The next day.

Early morning.

After Su Chen woke up and had breakfast, he immediately logged into the game.

In the royal city of the Beetle Kingdom.

When Su Chen arrived again, many places in the royal city had been repaired. It can be seen that the beetles worked very hard, probably wanting to return to the good life before the poison master came.


"Praise you, great king!"

"It's great, a new day, and I see the king's true face again."

"I really want to follow the king. It is said that the king can make his followers stronger. If we can follow the king, we will definitely become stronger, right?"

"Yes, in that case, we don't have to be afraid of enemies like poison masters."

"But the king didn't agree."

"We are too weak to be in the king's eyes. Maybe we can follow the king after we become stronger."

When the beetles saw Su Chen coming, they couldn't help but show respect.

Su Chen nodded in response, and didn't care about those chaotic whispers. The beetles were indeed not suitable to be his followers, unless he became a true king one day.

Otherwise, his followers could only be mantises.

With his wings flapping, Su Chen came to the palace in a breath with a burst of speed.

The elder was waiting respectfully in front of the palace.

After seeing Su Chen's figure, he immediately came up and said respectfully. "King, you are here. Everything is ready. The teleportation array can be opened at any time."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Su Chen smiled.

The elder felt honored. "It's not hard. This is what I should do."

Following the elder, he came to the teleportation array, which was already emitting a faint glow.

Su Chen did not waste time. The Beetle Kingdom was over. There was nothing here that could help him except Tianyuan and Huangsha River.

And those two places were forbidden areas for his current strength. If he went there, he would die.

So he had to leave here.

Stepping into the teleportation array, Su Chen looked at the elder, and after a long silence, he said. "In the future, if I am the true king, I may come back here."

"At that time, if your strength can be stronger than it is now, I don't mind taking you as my followers."

The elder who was about to start the teleportation array trembled all over when he heard this, and then said excitedly. "King, you, are you telling the truth?"

Su Chen didn't say anything, just nodded.

The elder was immediately surprised and promised repeatedly. "Don't worry, King, after you leave, I will make this country flourish martial arts and wait for your return."

"When the time comes, I will not let you down."

It promised with a firm tone.

Su Chen said lightly. "Maybe, no one can predict what will happen in the future."

"Anyway, start the teleportation array."


The elder nodded, suppressed his excitement, started the teleportation array, and a ray of light shot up into the sky.

With a swish.

The next moment, Su Chen's figure disappeared from the spot.

After waiting for a while, and confirming that the king had indeed left, the elder left here with excitement, ready to inform the people of the king's promise.

Not long after, the cheers of the beetles came from outside the palace.

Perhaps many beetles are not interested in becoming stronger and fighting.

But there are also many beetles who regard following the King of Insects as an honor and are determined to become stronger so that they can fight behind the King of Insects and serve the King in the future.

For a time, the entire Beetle Kingdom was not popular, and even took the initiative to lift the policy of isolation, go out of the Beetle Kingdom, contact the ant nest, the spirit tribe, and even farther away.

Even the new monarch took the initiative to go to the desert through the teleportation array to train, determined to become stronger.

Let the Beetle Kingdom be famous in this area soon.

However, Su Chen naturally didn't know about these.

With a strong sense of dizziness, when Su Chen opened his eyes again, he saw the dazzling sunlight shining from the top of his head.

Under the scorching sun, there is an endless desert in front of him. In the desert, many places are covered with bare hills and mountains, and a variety of landforms are mixed in the area. This is the desert.

Su Chen looked around with a surprised look.

"The teleportation array is actually located on a stone pillar."

He was at a huge stone pillar in the desert, and there were many others around it. The erosion of the desert wind left uneven marks on the surface of these stone pillars. They seemed very irregular, but they had a different kind of beauty.

The columns stand here, and from a distance, they look like ancient relics naturally formed between heaven and earth.

Su Chen stood on the columns and looked around.

This place should be far away from the Beetle Kingdom. There is no trace of the Beetle Kingdom in all directions, and even the yellow sand river flowing into the desert cannot be seen.

All you can see is a piece of yellow sand.

The hot sand wind is dancing wildly in the sky.

Su Chen's mind moved, and the strong wind raged out. For a moment, he sensed a lot of information in his mind, but unfortunately, among these information, Su Chen still saw a piece of yellow sand.

"It seems that there is nothing around here except yellow sand. I can only choose a direction to explore first."

Su Chen murmured, took out the map, there were not many drawings on it, but the direction of returning to the Beetle Kingdom was marked.

