Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 148: reward

"Samurai way ... as you said, the earliest noble Azore elf warriors used to cultivate their body and mind-as a blade, you need to practice; your heart is a blade, you need to sharpen."

In the dilapidated cell, Alessandra, who had her chains shackled, was sitting dangerously, with a complex expression: "Until the eagle king nearly two hundred years ago, in order to defend the kingdom and fight against evil spirits, he gradually grasped a Brand new power. "

"That is today's" Samurai Way ". Through the soul of a samurai-a long sword in his hand, a new system that reveals the shape of the heart."

After biting his teeth, the elf warrior continued: "Although not all, but ... almost all of the samurai's" samurai way "are closely related to their personality, mentality, and spiritual insight; therefore, they are very different. Even the samurai approach between mentor and apprentice may not have any similarities at all. "

"For example, my samurai way is invisible and shadowless, but it will definitely hit the target's guerrilla arrow ..." Alexandra's eyes dimmed, as if she was mocking herself:

"Probably because I always ... have always regarded myself as the" shadow "behind Master Eugen, assisting him while not wanting to disturb his limelight?"

"Of course, there is also a powerful and intuitive" ideal sky "like Master Eugen's-a strong desire to conquer and an absolute self's character, so that his power can even directly affect the surrounding environment."

"There is also the" heart-cutting "of Miss Lori Zade, the chief of the court, whether everything has an entity or not, it will be divided into two immediately before it touches her, with no exceptions."

"There is also" Shadowless Sword "," Puppet Show "... the forms of presentation are different, but the truth is common."

Lucien nodded, which was basically the same as he had thought before.

"There are two key points in the practice of the samurai way-first of all, this power is displayed through weapons; for the samurai, the blade in the hand is the eyes of the body." Said, Alexandra looked at the road Two sharp blades behind Sinn:

"So, you must choose a sword or a long sword as the" special sword "corresponding to the samurai way."

"Exclusive Sabre?" Gray pupil raised his eyebrows:

"Can't two swords work? We Elmans are fighting with two weapons."

Alexandra just shook her head.

"I'm not asking for this, I just tell you what I know." The elf warrior snorted slightly according to the original text, "At least in my impression, I haven't seen a warrior using two weapons-so, I can only tell you what I know. "

"Skipping the weapon, the next step is the 'state of mind'."

Speaking of which, her expression finally became serious: "Although not every warrior can open the state of mind, but this is the only way to practice the samurai way-only with a stable and fixed state of mind can you have exclusive Own 'Samurai Way'. "

"The scenery in my heart, the deepest picture in my memory, the thoughts in my soul ... These will all be frozen and become the source of your state of mind and power."

"A powerful warrior, such as Master Eugen, can even open up the" state of mind "to further enhance the power of the" Warrior Way "and even affect the surrounding environment and people."

Gray pupil's eyes finally changed slightly.

He remembered the boiling flames next to Eugen, and the ice that extinguished the dragon's blaze; he remembered that Lori Zad almost failed to parry even the dark-haired sorcerer, and finally ended up with the "heart cut" blocked by "fraud" .

If, if you can have that kind of power ...

Yes, you can help Lord Loren?

Lusien's eyes gradually became hot.

He remembered himself standing outside the church on the burning night of Byrne;

I remembered that I had no place to fight back in front of Serior when in Silver Helmet;

There is also the battle of the Centaur Machakar, Lori Zade, Eugen, Azores ...

The stronger the enemy of Lord Loren, the more he feels a sense of crisis-sooner or later, he will no longer just be left behind to be responsible for staying, but will become the burden of Lord Loren, an extra person.

A sword that cannot kill the enemy has no meaning or value at all.

"And in order to shape the state of mind, the warrior must first use his own will to plasticize the power of the evil **** from another world-you seem to call it the power of the void." The elf warrior sighed slowly:

"How much power of the void you can control in this process is not obvious, but it also determines the strength of the" Warrior Way "to a certain extent; and as far as I know, your Empire ’s reaction to the void is very strong, most people Only ... "

The wide-eyed Alexandra stopped her mouth abruptly.

The gray pupil who closed his eyes tightly, felt the burning of the mark of the evil **** in the back of the neck-the power of the empty void, covering his body instantly.

When the eyes were opened again, the pupils had changed from a quiet silver gray to a very unknown gray blue.

"let's start."

Taking a deep breath, Lucien looked up at Alexandra with a very determined look.

The frightened elf warrior slightly stunned and nodded in awe.


"... In short, this is the case."

While Lucien did his utmost to understand and master the "Samurai Way", Loren, who had basically recovered, also learned the latest battle report from the helpless Brandon.

"Aioliite was killed, and Lorenz Corona was killed. In order to protect Ebden, the wizard tower almost stepped into one third of the elite ... But because of the imperial noble ’s infighting and party and government, my love Emperor Connold does not have enough strength to fight for this hard-won victory. "

"The result is that the empire, known for its efficiency, took nearly two months to gather 50,000 troops, and it was barely able to set up a blockade line with the Grand Duke Elmans who came to meet in advance outside the Principality of Ebdon."

A light-hearted Brandon, with a bit of bitter anger in his tone: "They would rather let their emperor lose a glorious victory, rather than let the enemy have a winter time to rest, and watch. With Eboden and the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower finished. "

"The church hates wizards, the imperial nobles hate you and me, and they hate the agreement between the emperor and the duke rather than through the cabinet and parliament-so this result is very happy!"

"I don't know what it is like to hear these, Honorable Wizard Advisor, but I almost burst out laughing!"

Looking at the cursed, impeccable prince, the dark-haired wizard kept quiet as before, and after he finished speaking, he gradually sorted out the whole thing in his mind.

