Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 152: Wrong way

"Boom ..."

Countless rubble fell from the top of the tunnel like raindrops, and Loren, who was holding a small wizard, could only sprint and dodge desperately with the enhanced awareness of "beyond perception".

But as if he was deliberately joking with him, every time he took a step, the crack would appear "steadily" in the position where he next fell;

Or just before the moment he jumped up, he exploded the rock wall he used to borrow—this is simply a “chase” with 360 degrees without dead ends.


There was another loud noise, the rock on the top of the head shattered, and several large stones fell like a triggered mechanism, and fell on his path in turn.

The dark-haired wizard gritted his teeth and freed a bright silver from his left hand to pull out his waist, the sword awn, blooming in the dark tunnel.

The gray-blue light and shadow flashed through, and several boulders were exploded into four equal parts in sequence, spreading out to the surroundings.

Behind him came the movement of the tunnel collapse, and even with no time to come, Loren continued to run forward regardless of it, avoiding the falling stones as much as possible, and ensuring that he did not spend more than one second each time he fell.

For as long as more than one second, the rock would be "overwhelmed" and shattered, dragging the two directly into the darkness of nowhere.

Hmm ... why does it look familiar and full of both eyes?

Because Loren, who gritted his teeth, thought the same way-he now feels like a pixel man in some "horizontal cross-level games", madly stepping on the grid to make sure that he will not "chuck!" High, then fall vertically.

The only difference is that at most, the pixel person will drop a "you are dead" pop, and it may be really dead if you fall.

So he has to work harder than the pixel people on the game interface!


The sound of a rock burst exploded from the top of his head, and almost at the same time, Loren could clearly feel that the ground under his feet had become more "fragile" than before, and when he stepped on it a little, it felt like he was about to collapse.

In other words, the next second he was either smashed to death or fell to his death.


Without giving him any choice at all, the ground beneath his feet cracked first, and the traces of cracks like spider webs actually started from under his feet and cracked to the surroundings.

Damn ...

Is it still over? !

Was this ghostly "Trial Road" really, as Brandon said, "tested" for a group of ten-year-old De Salion royalty? !

The dark-haired wizard clenched his teeth and grabbed the last moment of the cracked rock on the sole of his foot. He leaped with one hand holding the little wizard, and the three rocks appeared almost at the same time in front of him and on his head.

But in the next second, Ain in his arms suddenly got up and stepped on his shoulder with one foot before Loren responded.

"Loren, hold me tight!"

The voice fell, and the little wizard who had jumped out had no idea where to draw a short bow, which was trick-like, with three more arrows in his right hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang--!"

The invisible arrows and shadows roared past, and the three boulders were smashed in the air.

The next second, the two fell freely into the darkness.


At the last minute, "Bright Silver" nailed an unbroken rock wall, and the dark-haired wizard quickly grabbed Ain's wrist, which was still falling.


Holding the hand of the little wizard, Loren groaned and didn't even think about it, climbed the rock wall and continued on.


At the same time, on this "Trial Road", there are two other figures who are also running dead ...

"I said are you alright?"

With two short swords waving in both hands, Lucien, who was running on Isaac's back, had also begun to pant, but he never dared to stop at his feet and hands.

But that's it, he didn't forget to pull his throat behind him: "Don't figure it out yet, how do you leave this ghost place?"

"I need time!"

Isaac, who was tightly "tangled" on the back of the gray pupil, was so tense that he was tight all over his body, also shouting hysterically: "I said, this is an area that was completely assimilated by a guy with his own power of the void It ’s not that you can see it clearly! "

"Don't say something that I don't understand!"

Lu Sien, who gritted his teeth, almost tried his best to avoid the "falling from the sky" gravel, but the figure carrying a man was flexible like a swallow, "floating" to the next foothold.

Before he could stand firm, the ground under his feet had already “grabbed” in front of him!

Isaac screamed in horror at the back of his head. A gray-eyed boy with tinnitus still forced himself to calm down. The "dragon knight spear tip" on his right hand broke the rock wall beside him, creating a place for himself to borrow. , Finally did not fall.

"How much time do you need ?!"

"How can this be based on me?" Even though the whole body was trembling, Isaac had not forgotten to refute him: "Shouldn't it be calculated based on how much time you can persist ?!"

"Then I will tell you, I can't hold on for much time!"


Isaac shuddered all over.

"So I asked, how much more time do you have to figure out this ghost place!" The breathless gray pupil, flashing left and right in the tunnel of "continuous collapse" through the power brought by the "Evil God Mark", bitter Persevere.

Really ... if your "Samurai Way" has been completed, this ghost place is simply ...

whispering sound!

With a soft sip, Lusien landed on the ground in the exclamation of Isaac behind him, his left hand dagger gently on the ground, and jumped again.

The roaring sound continued. This dark tunnel seemed to leave them behind in desperation. The speed of "collapse" had exceeded the speed of the two people's escape.

I do n’t even know where to go!

"I'm pressed for time. I'll explain it to you!" Isaac hugged the gray pupil's neck, facing the wind, and Isaac couldn't even open his eyes:

"Simply put, the place we are staying in now is an area close to the void world, where time and space are meaningless-whether the stone above the head or the soil under the foot, even you may just be on a plane Spin around! "

"No matter how long we run, there will not be a moment of time; even if certain conditions are met, we can even collide with ourselves in the previous second or the second. This is also possible!"

