The old man was very angry, but he was still very happy.

"Invite me to join the zoo?"

Su Chen was stunned.

Originally, he was eager to deal with Tang Wei, and then log in to the game to concentrate on strengthening in anticipation of the moment of evolution. Now, after hearing this, his mind calmed down in an instant.

After all, this is a choice of whether to join the official.

After collecting his thoughts, Su Chen did not answer immediately, but touched his chin and pondered.

After a moment, he asked in confusion. "Captain Tang, why did you invite me?"

"Well, what I mean is that even if there are not many domestic players, it should not be few. Even if you invite me, you should not have to invite me in person."

Hearing this, Tang Wei smiled and said. "Mr. Su Chen, I came here in person because you are worthy of my personal invitation."

"After all, not all players with insect incarnations can have the strength to fight against fierce beasts in just a few days."

Hearing this, Su Chen suddenly realized.

It seems that the official has paid attention to me for a long time. I think so. After all, Su Chen has his own experience of the weakness of insect incarnations. If it were not for his talent, he would not have the strength to fight against fierce beasts.

But at this time, Tang Wei's voice sounded again. "More importantly, not all players have the courage to fight against fierce beasts."

Looking at Su Chen, Tang Wei's eyes showed undisguised admiration and said. "This courage is what I value most."

"I am a little embarrassed to be praised by Captain Tang." Su Chen laughed dumbly.

Tang Wei smiled and shook her head. "I'm just telling the truth. Mr. Su Chen, the treatment for joining the official is generous enough. As long as you are willing to join, you will get five insurances and one housing fund, basic salary, etc. The most important thing is that official members will receive points as salary every month."


"Yes, points." Tang Wei smiled. "The points in the Bounty Hunter app."

"It's not that the points are not fixed. They will increase according to the number of beasts you kill each month, the situation, etc., which is equivalent to commission. The more beasts you kill, in addition to the points that the beasts themselves will bring you, the official will also give you extra points when paying salaries."

"So as long as you are willing to join the official, you will have the opportunity to get more resources than other players and grow faster!"

"So Mr. Su Chen, are you willing to join?"

Hearing this, Su Chen did not reply.

Just the gleam in his eyes showed his inner surprise.

It must be said that this treatment did make Su Chen a little moved.

After all, Su Chen has already understood the role of points in the Bounty Hunter app, and naturally knows its value.

As long as you have points, most of the treasures can be exchanged by yourself.

It is indeed as Tang Wei said, it can make you grow faster.

But after a long silence, Su Chen still asked a more critical question. "Captain Tang, I am very moved by what you said, but I want to ask a question."

Tang Wei nodded. "Excuse me."

Su Chen asked. "I want to know when the Shanhaijing game first appeared?"

Tang Wei's eyes flickered and she answered truthfully. "Half a year ago."

"Half a year ago..."

Su Chen nodded, made a decision in his heart, and apologized. "Then I'm sorry, Captain Tang, I personally don't like to be bound, I'm used to freedom, and I'm not suitable to join the official, sorry."

"It's okay."

Tang Wei shook her head. Although she had the answer in her mind when Su Chen asked the last question, she was still a little disappointed.

But this was also expected, so Tang Wei said again. "In that case, let's change the way, Mr. Su Chen, are you willing to cooperate with the authorities?"


"Yes, cooperation."

Tang Wei said. "In fact, I guessed before I came that you might not join, so I thought of another plan, which is cooperation. I can become an official partner as an individual. When the authorities need help, you can ask for help, and the authorities will give points as a reward. How about it?"

Su Chen was very tempted, but also very confused. "Captain Tang, I don't think I have the qualifications, right?"

After all, not everyone can cooperate with the authorities. Su Chen still has some ideas about himself. Maybe he has good talent and a promising future, but it's just the future.

Tang Wei understood what Su Chen meant and laughed. "Mr. Su Chen, you don't have to think too much. In fact, such things

The situation has long existed. In our zoo department, we basically cooperate with some strong bounty hunters who are unwilling to join the official. You are not the first one. "

"After all, not everyone is willing to join the official, but we lack this powerful force, so we can only choose this method. And this is also good for me."

Su Chen nodded and listened attentively.

Tang Wei smiled lightly. "In short, if you cooperate with me, I can pay points as a reward for the troublesome tasks I encounter and cannot solve. When you solve the tasks and get the rewards, I can also use it as my performance to help me improve. "

"Of course, in this way, in the eyes of other official people, you are equivalent to someone on my side. I wonder if Mr. Su Chen is willing to agree to this cooperation method?"

Su Chen raised the corners of his mouth and nodded. "It's good for me, and I don't need to be bound. Why should I refuse?"

"Very good, then I wish us a happy cooperation. "

Tang Wei blinked, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes.