So after a full five minutes, he spoke softly: "So, are you going to take this opportunity to clean up the chaotic East Sakran Prince's collar and turn her into her own territory?"

"This may be the only chance." Brandon, who did not shy away, put his hands on the back of his head and looked up to the ceiling: "Only this time, I can have reasonable and legal reasons to kill those guys I hate and hate me. . "

"More importantly, this opportunity was acquiesced by the beloved elder brother-to put it simply, he wanted to use my hand to kill some of the credit he thought he had made, and he began to run wild. I thought he had a noble backing, and beat the fools in the imperial capital hard. "

Speaking of which, His Royal Highness's tone also became a lot easier: "Since they want to play tricks within the rules, then accompany them to have fun."

"The troublemakers are basically the rich tycoons of East Sackland, and I am the Prince of East Sackland, and they only need a suitable reason and excuse to kill them-now they take the initiative to come to the door. , Did you say it happened? "

The cheerful tone is like the sunshine of thousands of miles.

Shrugging his shoulders, Loren had probably understood his plan.

Connord needs to beat some "noble" aristocrats, and Brandon intends to take the opportunity to enter East Sackland, wash away a large number of old aristocrats, and then replace him with the Ebden "new nobility" who came back with him, plus one in the corps. Critically rely on his senior officers to establish their own ruling power.

He now has his and Boe ’s support, but he is after all the emperor of Sacran and needs the support of Sacran ’s “own man” to secure his throne in the future.

West Sackland is gone, and the imperial nobles and churches in the imperial capital do not like him at all; therefore, Brandon can only aim at the "Countryside" East Sackland-and each generation of Crown Prince Similarly, build your prestige among farmers and soldiers.

Thinking of this, the dark-haired wizard couldn't help laughing.

No matter how he escapes his character, Brandon, who is ready to attack the throne, will eventually go on the old road of "the same party and the same".

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, just want to know what you need me to do?" Loren circumvented the topic deliberately: "He came to tell me this specifically, there must be something for me to help."

"Like Ebden, Boundary Mountain, the emperor has Baine and Boye ... every time it's about the same."

"Ah, have you been there so many times ... how can I not remember?" Brandon, who had an inexplicable smile, couldn't see any slight embarrassment:

"In short, you are right, I need your help very much now-the first thing is very simple, I can give you the wizard tower wizard who withdrew from Ebden, but you have to change things."

The dark-haired wizard rolled his eyes, and it was clear that Brandon had regarded the civilians he had finally kept as his own: "For example?"

"Luxury goods, wine and money ... mainly money, I am short of money now." Brandon said unabashedly: "This 'rebellion' will kill a lot of nobles, but I don't want to open a killing ring because Will greatly consume the war potential of East Sackland, which is not good for me. "

"So I will have to have a barrel of wine and golden candies to reward the legionnaires who fought for me-among my limited supporters, you are the only one who can get so much money. "

Limited supporters ... Well, basically, except that I am Boyi ’s scimitar grandfather, she really ca n’t afford it.

Loren rolled his eyes again: "What else?"

"Second, uh ... you can be regarded as the compensation you first requested." Brandon smiled abruptly, with a faint and a little embarrassed expression, and looked at Loren's back for a while. Cold.

"I'm ready to take you to Mount Jufeng." Brandon whispered, lowering his voice deliberately.

Oh, Jufeng Mountain.


Jufeng Mountain? !

"Don't be so excited!" Brandon, who saw the dark-haired wizard rising, threw himself directly on the bed and pressed Loren, his bright red eyes filled with pleasing expressions:

"Listen to me, the scenery there is particularly good! And ... and there is a great open-air hot spring!" In the discourse, the Crown Prince who was almost thrown out of the bed by Loren gritted his teeth and the whole person lay on the bed:

"From the mountainside, there are clouds all year round, and there are superb sights everywhere, so beautiful, you will never regret if you go with me!"

"Yeah, I'm too late to regret it, right ?!"

Loren, who immediately understood what Brandon wanted to do, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Because I just got there, I would be killed as the culprit that caused the death of Aioliite!"

"Why? I believe Eloren your eloquence can definitely convince those dragons not to hurt you!"

"Less nonsense, you just want to take a slapstick and die for you!"

"You should say that I have absolute trust in your ability!"

"But I'm not particularly confident in myself, so please trouble the Crown Prince to run by myself, I have to go home!"

"Go home? Do you have the heart to watch the dragon burn me into coke and swallow it?"

"You can finally tell the truth!"


Half an hour later, the ward finally quieted down, only to hear two people breathing heavily.

"Actually ... letting you go to Jufeng Mountain does not mean that I am alone."

After a few minutes of silence, Brandon said slowly: "Three years ago, Milasis told me to let you go ... You have been to the Dragon King City, and you have the last information about the Dragon King Tower. "

"Otherwise ... you are an outsider, not even De Salyon, it is impossible to get close to Mount Jufeng."

In other words ... not on a whim?

The expression of the dark-haired wizard finally became solemn ~ ~ I do n’t know what you found there, but I am afraid it should also be some very important information, otherwise dear Milassis will not urge it again and again mine. "His Royal Highness shrugged and looked at Loren meaningfully:

"Dragons, you should really want to get the information in your hands ... If I expect it to be good, this should be a very important bargaining chip. We can use this to make a deal with them and persuade them to join this elf war. Come."

"So the reason why I want to take you is very simple, because only you know this information, they can't get anything from me, whether you say it or not, tell the truth or tell lies."

"So how to tell them at that time, whether it is true or false, depends on the play of my dear wizard."

"You ... intend to threaten them?"

"Don't say it is threatening, it should be observing the agreement."

Brandon raised his lips and smiled happily: "After all, they are also part of the empire!"

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