On the other side of the deck, Whitebeard sat on a tall chair.

Rayleigh and Luffy didn't care much, just sat cross-legged on the deck. Opposite Whitebeard

"You don't really have much confidence in rescuing Ace, do you, Whitebeard?"

Rayleigh said calmly.

Whitebeard was silent.

"In your son's eyes, you are still the white-bearded man, the strongest man in the world, who can do everything. But only you know that you are not as strong as you were when you were young."

"You know very well that the navy is powerful and it is not so easy to deal with."

Rayleigh took a sip of wine and sighed slightly.

"Time is merciless. Even the strongest man in the world cannot escape the erosion of time."

"After all, I am just a mortal, not a real monster."

Whitebeard held up a huge wine jar, drank from it, and said in a deep and vicissitudes voice

"But I will definitely rescue Ace, gula la la, I have full confidence."

Rayleigh looked up and saw the laughing Whitebeard, his face changed slightly, he had thought of something.

"Whitebeard, you don't want......"

"Isn't this normal? Rayleigh, this is no longer our era. This new era is the era of these little devils. There is no room for remnants like us."

Whitebeard looked at Luffy with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Just like you chose this boy, I also have my successor, Ace. He is a very good son. He will inherit my will and fly high in this sea."

"This is your will."

Rayleigh understood.

From this moment on, he completely understood the mentality of this old friend.

He went to participate in this war with the belief that he would die.

No one could imagine how terrifying it is for a man to step onto the battlefield with the belief that he would die.

Especially Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, is walking towards the end of his life and burning a war with his last life.

Rayleigh thought of Roger.

At the end of life, legendary men like them can burst out energy that no one can imagine.

Sengoku, the World Government, no matter what they plan to do this time, I am afraid it will all fail.

When Rayleigh looked at Whitebeard's firm eyes without any impurities, this thought naturally flashed through his mind.

"Since you have made up your mind, I have a better suggestion. How about letting Luffy be the protagonist of this battle?

Rayleigh said with a smile.


Whitebeard looked at Luffy who looked puzzled.

"With his current strength, no matter where he is, he will never be a supporting role."

"I mean, use all your strength to surround Luffy, maybe there will be better results."

Rayleigh said.

This is the purpose of his coming this time.

In the next war, it must be a battle of the largest scale beyond the imagination of the world.

There are many admirals.

On the entire battlefield, even the admirals cannot be so relaxed.

Luffy's reckless personality makes it easy for him to be disconnected from the main force, and once disconnected, he will be besieged by two or even three admiral-level figures. Even with his powerful strength of the fifth gear, it is impossible to deal with it easily.

In addition, with so many vice admirals and soldiers around, it is easy to be in great danger.

The combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates is very strong.

Those captains of the squads, as well as those independent pirate groups that joined Whitebeard, each The pirate captains are all well-known figures in the New World.

Including those independent captains, this is the huge combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

It is a huge combat power that even the navy cannot underestimate.

And this is also the reason why the Four Emperors are so powerful that even the World Government has a headache.

The combat power formed by their main group and the pirate groups under their command is truly elite, an elite combat power that can fight a large-scale war.

With such a huge combat power to take care of him, Luffy's situation on the battlefield will be much easier, and many people will share the pressure from all sides for him.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, his physical strength is not unlimited after all, especially in high-intensity wars, the consumption of physical strength is even greater.

"This brat?"

Whitebeard looked at Luffy seriously.

"He is very good, I admire him"

"However, Rayleigh, I want to know, what do you think of this kid, and to what extent can you do for this kid?"

Whitebeard's pupils turned and stared at Rayleigh.

The cooperation between men on the sea is more about the other party's awareness.

Especially for a strong man like Whitebeard who has an old-fashioned personality.

"Doesn't the Or Jackson represent something?"

Rayleigh chuckled.

"Not enough." Whitebeard said calmly.

"I will join the battle, and even if it means risking my life, I will help Luffy rescue Ace and evacuate the battlefield smoothly."

Rayleigh looked up at Whitebeard.

Their eyes met, and under the lenses was a sharp gaze like a sword wave.,

"You are right, our era has passed. I see the tide of the new era and am willing to be submerged in it."

""Gulala, you haven't changed at all, Rayleigh."

