However, Miss Xia Qi obviously didn't want to say more, so Luffy and the others didn't continue to ask questions.

"By the way, Xia Qi, where is Rayleigh? New."

After chatting with Xia Qi for a while, Xiao Ba remembered the purpose of this trip.

"This time I came here to bring my friend to ask him to help with the coating."


Xia Qi exhaled a puff of smoke and said,"He hasn't been back for half a year. I wonder where he has gone? Maybe he has found a new woman."

"But don't worry, he won't leave the island, you just need to look for him on the island."

Xia Qi said with a smile

"By the way, you can also have some fun on this island. Recently, this period of time should be the most friendly time for pirates. The navy's garrison force has dropped to the lowest point during this period."

"With your strength, Little Monkey, as long as you don't clash with the Celestial Dragons, there shouldn't be any big problems."

"The navy's defense force has been reduced? What happened?" Nami asked in confusion.

From what Xiaoba said before, Shampoo is very close to the navy headquarters.

"Celestial Dragons, what is that?"

Luffy asked curiously.

When Xiaoba arrived on the island, he seemed to have reminded them seriously.

"You are asking too fast, answer them one by one."

Xia Qi smiled gently and said:"The navy seems to be shrinking its strength recently. I don't know the specific reason. Maybe it's to fight a big pirate, or for some other purpose."

Xia Qi was not very clear.

Although she claimed to be an intelligence officer, she was no longer the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates. The intelligence channels now were much less than before.

What's more, the navy has not revealed much news yet. Few people know about the arrest of Fire Fist, let alone starting a war.

"As for the Celestial Dragons, they are the most untouchable people on this island. You will know when you see them. Although they are a group of very annoying people, they are the nobles of the world. If you provoke them, it will cause the admiral of the navy to dispatch."


Nami, Usopp and the others widened their eyes, their faces full of fear.

They had only met the admiral once, and that was Aokiji. The despair that Aokiji gave to everyone still lingered in their hearts.

That kind of incomparable oppression, so strong that it made people despair.

If Aokiji hadn't let them go, they would probably have been wiped out long ago.

And provoking the Celestial Dragons would actually cause the admiral to be dispatched, which was a bit unacceptable.

Of course, the objects of this fear were limited to Chopper, Nami and Usopp.

"The Admiral, that's interesting. And that Celestial Dragon, the one that made Miss Xia Qi say she hated, I really want to meet him."

Luffy laughed, with an inexplicable excitement in his eyes.

He really wanted to fight the Admiral again. His current strength was just his own guess. Because of the huge improvement, he didn't know how strong he was from the world's top combat power. He could only compare it with the bear he had fought before.

However, neither the bear nor the Aokiji in his memory used their full strength. In comparison, it was difficult to define.

"Little Monkey, you are really different. I admire you a little bit."

Xia Qi could see that there was no fear in Luffy's eyes, even when facing the admiral and the Celestial Dragons.

"No, I don't want to continue facing Aokiji."

Chopper and Usopp said loudly

"By the way, Ms. Xia Qi, why do Celestial Dragons have such great power?"

Sanji lit a cigarette and asked.

What he asked was also what all the Straw Hat Pirates members present wanted to ask, except for Robin who already knew

"New, because they are the world's nobles. According to legend, they inherited the blood of the Creator, and the World Government was founded by their ancestors."

Xiao Ba said, unable to hide the fear in his eyes.

"Therefore, if the Celestial Dragons are harmed, the World Government will mobilize all its forces. If it is somewhere else, it is fine. This is Shampoo Land, and the general will rush to it as quickly as possible."

"So, no matter what, Luffy, don't mess with the Celestial Dragons, do you understand?"

"Ah, I get it, Hachi."

Luffy pinched his nose, his eyes drifting to the other side.

"You definitely want to provoke the Celestial Dragons."

Hachi, Kemi looked at Luffy's expression and felt extremely uneasy.

"Hahaha, maybe we won't meet? Don't worry."

Luffy laughed nonchalantly and said,"As long as you don't mess with my friends, I won't do anything to you even if I hate you, right?"

"Is it a question?" Cammy's tongue and eyeballs were about to pop out.

After a moment of chatting,

Luffy and the others stood up after eating and drinking and said,"Then we'll have to trouble Miss Xia Qi to help look after the Sunny."

""Leave it to me, little Monk, just enjoy your time on the island."

Xia Qi said with a smile, holding a cigarette in her hand.

"I'll leave it to you then."

Luffy smiled and waved his hand

"Oh, wait a minute, little Monkey, take this, it should be of some help to you."

Xia Qi suddenly thought of something, took out a newspaper and a stack of wanted notices from the drawer under the bar, and handed them to Luffy.

"What is this?"

Luffy was a little confused

"This is the supernova gathered on Shampoo Land at the moment, and you are one of them, take it and have a look."

Xia Qi exhaled a puff of smoke and said

"Ah, thank you very much."

Luffy handed the newspaper to Nami without paying any attention.

Looking at the backs of the Straw Hat Pirates leaving,

Xia Qi's eyes were somewhat deep.

"It looks like Sabaody is going to be in chaos again."

Luffy and his crew first went to the Sunny and brought down Zoro and Franky who stayed on the ship.

With Xia Qi's guarantee, the Sunny would be safe. Xia Qi's strength is far inferior to that of the novice pirates in the first half of the Grand Line in the Sabaody Archipelago, unless a bear or an admiral comes.

This time Luffy did not choose to play separately.

Sabaody is not safe. It is too close to the headquarters of the navy. Moreover, because of the existence of the Celestial Dragons mentioned earlier.

It is very likely that an admiral will come. Sanji and Zoro's strength has not yet been fully improved, so it is better to be together in an area that is not much different.

In this way, in the face of any emergency, there is room for resistance.

"Eleven supernovas gather in Shampoo?"

A group of people walked along the forest path in Shampoo.

Nami was flipping through the newspaper that Xia Qi gave them.

The huge headline on the newspaper was this.

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