The old man was so angry that he almost laughed.

Su Chen looked at the bug in front of him. It was scarlet and looked a bit like a millipede, with a smooth and hard shell.

In terms of size, it was about 40 to 50 centimeters long, like a giant python standing upright, full of oppression.

At this moment, he looked at the treasure in the dent with his scarlet and greedy eyes, and replied coldly to Su Chen's words. "Yes, this is my treasure. I buried it here before and forgot to take it away. Do you have any objection? Bug!"

Although he is really a bug now, why is his tone so unpleasant?

Su Chen grinned. "Not only do I have an opinion, I also want to kill you."

"Just you? You don't know how to live or die."

The scarlet millipede smiled coldly, and suddenly spit out a scarlet poisonous mist, which engulfed Su Chen along with the breath when he exhaled.

Su Chen waved his hand, pulling a gust of wind to whistle, and directly sent the scarlet poisonous mist back.

Seeing this scene, the millipede's pupils shrank immediately. "Wind? Are you a supernatural race?"

Su Chen did not reply, but swung the knife again, bursting out a slash.

A glimmer flashed on the surface of the scarlet millipede, resisting this blow, leaving a white mark on the surface, and also made him feel a little pain.

"It is indeed a supernatural race."

The millipede's original contemptuous look was restrained a lot, but it was still grim. "Since you are a supernatural race, I can let you leave alive. Originally, I treated you as prey, just like it."

The scarlet millipede glanced behind him.

Su Chen looked over and found that there was a weak insect behind the scarlet millipede. The reason why he judged it weak at a glance was that it was smaller than himself, only a few centimeters. At this time, it was covered with red spots and could not move. It looked like it was poisoned.

But soon, Su Chen retracted his gaze, without saying a word, just rushed out in an instant, rushed in front of the scarlet millipede before the time for the reaction, and slashed with a knife.

The flowing wind gathered on the blade, and with a clang, a mark was immediately left on the millipede.

"You are looking for death!"

Feeling the pain on his body, the millipede was immediately furious, and his tail immediately swept across, stirring up dust.

Su Chen retreated in the wind and easily avoided it.

The millipede said in a cold voice. "I wanted to let you go, but I didn't expect you to want to die. With your weak strength, do you think you can hurt me?"

With a bang, the head of the millipede was like a giant hammer, and it rushed straight to Su Chen and hit him hard.

The millipede has a shell, and its strong defense allows its whole body to be turned into a weapon, not to mention that it also carries poison. With one blow, a small hole was smashed into the ground.

Su Chen moved with the wind, his figure was as graceful as the wind, and it was very easy to hide.

But after dodging this attack, he didn't want to hide anymore.

"Can't hurt you? I really don't believe it."

As Youyou said, Su Chen was swept by the wind, but disappeared in the next moment. At the same time, thunder flashed on his body, and with a wheeze, Su Chen disappeared instantly.


The pupils of the millipede shrank, and it looked around suddenly. It couldn't keep up with Su Chen's speed at all.

The next moment, there was a sound of breaking air behind him. The millipede turned around in a hurry and saw Su Chen who appeared behind him at some point. The black mantis body stood up high, and the sharp double knives flashed with lightning and strong wind compressed.

A huge crisis suddenly rose in the heart of the millipede.

Before he could react, Su Chen slashed with his double knives, and with a tearing sound, the hard shell of the millipede was split open with a huge hole, blood splashed, revealing the scarlet flesh inside.


The millipede screamed in pain, curled up subconsciously, and said in shock and anger. "How could you..."

"How could I suddenly hurt you?"

Su Chen asked the question that the millipede wanted to ask, and sneered. "You really think it's a full-strength attack with a casual attack?"

Just kidding.

After all, I am also an insect with two extraordinary powers, okay?

Just a millipede.

Do you understand the value of the two '+' signs after the insect king?

Su Chen approached step by step, making the millipede look terrified. The huge wound on its back made it almost unable to move except curling up. Even moving would cause severe pain.

"Let me go, let me go. I'll give you this treasure. Let me go, how about that?"

"What do you mean by give it to me?

It was originally mine." Su Chen pouted. "Come to think of it, I still like your unruly look before." The millipede was furious when he heard this. "You... Mantis, don't go too far. If you kill me, you won't be better off!" "Oh, then I'll wait and see." Su Chen responded indifferently, and then swung the knife without hesitation, slashing under the desperate eyes of the millipede, and the body of the millipede was instantly split into two. After solving the millipede, Su Chen had time to look back at the little bug not far away. He hadn't noticed it before, but now Su Chen realized that the bug looked like a woodlice. The little bug has always been conscious, but it was poisoned and couldn't move. Feeling Su Chen's gaze, it subconsciously shrank its body and said in fear. "My lord, I am not in the same group with it, please don't kill me, okay? "

The watery eyes blinked, and at first glance, they looked quite cute.

Su Chen smiled. "You are not my enemy, why should I kill you? I just want to see what's wrong with you? Do you want help?"

"Help, help me? Really?" The little bug blinked, unable to believe it.

The mantis in front of him looked very scary, and had the powerful strength to kill the scarlet millipede, but was willing to help such a weak person like him?

Su Chen was too lazy to explain, and just nodded.

He was not a big villain, and who would like to kill if he didn't cause trouble for himself.

Seeing this, the little bug hesitated and said timidly. "Then, then sir, can you help me get some blood? I have planted its toxin, and only drinking its blood can solve it. "

"Blood? "

Su Chen turned his head to look at the body of the scarlet millipede. He didn't expect the detoxification method to be so strange, but he still touched a little blood with his forelimbs and handed it to the little bug.