Whitebeard laughed.

He had never laughed so happily since Ace left.

"What about you, kid?"

"No matter what is in front of me, I will punch it hard. I must save Ace, even if it costs my life."

Luffy stood up suddenly, his straw hat swaying slightly, and said loudly.

Looking at the determined young man, the immature but domineering face, and the familiar, slightly worn straw hat.

Whitebeard was a little absent-minded.

"This straw hat is a bit old."

"Although it is old, it has always been there."Rayleigh said with a smile


Whitebeard laughed loudly and said,"Then, let's have a big fight with the navy."

The loud laughter seemed to be able to disturb the banquet over there, and the low mood of the whole banquet instantly rose.

A moment later.

Whitebeard stood in front of everyone. Standing next to him was Luffy, and on the other side of Luffy was Rayleigh.

"Young men, the war has begun.

Whitebeard raised his naginata to the sky with all his strength and roared


The surging cheers resounded through the sky.

Time passed by little by little.

In the blink of an eye, two days had passed. After dawn.

In Marinford, the port of the Navy Headquarters.

The two admirals Kizaru and Aokiji boarded the warship, along with Garp, who looked complicated.

Today was the day the government announced to publicly execute Ace.

Today was also the day he could no longer escape from his inner thoughts.

""Let's set sail."

Aokiji sighed slightly, glanced at Garp, and said to the navy soldiers.

More than a dozen warships sailed out of the port together, their destination was Impel Prison.

In the open conference room of the Navy Headquarters,

Sengoku stood on the high platform, watching the warships go away.

His heart was not calm at the moment, because of the upcoming war, he had planned for so many days, but still did not have the confidence to win, absolute certainty.

"Have you made all the preparations? Zhan Guo.

He's thin body appeared next to Zhan Guo and asked

"Ah, we have made all the preparations we can. Now we can only wait and see how the war plays out."

Zhan Guo said solemnly.

"Aren't you worried that Whitebeard will attack Impel Prison directly?" Crane asked

"There are three gates of justice. The sea area inside has special currents. If the gates are closed, the ships cannot escape at all. The headquarters has absolute control. If Whitebeard attacks Impel, the gates of justice will be locked here, and the Whitebeard Pirates will be trapped."

"What if we hijack the ship while escorting Fire Fist Ace out?"

"This place is very close to the Gate of Justice. If Whitebeard hijacks the ship after leaving the Gate of Justice, Borsalino and Aokiji will be enough to hold him back."

"With Aokiji's ability to freeze the sea, Whitebeard can only passively fight us. Moreover, if they hijack the ship, they will not be able to bring the combat power of many pirate groups under their command, which is equivalent to cutting off one of their own arms."

Sengoku said in a deep voice. He has considered all the possibilities.

This is an absolute conspiracy. Whitebeard's best choice is to snatch Fire Fist Ace in front of them in Marinford.

In this case, the opponent's chances of winning will be reduced to an extreme.

However, after all, he is facing Whitebeard. Even if he has achieved this level, he has no confidence at all. After all, he has fought with Whitebeard too many times, and he knows better than anyone how difficult Whitebeard is.

"If only Whitebeard chose to attack Impel, we could relax a bit."

Chatun said a little bored.

The waiting time before the war is the most boring, especially for the strong.

"He won't. Whitebeard is very sharp. He won't fall into such an obvious mistake trap. Moreover, he will definitely appear in front of me in a situation that I haven't guessed."

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice, full of certainty.

After all, when he was young, his main target was Whitebeard.

They can be said to be old enemies.

"What about the other four emperors? If they join this war, we will be completely passive."

He continued to ask, and at this moment, she seemed to be using this question-and-answer method to help Zhan Guo improve the overall situation and calm down.

"As for the other four emperors, the old men above did it."

Sengoku said that if the World Government had not made such a guarantee, they would not dare to go to war with Whitebeard.

Breaking the balance of the sea is no joke. If you are not careful, it will end in collapse.

The navy is the strongest force in this sea, but if the four emperors join forces to attack the navy, even the navy cannot withstand it.

"Above? Is it another exchange of interests between the superiors?"

He said calmly, as if he had completely seen through everything.

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Geoise.

Pangu City, between the powers.

