
Zoro walked towards Rayleigh with blood all over his body and nodded to him.

His aura made Zhan Taomaru dare not look directly at him.

"Hey, Luffy, you only have half an hour at most."

Rayleigh looked at the time and shouted to Luffy in the distance.

Although he stopped Zhan Taomaru, by now, the navy should have reported the battle here to the headquarters of the navy.

Based on his understanding of Sengoku, the other side will continue to send admiral-level combat forces.

According to the less than one-hour voyage from the headquarters to the Sabaody Archipelago, including the time to leave Sabaody to avoid the limelight, the time left for Luffy to fight is only half an hour at most.

Of course, Rayleigh did not urge Luffy to leave now.

This half an hour is still very precious.

The opportunity to fight the admiral head-on is rare.

Although he himself has the strength of an admiral.

But when he fights Luffy, it will definitely not be the same as the full-strength fight now.


There was a loud bang in the sky, and a ball-shaped The shock wave spread.

Kizaru's photons condensed on the grass, with several fist marks on his body, and his yellow and white striped suit became a little wrinkled.

There was an obvious scratch on his face.

This injury is very rare for Kizaru.

Now the sense of responsibility of the navy in his mind gradually dissipated.

Instead, he regretted.

He regretted why he chose a task that looked simple but was actually hell-level difficult.

You know, he came here to relax.

In the end, he had to face two admiral-level strongmen.

Of course, compared with Kizaru, Luffy looked much more miserable.

There were scratches all over his body, his shirt was tattered, and there was blood at the corners of his mouth.

However, his breath did not weaken at all, but became stronger. The fighting spirit on his face could no longer be restrained, and a big smile emerged.

The whole person was immersed in the excitement of the battle.

"Hey, only half an hour left? It's so short."

Luffy couldn't help but be surprised.

"There is no other way. After all, this is Shampooland, which is too close to the Navy Headquarters. In half an hour, whether the battle is over or not, we must leave. Otherwise, things will be a little troublesome.

Rayleigh smiled gently, like a patient master.

""Okay." Luffy sighed with some regret.

Kizaru on the opposite side was speechless.

He was a well-known energy-saving person. He could only use three out of ten points of strength.

As a result, he suffered a big loss today. He couldn't defeat the Straw Hat Boy even with all his strength. Instead, the monster-like newcomer became more and more excited as the fight went on. He was completely a battle madman.

And Kizaru thought that he was completely incompatible with this kind of battle madman.

In fact, when he saw Rayleigh before, Kizaru had already started to want to slip away.

But he didn't expect the Straw Hat Boy to be so strong. Not only could he not defeat him in a short time, but he also entangled him head-on, so that Rayleigh, who was at the same level, could stare at him from the side.

He could only be a sparring partner with peace of mind.

"However, the last half hour should be enough. I just happened to be in a very interesting state and wanted to try it."

"Oh, there is a new state?"

Rayleigh was a little surprised.

Luffy's growth and strength have completely exceeded his imagination, but now there is still a new state that has not been opened. It really makes people look forward to it.

Even Kizaru on the opposite side couldn't help but look serious.

The fourth gear state just now already has enough strength to rival him.

If he continues to open a higher state, it will really be a headache.

"Ah, this is my strongest state at the moment, and also the most interesting state."

Luffy pressed his straw hat and laughed excitedly:"I call it, gear shift, fifth gear"

"Gear 5?"

The looks of Rayleigh and Kizaru changed instantly, one was looking forward to it, the other was looking solemn.

"Let's have a happy fight."

Luffy laughed and said,"Shift to fifth gear." As soon as the words fell,

Luffy's whole body seemed to be melting, and white light began to emerge.

The light was not dazzling, and was full of a strange, optimistic, and high-spirited emotion, as if it could infect the people around.

Boom, boom.

At the same time

, from the melted rubber, a series of heartbeats like war drums sounded.

Excited and full of power.

New World, Fur Tribe Kingdom.


The huge cry spread in this sea area, full of impact. The sleeping cat viper suddenly woke up from his sleep.

Then he jumped out of the room quickly, and in a few jumps, he reached the tallest giant whale tree.

And here, Duke Inuarashi has also arrived.

"Is this Zou's cry?"

The ground was shaking. Cat Viper no longer cared about the past grudges with Inuarashi.

At this moment, he asked with a serious expression:

"I think so."

Duke Inuarashi also looked very serious.

This was the first time they had heard Zou roar since they were born.

It must be said that the roar of this giant elephant was really terrifying.

The roar of the giant elephant was echoing over the entire Fur Tribe Kingdom, and the entire sea was shaking.

This huge roar seemed to carry an inexplicable emotion.

Sadness? Or relief.

After a moment, Zou stopped roaring and continued to move leisurely in this sea area as before.

Inuarashi and Cat Viper looked at each other.

They both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

This matter must be investigated clearly...

The waters around the Sabaody Archipelago.

The Sunny was sailing fast on the sea, as if there were pursuers behind it.

"Wow, what a hearty battle! Should I say he is worthy of being called an admiral? Haha."

Luffy sat on the deck and laughed loudly.

Opposite him, Chopper was using bandages to blast Luffy.

Thick bandages covered his chest.

On the left side of Luffy's chest, there was a huge wound, still oozing blood.

"It's a ridiculous ability, but it's undeniably powerful to an exaggerated degree."

Rayleigh sat on a chair on the main mast of the Sunny, looking at Luffy, with shock still in his eyes.

Even after an hour, his mind had not yet completely gotten over the previous battle.

"Is this the power that can change the world and create a new era? Roger, is this the person you are waiting for?"

Rayleigh looked at Luffy.

If it was mainly because of the hat and the words of the red hair before, then now, he has completely recognized the boy in front of him.

This recognition is not just a recognition of character and will, but also contains deeper things.

These things also made him make a thorough decision in his heart.

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