"Why did I believe Blackbeard's lies for some reason?"

Looking at all the top fighters of the Navy Headquarters who surrounded him from behind.

Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Sora, Kizaru, Aokiji, Momosagi, and Chaton.

When these people surrounded him, any pirate or criminal in the world could feel deep despair.

This was how Shiryu felt at the moment. He wanted to go back a few hours ago.

Go back to the self who was still in Impel Prison, and then chop off the nonsense-mouthed Blackbeard with a knife.

In this way, he would not fall into the current situation.

"Shiryu, do you know the power of the Dark Dark Fruit? This is the power that can change the world and reach the top of the world."

"I can extract the power of the devil fruit from the person with the ability. Do you know what this means? I can help you get any ability you want."

"Moreover, we can create a truly invincible army composed entirely of people with special abilities. Even the World Government cannot be our opponent."

"What? You don't believe I have this ability? You know the situation outside very well. As long as we get to the top at the end and get rid of Whitebeard, I can get the strongest power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit from his body."

"Join us, Xilu, we will definitely stand at the top of the ocean, thief hahahaha."

Xilu's ears seemed to still echo with Blackbeard's lofty ambitions, but in a blink of an eye, the cruel reality was that they had just been out for a few hours and might have to go back again.

Moreover, this time his identity changed from the deputy warden and criminal of Impel Prison to an ordinary criminal in the sixth level of the infinite hell of the prison.

All the merits and treatment were invalidated.

Just a decision made a few hours ago

""Damn Blackbeard."

Shiryu shouted loudly.

Then, a huge figure came down with a dazzling golden shock wave.

Kizaru had a calm and cold face, holding a long sword condensed by dazzling photons. Aokiji had a cold face, and a terrifying chill was coming out when he raised his hand.

There were more and more.

After all, the place where they were at the moment was Marinford, where the navy's top combat forces gathered.

At this moment, the total number of the navy's top combat forces was more than their number.

"With this kind of power, how did Whitebeard win?"

In just one minute, Xiliu had completely fallen to the ground, with only a little consciousness left.

Before his consciousness completely blurred, he had this thought in his mind:

"Tie up all these criminals and take them back to Impel Prison afterwards."

Sengoku ordered.

This was a blessing in disguise.

Blackbeard actually dared to bring this group of people from Impel Prison to Marinford.

I really don't know if he is arrogant or a lunatic.

But it's okay, except for the two legendary pirates and the Seven Warlords of the Sea on the opposite side.

The four brought by Blackbeard are almost the most ruthless ones in the sixth floor.

The strength of these pirates is at the level of big pirates, but the damage they caused is greater than that of some pirates close to the level of admirals.

Soon, groups of naval soldiers came up, holding seastone handcuffs and chains, and locked up these criminals who had just escaped from prison again, ready to wait for the end of the war and escort them back to Impel completely.

And to prevent them from escaping.

Taotu and Chatun are also responsible for guarding these prisoners locked up by seastone.

"Compared to the monsters on the opposite side, it's really easy."

Kizaru couldn't help but twist his mouth, revealing an extremely hidden obscene smile.

To be honest, these few days, Shampoo was first beaten by the Straw Hat Boy.

This time, he was evenly matched with Blackfoot Sanji, whose bounty was less than 100 million.

He even wondered if he was old and his strength had declined. Why couldn't he even beat the young people.

And now, after getting rid of Blackbeard's men without any effort, it is obvious that he has regained some confidence.

It's not that he is too weak, but that the monsters of the Straw Hat Pirates are too strong.

After the highest combat forces of the navy dealt with the members of Blackbeard's subordinates,

Sengoku glanced at Fire Fist Ace and Phoenix Marco, who were very close.

Just now, Ace and Marco teamed up to block Blackbeard's subordinates.

The distance between them was very close at the moment, but Sengoku did not make a move again.

Fire Fist Ace has now unlocked the seastone handcuffs, and his strength is close to that of an admiral. He is not so easy to kill.

Moreover, the terrifying strength of the pirates also completely cut off Sengoku's thoughts.

"Do you want to attack? Sengoku? I am also a criminal who just escaped from Impel."

Just when Sengoku was dealing with the pirates under Blackbeard, Barrett showed a crazy smile and shouted at Sengoku, full of provocation.


Sengoku glanced at Barrett and frowned.

