Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 126: When the flag is flying on the battlefield

The first thing that caught sight of the dust that rolled the earth was Lotel's blood-stained cross flag!

Fully armed, wielding a flag gun that is no different from the Bayern knight, the Lothal knights riding the war horse carrying a deafening roar, torn directly from the south gate to surround the city from both wings, the blockade of the Azores line.

In the terrible impact, one brave warrior elf warrior was heavily armed with a warhorse, like a sandbag, flew from the place, and then was penetrated by a spear, fragmented by the iron hoof ... Even the sound was too late There was only a pool of bones mixed with flesh and blood.

Using the wall-mounted charge tactics that are unique to the Bayerns, the Knights of Lothal used one row after another offensive, and easily crushed the elders ’line of warriors, from one broken gap after another, Directly rushed into the city gate.

Behind the wall, the left-bye Knights who were responsible for the response, very "tacitly" opened the city gate at a critical moment, and then quickly closed it, blocking the enemy from the city.

But this is not the end. On the contrary, it truly symbolizes the power that Lothal is proud of, not these noble knights.

While the frontline army opened the gap, the long archers holding the eagle war bow quickly occupied the nearby highland position that was beneficial to them after a long-distance attack; in an instant, thousands of arrow rains had appeared on the elf warriors Overhead!

In the angry and unwilling sound of anger, the elf warrior with unlucky arrows continued to fall to the ground-the arrows shot by the enemy were tricky, and the speed and power were different from the Ebden archers they had encountered before.

Not only that, in order to deal with the light armor and sensitive elf warrior, the Luotaier from afar abandoned the armor-breaking arrow and specially prepared a crooked arrow made of flexible thin wooden hooks with sharp arrows and long range. And is quenched and poisoned.

The bow and arrow skills of the Lothal people are world-famous!

In three rounds of arrows, the broken elves could no longer be defeated. Under the leadership of the surviving leader and the "four courts" samurai, they retreated in the direction of the edge of the city wall while avoiding the arrow rain struck from the high ground.

Across half of the city of Eboden, Loren standing on the tower can clearly see it, surrounded by the blood-stained cross and cheering, stepping into the city of Lothal army.

"finally come……"

Staring closely at the familiar banner, the dark-haired wizard was relieved.

If any duke up and down the empire is the one he trusts the most, it ’s definitely not Ruben Friede—it ’s because he promised that within eighty-five days of Rotter ’s eight thousand reinforcements, Loren Only persist until now.

Even including the unwillingness to withdraw troops, and the restraint of the elves to prevent them from surrounding the city, there are also considerations in this regard; to avoid the embarrassment of the city gate falling when the reinforcements arrive and unable to rescue.

Sure enough ... a full fifteen days, no more than one day.

Although it is not known whether there are 8,000 troops in reinforcements, and how much combat power there is; the presence of the Lothal flag in the city of Eboden is already a strong enough signal to restore morale.

With this support army, Loren can easily withdraw the troops of the port defense line, relying on the favorable terrain and fortresses in the city to block the elves' attack ... huh? !

A sudden and chaotic shout sounded from the east side of the circular fortress.

The dark-haired wizard immediately looked sideways, looking in the direction of the shout, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

It wasn't a "cry", but a roaring horseshoe, a horn with a stretched string, a scimitar out of the sheath ... and countless shouts.

Groups of people appeared in the eyes of everyone and elves like torrents of flooding, riding horses galloping like winds, wearing silvery flashing armor, wielding icy scimitars.

The flag of the war horse greeted the sea breeze and hunted.

Poe's Hussars!

In the sound of the horseshoes all over the sky, we can only see these elated horseback people holding up their sabers, as impatient as the guests who want to attend the banquet, rushed straight towards the elf army under the city walls.

Faced with the cavalry who suddenly killed from the flank, the elf warriors under the wall shrank the line without hesitation. The spearmen were behind the former warrior, preparing to use a dense formation to make the enemy hit the head and break the blood.

But they were wrong—Boy ’s horsebacks were so different from cavalry anywhere.

