Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 109: War Games

"The assassins sent by the imperial court failed, and the enemy was ready."

On the flagship of the Elven Fleet, a young elf raised his binoculars to look at the port, with a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.

The purple gold-rimmed sleeveless trench coat and bottomed robes set off the tall head, and the white hair as long as the snow was tied into a ponytail, which seemed extremely capable and tall; the warriors surrounded behind held the dark blue war flag, and the flag was outlined with gold thread The eagle heraldry flutters in the sea breeze together with the pure white sails.

The deck was quiet, and the heavily armed elf warriors stood in two rows on the side of the young elf, waiting for the command by pressing the knife handle.

"Very well, it seems that the guy opposite Loren Turin is a man who is very good at confusing people-he used the assassins we sent to stir up the morale of the warriors under his command, and Ebden was already a strong fortified battle. "

With a chuckle, the young elf turned his eyes behind him: "Worth you so much that even the chief Yuting can fail, Lolly."

The chief warrior of the Imperial Court, Loli Zade, who was petite like a doll, stood behind him respectfully and nodded slightly.

"I'm terribly sorry for not being able to achieve the mission of His Majesty the Eagle King." The head was lowered, and the blindfolded elf girl milked and said: "Although there is a cause, but if there are any punitive measures, Lori is willing to bear."

"Don't be so serious, I'm not blaming you; let alone ... just seeing the color of our hair, I know that there is blood from the Zade family."

The young elf smiled indifferently and looked back to the distant port: "What's more, if the opponent is too bad, even the game will become very boring, right?"

Loli, who still bowed her head, neither refuted nor agreed.

Because the opponent is the son of the eagle king ... although it is only the last son.

Rodria Azore, as the "little prince", does not look as pretty as he looks.

On the contrary, he is one of the most promising to inherit the throne among the rumors in the kingdom.

At a young age, he has become a samurai and has traveled every corner of the kingdom; he has competed with various warriors duel time after time, sharpened his blade; poetry instruments, chess art paintings are all fine, almost the most of the Azore elf samurai Good example and template.

Even the speed of sharpening the mind and training of the samurai way is one of the best; if not a member of the royal family can not be elected to the "four courts", this little prince can at least serve as the deputy chief of the court.

It is precisely because of its prestige and outstanding ability that it can serve as an important mission to attack the port of Ebden and open the empire gate for the Azores.

In the view of the elf warriors who support the little prince of Rodria, this battle is the battle of the fame of His Royal Highness, and it is also the only way for him to officially become the heir to the throne and succeed to the throne in the near future!

But Lolly Zard served the little prince not because of this reason, but because of Rodria's hair color, as white as snow.

The blood of the Zade family is flowing on the other person's body, and assisting him is a decision within the family.

She also knows that the other party doesn't actually want to be assisted by her--although her eyes are blind, Lori can still hear their "expression" from a person's voice.

His Royal Highness, Rodría, sees this war as a game by himself; he does not want any "assistant" of a samurai, he only needs to execute his orders and faithful pieces.

The appearance of Loren Turin gave him a "surprise", he was eager to confront a sufficiently strong opponent; he wanted to win, but did not want to win too easy, too monotonous, too boring.

So he sent an assassin full of flaws-Loren was dead, and then took advantage of the situation to capture Ebden; Loren was alive, that was more than what he wanted.

As for the life and death of the samurai, it didn't matter to him at all.

Even this war is irrelevant to him, because His Royal Highness Rodria will definitely win ... The difference is only in the sacrifices and the chips that he has to pay, that's all.

For him, only the "Great Righteousness" that determines the life and death of the entire Azores is important.

Maybe so, maybe ...

"Now that we are ready, let's not let them down too much." Rodria smiled slightly and looked up at the sun about to sink into the horizon:

"It's still a while before it gets dark ... well, just give them a big enough firework show before it gets dark."

"Are you going to attack, Your Highness ?!" The elf warrior holding the Muran Battle Banner in his hand stepped forward: "If the raid takes place at night, the enemy who has not been fully prepared is definitely not our opponent."