The Five Elders gathered here, and the five of them sat at a long table.

"Are we a little too impatient about this war?" The five elders in black caps said calmly,"In my opinion, this war can be postponed for about a year, and we will have more spare energy."

"A year is too long for changes."

The Five Elders, holding the demon sword and wearing a Taoist robe, said,"It's like swinging a sword. Seize the opportunity and swing the best sword. Now is the best time."

"Come to think of it, wasn't this balance created by us? When we were trying to create the balance, we should have known that there would be a day when the balance would be broken."

The blond Five Elders crossed his hands on his chin, his expression calm.

"The Great Pirate Era has lasted too long. The execution of Roger was a failure, which led to the current situation. Let's end this era with the life of another great pirate." The tall and thin Five Elders with a white beard said in a deep voice.

Then the bald Five Elders with a mustache also echoed in a stern voice:"Through this war, the government's majesty will be demonstrated to the whole world.

The Five Elders in the black caps did not say anything. It was too late to say anything now. What he said just now was just a slight sigh. He turned and asked

"Are all the preparations done?"

"The Four Emperors Shanks has already arranged for Kaido to stop it, and BIGMOM has clearly stated that it will not participate in the war."

"Pirates are pirates. They can easily drive others to their own ends just for a little profit."

"If they were not pirates, it would be a headache for us. They are not weak in ambition and strength, but unfortunately, their vision and wisdom are still far behind."

"No matter what, after this war, the balance of the sea will be broken, so we need to do a good job of finishing it."

""Let's prepare to promote the changes of the times, everyone."

A deep and powerful voice sounded among the powers, and with a few words, it pushed the world's pattern again.

These are the Five Elders, the upper echelons of world power, the existence that controls the world's power and strength.

They sat here silently, waiting for the outcome of the war that, in their opinion, had already been decided.....

A sea in the new world

"So that's it, the World Government's work?"

On the Redforth, Red Hair stood at the bow, looking at the flag of the Beasts Pirates opposite, with a layer of haze covering his face.

"Red Hair, can you kill me?"

The huge ship approached, Kaido stood on the bow, holding a mace, looking at Shanks opposite, with a provocative smile on his face.

"It seems that this will not be easy to pass."

The red-haired man drew out the famous sword from his waist with his right hand and pointed it directly at Kaido, his face solemn.

"Are you ready to die? Kaido".......

Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

One after another, warships gathered around the island, with their guns facing the sea level opposite the Marine Headquarters.

Not only that, in front of the execution platform.

Tall walls were erected, with cannons standing on them.

Inside the wall, in the square in front of the execution platform, there were densely packed figures of navy soldiers.

In front of the execution platform, on the high platform, three chairs sat high.

They were the highest combat power of the navy, the three admirals.

Kizaru, Akainu, Aokiji, each of them was a well-known big man on the sea.

Below the three admirals, the seven warlords with calm faces.

And in the front position.

The Navy's headquarters vice admiral, the giant vice admiral, Crane and Zephyr were also among them.

Such a powerful military force made people feel despair when they looked at it.

Even the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace of the Fire Fist, was the same.

Even though he had been on the sea for so many days and had experienced large and small battles.

But the combat power of the navy here is much stronger than that of a single Four Emperors pirate group.

At this moment, he really hoped that his father and the Whitebeard Pirates' companions would not come.

"If I had known this would happen, I would never have let you go out to sea."

A low and dull voice sounded beside Ace.

The tall and strong old man sat down next to Ace.

"Old man."

Ace stared at Garp beside him.

"Hey, Garp, this is not the place for you to stay."

Zhan Guo looked at Garp and shouted

"I know Zhan Guo, let me sit here for a while."

Garp's voice was low, Zhan Guo wanted to say something, but when he saw the sadness and struggle in his old friend's eyes, he couldn't say anything.

"Humph, whatever you want���"

Sengoku ignored Garp.

He was well aware of Garp's struggles and escapes during this period.

Justice and family affection were constantly colliding in his heart.

This war was a complete torment for him.

Sengoku turned his gaze back to the distant sea.

The distant sea was hazy with fog, making it impossible to see too far.

However, when the huge black shadow appeared in the fog, everyone was on alert in an instant.

The Whitebeard Pirates appeared.

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