This heir of the demons was originally the cannon fodder of the Demon Slayer Order, and was arrested only after he and Garp took action. After being imprisoned in the Impel Prison for so many years, his aura has become stronger, so strong that it seems a little scary.

Standing next to Pluto Rayleigh and Bondiwald, Sengoku can clearly feel that Barrett is stronger than these two legends of the old times.

His strength is probably one of the top ones among the strong men at the level of the emperor present.

And this crazy personality.

To be honest, Sengoku really wants to launch an unjust siege and capture him.

However, this is impossible.

Beside him, there are Pluto Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks, two former partners.

"Hey, Shanks, Captain Rayleigh, do you want to join forces? With our strength, we can completely eliminate the navy here, then land on the Red Earth Continent and eliminate the Five Elders. Isn't everything going to be easy?"

Barrett laughed crazily.

"I'm not interested, Barrett."

Shanks frowned and looked at Barrett.

Compared to decades ago, Barrett is now more dangerous and crazier.

Even the usually gentle Rayleigh frowned:"You seem to have changed a lot, Barrett."

"Of course, I have become stronger, and I will become stronger, the strongest in the world."

Barrett said loudly.

There was still madness in his eyes, staring at the navy opposite, as if he would rush to the navy at any time.

However, although Barrett advocates strength and pursues the strongest position madly, he is not a fool.

He just came out of the infinite hell, and his body has not adjusted to the peak.

Not to mention that there are so many strong men in the navy here, even if he is crazy, it is impossible for him to attack the navy at this time.

"Let's go, it's all over."

Whitebeard came from not far away.

His big hand, like holding a bowling ball, pinched Blackbeard's head, which had already lost consciousness.

Blackbeard opened his mouth wide, his eyes were completely white, his body was covered in blood, and the few teeth left in his mouth were almost all knocked out.

"What a monster's body, he took so many hits from Daddy, and he still has a breath left."

Marco followed Whitebeard and looked at Blackbeard's shaking body in surprise.

He knew very well the destructive power of Daddy. He was pinched by Daddy's neck, a vulnerable part, and he was hit three times by Daddy, but he is still alive.

It really makes people sigh at his toughness.

The first time he was only one breath left, Marco thought he would die in the next second.

But he was still able to maintain consciousness, and after two consecutive attacks, he completely lost consciousness.

""Little ones, let's go home."

Whitebeard held Blackbeard in one hand and raised his naginata in the other, stabbing it high into the sky.


All the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates raised their weapons and cheered for victory.

Even in this war, too many companions died.

However, it was like the problem of awareness that Luffy had heard countless times.

When stepping out of his circle and becoming a pirate, the lowest level of awareness of life and death has been engraved in his heart.

No matter whether it is the weakest pirate or a pirate as powerful as Whitebeard,

"Luffy, that uncle Whitebeard is dying."

When Whitebeard carried Blackbeard's body back to the Moby Dick and passed by Luffy and the others, Chopper whispered in Luffy's ear.

The direction of each person's awakened observation Haki is quite different.

Luffy's is enhanced emotional perception, Usopp's is enhanced perception distance, and Chopper's is enhanced vitality perception.

Perhaps it is because of his identity as a doctor.

At close range, his perception of a person's vitality will be very strong.

Just like now, Whitebeard's vitality, in his eyes, is like a candle in the wind.

No, it's not even as good as a candle in the wind.

Chopper has never felt this kind of vitality.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of vitality has entered a dying state and will die at any time. However,

Whitebeard not only did not die, he was even able to confront the admiral-level strongman head-on and gain the upper hand. He can even crush a monster like Blackbeard to death with his bare hands in a short period of time.

If you just look at the appearance, no one can tell that this is an old man who is about to die.

"I feel the same way."

Luffy didn't show much surprise when he heard Chopper's words.

He looked at Whitebeard's tall figure with admiration and sighed.

"The pain in the uncle's heart was about to overflow, but he didn't snort from beginning to end."With the enhanced perception of emotions, Luffy could clearly feel Whitebeard's pain in his observation Haki.

Dragging that broken body to fight was torture every moment, and even standing required breaking the limit with willpower, but judging from his face, he didn't even shed a drop of cold sweat.

His willpower was indeed extremely strong, and even the pain of overdrawing his life and dying couldn't make him utter a sound.

Of course, in addition to pain, there was a deeper emotion supporting him.

Luffy couldn't understand that kind of complicated warmth, but the feeling that emotion gave him was very similar to the feeling that Garp sometimes gave him.

