Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 160: The guests

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"Do you really think I was impulsive?"

Staring at the black-haired wizard with a stunned expression, the countess who regained her calmness smiled softly.

It's just that those laughs with self-deprecation are really a bit ...

"Charlotte ..."

"I love you-yes, although this kind of statement seems very irrational, but this is my true idea." I don't know how many times I interrupted, the countess stared at the dark-haired wizard with a staring stare:

"Although you are impulsive and self-righteous, arrogant, arrogant, and ignorant, keen to break other people's plans, and always go for it without saying hello. Ways to humiliate others ... "

"..." Loren Turin.

"But I can't deny that in my heart ... I have a good impression on you, otherwise I can't explain what I will do to you ... Such a person always reminds me to be brave!"

"Besides that, what you have done in the past few years also proves that you are a qualified Duke of Byrne ... to marry you, within my acceptance."

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte, who has clearly blushed, is still holding her head high, and her style is undiminished: "So yes, I admit that I want to possess you, have all of you and let me become all of you ... This The idea of ​​'conquering' has been there since the day you became the Duke. "

"So frankly, I don't care if you love me or not, but I want you ... It's that simple, even if it's just nominal, I want to make you my thing!"

"Is this explanation clear enough?"

Frowning, the proud Countess issued an ultimatum.

It's clear, and it can't be clearer.

This is the style of the Countess of the Red Blood Castle.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Loren, who was sternly pulling his collar, was forced to stare at Charlotte, who lowered his head, and he was thinking hard about how to step down.

"That ... no intention to disturb, but ..."

The door shaft sounded and the locked door was pushed open.

Looking at her head, Lena de Salleone, who pushed the spectacle frame carefully, sounded like a plume of smoke: "Two people, can I come in and talk?"

The face under the black frame glasses was so kind in Loren's eyes for the first time!

"Come in, please!"

Carefully pushed open the door, and carefully looked at the dark-haired wizard and the countess-the room was very tidy, the two were neat, nothing special.

Under the black frame glasses, Lena de Salion's ruby ​​eyes flashed a trace of disappointment.

"Duke ... and Your Excellency, your guests are basically here-those who should or should not have come, those who know or not know are here."

"What do you mean you shouldn't come?"

Loren's expression was inexplicable.

"This is a celebration feast, but also a wedding-anyone with impure goals should not come." Lena de Salion pushed her glasses and said softly:

"Arles, the dwarf kingdom, and the heavenly palace all sent messengers, asking for money, crying poor, and tentative ... all with no good intentions."

"What do you know or don't know?" Charlotte couldn't help asking.

"Ah, this explanation is much simpler." Turning her head, Lena said to Loren in a very plain tone:

"Your Excellency, your guest has a dragon."


At that moment, Loren and Charlotte looked at each other at the same time, looking at each other.

"It ... or should it be him? Forget it, he is now outside the gate of the Red Blood Castle, the city has been messed up, the Earl of Stormburg and the Earl of Shanyanbao are organizing manned vigilance and repression, and your guard Lu Sien Take the demon hunter and surround the big red guy. "

Big red guy ...


Loren immediately thought of a grumpy, but still calm red crimson dragon-during the battle of Ebden, he first reacted to destroy the elf fleet, and after the death of Aioliite, Instead of revenge immediately, I chose to retreat.

In all fairness, Loren still has a good opinion of him ... Why did he suddenly come to the Red Blood Castle?

"They all think you should go ... well, actually I think so too." Lena de Salion said seriously:

"If ... you don't want to see your castle demolished by him."


When the dark-haired wizard arrived in a hurry, he found that the situation was far from what some "black-rimmed glasses girl" described, as if the Red Blood Castle would be finished in the next second.

Beyond the city gates, the Bayern knights and counts who arrived urgently just blocked the roads and walls, maintained law and order, and dispersed most of the lively people so as not to cause riots-especially the upcoming banquets and crowds when.

As for the wing leader of a sky that "surrounded" the dragon, it was only for the demon hunters to form a circle on the open ground outside the city, and to report to him at any time.

The "Flood Beast"-the red giant Grum, who was hovering in the wilderness outside the city of Red Blood Castle, proudly stood up and stood tall, overlooking the "small figures" pointing at him, and there was also a lot of people. Interesting expression.

"What's going on?"

The dark-haired wizard with twitching corners of his mouth turned his head to look at the culprit of "lied-to-military": "Miss Lena de Salleone, don't you think it should be explained?"

"Explain, is there anything else I need to explain?" The girl with black-frame glasses tilted her head and asked a more inexplicable expression:

"I lied, it's that simple."

"..." Loren Turin.

"But I think Duke Byrne, who is 'smarter', should understand why." Pushing the frame, Lena de Sallein glanced at him inadvertently with a deep expression. :

"When he understands, he will know how big a favor he owes me."

Taking a deep breath, Loren still said nothing.

If it were n’t for Lena, Charlotte would probably continue to be unwilling or not to forgive—she did so, at least giving herself a little room for gentleness.

"Actually when Charlotte and I mentioned her plan, I guessed it might be the result."

Still the expression of being indifferent to everything, Lena de Salion lazily said: "Although she always pretends to be calm, she still overestimates the power of her reason."

"Especially when it comes to the guy who always makes her irrational ... even more so."

Suddenly, Loren understood immediately.

"So say ... you already knew ?!"

"Of course ... think about who I have been with for longer in the past three years, are you still her?" The girl in black-framed glasses rolled her eyes inadvertently: "My prince, who is 'smart and clever', do you have to ask?"

"... Why didn't you tell me earlier, even if it made me a little bit mentally prepared!"

