Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 120: Hospitality


The black wizard wandered the understatement, kicking Eugen's only lower body to the wall in front of all the elves and humans in the entire castle.

It was only a moment, but in those dull eyes, there was a "slow motion" effect.

The fleshy flesh composed of two legs was spread there under the gaze of hundreds of eyes, and twitched slightly.

Just a few seconds ago, the owner of this "flesh" brand wielded a long sword, manipulating the devil fighting ice and flames, and the walls and towers collapsed and collapsed into a powder.

Even the world ... has changed color!

But at this moment, the blood-spilled bones are gradually freezing, and the energetic skin begins to become stiff; soon, it will rot and stink ... and the hyenas and beggars who died in the stinky puddles, and the common folk who fell in the trench It's no different.

The word dumbfounded is not enough to describe the mood of the elves and humans at the moment.

If all this is beyond imagination for the legionnaires and elves, then the demon hunters from Byrne are stunned ... Of course they think their duke can win, and they will definitely win; they have won the Centaur The Duke of War will never lose to an elf.

But after seeing the strength of the chief of the court, even the most confident demon hunter (not including Lucien) in Loren could not help but think: even the prince, if he wants to defeat this evil apostle, it will be very Are you struggling?

In the end, everyone was stunned ... Lorren Turin didn't have any effort at all-or at least it looked like this-calmly, a sword cut Eugen!

"No, impossible, impossible ..."

Alexandra was already in a trance, her eyes trembling and looking at the flesh and blood that had spread on the ground.

Master Eugen ... how could ... will lose to a human ...

Lost to the big evil running dog ...

How can it be……

Her eyes blurred before her pupils; tears overflowed uncontrollably, smearing the cheeks covered with blood and mud.

The whistle of the eagle roared from the direction of the elven fleet in the distance.

Alexandra looked up in shock.

The trumpet sound of the retreat ... that is, the prince saw the death of Master Eugen and thought that the battle had failed. Is there no need to continue the battle?

His own sacrifice, the sacrifice of the robes, and Master Eugen ... is it meaningless to His Highness?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!"

The consternation and anger caused the elf warrior to lose her mind instantly, and the double-edged long knife took the opportunity to hit Lucien's short sword and ran wildly toward the dark-haired wizard on the city wall.

"Lorento Turin! I'm going to kill you-!!!!!!"

"No, stop her ..."

The gray pupil who finally reacted in amazement, hadn't had time to make the order clear, and the number of sharp blades had attacked him from different directions.

Dang ---

In the moment of parry, Lucien, who evaded, was surprised to find that the elf warrior who attacked himself did not plan to siege and slay himself, but went away without fighting.

This is not just a few, but all the elf warriors ... like some kind of tacit understanding, flexibly evading the demon hunters who try to stop them, or even after the elves continue to take the initiative to break, the rest is very tacit Quickly got out of battle.

These long ears have to run!

But it was too late—the demon hunters were not strong enough to intercept them, and legionary soldiers in heavy armor, known for their “black walls”, were never experts who were good at chasing interceptions.

For the first time, Lucien suddenly missed the Grand Duke Salika of Boi, and her hussars who turned into the wind.


Short sword finally grabbed her before the elf warrior rushed up the city wall.

"Give me back!"

The angry Alexandra lost her mind, and even without urging the "Samurai Way", brandishing a double-edged long sword and slashing towards Lucien: "Otherwise kill you first!"

She didn't even have any defensive moves, and she lifted the knife in desperation.


At the moment when the blade rubbed, the gray pupil who squeezed the corner of his mouth retreated half a step, deliberately enticing the elf warrior to take the hook; sure enough, she had already been stunned by anger and screamed without thinking.

The next second, the flexible Lucien had finished turning around; while the left hand parried, the tail of the right hand hilt hit her temple fiercely.


Unsurprisingly, the black Alexandra collapsed to the ground.

Looking at the elven female warrior, who had no resistance, the very calm gray pupil, the dagger raised up stopped in the air.

Although it is an enemy, the other party is a woman after all, and has just "good-hearted" reminded that he has blocked himself, would he just start ...

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Frosion put away his swords, turned his face with black face, and walked away quickly; then the elf warriors who arrived came very "tacitly" and took Alexandria into a coma, and Leave her double-edged long sword in place.

"I will regret my death ..." While walking up the wall, Lucien clenched his fists still muttering:

"Never let her go next time."


The moment the flames dissipated on the walls of the old castle, the flagship deck of the elven fleet died.

All the elves ... even the imperial warriors who have always been uncomfortable with the governor's court, all expressed amazement, and their faces were filled with words like "unbelievable".

Superintendent of the courts ... Eugen, who arrived at the army with one person, lost?

And it's very likely ... dead? !

This idea sounds ridiculous, but it is very real at the moment-because just now, there is indeed a powerful force of the void that disappears instantly from the direction of the old castle.

With Eugen's character, this will never be something he can do!

Under the little prince holding a monocular, the color remained unchanged, and the smile remained.

Although it was not easy to know from the beginning, this result still greatly exceeded his expectations.

It really is……

Full of surprises.

Especially at the moment when the flames dissipated, the lone body on the city wall blocked Eugen, and the last sword cut his waist. Although the distance was too far to determine his identity, the little prince believed that it was absolutely Duke Loren himself!

Such an institution is so exhausted, so powerful, and so dare to take risks ... Even if you have full confidence in yourself, you will never dare to confront the "monster" like Eugen personally.

Because it's not worth it ... Chessmen aren't chessmen, should dangerous things be left to their chessmen?

Coming in person, using body as bait ...

Looking at the figure standing on the city wall, the little prince suddenly felt an inexplicable excitement and ecstasy!

It was like expecting to get a bunch of grapes, but in the end I got the joy of a whole vineyard!