Although Su Chen's current strength may not be considered strong, in her opinion, Su Chen has great potential, and this cooperation is equivalent to an investment.

The probability of success is very high.

And as long as it succeeds, the benefits to her will be great.

Similarly, Su Chen was very happy in his heart.

After all, if nothing else, it is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to receive some of the treatment of official members without joining the official and being bound by the system.

Why not?

It's a pity that the Shanhaijing game has only appeared for half a year, otherwise Su Chen really doesn't mind joining the official.

After all, if the extraordinary game Shanhaijing has appeared for a long time In a few years, the official size will be a huge monster. If he joins now, even if there are physical constraints, he can still enjoy the shade of a big tree.

If he encounters some troubles in the future, he can be guaranteed to be safe as an official member.

This game has only been around for half a year.

In half a year, although the official is still strong, it may not be able to let himself enjoy the shade comfortably.

That's why Su Chen chose to refuse!

Shaking his head, Su Chen gathered his distracting thoughts. Taking advantage of the first meeting with an official member, and the captain of a team with a certain position, Su Chen planned to ask some questions that he was more curious about.

"Speaking of which, Captain Tang, can I ask you about some things in the game?"

Tang Wei nodded. "Of course, and since we have reached a cooperation, there is no need to be so distant. Just call me by my name."

"Tang Wei?"


"Okay. "

Su Chen shrugged and asked. "Tang Wei, since the Shan Hai Jing game has been around for so long, I wonder if the official has figured out the origin of this game?"

"Of course not."

Tang Wei shook her head and said helplessly. "You have just become a player for a short time, so you don't know how mysterious this game is, nor how vast the world in the game is."

"Don't say that the game has only been around for half a year. Even if it has been around for decades, I don't think we can figure out the origin of the game."

"So outrageous?" Su Chen looked surprised.

"It's so outrageous."

Tang Wei nodded affirmatively and said. "The world of Shan Hai Jing is too vast. Although I can tell you some things directly, I think it's better for you to witness it yourself in the game."

"In short, it can be said that our entire world's current understanding of the game can only be said to be far from the tip of the iceberg. "

Tang Wei smiled and reminded, "Pay attention, I am not only referring to the game content, but also the map area currently explored by all players in the game. "

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but be shocked and took a deep breath.

So, not to mention the content in the game, but as far as the game map in Shanhaijing is concerned, it is probably an extremely vast area.

As a person who likes to play games, Su Chen knows very well that most game players have the hobby of expanding and exploring the map after entering the game.

With such a hobby, the area of ​​the map explored is far less than the tip of the iceberg. What a vast world is this?

Su Chen dared not imagine it, but was inexplicably full of expectations.

However, as Tang Wei said, although some questions can be asked directly to Tang Wei, sometimes it is better to discover it yourself than to ask others!

Seeing Su Chen calm down so quickly, Tang Wei was surprised. After all, many players will be shocked when they first get this kind of news, and they are usually shocked for a long time.

Like Su Chen calming down so quickly

This was the first time she had seen someone who had come here.

However, this also showed that Su Chen had a strong character, which she admired.

The purpose of this visit had been achieved, and Tang Wei had no intention of staying any longer. She simply stood up and said goodbye:

"Okay, since we have reached a cooperation with you, and I think you should be eager to use the material, so I won't bother you and leave first."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Su Chen nodded and did not try to keep her.

When they sent Tang Wei to the door, the two exchanged contact information, and then watched Tang Wei go away. Su Chen closed the door and returned home only after he could no longer see her back.

At the same time, Tang Wei, who had walked out of the community, got into a black car.

Xiao Chen was sitting in the driver's seat. When he saw Tang Wei getting in the car, he asked hurriedly. "Boss, how is it?"

Tang Wei replied while fastening her seat belt. "Rejected."

"Sure enough, it's the same as what you said before, boss." Xiao Chen nodded without surprise and asked. "Then... did you choose to cooperate with him?"


"Tsk, cooperation... Boss, is it worth it?"

Xiao Chen scratched his head and asked in confusion.

He is not Su Chen, and he knows this kind of cooperation more clearly.

All the team leaders in the zoo department actually have a quota to cooperate with individual players.

But how precious is this quota?

Although Xiao Chen has not seen many players who cooperate with other team leaders, he knows that each of them is a pervert.

But the one chosen by his own captain is a player who turns into an insect!

Even if this player is a bit unusual in his opinion, there is obviously a big gap compared to those real perverts in the bounty hunters.

Throwing away the precious quota like this, in his opinion, is simply too much of a loss, a huge loss!

"Is it worth it?"

Tang Wei did not answer this question, but after looking at her talent, she smiled lightly and whispered in a voice that only she could hear:

"I think it's worth it!"

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