Sabaody Archipelago.

No matter how chaotic the outside world is.

No matter how many bigwigs have begun to take action because of the statement made by the Navy to the world.

At least around the Navy Headquarters, around Sabaody, there is still a brief calm.

After all, this is one of the Navy's step-by-step plans.

Everything is progressing steadily according to plan.

The only variable is the battle in Sabaody.

Tap, tap, tap.

Steady footsteps sounded.

Garp passed through the cordon formed by the Navy soldiers and walked to the battlefield of the great battle that took place in Sabaody not long ago.

But as soon as he walked in.

He couldn't help but sigh

"What a good battle."

It was no longer an island in front of him, but a huge lake.

There were huge floating rocks and huge trunk fragments of broken Yarchiman mangroves everywhere.

The island in front of him was even more miserable than the island that had been bombed by the Demon Slayer Order. It was as if a sea king of several thousand meters in size had fallen from the sky and smashed the entire Sabaody Archipelago to pieces.

Garp had a calm expression on his face as he walked on the tree trunks that could barely be called a path.

The scene in front of him, which was enough to make the navy soldiers drop their jaws when they saw it for the first time, did not shock him too much.

After all, when he was young, each of the strong men he met had the ability to create such a spectacular battlefield in front of him.

As a hero of the navy, he had experienced too many battles and seen too many scenes.

But when he saw Kizaru, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The calm expression on his face was slightly restrained, and instead became a little solemn.

"You are really in a mess, Borsalino."

Garp was not as out of touch as before.

Because in front of him.

Kizaru sat on a piece of remaining soil and stone, blood dripping down his sleeves.

There were obvious bloodstains on his face.

Facing a seriously injured junior and comrade, even Garp would not say anything to spoil the mood.

"What happened? Who is it? Pluto Rayleigh should not be able to do this."

Garp was silent for a moment, and asked in a deep voice.

He couldn't imagine who on this sea could hurt Kizaru to this extent.

This is an admiral in the best condition.

And among the three current admirals, Kizaru is the oldest and most experienced.

Because of his personality, his reputation in the navy is not as great as Akainu and Aokiji, but his strength is the strongest among the three.

Since Kizaru became an admiral, because of his strong strength and fruit ability.

Garp has never seen him so embarrassed.

Even in the battle with the Four Emperors, Garp has seen Kizaru's most embarrassed time, but it was just that his clothes were slightly wrinkled, not as miserable as now.

And, the most critical thing is...

Kizaru has only been in Shabaodi for two hours, and the actual fighting time was even less than an hour.

For the admirals who can fight in days, an hour is really too short. However

, in such a short time, someone could beat Kizaru, who had the Pika-Pika no Mi, into this state. How could Garp not be surprised.

This could not be Pluto Rayleigh.

Although he is a legendary figure, he is a legend to others.

As Garp, who has forced Roger's pirate group into desperate situations several times, he knows Rayleigh's strength too well.

Even in his prime when he was young, he could not beat Kizaru like this, not to mention that Rayleigh is now almost eighty years old.

"If I say it's the Straw Hat Boy, Mr. Garp, would you believe it?"

Kizaru put his arms on his knees and let them hang naturally. He raised his head and looked at Garp. He no longer had the vulgar and frivolous tone before, but smiled bitterly.

"How is that possible? Borsalino, I didn't expect you to tell jokes, hahaha."

Garp couldn't help laughing out loud.

Kizaru didn't say anything, but sighed softly and wiped off the blood dripping from his head.

Garp's laughter became smaller and smaller, and he looked at Kizaru blankly.

"You are not serious, Borsalino, how could I not know the strength of Luffy? It is enough to beat two Shichibukai whose wills have dissipated. How can he fight against you head-on?"

Garp didn't believe it.

You have to know that the Water Seven Capital incident happened less than a month ago.

During the Water Seven Capital incident, he had just tested Luffy's strength, and he was far inferior to most of the Shichibukai.

To say that he could fight against the admiral head-on and beat Kizaru like this, it would be better to let Garp believe that Roger had just suddenly come back to life.�

"How could I possibly joke about this matter?"

Kizaru sighed and said,"Everyone underestimated that man, Straw Hat Boy Luffy. He is a real monster. That ability is definitely not a simple ability of the rubber fruit. It is the most ridiculous and powerful ability I have ever seen."

"I'd better talk about the specific process after I meet Mr. Sengoku."

Kizaru stood up and said.

This matter involves the defeat of a general, and it happened so close to the Marine Headquarters.

This is not a trivial matter.

In addition, the Straw Hat Pirates, the protagonists of the attack on the Celestial Dragons, escaped. All these require Kizaru to go to the Marine Headquarters and give a detailed process so that Sengoku can give an explanation.


Kizaru sighed in his heart.

With the strength shown by the Straw Hat Boy, I don't know if it will cause any bad effects at this critical time.

After all, the Fire Fist Ace who is about to be executed by the headquarters is closely related to the Straw Hat Boy Luffy according to the intelligence.

"An extra admiral-level fighter? This is really troublesome."

Kizaru thought to himself, and then swayed towards the port.

As for his injuries, it looked like he was bleeding a lot, but in fact, for a general-level monster, it was not too serious. It just looked a little too miserable.

"I'm really unlucky this time."

On the way back, Kizaru couldn't help but regretting more and more.

He was a well-known old hand, punching in for work, taking advantage of troubled waters, doing nothing when he could, and finding an easy job to relax when he couldn't.

As a result, he really hit the steel plate this time.

Garp followed behind Kizaru, still confused.

He pinched his nostrils with his index finger and looked at Kizaru's back in front of him.

A thought flashed through his mind that even he couldn't believe.

Could it be that Luffy really beat Borsalino like this?

However, the moment this thought appeared, Garp waved his hands vigorously in front of him with an expressionless face to deny it.

"No, no, no, it's impossible. Luffy, that brat, is impossible no matter how you think about it."

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