Just 30 minutes away from the enemy, the "hushing" hussars suddenly turned collectively, as if they suddenly encountered the flowing water of the reef, bypassing the front of the elf army and rushing towards them exposed by the shrinking front gap.

At almost the same time, innumerable shadows flew out of the Hussars, "flapping" towards the elves with dense fronts and serious lack of heavy armor and shields.

"Puff puff--!!!!"

The dark red "flowers" continue to bloom, and the dense front immediately becomes chaotic-elves who have no experience of fighting in the phalanx, don't even know how they should be after the front row fell.

The hussars immediately lowered their horns, pulled the saber from the saddle, and attacked the elves from the wings.

But the cunning horsebacks were not as hard as the elves imagined, just like the heavy knights;

The galloping horse is like a superb actor, swiping quickly from a very incredible angle, allowing the cavalry on his back to swing a fatal and critical knife.


Between the sharp blades, the cavalry had gone away.

Only the unwilling elf warrior remained, collapsed in his pool of blood.

In a blink of an eye, this "bloody" torrent had traversed the entire port battlefield. In the face of the elf fleet and the defender of Ebdon, tens of thousands of elf troops were killed.

Casualties are minimal!

After completing a round of charge, the Poe Hach cavalrymen dropped the enemy chase and regrouped into an army near the mouth of the Jewel River. The reins were released to allow the mount to restore physical strength as soon as possible.

"Horseback people--!"

Under the flag of the warhorse, a silver armor with a sword held high appeared in front of the entire cavalry formation, looking at the enemies behind him coldly:

"Adhering to the words of Lord Poi, Lord Sarika Jonah of the Horseback People-under the witness of the sky and the Great Green Sea, under the witness of iron and blood, in the name of the Holy Cross, the Boyi will repay The gratitude to the Duke of Byrne and the Knight of Byrne! Use your saber to witness the friendship between Byrne and the Boi. "

"Because a friend is in trouble, he can't save himself from death!"

"The enemy has violated my land and must not be forgiven!"

"So ..." In a cold cry, Yinjia Xiaoqi directly grabbed the battle flag and held it high above his head:

"Follow me to kill another round--!"

"Let's kill another round ———— !!!!!!"

A fierce shout broke out throughout the Hussars, holding the saber and rushing towards the Azore's army again.



"Meet again, Loren Turin ... Duke."

With a stiff smile, Knight Lothal, Aaron, who also carried his two-handed sword, stood beside the black-haired wizard: "It seems that we really came at the right time."

"Yeah, it's almost there." With a low sigh, Loren, with some emotion, smiled bitterly, looking down at the port battlefield that was torn apart by the Poej Cavalry.

At the same time, Lothal's knights and longbowmen had entered the city, and they joined the armed citizens of Eboden into the battlefield of the city wall, gradually regaining the stronghold controlled by the elf army.

It's almost a little bit, and I can only order a retreat across the board.

"Looking at your expression, there seems to be some regret." Aaron, who misunderstood the sigh of the black-haired wizard, smiled helplessly: "Yes, it was not me who should have led the army, but Lu Wen himself."

"But just before departure, news came suddenly from the ancient wood forest, and there were signs of a large number of military operations on the north side of the forest."


Loren looked back suddenly: "Mist Moon Court."

"It should be." Aaron nodded solemnly: "An army of the Azores has landed in the Wuyue Court, and will invade the Deep Forest at any time."

"Forcing it, Ruben can only stay in Lotel, ready to resist the invasion-sorry for him, but relieved to us; he is the Lord of Lotel, in no way like letting him Come to such a dangerous place. "

With a bitter smile, Aaron's expression was faint: "In spite of this, he finally arrived on schedule-eight thousand Lothal troops, one thousand knights, four thousand eagle garrison archers, three thousand heavy infantry, after listening to Byrne Lord ’s Command! "

"This is my honor. After all, I am also a half Lotel." With a shrug, Loren's indifferent expression was very comfortable ... Finally, I no longer have to stand alone, it was quite a happy thing:

"Oh, what's the matter with Poe's Hussars-I mean, how could they come with you?"