Su Chen had no idea of ​​going back to the Beetle Kingdom, so he ruled out this direction. Then he thought about it, urged his talent, and began to sense in different directions.

In the first direction, the palpitation came spontaneously and kept getting worse!

In the second direction, he trembled all over, as if some great terror was waiting for him ahead!

In the third direction, he felt great joy and fear at the same time!

In the fourth direction, he felt joy but also some palpitations.


Su Chen opened his eyes and looked at the desert in front of him with a serious expression.

"What a dangerous place."

After some perception, he confirmed that there were many opportunities in this desert, but compared to any place he had experienced before, the degree of danger here was also unique!

In many places, there were opportunities, and even treasures that made him feel happy, but there were also dangers.

Those dangers could easily crush him to death, so he decisively gave up.

Fortunately, in different directions, one direction made him feel dangerous and had opportunities at the same time.

"The opportunity is very good. I feel it is suitable for me. There are dangers, but they can only threaten me, not kill me easily."

Su Chen thought secretly, with a gleam in his eyes, and immediately decided to set off in that direction.

He did not fly, but jumped lightly from the column, landed in the desert, and ran in that direction.

At the same time, he took out the map and looked at it.

On the map, in addition to some monsters, there are actually some ancient ruins. Those are the ancient ruins that the monarch of the Beetle Kingdom once explored. Su Chen is not very interested.

In fact, for Su Chen, the greatest value of this map is that some places for replenishing water sources are marked on the map.

The temperature in this desert is too high. He has begun to feel that his lips are slightly dry. He must replenish water soon.

Otherwise, his incarnation may die of thirst here.

Fortunately, the map marked the direction he was heading to. There was a relic on the way, which was a relic of an ancient civilization. There was a well dug by the other party, which could replenish water.

This made Su Chen relax a lot.

"When we have enough water and don't have to worry about thirst, we can consider flying."

Su Chen thought to himself.

Putting away the map, Su Chen sped up his pace.

After a while, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In his field of vision, two figures fighting appeared. A helicopter-sized path in the sky swooped down and headed straight for a monster with a human upper body and a scorpion lower body.

"Demon bird, and scorpion man."

The map given by the elder had information about these two monsters, so he recognized them.

They are common monsters in the desert.

Among them, the scorpion man is more worthy of attention. He has closed eyes on his left and right shoulders and can burst out mental shock.

At this moment, when the demon bird dived, the eyes on the left and right shoulders of the scorpion man opened, and an invisible shock broke out. The diving body of the demon bird staggered and fell directly.

The next second, the scorpion tail behind the scorpion man stabbed straight out. With a swoosh, the body of the demon bird was pierced.


With a roar, the demon scorpion man suddenly turned around, and the scarlet pupils on his face looked at Su Chen, having discovered his existence.

The invisible impact broke out again.

Su Chen frowned and felt a tingling pain in his mind.

"Sure enough, he has mental abilities, but unfortunately it's useless to me."

The moment the voice fell, Su Chen's figure disappeared from the spot.

With a whimper, he came behind the demon scorpion man, swung the mantis knife, and slashed directly.

The demon scorpion man's reaction speed was not slow, and he swung his scorpion tail to sweep across almost immediately.

However, with a tearing sound, the demon scorpion man's tail was directly cut off, and his body was also split in two, and he died tragically here.


Exhaling a breath of foul air, the devouring feeler in Su Chen's body stretched out, and was about to devour it.


The ground trembled slightly.

Su Chen seemed to feel something, and his wings stretched out behind him, and he flapped them suddenly and flew directly into the sky.

Then, he looked down, his pupils shrank, and he took a breath of cold air.

Originally, the yellow sand where he was was sunken, and a huge mouth slowly opened, with a range of more than 20 meters, swallowing a large area in one gulp.

It was like a black hole opened, and the Scorpion Man and the body of the Demon Bird disappeared directly.

Another boom.

Dust and sand were raised.

Indistinctly, he seemed to see a huge figure surging under the sand, swimming like a fish, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Chen took a deep breath and couldn't help muttering. "Desert Devourer..."

That was another monster marked on the map, the most dangerous monster. His intuition told him that the monster was very dangerous!

"Is this the desert?"

It is indeed a dangerous place.

The previous demon bird and scorpion man both gave him the strength of at least two evolutions.

And the desert devourer, who was only the tip of the iceberg, has four evolutions or even higher.

If it weren't for the more than a thousand layers of refined wind, this place would definitely be a dead end for him!

"But... places like this make people feel interesting."

Su Chen murmured, grinned, and activated his talent. After confirming that the desert devourer had completely left, he landed on the ground again and continued to walk towards the destination...

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