"So it's like we are spinning around in someone's mind, all our encounters may just be his momentary thoughts and thoughts-nothing will change until he thinks of the next 'idea'. "

"So how do you leave here ... good question!"

Facing the bleak wind that was blown over and over again, Isaac continued to mutter to himself: "Two ways; the first is that the owner of this assimilated space stops 'thinking' himself, but this is basically Forget it!"

"So we can only use the second method, that is, to find the flaw in this 'idea'-as long as it is theory, there must be a loophole, there must be a flaw; if we find it, we can leave!"

"And according to my observation, although the assimilation space in this tunnel is indeed perfect, it is still incomparable with that of the Dragon King Tower; and its biggest flaw is ... What are you doing?"

The blade of the dagger waved against the tip of his nose, and the panicked Isaac hurriedly bowed his head; before escaping, he heard the sound of metal colliding with the rock directly above his head.

"No! Say! I! Don't understand! Words!"

Lu Sien, who gritted his teeth, grabbed the gravel that was about to kill Isaac at the last minute, and his feet landed firmly, continuing to run forward.

At this moment ...


A sudden explosion sounded, but not behind them or overhead, nor underfoot.

The sound sounded very close, as if they were blasting by their ears.

Even more strangely, after the explosion, the tunnel that had been "continuously collapsed" gradually became stable, and the ground underneath no longer showed any signs of cracking and collapse.

what happened?

The gasping Lucien instinct gradually slowed down, but he still looked around with caution: "Are we ... escaped?"

"Escape? Of course not!" The trembling Isaac shook his head desperately: "Look at the cracked ground behind us-we are still in this **** assimilation space, and we may even turn around in place!"

"It's just ... its attention seems to be temporarily restrained by something."


"Yes, it's like ... uh, just like when you think about things, you can really multi-task, but once there is something unexpected, it will occupy most of your attention."

Frowning Isaac "explained" as much as possible: "The same is true of the assimilation space. If it is touched by other forces or accidents, it will immediately occupy most of its power, and temporarily we have no time to control us. Now. "

"Alas, this void reaction feels slightly familiar; it seems ... Loren?"

"Sir Loren ?!"

Lusien's eyes lit up: "Have he found a solution?"

A pleasant smile appeared on the face of the gray pupil.

Sure enough, Lord Loren is still alive ... just like in Silver Helmet Mountain and Dragon King City, he always finds a tear in the desperate situation.

In the dark tunnel, a pleasant atmosphere emerged between the two-after all, in such a dark place, there is nothing more happy than knowing that a friend is alive and safe.

"Yes, he seems to be ... well, wait a minute!"

Isaac's complexion changed suddenly, as if he noticed something terrible, and then at a speed that even Lucien didn't react to, he climbed back to his back again, holding his neck tightly and refused to let go.

"Hurry, run!"

"Run? But don't you say ..."

The stunned gray pupil was still immersed in the "good news" just now, and looked at him very puzzled.

"Yes, I mean this guy has found a way to crack." Isaac, with his eyes closed, shouted like a frightened rabbit: "But it's the last way!"

"If we don't run, we all have to be buried alive!"


Tightly pulling the little wizard who was out of breath, Loren gritted his teeth and fell into contemplation.

Assimilation of space, in the final analysis, is the result of someone's "consciousness" invading the material world and changing according to an idea-this process is similar to the coming of evil spirits, blood sacrifice and dream world, but the process is more complicated. .

In this case, it must follow the most basic principle of the power of the void, weak flesh and strong food-the powerful force of the void can cover the weak and even use its power for its own use.

Conversely, in the face of the too powerful force of the void, the weak force cannot even react, and even a small low-order spell or alchemy weapon cannot exert its due effect.

Therefore, like the last "Mental State" against Midel, as long as you open the "Dream World" in a small range, you can offset the power of the assimilated space, or at least each other.

"Ain, hold me tight!" The black-haired wizard with a sudden change of face shouted behind him:

"Next, there might be some bumps."


The little wizard who didn't respond froze, but still instinctively tightened Loren's wrist.

The next second, a wave-like power of the void, interspersed with bitter colds, expanded around with Loren as the center.


The ground at the foot no longer trembles, the collapsed tunnel gradually stops, as if everything has returned to calm.

But when the little wizard raised his head again, he saw not the rock wall in the tunnel, but the endless night sky.

There is another round hanging in the night sky, a burning day!

Looking around, the familiar high tower is behind him, and the dilapidated inner castle hall is in front of us-Wimpar Academy, whose memories are about to blur, appears again in front of Ain in this way.

This, this is ...

Loren's dream world?

This is the depth of his consciousness, the deepest memory, the scenery that can never be erased?

The expression of the little wizard suddenly became more complicated.


But only in the next second, the whole world started shaking again.

The tower was shaking, the castle was shaking, and the flat ground underneath showed signs of large cracks like spider webs, and it continued to spread around.

Dust spread all over ~ ~ The earth and rock cracked.


The cry of the dark-haired wizard awakened the little wizard who was still in a trance; the force from her right hand could not help but make her move forward.

Almost at the same time she lifted her foot, the ground she had just stepped on was already sinking.


"It's okay!" The dark-haired wizard who took a deep breath continued to shout and dragged Ayn's right hand towards the Wimpar Castle Hall:

"Trust me, nothing will happen!"

Do you want to retaliate and want to vent your anger in this way?

Okay, so come on, let you see ...

See if your "assimilation space" is torn apart by me, will it still work as you wish!


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