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I thought I was as clever as you, and I must be able to perceive it myself." With full of ridicule, Lena de Salleone took it for granted:

"Not to mention ... if I disclosed in advance, wouldn't it betray my dear friend Charlotte? And you, Your Excellency the Duke, would not be so grateful to me now."

Having said that, on her cheeks under the black frame glasses, she did not forget to show a "harmless human and animal" smile.

"Thank you?" Loren's smile was a little bit stiff: "You're not afraid that I told Charlotte that you are secretly telling her behind your back?"

"Of course not afraid." Lena de Salleon did not fear: "You are not the kind of guy who will find yourself uninteresting. This kind of thing that kills the enemy by 10,000 and 10,000 is not within your choice."

"The so-called gratitude is nothing more than a look forward to the future benefits and needs-considering you and the countess will have a closer relationship in the future, you want me to have more days."


Loren now especially wanted to slap her face, but in the end she still shot her face.

I almost forgot. This is a goblin who is mentally arrogant and has an emotional intelligence twice that of him, driving Isaac alive!

Turning his head, the dark-haired wizard who dare not say anything more walked toward the red dragon like an escape.

The very "knowledge" girl in black-framed glasses shrugged her shoulders and stopped talking too much. She cleverly followed the Duke and followed her steps.

Seeing the Duke coming, Byrne's knights moved closer to both sides, screaming and dissipating the surrounding lively cheers, leaving the way.

[We meet again, Duke Byrne. 】

A hung roar like Hong Zhong exploded in the mind of the black-haired wizard, and the amber dragon's eyes carried a little arrogant "politeness":

[If there is any confusion caused by my unsolicited invitation, I hope you understand. 】

Forgive ... this is what I said.

Can I "not understand"?

The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows, neither agreeing nor refuting.

But the dragon did not mean to stop, nor did he intend to care about Loren's temperament.

[Your friend Lucien told me-of course, maybe he did n’t know that I heard him-today is your wedding day, forgive me for not bringing any gifts ...]

"Dear Lord Grum, please don't worry about being so polite anymore-otherwise I thought I was not standing in front of a dragon but a human being."

Interrupting the opponent coldly, the dark-haired wizard said blankly: "Straight, what are you doing here?"

After he finished, Loren stood staring at Grum's eyes.

The grim red crimson dragon also looked intently at him.

There was silence.

Because it was only Loren who could hear Grum's words, in the eyes of everyone around him, it was as if the Duke kept provoking the dragon.

The depressed atmosphere is very tense.

The tense Stormhold and the Earl of Mountain Rock Clenched the sword in their hands, and even the cold sweat of their foreheads did not dare to raise their hands to wipe them; the hunted demon hunters who watched the whole thing stared at the actions of the Duke and the Dragon without any slack .

Lina de Salleone, who was just at ease, also held her breath at the moment, her eyes did not blink.

Because she is Desalion ... It is because of Desalion that she understands that "Dragon Wrath" is not a myth, but a natural disaster that can really destroy everything.

[Even if it is the Queen ’s blood, no one dares to question the dragon ... Duke Byrne, Milasis is right, you are indeed arrogant. 】

The fierce blood basin opened slightly, and the voice of the red dragon became cold:

[Are n’t you afraid of your castle and country becoming a sea of ​​fire? 】

"Afraid, of course."

Loren's answer was very simple, and he didn't care: "But if an agreement has just been reached, it hurts allies because of a bit of verbalism. It can only show that the distinguished silver dragon Enzo, and the more distinguished dragon family, have no sincerity."

"Since there is no sincerity, what is the difference between my offense and impunity?"

The crimson dragon's eyes were more gloomy.

[Then ask, what does it mean to be "sincere" in your eyes-I interrupted you several times, and did not care about humiliation? 】

"Of course not. Mutual understanding and respect is the expression of sincerity." Loren said lightly: "And you are standing on my land now, facing me and my people, but even the minimum respect is not given, I certainly think you have no sincerity. "

"If you don't want to see such a situation, it's easy, just express your sincerity-for example, tell me what is your purpose here?"

Faceless crimson dragon, yellow eyes narrowed slightly.

[Following the order of Enzo, Jufeng Mountain will abide by the pledges with the empire and the royal family of Desalion, and assist Er and others to win the battle of the Azores until they completely destroy the enemy or admit defeat. 】

Grum suppressed the roar of anger and sounded in Loren's mind.

[Before that, our compatriots will be stationed in the gathering place and important fortress of the various armies of the empire, assist and shelter, etc., to maintain communication and ensure foolproof. 】

The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows, and the other party said nothing.

"I know all this, and I am not asking this." Loren said coldly: "While repeating the question-you, respected Crimson Dragon Grum, why did it appear in Red Blood Castle?"

[This is my answer. 】

This time Grum's answer is very concise:

[The Red Blood Fort, the gathering place and important fortress of the various troops stationed in the empire, is also one of the most important fortresses of the empire. 】

Um, stationed in Red Blood Castle?

This is also a fortress ~ ~ But ... this is the south.

When the elves hit here, the empire is about to die? !

The dark-haired wizard who forced himself to calm down tried to suppress his emotions.

But the flashing eyes were still captured by the crimson dragon-the greasy blood basin with a big mouth, actually revealing a near "cunning" look.

It's exactly the same as Mirases.

[As you know, Enzo is not with Brandon de Salion, but with you and Brandon to reach an agreement; then to maintain this agreement, you both need to exist at the same time. 】

[The dragon family will never violate their commitments. We will perform all our obligations in full and in accordance with the agreed content. We will also strive for agreements that belong to us-this is the original saying of Enzo. 】

[Therefore, from now on, I will be the ambassador of Jufeng Mountain and will be stationed in the Red Blood Castle! 】


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