"His Royal Highness, the troops on the other side of the castle have begun to evacuate."

Because Alexandra was not present, Anson Zade, the chief wizard of the imperial court, had to bite the bullet and temporarily perform the duties of the lieutenant of the little prince:

"Do you want to send a signal to let the imperial warriors responsible for the response begin to act ..."

"Well, this is of course, as soon as possible." The excited little prince directly snatched him and waved his little hand: "Must ensure that the remaining brave men evacuate safely, and never let the enemy catch up!"

The rest of the brave men ... In other words, did His Royal Highness have already assumed that Eugen was dead?

Anson Zade turned away silently in the bottom of his heart, and was about to leave but was stopped by the little prince: "Uh ... forget it, don't have to be so troublesome; let the horn player on the flagship blow the trumpet, the whole army retreat."

The whole army retreated ...

Ok? !

As if to hear something incredible, Anson Zade turned back and looked at the little prince as if he was happy because he had found a new playmate.

"Your Royal Highness ... you want to withdraw your troops ?!"

"Well, is there any problem?"

"No problem, but ..." Anson, who frowned, glanced at the battlefield in the direction of the Eboden Wall in the distance-with the **** battle of the 40,000 troops, the forefront of the wall's defense line has fallen to most, even seemingly indestructible In the circular fortress, the towers also changed hands several times, with a crumbling posture.

At this time, what did your prince think? !

Seeing his confused expression, the little prince sighed softly: "Yes, we are playing beautifully on the frontal battlefield situation; but don't forget, it's just a feint."

"We do occupy a lot of important strongholds, but none of them can be kept; including the circular fortress-in the face of the attack from the direction of the city wall, this fortress is almost unguarded and the enemy is easy to take back."

"Then the most crucial point ... as long as the Duke Byrne who repelled the attack in the direction of the castle, took his 'trophy' and elite troops back to the city wall defense line, the defenders there must have a high morale, and we will prepare receive a blow."

"Rather than being repelled by the enemy, evacuated and defeated; it is better to retreat to protect the strength and re-attack after reorganization." The right hand gestured in the air, the smiling little prince lowered his head, and his crescent eyes glanced at Anson Zade:

"After listening to my explanation, are there any questions?"

Looking at the very familiar expression of His Royal Highness, Anson Zade suddenly shivered behind him, trembling involuntarily.

The silent chief of the court, Lori, also quietly touched his brother's calf with his scabbard.

"Observe, obey!"

A quarter of an hour later, listening to the sound of the horn that sounded in the ear, the little prince put down the monocular telescope in his hand and turned his gaze to the "doll" who remained silent throughout.

"Miss Lori?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Chief Yu Ting replied indifferently.

"That's it. I know that you have a one-year duel commitment with the duke, but you can see it now-as long as he is still alive, it will be difficult for us to capture Ebden."

The little prince chuckled: "So, if I ordered you to sneak into Ebden and assassinate Loren Turin ..."

"I will take the initiative to expose myself and decide one-on-one with him." The blindfolded elf girl said without hesitation: "But ... the things entrusted by His Highness will still be completed."

"This ..."

The little prince shrugged, and his mouth twitched meaningfully: "Sounds ... it seems like a good idea."


With the sound of the horn in the direction of the fleet in the distance, the elven army began to retreat from the walls and fortresses of Ebden.

There was no confusion, no confusion, and the unhurried elf warriors were like "gentlemen" walking in groups; retreating in batches, blocking the pursuit of the defenders in layers, very orderly.

The defenders in the direction of Eboden, especially the mercenaries, finally let out their breath, barely propped up to the end without collapsing, cheering one after another; only a handful of veterans, like their leader silver blood, retreated to the enemy. Confused.

Of course, this is not to say that the enemy has no success in this battle-it filled the offensive of the defensive position and destroyed a large number of city defense weapons, especially the ballistas and trebuchets on the city wall; the next time they face their attack, defend The pressure of the army is definitely a geometric multiplication.

But compared with the casualties and losses they paid in this battle, this "war outcome" is very worth mentioning.

But Loren was not interested in understanding this at the moment; as he walked down the wall, he counted the casualties of the wings of the sky while watching the soldiers coming to the confluence.

Twenty-five people were killed, 18 were seriously injured, and 47 were slightly injured ... nearly half.

This is still under the premise of a raid, and the cooperation of legionnaires.

This is only the first battle in Ebden.

"Ran away?"

"Well ... I should have been let go." Lucien, who lowered his head, blamed himself, like a child who confessed to the wrong-although he was a child: "This is mainly because ..."

"It's okay, the reason is needless to say-you are right." The surprised Loren chuckled and waved his hands carelessly: "Since the enemy leader is still alive, the enemy will also ensure her safety. Withdrawing as soon as possible instead of thinking about staying and fighting us, it will cause a lot of unnecessary casualties. "

"No, it's not because of this! You listen to me ..."

"No ~ ~ No explanation, I understand."

"Master Loren, you don't understand ..."

"No, no, some things don't need to be explained so clearly; it's normal for boys up to the age to have inexplicable affections and protective desires for the opposite **** ..."

"You still don't understand!"

"Okay, okay, I don't understand." The dark-haired wizard's smile raised his lips and sighed helplessly: "Clean up and let the guards of the old castle withdraw as soon as possible to rest, so that all the demon hunters are ready again. For a fight, we are ready to welcome the next group of guests. "

"The next group of guests?"

The gray-faced young boy with red eyes raised his eyebrows and failed to understand what Loren said: "Is it tomorrow?"

"No, it is tonight-since the enemy's purpose has been exposed, they will not let it go easily without achieving the purpose." Loren gave a meaningful smile:

"Since that is the case, we must of course be entertained."

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