"If you allow, you are willing to be the first to insert the eagle war flag on the top of Eboden's tower ..."

"No, order all warships to approach the Ebden harbour, prepare our longest range launcher, aim at the enemy's city wall and the highest tower." The little prince of the elf interrupted the samurai:

"No matter how suddenly, the other side is also the largest port city in the empire-hurriedly approaching such a noble woman, it can only be boring."

"You brave warriors, put down your right hand holding the knife handle, and we will not attack tonight;

Tonight, let ’s take a good look at the enemy ’s panic! "

Putting down the telescope, a sly smile appeared on the little prince's face.


"The enemy is about to attack." Standing on the observation tower of the tower, the black-haired wizard looked at the "white line" approaching in the distance, and his hands were resting on the wall stack:

"Lusien, let the Hunter of the Wings of the Sky order the defenders of the Ring Fortress and the Old Castle to wait for the banner order on my side-as long as all the flags on the tower are raised at the same time, the chain will be immediately sealed , Keep the enemy out of the port! "


Without any hesitation, Lusien executed the order immediately.

"Almost all enemy fleets are large warships. If the weather is so late and the wind is not enough to prop up the sails, they should not be in a hurry."

The calm and cautious Count Eckert, who was watching the movement of the elven fleet in the distance, frowned slightly: "The port will be sealed immediately, will our exposure be exposed in advance?"

The black-haired wizard hesitated for a moment and then shook his head: "No, I'm not afraid that they will attack immediately; on the contrary, if the enemy can sneak attack at night, we only need to hit hard once, and the opposite will be honest."

"The real concern is whether the enemy will use long-range projectile weapons to attack our frontier walls and fortresses from the offshore location."

"Once they are close, the temporary fortifications outside the circular fortress and the defense lines near the port will not be guaranteed-Eboden's city walls are very fragile and can't withstand several rounds of attacks at all!"

Earl Eckert's gaze moved closer to the distance, looking at the city walls on both sides of the circular fortress close to the coast, and immediately understood.

"If the Azores’ warships are really similar to the imperial ocean-going ships, the ballistas and catapults mounted on them can also take three hundred steps at the farthest-pulling the chain, at least to ensure that the enemy is in Without landing operations, we cannot threaten us. "

"So what about our projectile weapons?" Ike nodded characteristically, and looked up to the side of the ring fortress: "Corona's consul told me that inside the ring fort, there are giant trebuchets that can hit 500 steps. "

"I know, but don't move-Eboden's preparation time is still too short. There are only six such big guys; I want to use it to threaten the flagship of the elf fleet at a critical time. I can't move."

The dark-haired wizard shook his head and turned his eyes to the sides: "Get the ballistas and catapults on both sides of the tower ready to draw the enemy's attention here."

"The tower we are stepping on is the commanding height of the entire battlefield. As long as the enemy is not stupid, he will hit it first with a projectile weapon-as he approaches the aim, he pulls the chain and surprises him!"

"What if the enemy didn't attack the tower, but aimed at the old castle or the circular fortress first?" Earl Eckert still worried, holding the sword handle in his right hand: "Moreover, you are using yourself as bait, too dangerous Now. "

"So it is necessary to prepare the catapults on both sides of the tower and give the enemy a little more power."

Loren narrowed his eyes and opened the "beyond perception" eyes, focusing on the flagship of the elf fleet: "This is gambling, the bet is who can laugh to see the rising sun tomorrow."

"The fight is to see which side is fooled, and first show more cards."

Eckert did not continue to ask questions.

The top of the tall tower blown by the sea breeze is unusually quiet at the moment.

Twenty knights of Byrne formed a "hollow square" around the wall, each with a black lion flag falling down on their feet, standing still and waiting for the order.

The dark-haired wizard was standing on the edge of the wall stack, his hands unnaturally behind his back, rubbing his fingers constantly, waiting without saying a word.