The little bug quickly drank it, and the red spots on its body began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the little bug could move freely.

It thanked Su Chen. "My lord, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I would have become its food."

Hearing this, Su Chen waved his hand and said casually. "It's just a matter of convenience. No need to thank me. Since you have been saved, leave quickly. This place is very dangerous, so as not to be caught again later. "

After that, Su Chen walked towards the corpse of the millipede.

Some of the bugs encountered before were either black or pale, and they were impossible to eat. The evolution points had not been replenished for a long time. Now there is such a big corpse of the millipede, and it cannot be let go.

Hearing Su Chen's words, the little bug hesitated for a moment, but still did not leave, but followed Su Chen's footsteps.

Su Chen turned back and asked in surprise. "Why are you following me?"

"No, nothing." The little bug said timidly. "My lord, I just want to tell you that you'd better leave quickly after killing it, otherwise you will be in trouble."


Su Chen lowered his head, took a serious look at the bug, and asked. "What do you mean?"

"Well, that, don't you know?" The little bug was a little surprised.

Su Chen shook his head. "You can understand that I am an outsider and don't know the situation here."

"So that's the case, no wonder. "

The little bug looked surprised, and then explained. "This scarlet beetle is from the scarlet bug tribe, a very powerful tribe, which is full of bugs as big as it, and it is also an extraordinary tribe."

"My lord, if you kill it, its tribe will definitely seek revenge on you."

Su Chen asked curiously. "How do the bugs in its tribe know that I killed it?"

The little bug said. "This is because when the scarlet beetle dies, a powder will be secreted from its body and stained on the bug that killed it for three days. The smell of this powder will attract other scarlet beetles. It is also because of this that many bugs dare not provoke scarlet beetles."

"I see, but it doesn't matter, come if you want. "

Su Chen had no regrets about his move.

It was already killed!

Besides, it was fine on the ground before, there were a lot of powerful beasts, so we had to be careful at every step.

Now we were in the territory of the underground bugs, so of course we could do whatever we wanted.

Besides, he was hoping for more big bugs. With such a big body, he would probably get a lot of evolution points.

Thinking of this, a hint of expectation flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

After that, Su Chen walked towards the body of the scarlet beetle and directly performed forced digestion.

The body flattened at a speed visible to the naked eye, which immediately scared the little bugs next to it.

Su Chen didn't care, but just looked at the prompts of obtaining evolution points that appeared in the display box.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, I knew there would be a lot of evolution points."

After all this, he actually got five evolution points, which was much more than what he got from killing other bugs before.

Unfortunately, Su Chen looked at the flattened corpse and found no materials, which made him look disappointed.

"It's useless to grow so big, but there's not even a material."

Shaking his head, Su Chen walked towards the treasure.

I wanted to see what the treasure was before, but I was interrupted by the scarlet beetle and didn't see it clearly. I only knew that it seemed to be an iron tool.

At this time, when Su Chen approached the dent, he was surprised. "It's actually an equipment!"

In the dent, a long sword flashing with silver light came into view, which looked very radiant and extraordinary.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a good weapon.

The most important thing is that this is the first time Su Chen has obtained equipment in the game.

Although he had seen a lot of equipment of spirit people in the spirit people tribe, those equipment had nothing to do with him, after all, he couldn't get them.

This one in front of him was the first piece of equipment Su Chen had obtained.

"I hope it can be used as a material for strengthening and evolution."

Su Chen looked excited and quickly put it into his backpack.

[You have obtained equipment: Silver Moon Blade. ]

[Silver Moon Blade: This is a weapon made by a famous blacksmith a long time ago. It used many precious materials and was given to a Zerg with a promising future. Unfortunately, the Zerg died before it grew up, and the knife became ownerless. But even so, it still maintains its original sharpness. ]

"It is indeed a precious sword."

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and next, it depends on whether this weapon can be used as a strengthening material.

Click on the properties and choose to strengthen the chest.

The prompt for inputting materials pops up.

Su Chen clicked to confirm, and the Silver Moon Blade was listed in the material column that can be invested.

Although the adaptability is only 7%, Su Chen was immediately ecstatic.

"Hahaha, it actually works."

A piece of equipment that can be used as a material for strengthening and evolution, this is really a great opportunity.

The more Su Chen knows about the game, the more he knows how much equipment that can be used as a material for strengthening and evolution can improve players, and he is more eager for it.

He knows that most players' equipment actually comes from the secret realm, and he originally thought that it would take a long time for him to get the first piece of equipment.

Unexpectedly, the surprise came so suddenly!

And it happened to be a knife, not a sword.

For him, the most suitable equipment is undoubtedly the knife. After all, his incarnation gives him a hidden and powerful knife talent.

With this knife, whether it is used for strengthening or evolution in the future, it may make his knife talent go further.

"What a pity, it can't be used now."

Su Chen took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He has already strengthened almost all the parts that need strengthening, and only the last one, the chest, is not adaptable enough to this knife, so if he wants to use this knife, he may have to wait until the next evolution, or the strengthening after the evolution.

Shaking his head, Su Chen calmed his breathing, closed his backpack, and prepared to continue exploring.

There are three opportunities in this ruin, and the first one is so gratifying, so he is undoubtedly more looking forward to the other two opportunities.

However, at this time, Su Chen found that the little bug was still lying behind him, and said in surprise. "Hey, why haven't you left yet?"

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