The words fell, and a strange expression suddenly appeared on the opposite Aaron face.

"what happened?"

Loren frowned slightly. Did he ask what he should not ask?

"No, it's nothing. I just thought you should have known it." Aaron's face showed a very "subtle" smile: "Still ... you haven't received any news so far?"

what news?

The expression of the dark-haired wizard was even more incredible.

"Duke Loren Turin, Lord of Byrne-you are famous, completely famous!"

Aaron shook his head: "In just ten days, from Ebden to Byrne, the whole empire knows that you are alone and fighting against the army of Azore elves!"

"There are people all over the empire praising your deeds, especially your two previous" Empire Declarations "and warnings about future crises, so that all the knights of the empire admire you."

"It can be said that now all the imperial people who think they are knights are packing up their bags and heading to Ebden to hope to join you-the battle of Ebden has become a battle of glory!"

Speaking of which, Aaron sighed and said, "Of course, these don't make much sense to you now, even if they will come, it will be a month later; can Eboden still be a month later? Keeping it is a problem. "

"As for the Poe Hach cavalry you want to know-that's because Emperor Connold let go of East Sackland, allowing the Eastern and Southern Duchy troops to pass through East Sackland and get enough supplies, So they can be so fast. "

It turned out that ...

Loren nodded thoughtfully, probably understanding the reason.

All the regiments of the upper and lower empire add up to about 150,000. This is the essence of the empire's strength and the largest cost of confrontation with the elves. Connold does not want to waste his strength in places like Ebden.

But he also knew that Ebden, who was not supported, would surely fall ahead of schedule, leaving him no time to integrate all the legions; he then let go of the road and allowed the elite of the principalities to form reinforcements, holding the enemy as much as possible.

"So now we have eight thousand people in Lotel and five thousand people in Poi." Loren said in a deep voice: "Thirteen thousand troops, based on the city wall, should be able to ..."

"Do not!"

Aaron suddenly interrupted: "Not 13,000, but 20,000."

After all, Lothal ’s knight raised his right hand and pointed in the direction he came from—next to the blood-stained cross flag, there was another flag and a large army figure.

The Seven Thousand Light Infantry of Le Mans has arrived under the city of Ebden!


The reinforcements are still here.

At the moment when he saw the emergence of the Poihorse cavalry, the smile on the corner of the little prince's mouth became slightly stiff.

Only a little bit left, Eboden ’s garrison must have collapsed across the board, and the entire city was already in his pocket—at this time, the arrival of reinforcements will undoubtedly greatly boost the morale of the garrison.

Immediately seizing the city is obviously impossible.

Although everything is as expected, the enemy's performance is beyond imagination, but ... it is still a little lost.

After all, I watched the victory in my hand and flew away like this.

On the flagship deck, the atmosphere was dead.

Looking at the wall of defense that is about to be captured ~ ~ Because the enemy's reinforcements were dispersed after the arrival of the line, they were snatched back by the Eboden defenders little by little, and even had to retreat to stabilize the position, Not to collapse ...

All the elves shut their mouths, fearing that they would become the unlucky egg angered by His Royal Highness.

Although the little prince rarely irritates others, this kind of thing is always uncertain-the victory in front of him is suddenly hit hard in front of him. The unimaginable sense of frustration hit the commander of the army is almost destroyed. level.

This is not to be afraid of death, but rather to become a hapless egg, they hope to be brave and righteous on the battlefield ... at least that way, they can be called glory.

The sighing little prince raised his head, blinked relaxedly, and looked at the elf warriors beside him who were nervous and afraid of their anger:

"Since the enemy's reinforcements are coming, it seems that there is no hope of victory for a while-let the troops retreat as soon as possible and build up on the shore; in any case, the port must be guarded, and the beachhead position must not be let out.

"Oh, that's right! Send another messenger to send a letter to the Duke Byrne in the past and say ... well, I think about meeting him!"

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