In the distant sea, the elf fleet has begun to operate-the flagship still stays in place, but the two-winged warships have begun to approach, like planning to concentrate on the two wings first, attack the circular fortress and the ancient castle hanging on the other side of the river .

Did you guess wrong?

Or is his luck really so good in this battle, the enemy is so stupid that he believes that after losing his fleet, Eboden still has no means of protection against the coast, and is going to attack the two fortresses directly?

If it is, then you should immediately order to pull the chain; taking advantage of the inertia of the enemy, first hit them by surprise-if you are lucky enough, you may destroy several warships.

If not, he becomes the first player to reveal the cards in this battle.


Earl Eckert suddenly shouted: "On the two wings of the enemy fleet, a total of twenty warships were moored and there was no sign of approaching anymore."

"Very good." Suddenly, he lifted his head, and the dark-haired wizard relaxed: "Be prepared, while the enemy approaches, we will ..."


Wait ... not slowing down, but parking?

At a distance of five hundred steps from the coast ... parked.

Is it just that the other side intends to intimidate themselves, and does not intend to attack immediately, or to say ...

"Duke, the front-line scouts came to report that a ballista-like device was being erected on the enemy's battleship!" Earl Eckert's nervous voice sounded again:

"The parked warship is turning in the direction of the tower!"

"They ... are aiming beyond five hundred steps!"

The dark-haired wizard widened his eyes.

At this moment, the golden red light appeared in front of his vision.

On the sea level dyed red by the sunset, twenty "pillars of light" rose into the sky, and an elegant and irregular "arc" was drawn across the sea.

The next moment, these elegant and irregular arcs hit them with an unknown light.


The splashing sparks exploded on the walls of the city walls and towers, and the amazed black-haired wizard and Earl Eckert had no time to feel the trembling of his feet!

Immediately after they heard the screams and wailings of the soldiers' hearts and tears, the flames had already ignited on the walls along with the rolling smoke.

In just one round of bombardment, the defensive front that had just been tight was already in chaos!

The mercenaries guarding the city wall are not, after all, legionnaires who are known for their discipline and patience-this kind of unilateral beating, they do n’t even know what weapon the enemy is using, and the almost magical and unreasonable attack method makes them completely helpless Too.

"Submit the order, and let the mercenaries immediately block the gap and send the wounded down to the pharmacist there; order the catapults and ballistas under the tower to prepare for the counterattack!"

The furious Earl Eckert shouted and rushed in front of the dark-haired wizard: "This is too dangerous, Duke, please evacuate from here temporarily!"

"Let the injuries below be withdrawn first, and I can't leave—the mercenaries saw me gone and immediately ran away." The frowning black wizard was lying on the wall stack, staring at the opposite side motionlessly. flagship:

"The guy on the opposite side is also waiting for me to escape."


"No, but! Raise a banner and let the mercenaries below watch." The dark-haired wizard said in a deep voice without looking back. "Tell all the projection troops that there is no order not to fire."

"The enemy's projectile weapons can hit five hundred steps still far, and now we can only expose the target."

Earl Eckert was silent, his frown frowning obviously disagreeing with Loren.

But he still chose to follow the orders of his duke ~ ~ Don't be so nervous, Eckert-we even survived the Great Green Sea and Silver Helmet Mountain, which is nothing. "Pointing to the elven fleet in the distance, Loren barely squeezed a smile:

"And since the enemy's projectile weapons can hit so far, the stuffing speed and preparation time should be very slow. This time is enough for us to prepare for counterattacks. By the way ... huh ?!"

At this moment, a sudden chill like the reaction of the void came suddenly, causing the black-haired wizard to instinctively look away.

Just less than half a quarter of an hour later, the "projected weapon" on the opposite elven warship had been erected again.

The next second, twenty golden and red "pillars of light" lined up and appeared on the horizon.

This time it wasn't just Eckert. Even the dark-haired wizard was stunned.

This thing ...

What the **** is it? !

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