" Loren looked at him and asked tentatively.

"Not afraid! It's ... um, worry, a little worried." Shaking his head awkwardly, Isaac's expression was entangled: "Because at first I just wanted to give the gang of elves a little color, but now Luo Lun, you told me that the influence of this thing may not be just this, so ... "

It turned out that the dark-haired wizard understood.

The potion of holy blood of Ebden ... This "source of all evil" that has been plaguing them for the past few years, is a failed product born from Isaac's immature theory ~ ~ became a "black cross" Serel has no tools in his hands.

He was afraid, that the "Jiaoguang Sword" would eventually become the source of all evils, like the Holy Blood Elixir, causing killing and destruction.

"Isaac, war is a cruel place-either he kills you, or you kill him, there is no third possibility." Loren patted his shoulder: "So if you can make a 'light sword', Then the form of war can be completely changed and become a one-sided result. "

"With it, we may only need to pay a small price to end a war that would have made thousands of corpses."

"So! We make weapons for killing, not to hurt more people, but to save more people!" Isaac reacted immediately:

"We are fundamentally different from Fanesis and" Black Cross "Serel, right ?!"

"That's nature!" Loren said decisively: "The moment when the light of the 'light sword' rises on the battlefield, it will surely be able to save everyone!"

... or kill everyone.

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