It was different from the feelings with his partners.

No matter what the emotion was, the will supported by this emotion transcended death and the flesh, which was truly awe-inspiring.

"It's just Ace."

Luffy looked at Ace who was smiling, not knowing what to say.

He was immersed in the joy of reuniting with his friends and the joy of returning home.

Ace and Uncle Whitebeard had a very good relationship. I don't know if he can bear the sadness of Uncle Whitebeard's death.

While Whitebeard was dealing with Blackbeard, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates had almost cleaned up the battlefield and carried the wounded.

The pirates and the navy maintained a strange tacit understanding.

"Then, we'll take our leave."

The red-haired man put his right hand on the hilt of the sword and said to Sengoku.

But Sengoku said he didn't want to pay any attention.

This group of pirates completely nailed the Navy and the World Government to the pillar of shame.

If the Navy cannot increase its strength and reverse the decline, it is expected that in the next few years, the Navy's control over the world will be greatly reduced.

Of course, to be honest, that may not have much to do with me.

Although Sengoku was in a heavy mood after the failure of the war, he was a little relaxed. Everything was waiting for the judgment of the five old men above.

"I will learn from the Navy's Demon Slayer Order again."

Before leaving, Barrett laughed wildly.

"I will repay the scars left by this navy tenfold."

Barrett had a lot of scars on his chest. They were the scars caused by the shells of the navy's demon-killing order before he was captured and imprisoned in Impel Prison.

"Tell those bastards in the government that I will pull them down one by one, Valorolol."

Bondiwald's eyes were terribly cold, and he was holding five gravel in his hands, like a completely crazy bloodthirsty beast. He had lost the last bit of humanity.

There was no way, anyone in his prime would be like this after being frozen for decades.

He was different from Barrett, who was still in his prime, and he was over eighty now, without any worries or fears.

If it wasn't for better revenge.

Now Wald dared to launch a desperate charge directly against the entire combat power of the navy.

"These two troublesome guys."

Crocodile looked at the two lunatics beside him, his eyes flickering, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"These two crazy guys."

Zhan Guo looked at Barrett and Wald, two crazy guys, boarding Whitebeard's ship and leaving, and his face was extremely ugly.

These two guys are simply.

If it weren't for the Whitebeard Pirates, Red Hair Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates standing behind them,

Zhan Guo would have to take the group of people behind him to teach these two arrogant lunatics a lesson.

However, now.

Zhan Guo can only watch them take advantage of the power of others and then leave in style.

"The war is over, hurry up and treat the wounded."

Sengoku said loudly to the navy soldiers around him as he watched the Whitebeard Pirates' ship leave.

Looking at the wounded all around, the dilapidated navy headquarters, and the residential area in the distance of Marineford,

Sengoku felt tired.

This war, which he had spent a lot of effort to prepare for, was completely ruined because of the Straw Hat Pirates. Not only did he lose the lady, but he also lost his soldiers.

Moreover, this is the current loss.

The real loss has not yet come?

In a few days, the group of people from the World Government, the kings of the member countries, and the overwhelming reports will all condemn their failures with all their strength. Defeat.

Sengoku felt a little tired.

The wounds on his body caused by Whitebeard, Roronoa, and Pluto Rayleigh were bleeding and in severe pain.

That blow almost killed him.

All his focus at that time was on killing Fire Fist Ace, and he didn't have any defense behind him. He was hit by three strong men of the same level.

If it weren't for his amazing defense in the Buddha state, if it was Garp or Zephyr, he might have died directly after being hit.

Even so, he still lay in the ruins for a long time before he regained his ability to move.

"Oh, did you forget something?"

Zhan Guo patted his head, the severe pain from the wound was still stimulating him, making it impossible for him to concentrate on thinking.

Just at this time, a navy soldier brought a Den Den Mushi over.

It was not from the Five Elders, but from Impel Prison. After taking a deep breath to clear his mind, Zhan Guo answered the phone.

"I am the Warring States"

"Sorry, Marshal Sengoku, Impel Prison has been breached, and Shiryu has also defected and joined Blackbeard."

Magellan's guilty voice came from Den Den Mushi.

"I know everything, Magellan, you can rest assured and recover. I will send someone to find out the situation in Impel."

Zengguo said in a deep voice.

He also knew that it was useless to blame Magellan now.

After all, the other party had tried his best.

The reason why Impel was breached was that too many troops were involved in the Navy Headquarters.

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